show me your worst
Cringe thread
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Whenever I meet those I usually bring up famines in pre-Revolutionary Russia, China, colonial India or Africa and ask them if that's the death toll of capitalism or if those regimes weren't "real capitalism".
You can also bring up Hitler and if they talk about Not SocialisT BRO! ask them if the fact that Europe has been consistently governed by Socialist International parties mean it's a socialist continent. If so, then Socialism is responsible for the most successful and progressive systems on earth.
I love it when fascists and tankies pretend to be different from each other.
Don't have a screen shot, but I remember arguing with something that said communism had killed over a billion people.
*with someone
You were right the first time user, pigs aren't people
but user, pre-revolutionary russia was fuedalism
So was China. But they were already tied to international capitalism, finance, western investment, global patterns of trade, etc. It was also one of the factors impeding their development.
And China in particular was ruined by design of the western powers.
This one is especially depressing.
If the person you're responding to has that faggot frog as an avatar you should just disregard anything the user says.
If that was fucking Cuba it would be Socialism's fault, but since it isn't they need to make it about a genetic flaw instead.
I bet somewhere in this comments section there's a retard quoting the Bell Curve and another saying that black people are inherently inferior because of the shape of their lower lips or whatever
what a mess
This truly is a cringe thread
yeah, people here never seem to get that. it's always like 'god these stupid normies use the universally accepted meaning of the word communism and not our circlejerk definition how stupid are they haha'
I hate Nazis more than you could ever imagine.
The universally accepted definitions are objectively wrong.
The point is that we're not Stalinists or Maoists to begin with, so it's a dishonest argument.
since when has anarchism caused that much damage?
imagine all the people killed in caveman times, nigguh
We seriously need to study this Cultural Marxism thing.
It was, at one point, universaly accepted that the earth is the center of the universe.
So every once in a while I come here to check up on you all, and I've decided to make a post this time.
As a 'porky', from a family of 'porkies', is there any reason whatsoever for me to support your beliefs?
Or is this as fruitless an inquiry as asking Holla Forums why a Jew should support them?
Not really, no. I wouldn't blame you for looking out for your class interests. However, if you want to be really spooky, you could support is because you're a decent person that cares about the overall welfare of the human race.
Sure there is.
But you'll have to see beyond your ideology. And beyond your class' short term interests
The contradictions of capitalism don't effect only the prols. Bourgies are the first to be dehumanized and alienated, as they have to stop seeing workers as people and start seeing them as … things.
If you feel that your life is going nowhere. That you can't get no sutisfaction and that you don't want others to suffer in order for you to get a bigger Home Cinema, then you can see why Capitalism is bad for you.
Engels was a bourgie. Then again, he wasn't a Psycho and most succesfull bourgies are Psychopaths.
Think of it as guillotine insurance.
Deaths under Allende = 0
Why would anyone even try to argue with a frog poster straight out of Holla Forums
All it takes is making the buisness you own and turning them into worker coops. We will love you forever.
Unlike pol, we can be reasonable sometimes.