Lena Dunham

Is she /ourgal/?

hey, at least she's not a bootlicking drumpflet

Yes, Holla Forums is a leftist board.


delet this

Why would you post this?

At least she's not a coalburner.

She's not a fatburner either.

But she's a pebble pusher.

She's a jew rapist, who can't act and is on television. The answer is no


All boards revolve around pol, even yours leftyfag.

Ugh. Disgusting.

The only woman on television uglier than Maisie.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Nobody is uglier than Maisie


Clear evidence god hates her.

Mexican piece of shit, go spew your crap puns elsewhere.

sdey mag drupquk


I didnt ask for this


Being that fat and still having breasts that small…

don't lie, y'all would titty fuck her back fat just to say you did it

That's a man.

LD just has really unfortunate genetics. Like, even if she slimmed way down and lost fifty or eighty pounds, she would still be incredibly unattractive.

What a goddess.

>>>/anita/ is that way

Does that baby have 5 o'clock shadow?


Polycystic ovarian syndrome/10

PCOS causes retarded mammary growth, weight gain, facial hair and infertility. Good news is that if you're a /tg/ shortstack fan with a thing for Gimli but you don't want kids, Lena's got you covered.

(that episode was actually pretty hot tho)


Honestly, I've dated girls with PCOS, so you probably aren't far off



This is just vile.

it's like you don't know what jews looks like. she's an average looking jewess. they never have t or a


This whole website is Holla Forums so you're being redundant.

Yeah, no. We let you have a safe space here but that doesn't mean we're obligated to agree with you outside of it.


I have so much pity and disgust for these manipulated mentally ill people.

Jeez, no wonder she's a feminist…

What's the matter munterfag? Needs to whiteknight the source of your disgusting fetish?

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

How about you just sage.

You too faggot.

why is this allowed on tv? or Holla Forums for that matter?

I almost feel sad for her.

I'm not butthurt. I'm just noticing something that you (with a shit taste on women) will never realize. Maisie is disgusting and you can't change that fact.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Not your hugbox.Holla Forums sucks government/corporate dick now, they're over.

you forgot to take your pills again, jewpig

Can we let this thread die already?
I'd rather have the front page filled with maisie threads then to see that ugly kike again.

Kurt, pls.

Every end is a new begining. Some solutions are final, tho.

oh damn I'm really scared now

We defeated the Nazis like 60 years ago bro

Back then you kikes had Stalin and a meat wave of Russians, not so today.


lol, okay buddy

I think he might actually believe the librul propaganda about Trump, that he's Hitler 2.0 and all that. They're really out of touch with reality.

Back then Nazis were a strong people with a state, rather than a handful of fat Americans larping online.


You mean Holla Forums propaganda, right?


shut up dude we're Antifa


i would uironically date her irl if her personality was a little better

Holla Forumstards may be colossal faggots but their opponents have always been even bigger faggots. Not to mention niggers.


Fat + small tits is literally the worst combination.

Can someone have a good personality while being a pebble-pushing child molester at the same time?
