Will Comrade Corbyn bring about world socialism?
Mao once said: Man walks into the cafeteria and gets coffee without cream. Isn't that exactly the state of our ideology today?
er thanks zizek
Almost as good as the real deal.
Will I ever have a qt lelninist bf?
Let's take a look at Ernsts Lubitsch "Ninotchka". It's easy to criticize capitalism. THAT is the real deadlock of political correctness!
Will i ever be able to convince the masses as as to the necessity of socialism?
It is just like asking a dating advisor and getting a real no answer!
Let's take a look at Ernsts Lubitsch "Ninotchka". In 70s Kansas was the bedrock od american left. That's why we need a new theory.
Let's take a look at Ernsts Lubitsch "Ninotchika." In 70's Kansas was the bedrock of the American left. That's why we need a new theory.
Combinations like these might need some work. For a small-ish board like this, utilization of digits up to X00 means you're going to get a lot of responses that start the same in a row. Consider doing something like "3rd digit from the end plus the last digit, and take the last digit of the resulting sum."
how will hillary clinton die?
rollin for sniffs
will reform ever work?
This is *sniff* more and more how ideology functions today.
Is Wild Westism the answer to global capitalism?
This stuff really belongs on >>>/leftyb/
Will the FBI ever stop running the CPUSA
gimme the knowledge old man
Will I become successful?
Does the historical necessity communism theoretically necessitate a preconceived concept of "human nature" as socially productive species-beings striving towards their unalienated realization?
Sniff, pure ideology. We don't really live in a consumerist society.
Way to not answer my question Zizek
Did Stalin do anything wrong?
*sniff* In 70s Kansas was the bedrock of american left THAT is the real deadlock of political correctness!
Well I ever get a libertarian socialist kurd girlfriend gt?
will I ever find an introverted anarchist qt?
Will I ever get an introverted anarchist qt gf?
Anyone have that Zizek post generator green text?
Will I ever get a qt commie gf, Robot Zizek?
Biogrown lab qt commie gf confirm. Thanks Robo-Zizek.
Is Holla Forums the new vanguard of global revolution, and how fucked we are if it is?
"I will give you a provocative answer: I'm not saying go back to stalinism as if all they wanted was just capitalism without capitalism"
so… i guess no?
Is zizek like stirner?
Still makes more sense than the actual Zizek.
So Turing test passed?
"*sniff* I'm not saying lets go back to Stalinism but isn't this the state of Ideology today"
Holly shit, self-aware Zizek bot confirmed for achieving the singularity!!!!!
Do commies go to heaven?
Will there be a massive change in the world within the next 30 years??
will it not be too late when i get out of university?
i am not a niave communist, but lets say it: in our western liberal society you can do whatever. cut off your penis to become a woman, have two penises, have sex with whoever. that is the point of the lacan.
t-thsnks zizek
What do you think about Brexit?
Britain confirmed for next SFR Yugoslavia.
Does that mean that…Corbyn…is the reincarnation of Tito?
Mein Gott
wow, what a get xD
Will I ever stop being a miserable sad sack?
I guess I'll just read more Lacan, thanks robo-Zizek
Is god dead?
Is materialism just a flavour of idealism, after all?
Am I the best shitposter on Holla Forums?
Zizek bot pwnd your ass
Idk, that seems more like a collective BTFO to people on the board
He also BTFO himself in one way
Hey zizek, how does the modern left assert itself in these harsh neoliberal times?
*sniff* Man walks into the cafeteria and ask for coffy without milk."sorry we've run out of milk, would you like coffy without cream?" In Lacanian theory, we call it The Real.
Zizek, will you marry me?
What is the cancer of the modern european left?
Let us look at modern day Kongo: liberals will say: "people are dying now in Rwanda we must do something about it!" as if all they wanted was just capitalism without capitalism
I am the first to say Marx was wrong on this one, now passionate love is considered too risky … and so on, and so on.
Mao once said: "in our western liberal society you can do whatever. Cut off your penis to become a woman, have two penises, have sex with whoever In lacanian theory we call it The Real."
I am not a naive communist, but let`s say it: In 70`s Kansas was the bedrock of american left and my good fiend, Alain Badiou.
I think 20th century is over. Man walks to cafeteria and asks for coffy without the milk."sorry we`ve run out of milk, would you like coffy without cream?" We don`t really live in consumerist society.
*sniff* in our western liberal society you can do whatever. Cut off your penis to become a woman, have two penises, have sex with whoever THAT is the real deadlock of political correctness!
Let us look at modern day Kongo: Man walks to cafeteria and asks for coffy without the milk."sorry we`ve run out of milk, would you like coffy without cream?" In Lacanian theory we call it The Real.
I will give you a proactive answer: I`m not saying go back to Stalinism. as if all they wanted aws just capitalism without capitalism
Thank You user.