who are the best youtubers?
Who are the best youtubers?
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I was afraid you wouldn't ask. Not to be immodest but it is me ;)
Don't forget to check my Patreon page.
Cinema Sins
He always makes me laugh xDD
Big Clive
Matthis Wandel
sargon of akkad >>>>> all
It's a joke. You're just giving fags incentive to post more bait and shit the thread up.
t. right wing sjw
one day it will happen to you too
Proof Mossad can murder you with candy.
Any other answer is wrong.
LMAO, were in the modern age, why the f*ck would someone go build mud huts in the forest LMAO, go to a club nerd XD
maybe to you with your shitty genetics
Forgotten Weapons
OneyPlays (they're way too gay but they're funny)
Primitive Technology
Blaire White :^)
HydeWars it's sad to see him depressed like that, what Tim and his (((friends))) did was disgusting
I used to watch Achievement Hunter but it turned into shit when Ray left and when they hired unfunny new people. Also Jack the fat hipster is unbearable, always talking about his political views when no one asked for it.
>>>Holla Forums
Jew spotted and reported.
t. reddipol
Purest around
How will SJeWs ever recover.
hello reddit
is it true that he has a 10 inch cock?
It's actually pretty funny
Explosions and Fire
Another JimKino thread?
I like is Binding of Isaac videos, but I have to fucking mute his shit as soon as he starts his shitty singing. He really needs to stop that.
AH turned to shit when they got stuck in minecraft bullshit and Ray just stopped giving a fuck.
Correction, it went to shit after Ray left, him fucking around not wanting to do anything in minecraft was hilarious.
Jack was also a large reason I stopped watching AH, he just got so fucking annoying anytime he started to talk for more than 5 words.
Ahoy is pretty damn good too.
Pastor Anderson
my Swedish waifu makes bretty good videos.
You'd be an atheist too if you were Irish.
Their current leader is a homosexual Indian. There can be no god from their perspective.
They didn't vote for him, only around 150 people in government are allowed to vote for the leader.
Currently Active
All time greats
It's not always genetics, sometimes it can happen from bad nutrition.
So that's what shes from.
That is a fantastic analogy for that autistic fuck.
What the fuck?
Stopped watching there
He sucks at singing.
that's what makes it so funny
You forgot fitzthislewits.
Yeah that vid wasn't great but they're generally very good, such is the risk of having many contributors.
Makes sense a poledditor such as yourself would suck up to a literal genocidal terrorist.
his wife is also very entertaining
Oh shit you're totally right. He is an all tiem great
More like annoying.
I can't wait for his next one on nostalgia chick. It's allways a true mark ofgood video maker to make a subject I don't give a shit about interesting. JonTron can do it too.
I'm pretty excited also, i think i've ever been this happy for a youtube video before lol.
This is my favorite video inwhich he goes 5 different places but finds a way to loop it all.
James Townsend & Son for that sweet old school cooking.
That was fucking amazing. I subscribed and am now wanting to do my own dioramas ;_;
Murcuck Murcuck
Internet Historian is one of my favorites. He's relatively new, does videos on a lot of 4chan/fullchan related stuff.
I blame this e-celeb cuckold for Terry losing his youtube account
you just know some normalfag muh pr cuckold watching his retarded rambling videos reported Terry
fucking CIAniggers
What's nice about Internet Historian is that he's fine with mentioning cuckchan, but despite being completely aware of fullchan, and using it in his videos, he never mentions it by name.
Jim is absolutely, emperically a cuckold.
However, muh pr for what? TempleOS? It's not like Terry's on anybody's side, motherfucker's crazy as shit.
Is that Kraut & Tea?
murdoch is pretty much hit and miss tbh
some of his videos are just hilarious, but others are unbearably cringy
Nope it's not.
This is actually how I used to get ready to work at Walmart. Except it was Icehouse beer.
did you play a lil Kid Pix?
Yeah, sometimes. I'd usually pound a beer in the shower, then pound another one while on the computer. A lot of times I'd just be like "fuck it" and call out of work. The way Walmart's call-out system worked, you could just call a hotline number, didn't even need to talk to anyone. I abused it a lot. Got in trouble for it later. At one point I just started drinking like crazy at work to where I was shitfaced everyday. I eventually quit before they could fire me.
Incorrect. Funhous is mid tier as far as youtubers go, and only barely watchable. Let me guess, also a fan of Game Grumps and the shit that Nova puts out nowadays?
straight up this video made my day better and eased my depression a bit
I love her reviews and reactions.
I love her secretly
all of his videos are about stuff that you should have already known
Internet Aristocrat is at least as bad
Agreed. I'm suprised jim hasn't been doxxed
Bard, but he makes you wait for it
That guy is a champ. I bet he's posting here right now.
never heard of him
Based Matthias
E;R is an autistic goon who tried to shoehorn the already shitty YMS formula of "I'm going to nitpick everything" into a Holla Forums friendly format, and somehow managed to make it even shittier.
le "n-word"
I take it you've never seen how normalfags react when you use it
Next one will be linkara and the fourth one will be nostalgiachick.
That was the one I thought of when he mentioned coathangers at least.
E;R is overrated, but he is not worse than YMS
Urinating tree is pretty cool for someone that came from the old days.
Come on, E;R is way better than the furfag.
E;R can't form a coherent narrative for his videos.
damn, he's still making vids
He was always a lolberg.
Nothing wrong with that, honestly.
Back to the >>>/oven/ niggerkike
Nice user, have followed this guy for a while and is tips are the best.
Epic48 Kid gaming > literally everybody else
Carnickon but he dead.
He got MS so rip
What about EmptyHero and Morrakiu?
I thought he said he was a Constitutionalist?
Oh boy are you gonna be disappointed.
EmptyHero is listed there third down.
HackFraudMedia just created the best TFA review of all time.
tweet it at Jay or AIDS Moby.
Other than that, i just watch old Tough Crowd-videos.
Various O&A videos are great aswell.
some fine taste in this thread
he's not a youtuber per se, he's just a guy who became popular on youtube
moar diy chanels pls
There's something beautiful and relaxing about someone doing something creative well. On the flip side, watching someone hack together nonsense out of spare junk is satisfying.
uridon is the real deal IMO
styx pisses me off, a lot. This smeagol looking motherfucker wakes up in his HOUSE in fucking new england, works in his garden then shitposts and that's fucking it. Ive been in threads about a certain news topic and then watched styx's video on it, and i could have made the same video from the same talking points garnered from 4 and 8 chan. It's like he just read the same exact thread and fired up his cam 5 minutes earlier. The dude literally browses Holla Forums and a few other conservative off the beaten path websites i imagine, and that's that. The fact that he's making a living out of parroting right wing alt media talking points is aggravating, but i imagine he would smugly say 'hurr but i'm making videos and you're not, that's the difference' or something to that effect. I've found that if you're too busy to browse the chans, he's not bad to listen to or to get some news from, but if you are well read on the news of the day, his videos will just piss you off. Add in the forced memes, and well, kys styx.
apologies for my poor reading comprehension.
His occult stuff is kind of interesting.
suddenly cat surgery
Same. I'm liking him less and less over time.
His cucky views on immigration (amnesty for ALL "non-criminal" illegals) are especially bad considering that he lives in one of the whitest states in the country, and thus, doesn't have to live with the consequences. He's even said, on multiple occasions, that enforcing existing immigration laws by deporting all illegals and anchor babies would be a "violation" of the 4th Amendment, which is complete fucking bullshit.
He also contradicts himself a lot. He claims to be a (((civic nationalist))), yet advocates for Puerto Rico's statehood and citizenship for illegal spics. He also rightfully berates the "lamestream media," yet cheers for the "end" of Fox News, while deeming MSNBC to be "sane." Can't forget about how he's called Boynie both "sane" and "insane," depending on the video.
He's just yet another "enlightened centrist" through and through. I remember during the election, he was talking about how great Trump was, but as soon as he was elected, started claiming that the only reason he voted for Trump was as an anti-Hillary measure. Fuck him.
I give him 100$ per months.
Fox News is part of the MSM. It should die along with the rest.
This was a cool video until it got into the video game bullshit.