Trigger warning: US election ad in beanerspeak.
Hillary Super PAC makes ad about the Great Spic Disappearance that will occur if Trump wins election
Isn't that illegal?
This should be flat our illegal.
oh no, all those happy illegal immigrants
Im on board.
If beaners enter our country illegally, anything they do from that point is illegal
oh no what will we ever do without the beaners? Oh right we'd be a great nation again
Lol bye spics.
"Whos going to pick all our cotton?"
That's all I hear.
and the answer would be unpaid white children of course like it should be.
Let's name some things we can enjoy again when Trump deports all the Illegal Immigrants.
Flea Markets
Home Depot
Who exactly is it aimed at?
By god if only it could be so easy.
Yeah but, if it says only US Citizens may vote, and here you are telling illegals to vote.
That's double illegal.
Good ol' Pedro
going for a walk
eating at a burger chain fuck you, this is america ok
having jobs compete for workers
switching to SAP while watching football
First thing I'll do is go on a picnic, tbh
Tsk tsk ,' ^)
Can confirm. I have lived in what could be considered a sanctuary city so I've gotten to know some of these beaners and spoken to them in their bastardized form of the European language.
They have their own radio stations that shilled for Obama, probably Shilling for Hillary now, and make these false promises about how he's going to legalize everybody, give out greencards,etc. When that never happens, they say it's the Congress that won't let him (never voted in Congress, beaners don't know what exc order is either). Or that he'll pass it after he wins the 2nd term, or right before he leaves. They never give up hope despite being strung along by these radio guys with "insider knowledge" that they never substantiate.
Speak to these fucks, their immigrant issues is all they hear "he's gonna give us all greencards, he's gonna let me get a driver's license (these fuckers drive without one hoping they never get pulled over), he's gonna let me visit my family in [HOME_COUNTRY]!"
They really didn't think this through, did they?
It'll be nice to be able to go fishing again without having to deal with them shitting up the place.
Sick and tired of them asking me if they can have my fish. Though it's fun to look at their pissed off faces when you put one back that's below the creel limit.
I'm not a spic
hiring yard work
I do all my own because I don't want to pay a pack of illiterate savages to hang around and pretend to work, then have to fill out the fucking invoice for them.
I haven't been to one of those in 20 years, how bad are they now?
I think not having to press 1 would be worth it alone.
Just imagine all the signs in English only…or static where all the mariachi music used to be…
Then we must deport all asians first.
b-but they pick our lettuce
Exactly who doesn't like listeria all over their lettuce come on what are you a racist bigot nazi or something?
I don't know how long I can go without eating mexican bathtub cheese tbh
I want beaners gone.
shoo shoo gore posting goon
It's actually just Mexican posting. What, scared of a little diversity, gringo?
No comical misspellings in the signs, uncreative use of profanity, and mostly they just "send greetings" over and over.
2/10 weak narco signs.
Like the spics even do it because they want to. It is just their subhuman heart cutting coming through. Very predictable and will be noted when they are all rounded up and executed.
Not trying to defend spics, but pretty much all those killed there were drug-pushers and gang-banger types.
Can you really hate someone for killing criminal beaners? They still have to go back
Yes. They're going to be doing that to innocent white people if we don't send them back.
I don't know why they're bothering. Illegals can't vote.
In California it's just spics selling defective products they got out of the dumpster of the factory they do janitorial work at, and stolen yardsale/thriftstore items being resold for much more than they are worth.
People who make arguments like this (including Hillary it appears) seem to be assuming that most of Mexican immigration is illegal.
Isn't that racist?
And it also shows an incredible disrespect for the concept of borders.
They act like it's terrible if mexicans go also :
You have to go back.
I got news for you user. They planned it already.
Many are legal and it is why Trump's Latino support is so high. Legals came here to escape the retarded illegals to begin with. This ad is racist.
here in north GA it's still all whites except for that one fat black guy cooking BBQ, you know the one.
So they're going for the SWPL vote with this? "Oh my poor little spics!" Seems like this will wake up more working class whites than SWPL SJWs. It's fucking jarring and makes me want to sign up for the deportation force.
Or are they trying to inspire some "dreamers" to vote illegally? How easy is it for illegal spics to falsely register to vote or fake identities?
Or if they're trying to get legal spics to vote I dunno how effective it'll be. Most legal spics hate the illegals. Maybe they're relying on spic ignorance and trying to make them think Trump wants to deport the legal ones (he should though).
The US doesn't have an official language because it would have been German not British.
Fuck's sake learn some actual civics and history.
The Spiclish parts:
The audacity of these kikes. "He'll deport OUR dreamers!" Illegal is illegal, spics, you shouldn't even be allowed to breathe our air, let alone leech our tax money and then act like your "dreamers" are entitled to be here. Fuck this shit makes me mad.
Isn't there at least one state (Washington or Oregon) that allows people to vote with just a US drivers licence and started issuing those to illegals and other non-citizens last year? I'll have to look it up again but I remember it being mentioned here a while ago.
These fucking idiots ripped off a shitty fucking movie from over a decade ago.
Not in California.
Oh man, that's a good one. Always some mexican blaring trumped music at every picnic I go to.
There is an earth quake warning in commiefornia.
Praise be to Kek.
It's literally like walking into Mexico. I would imagine 50% of a Mexican Illegal Immigrant's money comes from Garage Sales, Flea Markets, & Goodwill/Salvation army.
is the other 50% drugs?
Let them leave. They're even more dangerous than the nigs
No idea why anyone would hire illegals for this. The parents think it's great and I don't have to carry a damn phrasebook around to get these high schoolers to put stuff in the right places.
I'm a slavshit living in the us and it absolutely triggers me when you faggots throw a fish back instead of bringing it home for a meal
I wish it was that easy Hillary.
Beaners made violence an art form. They are head to head with muslims.
a lot of places have a limit and you only want to keep the biggest fishes you can find. some won't even let you take the fish period.
I work around spics of all types all day long.
Always asked why I don't speak spanish.
I should add that by limit I mean in terms of number of fishes, not weight. makes no sense I know but nothing you can do.
Illegal aliens need to be treated like foreign invaders because that's exactly what they are. Every community they set up is colonization of our land. If Mexico wants to fight for this land I'm more than prepared to grab my gun and teach these damn beaners the ass whooping their ancestors received when we took it the first time.
Hell is forever!
I'm triggered.
But not because of the disappearing spics. But because these fucking kikes keep pushing the "middle class minorities meme"
They do it with nogs and spics every chance they get. It's fucking delusional. If you weren't American you would honestly believe non-whites all lived in McMansions and held high paying office jobs.
It's bad enough I have to see niggers on tv. But a nigger in a suit living in a $400k house with modern furniture…
I actually think that's exactly how Trump is going to get across the need for sanctions against Mexico. Once aid has been cut back, the wall can be funded instead.
You're wishes may come true.
1/100 chance.
Depends on where you fish.
Lots of places limit size and numbers.
For example can't keep a bass under 14 inches at one of the places around here, while you can keep as many crappie, or other panfish, as you want. Same for carp, but who the fuck wants carp.
The fines are hefty, you won't be able to get a new license for a few years, and they keep all your gear, so you better make sure you don't overfish and measure it correctly.
Donald Trump wants to see us disappear.
Trump will capture and deport millions… even our "dreamers", tearing apart families.
But there is a way to stop it, present ourselves to vote.
That's the spanish voice translation.
Literally Trump will have a pest control on mexicans. That's how it sounds. Kike media should burn.
This is actually a very interesting thought. When Trump deports them that's 20-30 million people just vanishing. The schools that are mainly illegal, they become only a handful of students. Entire neighborhoods depopulated and ready to reclaim. Although watching mexico deal with a influx of citizens will be much more interesting. They can hardly take care of what they have now. What's going to happen when they receive a large (~22-25%) increase in people?
who gives a fuck what happens to them? they came here illegally and took advantage of our altruism. next, we're targeting drug dealers with execution for selling narcotics. bankrupt the cartels and those spics may have to work societally beneficial jobs for their country. i see us having to invade and conquer their lands because i dont think they will be capable of sustaining themselves beyond a 2nd world standard.
This is a pretty good ad… for us.
Hillary shooting herself in the foot again, like that time they made Trump look like Hitler.
I'm looking forward to hearing the wailing from the administrators school districts that are suddenly without students. There's going to be lots of sad news footage of empty school desks and vacant, darkened schools. Let the beaner shoah commence immediately.
*administrators of
More dishonest emotional manipulation. So disgraceful.
Already done, shit movie BTW
The movie doesn't sensibly portray the missing workers being replaced within a week by a combination of the currently unemployed populace and machines while crimes drop and US drug trade takes a severe blow thanks to missing cartel members, does it?
Better meme that earthquake, shit like this should be illigal
They should be happy whites are far too kind and gentle about this kind of thing and that Trump wants to do this clean and organized.
Of course not.
It portrays the white man as toddlers who don't know how to run society without Jose to mow his lawn.
(Checked) They should, but most of them are just self serving parasites that want the gibs. That's the 30-40 year old mexicans and younger. Their kids are little shits with a bigger entitlement complex than most white kids if you can believe it. One upside is that feminism and divorce rape applies to their sons so they all end up becoming cucks in the long run.
visiting my hometown
Yeah this is also true, now that they and the liberals have effectively killed and drained what this place used to be, they all want to leave and let it be someone elses problem. The libshits and sjws will flee to Cancuckistan and the spics back to their shitty desert, all completely fine with me on the condition they never fucking comeback.
Being able to speak English to the kitchen staff at my restaurant.
I heard SP cucked during the debate episode.
They don't do "episodes" anymore, it's all one big story line.
That being said, I would say it's balanced, they bash the shit out of both of them.
Can't wait until illegals get turned into tang.
God damnit user
Going to any tropical US city on vacation.
Who is this Donnell Trump guy they keep talking about?
All the spics are going to go to Canada.
They know their country is shit, that's why they left.
Have we infiltrated the Clinton campaign?
Lo sé, sé que te he decepcionado
he sido un tonto hacia mí mismo
pensé que podría vivir por nadie mas.
Pero ahora, pese a todo el daño y el dolor
Es hora para mí de respetar
Los que amas significan mas que cualquier cosa.
The fucking librals are abandoning their state like rats fleeing a ship but they still vote the exact same way in the states they end up in
It's a goddamn plague. We need a wall on California's border too
I once went to a McDonald's in downtown OKC, and had to deal with being refused service because they speak Spanish. They spoke English to blacks, but if your white suddenly they don't speak any English.
I second that.
The irony.
The reason Americans speak 'English' and not German is because the British settlers outnumbered the German ones.
Was that music actually in the episode? I can't remember.
I dunno. They are hard on 'Trump' but then their point seems to be that Hillary is so retarded she's actually losing to him.
We were close to making German our official language, but it narrowly lost the vote. English is legally our official language, with Spanish being our unofficial second language (As much as it pains me, but that's what government documents say)
Fun fact, there are parts of Texas and Pennsylvania that don't speak English at all. Even their newspapers are in German. Also, some countries actually have us classified as speaking Spanish as our second language. I knew a Ukrainian guy that was explaining to me how Ukrainian is their first language and Russian is their second, "Just like English is your first and Spanish is your second". Damn near slugged him for those fighting words.
dumb nigger
Fucking terrible it's like walking into fucking Mexico when go to one esp here I commiefornia they're everywhere and many refuse to speak English only when they talk to ppl that don't speak their bastardized form of Spanish
And it's some of the best BBQ you will ever have.for you. In Texas it's way better
and I thought this was a meme ahahaha
Its a fucking brilliant plan, they're practically walking into a fucking trap which is blatant if you aren't some double digit spic.
Hey man, I didn't learn English until I was 7 or so and my family have been here since the later 1800's. Bunch of people around where I'm from generally speak the language from which their families came from. It is very odd when people ask where you're from because of the slight accent.
Why don't we have a national language already?
The FF messed up big time with some things.
Only if you're a Catholic cuck. Early Christians had no eternal hell hoisted upon them by Jews in robes pretending to be Christians.
Illegals can't vote, but legal residents can :-)
illegally. that Turk that shot up that Macy's is facing charges for voting illegally
Kinda redundant after he's gone on a shooting rampage
Am I supposed to be able to fucking read that at 1 frame per sec?
we have a problem like that here in New Hampshire. New Hampshire has some of the lowest taxes in the whole US (no income or sales tax), for example). So people in Massachusetts leave their state to escape the high taxes, then vote for higher taxes in New Hampshire. It's fucking awful.
you don't need to read the whole thing, just looking at how the basic colors change is interesting enough.
watched it ,got auspicious # of views listed on the video
If you hire illegals you're part of the problem
Makes you wonder why the forced mixing of Swedes and horn Africans is so prevalent. Somalis and Ethiopians are both arguably within the top 5 lowest types of humans on earth, and there is no reason whatsoever why they should have been in MN in the first place.
I'm in southern Texas; it's awful. 80%+ of vendors and customers alike are beaners jabbering in their mongrel language that isn't even proper Spanish, selling old, defective products from the 90's at inflated prices, selling knockoffs made in Mexico/China, and piles upon piles of used clothing and old, worn out shoes.
You find a few decent deals there, but most of it is cheap shit sold for ridiculous prices.
And yet, they do. The Democrats have been working overtime to ensure they can vote in our elections, and screech racism every time someone tries to pass a law requiring proof of citizenship to vote.
It's called "not wiping out the fish population for short-term gain", Ivan. We'd like our children and grandchildren to be able to fish too.
I used to work construction, the job is absolutely riddled with beaners. And yes, they always asked why I didn't speak Spanish.
"Because this is fucking America."
Bastards always had the attitude that they were the ones who owned the place, and whitey is just renting it.
The state of Sonorah actually had the balls to demand that Arizona quit deporting Sonorahan citizens back to their homes, because it was causing crime rates in Sonorah to increase dramatically.
Why don't the schools teach German to show cultural tolerance of the Amish? Such bullshit. Such a racist double standard. It really needs to be called out.
Illegality isn't the same as incapability. The Democrats rely heavily on voter fraud which is why they're so steadfast against voter ID laws. If voter ID laws were common and enforced then key Democrat demographics like dead people and illegal aliens wouldn't be able to vote.
The highlights of Hillary's foreign policy are regime changes: "We came, we saw, he died lol." If Hillary herself gets into power the berned chickens will come home to roost. Does Trump ever mention this?
Donald Trump wants to see us disappear
Trump will capture and deport millions, even our "dreamers", destroying families
But there is a way to stop him: Going to vote.
Priorities USA Action is responsible for the content of this advert.
Lo sé, sé que te he decepcionado
he sido un tonto para mí mismo
pensé que *no* podría vivir por nadie mas.
Pero ahora, a través de todo el daño y el dolor
Es hora de que respete
a quienes amas significan más que nada.
This is one of the points where self-fulfilling prophesies are a boon on the world.
I wish I missed it
Is this all true? Oh god I hope so.
I bet more white cucks are profoundly affected by that ad than actual hispanics.
No scene showing beaners vanishing at the welfare office?
that pretty much outlines the Texan Revolution, and the issues that then carried over into the Mexican-American War, which how they lost all the land they keep complaining about
It was from that thread where FCKH8 made a video featuring a bunch of Spics against Trump and they said California, Nevada, Arizona etc used to belong to them and the cities have Spanish names because of them
They seemed to have forgotten Spain named those cities, Spain gave them the Spanish language, and all of it used to belong to Spain until they took it and ran everything to the ground until they lost it to America
why aren't there subtitles in english? speak english you fucking spics.
You mean spics culturally appropriating from the Spanish.
if Hillary really wants to win this thing, she needs to tell her people to stop making pro-Trump ads
Dani de Vito was imprisoned for tax evasion after wrecking havoc and bloodbath in Chicago as a mafia boss for decades.
Holy Shit mate. Beaners are fugly as shit.
TY lord for my Aryan looks XD
"Dreamer" is an amazingly audacious piece of Newspeak.
Call them illegal aliens. Fuck the commies.