Trump-supporting Neo-Nazi charged after blaring 'hate is good' message toward social justice rally
>Earlier this month he posted on Twitter that he repainted the vehicle to say “Trump, do the white thing.”
Trump-supporting Neo-Nazi charged after blaring 'hate is good' message toward social justice rally
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He looks Asian to me.
He's definitely part-Asian, I'd esimate 1/4 Asian.
Fucking crypto chink.
doesnt look 100% white
probably some nigger dna mixed into one of his ancestors
Just squint your eyes and move away from the screen he definitely looks part chink but also like Ben Carson.
Hahaha yea he does have the Carson aspect going on
But he's definitely part-chink. North Chink to be exact, not any type of south asian.
How have I gotten so good at ethnology? But its for certain. His ancestor may be from as far north as the Beijing area, or from Manchuria.
good guy
"Hate is good, it gives us a reason to exist."
Every time a 'neo-nazi' type gets caught, they always look like a homeless guy with a weird ass beard. I guess the normal looking nazis aren't dumb enough to get caught shitposting irl.
Hate can be necessary when society goes to shit, but National Socialism is not about 'who do we kill next?', it's about aiming higher and dispassionately removing the obstacles to long term societal happiness. Neo-nazis can be distinguished from actual Natsocs on this basis alone, the neo-nazis care only about bloodlust and destruction, and nothing for building a better tomorrow for the people.
He wasn't arrested for his political views, he was arrested for noise violations, and rightfully so. An important part of building a non-degenerate society is building up a respect for the rule of law, and stunts like this undermine that.
So when Elie Weasel says it, he's a good humanitarian, but when a white Trump supporter does it, he's a "hate criminal".
So he's getting arrested for IRL trolling ?
lol I saw a post from a meetup this guy went to. He brought his Jew Lies Matter truck
Oh shit it was this guy
Why do so many "neo-nazis" look mixed?
Oh wow his twitter name is genocidejimmy holy shit
This is what he played. Kai Murros' On Hate.
The "neo-nazis" probably are FBI plants where the fuck did all the former neo-nazis go? Something smells fishy
Now it's only mixed breeds who want to strive for an identity they could call their own.
I wouldn't say all of them. Most Neo-Nazis are the degenerate types, the whites gone astray. Ever seen prison documentaries? The Aryan Brotherhood for instance. They are mostly Aryan, but they still do drugs and murder fellow whites. Totally inexcusable behavior.
Malcolm X and Barack Obama are big pro-black niggers, and they're both mixed as well. I think it's because pure-bred people don't have to worry about their identity that much, whereas mixed people have identity crises and eventually pick a side which they will work to advance.
the leader of the aryan brotherhood is half jewish
I definitely didn't mean all of them. But often when I see "neo-nazis" (this is mostly an american thing as far as i can tell) they seem to have some mixed blood in them. They are maybe not ½ but maybe ¼ or have two parents that are ½ and so on. A lot of them definitely seem to have mixed blood to some degree. And since i go by european standards, I consider mixes between different "white" races mixed too. I can also add to all this by saying that what I mean by "neo-nazis" I do not mean genuine NatSoc, I mean the degenerate drug addict type.
I see some farage too
I know. This guy is great.
It's almost as if Neo-Nazis never read Hitler's writings and their only existence is to be useful idiots helping to spread Jewish lies about Nazi Germany.
if you ignore pigmentation
carson looks more european than then the guy on the right
Oregon clearly the best state.
Hate is good. It's a powerful motivator that is easy to create and even easier to sustain. Just be careful to not completely lose yourself in it.
You guys are acting like faggot. One his facial hair is well groomed, even if unusual, there is nothiing shameful about his extended horseshoe moustache. Two, he may have a tartar or a sami in his remote ancestry and get this result, just look at someone like Charles Bronson, he can trace hiss roots to Lthuania, but he has chink eyes.
the beard proves he is an idiot
looks like some boss from shadow warrior or the guy from trouble in little china
he looks like Netanyahu
Oh look, a low test cunt, who can't grow any facial hair ridiculing beards out of jealousy. A nice groomed beard is the sign or a real man faggot.
Why is it ok to hate Trump or his supporters?
And it begins, niggers and rape, kill, murder, all the while the media makes excuses for them, and rustling them will earn you a trip to jail, a hefty fine, and maybe even a "justified" nigger lynching by jamal and his 4 nog friends.
Brave new world we're living in.
So is The Network now considered a hatespeech movie?
Best "right to protest" Soroshekels can buy.
The communists write the laws. Your argument is invalid in general, although incidentally correct in this case.
Came here to post this. That's 100% it.
I might have 1/8th Asian blood in me then, or at least, native injun. Fuck.
Polite Sage
Someone please shop a jew behind that Roseburg post please.
Post a pic of yourselves. Let's see how 100% white you are niggers.
This guy is based as fuck.
calm down fbi no one is posting pictures of themselves.
Change Roseburg to Roseberg
Put scared Schlomo behind the post just like it is in the "who could be behind this post" meme.
So many newfag scum in this thread not knowing who Jimmy is you all need to get the fuck back to cuck chan.
Bretty gud
Doesn't to me. Think you're getting mixed up by the 80s Chink villain 'stache he's rocking.
He wasn't arrested and charged with a hate crime….he was arrested and charged for blasting loud noises over a loudspeaker like an autist.
I don't think the anti-whites thought about where he got the quote from, or else (((they))) wouldn't have written what he blasted on his speakers.
Mixed monrels are often the biggest extremists of them all. They grow up confused about their race so when they find a racial movement to latch onto, they dive right in headfirst. Same reason why some of the biggest anti-white niggers are halfbreeds like Obama.
yeah after looking he does seem more like that one painting of laughing barbarians.
yeah in essence by being anti-white they are killing their white half even tho Obama is actually half kike isn't he?
What'cha doin, rabbi???
Doesn't matter, nigger police officers involved in the Freddie Gray case were marked as "White African-Americans" and their pictures on (((MSM))) were whitened.
im part non-white, but can you guess what the other part is?
Oh man.
He looks part Russo-Mongol or some shit. Some Northern Asian mix.
Admiring a man who is willing to put his ideas out in the open willingly, even in a hostile environment.
eggy's half slav, half finn, and has a little gook in him.
No wonder he's fucked in the head
Those niggers looked like some kind of white nigger splicing abominations even if they didn't lighten their skin.
…. Charged with what?
For being literally Hitler.
Woah, my race detector is getting better and better. Noice.
The thing is that (((they))) have a fetish for painting non-Whites as Whites all the time. Like, you see George Zimmerman being called "White" to push the narrative.
That's not a crime.
Have you been living under a rock?
I know all those most wanted posters with spics being labeled white with like 1 person actually being white.
He charged with a loudness violation
Who needs hate speech laws when you can just selectively abuse vague laws that already exist?
I don't know what kind of neighborhood you live in but if I placed a huge fucking amp on my roof and blasted ANYTHING, the cops would be called.
Ah, so, minor noise ordinance, a fine, no bi
I despise this country more and more each day.
Home of the free my ass.
bronson was a jew.
Not the point.
You must not live near niggers that blast their baboon screeching at 3am and no one does anything.
Makes me think of this now when people talk about noise violations
That's right. I live in a white neighborhood where we treat each other with respect.
GOOD LUCK, GenocideJimmy!
There was a vnn post about it
Our friend Jimmy Marr was arrested today for counter protesting an event held by the Community Alliance of Lane County (very anti-White). The event was being held in a park across the street from Jimmy's home. The CALC group was essentially there to protest Jimmy's recent "Trigger Truck" activism with their "Stop Hate Now!" get together.
Jimmy dragged his PA system up onto the roof of his house and was blasting Kia Murros' "On Hate" toward the park goers, repeatedly. The hostile anti-White crowd appeared to goad the police into arresting Jimmy for what was a minor bit of uncomfortable thought-crime delivered from an elevated position.
Charge: disorderly conduct
Bail: $750
Jimmy is now home, safe & sound.
Here are a few FB photos taken by some bystander.
Holy shit, Fu Machu is on our side !
Because all you see are the fuck ups or clowns that the media shoves in your face whenever they get a chance.
He wanted to get arrested. It's great for self-promotion.
No he wasn't idiot, he was Lithuanian. His first wife was a Jewess though. Do some research first before posting.
I have to wonder what hillary rallies he's been in and shit. Wouldn't put it past her to try and get her supporters to pose as trump supporters.
Some more of GenocideJimmy's work
How is a mass gathering outside a man's home intended to intimidate him from speaking his mind not grounds for arrest but him responding with a PA system from his own home is?
"Disturbing the peace" is hardly an excuse, the peace was very obviously already disturbed.
You really think his PA system was causing the disruption in the neighborhood? Not the mass gathering of leftist scum likely chanting protests and KUMBAYAH!!! song circles?
Whites aren't allow to do anything in this new utopia especially if its something negative against shitskins or jews.
This reminds me of the pedo KKK member who kept saying Vote Trump! in the courtroom a few months ago. He probably thought his FBI handlers would be proud of him or something. Maybe this guy is for real but he's not the sharpest pen.
He called Trump a blonde whore and said he was"standing atop a mountain of Jew lies" at the debate, on his twitter. This guy is no david duke plant
So the government is now just openly acting as if the first amendment doesn't exist?
Yes goyim say whatever you want nothing will happen I promise. With how closely kikes were involved with the founding of the US I wouldn't doubt they added it to make dissenters out themselves.
At least I still have my 1st amendment.
This was a proper charge for what he did. (should charged all the protesters with it to imho)
Cant make an egg without cracking a few omelets. I'm young and have good career prospects so I keep a low profile and hide my power level among normies. But I respect those who have the balls to do shit like this.
Many a white will be strung up on the day of the rope.
My fucking sides!
Here's me with my friends, my IP address is do your worst.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
you can take your grandpa look and shove it up your hairy ass
a real man will shave his face
Look he was blasting it with a loud speaker in a residential neighborhood. I don't care what he was playing, that was disorderly conduct. He will get a slap on the wrist, worth it for triggering the libshits.
Goy plz.
Keep your dick in a vice.
Are you cucks doing it for free, or shills that get paid?
lol that image
Yeah .02 shekels every time some dumb faggot replies.
But it's not very hard to spot you cucks, when you have made it into a pattern to shit on everybody that does something pro-white?
We want Whitey as pissed as we can manage to get him, and shilling tends to piss Whitey off, so why do you play the losing part in our narrative?
Kind of surprised you figured that much out while being so retarded.
Calm your titties. He looks kinda chinkish, and the mustache dont help. Not that I give a fuck but you gotta be some kinda sperglord to get pissed that ppl noticed.
And I don't see how you could think was a shill post. That dude with the truck is based as hell and all the picture does is prove it without a doubt. If I met the driver of that I would buy him a beer.
Not sure why he went all retarded and actual took my shekel sarcasm seriously when I was just calling him a faggot haha. He may be the real shill especially with those pics.
Deep fry yourself potato.
If and when anyone decides to do this, remember to focus on the crimes of the BLM and regressive left.
We need to get some moonman out there for patriots like this to play windows down.
Perhaps I'm not retarded then, and do this because I expect to be paid when we have won?
The question is why you are doing it, as it will be very profitable to hunt people like you?
This guy is a fucking idiot.
Preaching "Hate" with a capital H wins over no one but the already hyper-redpilled and converted. You have to re-package and re-brand white nationalism and jew-wise redpills as "LOVE". Human beings love "LOVE". Duterte understands this. He's branding his massacre of drug dealers and criminals as compassionate. The result? His people love him and support his every move.
95% of people who saw this story viewed it as some old weirdo with stupid facial hair being a nuisance to his community. He accomplished absolutely nothing.
based supreme gentleman
This is really sad and I hope neither of you are serious.
He looks german to me.
Expanding on this….Hitler didn't go around saying "I hate Jews! I hate Jews! I hate Jews!". Instead, he framed it sd "I love Germany more than I love myself. I love Germany so much that I refuse to let her fall to Jewish interlopers"
And it worked. Take notes.
and then he lost the war
Jupp, my first thought as well
gohring had a jew had a jew grandpa
hitlers father is rumored to be the child of rotshild
i will not doubt himmler to have kike ancestry too. probably 1/8 kike mixed.
thats why they were so aware of the jew, because they are kikes themselves.
Are you telling me weev is a kike?
weev is a kike and a federal informant. He also spent most of the mid 2000's as an "online nazi hunter", doxing white nationalists, neo-nazis and anybody who refuses to suck jew cock. Then, he reinvented himself as a super hardcore 1488 gas the kikes nazi.
Are you telling me TRS and DS are kike run honeypots user?
I don't know enough about those places to give an informed answer.
Apparently weev does coding work for both.
He might just be part mongoloid (((Downs Syndrome))) The only open Nazi in my village has this as well
"In 1.0 to 2.5% of cases, some of the cells in the body are normal and others have trisomy 21, known as mosaic Down syndrome.[53][57] The other common mechanisms that can give rise to Down syndrome include: a Robertsonian translocation, isochromosome, or ring chromosome. These contain additional material from chromosome 21 and occur in about 2.5% of cases.[17][53] An isochromosome results when the two long arms of a chromosome separate together rather than the long and short arm separating together during egg or sperm development.[54]"
had to look up who "weev" is
verdict ashkenazi kike
dont know if he is mentally sick or leading the "controlled opposition". maybe he is doing it for fame and fun?
yeah, the US is headed in the right direction….
This is the audio he was playing.
If that's true then I'd be suspicious of them.
There are emails where his mother says she's Jewish and that she attends a Synagogue. weev's counterpoints to these facts are hilarious to say the least. They basically boil down to "my mom is stupid. Don't believe her"
That's a pretty drawn out way of saying he trolled Dennis Fetcho after he left some retarded voicemails.
Hi (((Andy)))
Godfather, not grandfather.
By jews, despite their being no evidence for it.
And based on the rest of this post, your opinions are worthless.
but all you presented is text and blablabla
you have no proof
screenshots of shit posts and articles from (((news papers))) are not a proof
calling his jew grandfather a "godfather you are merely a stinky slimy piss kike.
you are a bad shill and your rat parent are not proud of you even you are a rat like them.
i dont need any emails, i can tell by his face he is a kike
You mean proof from various sources that Hitler wasn't a Rothschild, and the origins of the myth.
No, I'm calling his jewish godfather a "godfather" because that's what he was. He had not actual relation.
He was also younger than Gohring's father, and only 9 years older than his mother, so he couldn't have been his "secret grandpa" either.
Do you have taysachs?
In America you are just white. The ridiculousness that is Anglo vs Scots is dead here. We have more pressing concerns and have had them for a long time
but that was a white guy in yellow-face
seems pretty based to me.
why the hell are you all sperging over how "white" he is. That sound like 4 chan tier is "X" white shitposting
Relax, you autist. He was just memeing.
actually I think we could work it out very well.
You take away the sting of hate and what are they left with? We've already taken the sting out of racist. You aren't thinking of the possibilities. They already hate, pointing it out, and telling them it is natural and useful would benefit us
i never said hitler to be related to rotshild.
but his grandmother worked at rotshilds mansion and became pregnant at that time.
lets look at some photos instead
You got better quality pics?
She worked there for an extremely short time, two and a half weeks iirc, and gave birth something like ten months later.
The investigators who found this out, men paid to dissect and destroy his image, deliberately spread the rumor knowing it was strenuous at best.
It's like 2013 Holla Forums all over again.
wow mr traveler. also tell us about the reptile illuminati hiding under your bed
Not even that. She never worked as a housekeeper for Rothschilds, Frankenbergers, or any jewish family. The entire story is fabricated.
i repeat i never said hitler to be related to rotshild. all i say his grandfather is unknown.
and because outcomes of DNA test will be faked we cant tell if he has kike blood or not.
(i have seen stories of the dna test proving him to be jewish and others proving him to be non-jewish)
and thats it.
Someone post that everyone I don't like is a Nazi image.
I like the one where he is riding a magic carpet or some shit.
Who on this planet uses this word?
No, that was the head editor of VNN
Eggman is dead now
Is it not free speech when someone who isn't a commie does it?
He's already something like 20% european if I remember correctly
I have that one one somewhere
That's actually a really great choice. Kai Murros is top shelf.
You're a fucking retard. In Nazi Germany 1/8 kikes were considered fully German.
Nazi Germany also lost.
That tends to happen when you are fighting the other superpowers and is surrounded by their armies. The fact that Nazi Germany>>7712295
Fucked that up.
*The fact that Nazi Germany, France under Napoleon, and Rhodesia survived for so long against their enemies who did everything possible to win is amazing enough. Of course only the winners matter, but these countries fought the odds.
Arrested for what? Being a bad goy?
I h-have a history of drug use Holla Forums-sama…will you ever forgive me?
I still drink tbh
Completely agree.
I hope some smart local anons shut this motherfucker up, at least until after the election is over. I'd guess he's a plant, acting up to frighten the normies into voting for Hillary. Fuck him. It's not that I don't agree with much of what he says, but playing into the Jew agenda here is unforgiveable. This is a race we MUST win.
Totally agree. And in Obama's case, his hatred for his white mother (whom he probably blames for his nigger dad flying the coop) has always been quite clear. Yet Obama himself acts like a white member of the elites much of the time. He is such a piece of shit in every possible way.
Also. Funny that Roseburg is where that crazy mixed race kid shot a bunch of people after he'd been radicalized. Chris Harper Mercer. Coincidence? We never did hear why his mother chose, of all places, to move him to Roseburg from Torrance (where, no doubt, the radicalization occurred.)
Or the merchant head poking out from the top of the sign, nose hanging down a bit
Well the laws say that its time to die whitey so I guess you better follow all the laws and not do anything to stop that.
Clean yourself up. You are a nightmare to junkies, you know their ins and outs like one jew ratting out the rest.
The drinking can be solved, I also once had that problem and it was bad.
His mom adopted two niglets and then chose them over her son, when he turned racist.
His mom is stupid, stupid.
He is not a plant.
He has spoken about how scary it is to be alone, when he is playing his pipes in front of some pro-white slogan, so I guess he have become addicted to the thrill of speaking truth to power.
what kind of shit-for-brains logic is this?
Low T faggot detected. I trim every 5 days to a 10mm close trim. i grow 1cm beard within 3 to 4 weeks. I CBA to grow a beard since i dislike the rugged look but come the fuck on. Shaving? If your dad shaved as well you grew up with two mums, no wonder you would think shaving is okay. Might as well get a dress and matching purse.
bad things should be hated
for example, genocide of our people, brainwashing of our children
classic D&C
oy vey, why won't doses dam naaaahtsees shut up, ids like anudder shoah
Copypasta from Whitaker online.
Giant James Marr Threatens to Step on Helpless City!
One way you can tell a really classy writer is her use of novel, creative terminology.
“Local Racist and Anti-Semite Jimmy Marr Arrested.”
You can tell the writer of this title is a real pro who works hard to be original.
I have yet to see one single establishment article even mention the rioting at Trump rallies by anti-whites.
But sometimes when the right to peaceable assembly is violated, it is just plain evil:
The anti-white … stands up fearlessly for free assembly when it is used for anti-white causes:
“The permitted, lawful rally, put on by the Community Alliance of Lane County, Standing Up for Racial Justice and the NAACP as well as the Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect outside Willamalane Center, was “in reaction to increasing levels of racist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and classist activity happening in Lane County,” the Community Alliance of Lane County said. “There have been more Confederate flags seen in the area, vandalism targeting Asian owned businesses, a truck driving around with neo-Nazi and white supremacist messages on it and more.”
With this innovative terminology the article shows the police moving in on this Giant Marr Thing and an arrest document showing that those same police who are absent when one or two pro-whites appear with signs saying “white genocide,” fearlessly show up in force when a dangerous giant like Marr threatens to stamp out real protesters really peaceably assembling to denounce whites. photo marr1n-4-web.jpg
Self-styled “professionals” who have NEVER ONCE mentioned free speech in relation to any violence against any pro-white show their dedication to American Principles when anti-whites protest in their own professional way:
They go hysterical.
And this article is pure hysteria.
No one but me will mention that.
No one but me will mention that and GET QUOTED.
The establishment chooses its “opponents” very carefully.
They AVOID terms like “white genocide,” but they don’t DENY them.
They’re the names one hears discussed as pro-white “leaders.”
It is amazing that one small police department was able to restrain Jimmy the Giant. They did have a little support from “pro-white leaders,” THEIR chosen leaders, who knock down terms like “white genocide,” which in turn is a little too true and very descriptive of reality.
Reality has no place in today’s version of “peaceable assembly.”
“Peaceful assembly” does not cover heresy.
And anyone who fails to denounce statements that describe reality does not get quoted.
No matter what the heretical incident, there will be a picture that reflects media nostalgia for the Good Old Days, a photo will always be in the article with a picture of the good man, David Duke, who can be trusted to repeat the same old line that has pro-whites stuck in the mud.
Then a quote from another mainstay of the establishment, Jared Taylor (who can never understand that he is a mainstay) as Taylor denounces things like “white genocide,” things that go viral while he sticks with the same old line.
Lord bless them, but they are the idols of professional anti-whites.
They repeat the same old line and say, “This time it’s gonna WORK.”
A standard article in the establishment press: a writer goes hysterical and photos of Dave and a quote from good old Jared.
And the establishment’s loyal police force, protecting the rights of those who deserve protection.
And a public that will not recognize repetition until we point out that is IS repetition.
So apparently this is what happens when Carson awakens.
i forgive you after we get of drug addicts like you. after all it was the kikes fault
Hes just Irish.
None of the first rebels are perfect in the eyes of society, as it's the ones with problems that seeks out red-pilled info.
am I the only one that didnt immediately think (skimming thru the OP) that this was a clever blend of Kek and Nazi?
Yes, yes I will, Chaika. Yes I will.
Kill yourself and I'll forgive you.
I thought of this scene too when I read the OP.
You know were really through the looking glass when the authorities have declared war on a perfectly natural human emotion
Why are the most tryhard neonazis almost always mixedrace mongrels?
Please not my town
You say charged, but fortunately it was just "disorderly conduct", probably for blaring a repeated message too loudly. Not for hate speech or some such. This guy is fucking great. Hope he can afford to keep it up, and doesn't get fucked over by anything major.
I'd like to know about this Asian-owned businesses getting vandalized though. I used to live there and don't remember a lot of non-whites.
I cannot believe the thread got this far along until anyone recognized what the man was quoting/playing. I worry about the quality of Holla Forums declining. We can't educate newcomers properly in this climate, there is just too much trash getting posted. Not to mention too much for someone to learn.
He was also behind the Jew Lies Matter truck? What a fucking champ.
Having lots of hair is a sign of low test dummy.
Look it up.
top fucking kek, reported
Stupidest fucking picture I ever saw.
this guy is super based