Why is our history so dark?

every major country has a rich, aristocratic type of history with stories of great dynasties and peaceful times. sure there were wars but their battles seemed so gallant and felt like they meant something more than just conquering territory. yet America's history is so drab and bloody especially compared to places like Mexico or China. why is that?

Jesus christ, that's the blackest nigger I've ever seen

looks blue to me

He's clearly wearing makeup.

It's because America kept its history and didn't whitewash it. The first amendment protects all the people who have criticized America's wars, and their criticisms are in the history books. There's no such thing as a good war. Not now and not any time in the past.

Our propaganda is different than the other lesser countries

The funny part is that a lot of it IS "whitewashed", just merely less so than the average other nation. Even with all of its faults, the United States of America is still best America.

What I mean is all the information about those wars is out there. Of course you won't hear Trump talking about American atrocities in the Vietnam War, but the truth of the thing has been published. Meanwhile China pretends Mao was a pretty good guy and Russia lies about Stalin's murders.

American wars pre 1900s were kind of gallant too. Once you fought for independence, another time for based Africans.
Even in the 1900s you fought for something grand - NWO, Greater Israel, World Jewry. You should be proud.

Most countries have over a thousand years of civilization to look back on. Even if you're not talking about the country by name we're still talking about the same plot of land (like how italian history i also roman history for example or mexico's history being mayan history). As such, a sort of mythos has generated because you have to go back several generations to find someone who was actually part of many major historical events. Wars were romanticized and poorly documented (and in many cases actually were much cleaner due to the fact that many battlefields were preselected in fields far away from the city being fought for).
The US is a new nation: less than 250 years old. There were civil war veterans still alive to see us nuke Japan, just to give you some perspective. Our wars are still fresh in memory. And you can't go back much further than the revolutionary war because the natives were largely uncivilized hunter/gatherers. They didn't have much of a nation to speak of. The mayflower arrived in 1620, so we only have a bit less than 400 years of civilized history with stable settlements. And much of this was fighting against savages whose history largely amounted to hearsay. It's pretty hard to romanticize a history like that when when only a handful of generations separating you. Your grandfather's great great grandfather could conceivably have MET one of these people.

One thing to also remember is that the US's wars were fought with 'new' technology; like WW1, everyone really wanted to test out their new toys, such is the history of the US

what I mean is that America doesn't have fits of great depression and ruin after/during wars because they typically never took place here. When you really think about it, America, being as young as it is, surprisingly hasn't had to deal with invaders on a large scale in defense unlike almost every other country. It seems like America is just too "special" to get dirty and all these nuclear threats are pretty empty. I'm just saying it is highly suspicious that the only wars fought on American soil are wars between American people. it's not like we have more people to protect than any other country, so why the neglect?

not saying I want that, just saying it's weird

That was something I wanted to touch on, but the post was pretty long as it was.
Firearms have taken a lot of the romance out of fighting. The days of knights in shining armor riding in to fend off hoards wielding melee weapons while dosging a hail of arrows from afar were already over by the time the mayflower arrived. Large, standing armies and organized battlefields were slowly being phased out for guerrilla tactics and asymmetric warfare. The phalanx had stopped being a ruthlessly effective battle formation and started becoming more of a courtesy than anything. Guerrilla style tactics were even used to a great extent in the revolutionary war.

What used to be a clash of large armies became something entirely different when a small battalion could do significant damage to a large one, retreat into the unforgiving wilderness of the american wetlands (absolutely drenched in swampwater and relentlessly attacked by mosquitoes and leeches, mind you), and then return to do more damage until the regiment was no longer fit for combat. Large standing armies were no longer a signal of impressive strength, but a target to be destroyed. War had stopped being a fantastic display of a nation's strongest men duking it out in an open field, but a test of a general's wit and his men's resilience and adaptability. The breakdown of the clean, organized battle strategy had basically converted warfare into a vulgar brawl where nobody really knows what's happening and bullets are flying in all directions in an attempt to defend against attackers who have you surrounded in some shithole environment which is anything but suited for your traveling convoy.

if I'm being honest, the reason we have so much debt as a country is because of these pointlessly drawn out wars. we've been fighting against sandal wearing sand niggers for almost 30 years. It is not like they have super brilliant scientists or ultra advanced technology, yet we are still fighting them. there was no reason for America to get involved in a sand nigger brawl. all those thousands of people could've been laying in their own comfy beds surrounded by family and not worrying about being blown up if our selfish government didn't try to stick their dick and inflated egos in where it don't belong.

Nigger, the US is a young country. Of fucking course older countries will have longer histories you dumb burger. Even Hitler once said "I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own."
The US is particularly warlike since someone has to fight wars for the jews, but very few countries had peace for long (exception being today, which is shit nothing in historical terms). Just look at Europe and how often some regions were conquered and conquered back, or China's very bloody wars before one of the clans managed to beat everyone else into submission.

I'm no historian, but before WW1 there was little point in invading the US (shit is far away and it's mostly empty, even if you take part of it how do you hold it?). After WW2 the US had so much cash and weapons invading it would be suicidal.

ITT: People replying to a shitpost

they sold human meat in the markets due there being any food

Gross. Source?

but the biggest issues America had were towers getting kamikazed and calling the pres a racist bigot. America's history is not as rich in content as other countries but is seen as an untouchable frontier

even before America was an established country, there is practically nothing about it
