American Gods

Season finale has been out for a while, so this is as good a time as any to have a discussion.
I really dislike the variations frm the book, the story feels like it moves at a snail's pace. The visuals are great and interesting, but aspect ratio fuckery gets on my nerves.
What do you think?

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Jewish book, homosexual Muslims and other degenerates…
I only watched it for Emily Browning, Sucker Punch being the best film ever.

Sorry to be redundant, the two terms being synonymous.


Muslim spotted and reported.

I thought the book was unimaginative garbage, so tell me about the changes made. Maybe I'd actually like the show.

Watching it atm second scene a sheeboon goddess in an orgy…
Will come back later for my live commentary

Is she supposed to be beautiful? They should have cast a mulatto at least and someone sexy and feminine.

You're hillarious and fit in just fine!

Every character gets overwhelming amounts of backstory. Sweeney goes from being in three scenes in the book to being one of the main characters on par with Laura.
Shadow is always confused and doesn't understand what's happening despite it pretty much being spelled out for him. I shit you not, in the new episode Jesus walks up to him with a big shining halo above his head wearing his signature robes and Shadow asks "Do I know you?"

Omg this is now pornography, I won't go details.
Halachic level= over 9000
Why the Jews hate us so much?
I hope Emily Browning will appear soon because I love her so much ♥

If you're watching it, it's for you.

This is a book that I liked when I was 18, but can't imagine liking now on a re-read. I'm sure the show is cringeworthy. Also, it doesn't really matter, but why is Shadow black now? His mom is a white American & his dad is a Norse god. Several characters in the book mention that he looks just a tiny bit "native" (native american?) sometimes, but not black. Why? Seems like they didn't even read the book when casting.

I am not cucked, You do not truly know someone, until you fight them.
This is why I took upon myself to study the rootless Cosmopolitan propaganda in film and series.

The Jewishness of this finale was over the top belittlement of Jesus, religious relativism etc.

I did liked the fact that they show Muslims doing what they always do destroying ancient artifacts. Gillian Anderson was more gorgeous than ever, I just hope she writes me back some day this is the tenth letter that I have sent to her mail box ;_;
It is still entertaining, I wished I had weed and a girlfriend to watch this ;_;


What is this, some two-minute blurb that proves nothing a bout anything? Good on ya.

I wish you weren't one of the most consistently worst posters on this board as you have been for years now. Standing out as a cancerous faggot in company such as this is an arguable achievement though so be proud I guess.

Circumcised humorless faggot detected.

Get a new shtick besides the one you have been running into the dirt forever and I will adjust my opinion of your entertainment value accordingly.

robots, even likely fake robots, should be making memes instead of wasting our time with with robotshit :^)

Wow, just wow, so how is it going in Jew-York?
Your friends at the Yeshiva were bullying you so you figured out you could post on Holla Forums.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how Jewish you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

t. Rabbi Shekelstein

You lost me at the main character is a nigger.

I am thinking of writing those words on my blade ^^
Really inspiring, thanks ;)

He is barely a fucking character, they really dumbed him down. The story is mostly about Wednesday and Laura.

Got at little bit too tacky for my taste in the final episode. They'd been walking a fine line with some of the supernatural characters but until now kept it sufficiently vague and underplayed to keep it believable. This episode had an excess of goofy shit like the Jesus characters and the accompanying bad halo animation, not to mention the overuse of fucking bunnies. It really lowered the impact and authenticity of the final Odin "reveal", which even in and of itself was too over the top. That's my two cents anyway. Pretty solid episodes up till this point though, even if some of them had shitty pacing. To its credit, it's a fairly unique show.

Wow, that looks really fucking gay.
