Working your ass off vs Escapism

I don't usually post threads so this one might suck, but it's something that's been on my mind for a while now.

With the NEET vs Wageslave meme floating around, it doesn't seem like either side is a silver bullet to happiness. Either your become a depressed degenerate with nothing to show for your life, or you bust your ass also with nothing to show for your life and no acknowledgement for what you've done.

Still there are people like Trump who are the real success story for working hard, so I've basically been doing everything I can to be one of the best in my field. This has basically resulted in me working until 3-4 in the morning on projects to learn and build my resume with the only real breaks being procrastinating and lurking Holla Forums, when the whole time I could have just been a degenerate playing video games, watching anime, and just barely meeting the requirements like everyone else.

The world seems so bureaucratic now that I'm starting to question what the point is. Based on the small business owners I've asked, it doesn't really matter what you do to rise above and beyond. You'll still be fed through the same process of "Get a shitty internship", "Get a shitty job", "Work your way up for 20 years before you actually become somebody". You can't even think about starting your own business until years after you graduate.

Seems like the only thing to do is vote Trump and indulge in escapism until he gets elected.

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Either way you swing it you're a slave to something, no escape from that. All you have is to choose your poison just choose wisely

I've been pondering this too user, and I think I feel some of the same despair that you do. Feeling trapped, that every choice is hopeless, that there is no way out.

Ultimately, reality doesn't go away, but changing my perspective on reality has been helpful. From reading the ancient Greeks, it seems a better life to be virtuous in the face of overwhelming evil than to be non-virtuous. It is better to have justice, courage, temperance, magnificence, magnanimity, liberality, gentleness, prudence, wisdom, love, hope and faith, than it is to not.

Shitposting on Holla Forums is a small thing, but the message is growing, the movement cannot be stopped. The human spirit will continually call out for freedom, we need only to show the way.

That's no life.

Get job
figure out how to do it better than the company that hired you
wait a year to avoid non compete agreements
start your own company that does it better, with blackjack and hookers

In the scope of things it wasn't ago you were likely to have died of a now easily curable disease. Do you think families had 10 children because they felt like it?

Nigga do you think we came up sitting around in the shade shooting the shit?

Tireless days on the farm, hunting in the wild, providing for the family… these weren't simple tasks. Everyday the threat of death loomed over your efforts to merely survive.

It's not the repetition that sucks, it's the emptiness. We wake up and work 8 hours+ and return home for pretty much nothing these days. Most of us statistically aren't propagating our genes, we're merely alive with no function other our own individual welfare - not our family's, not our community's, not our country's.

Indeed it isn't.

People have the ability to find happiness wherever they like. Don't take this as some hippie bullshit. You don't need drugs or video games or anything. Just accept where you are and be grateful that you exist and can experience this moment.

However, being grateful for it doesn't mean not maintaining it. A long happy life is still preferable to a short one. Live healthy, protect yourself, be valuable to your community, but remember that you don't need to do any of these things to be happy, just live longer and easier.

You're forgetting The Principle.

Working, getting fit, educating oneself - you can use nihilism in varying degrees to argue against any one of these. And you will, if you forget about The Principle.

You know how to live.
You know whats required of you should you wish to consider yourself non-degenerate.

So do it, even if it seems pointless.

Its a matter of principle.

Being a degenerate vs non-degenerate seems to come naturally, for instance I refuse to live in messy dirty house always make my bed and everything's is in its place etc but it still means nothing at the end of the day. If I flipped perspective and just lived like a degenerate it wouldn't make a difference.

I only do what I do around my house cause it makes me feel a bit better and not because "Now that I've done these things for this day at least I'm not a degenerate" there isn't anything you need to prove to yourself or society its already there within you, listening to yourself is the only requirement for living. People that are striving for non degeneracy are already inherently degenerates, just wearing a mask of delusion

I bet you're swimming in hookers on a blackjack table right now, aren't ya?


That comic speaks to me in ways I didn't even think where possible.

The way to survive is to find a job you like to do.
I'm going for TIG welding.

I envy you, cause there isn't fuck all out there I would do again

The chains of the "wage slave" are forged out of continuous obligations, not the work itself. The wage slave is a cuck who thinks everything he needs to do begins and ends at his shit wage job.

A free person can be free even at the same wage given. The wage slave faggot will blow his money on booze, the free man will buy land to cultivate, the wage slave faggot will look at his heating bill and bitch about it but continue to pay, the free man will start chopping wood, the wage slave will look at his car breaking down and bitch about it but still take it to a mechanic, the free man will learn how to fix his own fucking car. The wage slave will see his vacuum cleaner doesn't turn on, throw it away and purchase a new one. The free man will figure out why it is not working and repair it with a $1.00 switch. The wage slave has no idea or curiosity about how things work, the free man will take the stuff the wage slave throws away, salvage it, and put it to use for himself.

The wage slave is a fucking zombie who spends everything on pointless consumption - the free man spends his money trying to invent new ways to avoid consumption. The wage slave needs to be told what to do in order to survive - his plans are never his own. The free man is a natural survivor and while he may give some of his time to others, he will always dedicate a portion of time to remaking himself to be less dependent on them, to create a surplus.

And that's why the wage slave is little different from the NEET - neither one of them are capable of directing their own efforts towards accomplishing anything of benefit to themselves. The NEET and wage slaves don't like the results of being controlled nor do they want to control themselves. They're entirely rudderless, and that's why they're both unhappy.

That's no life.

NEET's right. Every time I've jumped into the labor market or social market I immediately regret it after just a few months, sometimes even earlier. There's just no point since we're so distanced from the factories that produce our goods and most of us have never been required to really fend for ourselves like our forefathers. My labor was just going to some normalfag looking to con others like he cons his wife and children into loving him.

Maybe a spurious work pattern is best for me. Though it's nice to have that NEET fallback as it's so easy to leach off the welfare state until it's bone-dry.

Most of the posters here automatically qualify for it.

I hope you realize Trump's stimulus plan will require forced labor. Good luck riding the NEET train after this election.

This country is fucked. No man should respect its laws. Avoid taxes, steal everything, burn it all down. nb4nigger

Having a normal job isn't worth it, especially if you work in things like finance and tech, or any office job. You must have a Facebook if you want any kind of these jobs, and you will be spied on by your employees, You will be around rude, narcissistic people who talk about niggerball and pokemon go.

You work to pay interests off for jewish debt slavery, you can never get ahead, you will most likely have no job security if you're a millenial.

On the other hand you have trade jobs which are good in the short term and bad in the long run. You wear out your body fast and have a high chance of getting asbestos poisoning if you work in plumbing and carpentry.

We basically live in weimar germany right now, Heavy debt, degeneracy everywhere, no families being started, living and working for nothing.

Read Ecclesiastes OP, unfortunately it doesn't really matter what you do with your life, because a degenerate and a holy man will both end in the same way. An imperfect being like a human being can never be satisfied, even if you had all the treasuries of the world, you would still feel miserable and in the end you would lose it anyways.

Probably because you're the kind of loser who drinks Pepsi and doesn't use the time to improve himself. Loser.

good. im glad it comes natural. only thing to do is perfect your own character then

I'm not even sure what you're saying. What do you love in life? Study your natal chart.


Can't you just work four hours daily off of a ~12 $/hr job, live with roommates, and make cheap (but still very healthy) food in bulk like split pea soup, pottage, and homemade egg + whey bread? I ran some numbers earlier, and it does seem dooable, if you have a monthly rent fee of $300.

The routine may help you feel better about yourself, and you can always use your spare time to learn other things, like programming, another spoken language, reading, etc..

Not to mention, you can actually support yourself this way.

The downside is that you'll not be able to support a family if you continue as is.

I believe that, according to Keynesian economics, if it (and I paraphrase) weren't for the Jews, we'd only have to work four hours daily to maintain our White/European economies.

I remember being young and life was interesting on its own just because there were always novel experiences. Although it was still terrible because people.

I don't think I would be happy unless I work up one day and the world was still here but suddenly no people. And who knows how long that would last.

Life sucks, then you die

Why not both?

i agree, if a child is being raped, they just have to be happy that they exist and can experience it.

this. there is no god, no free will, and the self is an illusion. non-existence is the default state. we will return to it.

How does it sit with you then that Sweden is making 6 hour workdays the norm little by little? With the salary you'd get for 8-9 hours.

If you're between 20-25 just find a career minded girl and marry her. Don't be picky, don't get hung up on looks or personality (they're all crazy and will eventually lose their looks anyway) just find one on a career path and claim her. And women want it "all" right? So let her have it all, let her work, pay taxes etc while you work on your "project". Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it let's you do whatever you want when you want. "When is your project going to start paying off honey?" Your reply: "baby, it's current year." Before she figures out she's been had ten years have passed and she's too over the hill to find a decent wagecuck + plus they're all taken anyway. At that point you can stop pretending, start drinking in the afternoons, play vidya till 4am and don't even bother clearing your browse history. If she tries to divorce you sue her ass for not being more supportive of your dreams. In short: don't wait till life gives you lemons before you start making the lemonade.

Socialism is clearly the way to go for racially homogenous nations. So it kind've makes sense. I mean, their country will fall apart, though, if they keep up with the cuck-shit.

It's interesting in that right-wing economics goes well with left-wing beliefs in culture (try libertarianism), and left-wing economics must have right-wing cultural beliefs.

Unless you have people you care about, who you need to, or want to, care for, money is fucking worthless. The whole supposed real success thing is a fucking joke, because it implies money past the bare minimum will improve your life beyond alllowing you to spend money on overpriced luxery trash like clothing and new phones.

The only reason to work for me is the thought of eventual family, spending many years in constant bitterness, surrounded by hostility, hostile to your surroundings, will fuck you up and leave you lacking certain emotional capacities necesarry for happiness.

As a single adult male, workings only function is to make you look like less of a slob, or to build up some savings that can be used if you meet someone worthwhile. Escapism (anime, vidya, daydreaming, etc) should be a ray of light that helps you retain your innocence, faith, and determination, escapism should never just be a boring distraction, if you don't feel strongly about what you're looking at, it's only causing you harm. Any time you decide against allocating into those two categories should be spend enjoying life, whether that's lying around not doing anything, going out running, talking to people or whatever, this is the only part of your time alive that actually matters, it's the part you need to cherish. Becoming addicted to constant stimulation via escapism is just as harmful to your ability to enjoy real life as becoming emotionally empty from a constantly bitter and repetitive work environment. I can't tell you exactly how to personally balance your time, personally after evaluating the factors I quit my job and resolved myself to live on my savings for a couple of years or until I decided I wanted to do something, I doubt everyone benefits from going that far.

A slave is someone who trades their freedom for money, health, security, or a position of power. Working doesn't make you a slave, but doing work that is not something you want to do does. I spend my days building products, creating games, writing, creating art, and pushing for the world I would enjoy living in. If you want to find real meaning in life, then ensure that you are the one who decides what you do with your time.

Well, it must have right-wing cultural beliefs for there to be any longevity to the good economy (of a homogenous nation), before a foreign nation takes advantage of them.

In racially homogenous nations, with high trust and strong community bonds I'd argue socialism is a strong negative. Provided there is trust and bonds people will help each other out when in a pinch if they can afford to, increasing trust and bonding people closer together. Socialism takes that community help and hands it off to beurocrats, even if the beurocrats fulfill their functions properly, it only means people won't need to work together to help one another directly, thus decreasing community trust and loosening bonds.

You cant cheat the man in the mirror user.

I think that's more of an issue of culture and cityscapes.

Go to a smaller town, and while some might be wary of you or curious, they'll help you out, they'll go out of your way to help you out. In cities, there's so much going on that you don't often even know your next door neighbours and you kind of just shut it out and focus on your own things. I don't think that has anything to do with socialism or capitalism, just the structure of man-made society affecting behavior.

It's all shit. Mind you I'm a poor Croat, recently turned thirty. Yesterday was my last day at work - once summer fizzles out so do the shit jobs for shit minimum wage. And they work you to the bone for that unlivable wage.

When I NEET I NEET hard, more due to the absolutely loathsome economy of this fuckhole of a country than by choice. I then think to myself how "happy" I was during wageslaving, but deep down I know I'm deluding myself. It's the cattle that gets to me, and strikes deep. The average person is a completely amoral character on top of being worthless. They do not see, they do not hear. They have no interests beyond the typical bullshit and their whole reason for existing is to satisfy their lower urges. You cannot comprehend how much anger I have in me after prolonged exposure to them. "Save the white race" sounds good and just, but when you look around you see just how de facto evil and meaningless most of the people are. This pains me and makes me sad, yet I persevere on our path purely for the sake of some yet-to-be-born individuals who might be worth something, feel something, and yearn for the apex I yearn for. Forget about politics, the economy and so on - whatever the driving force behind me and people like me (you I suppose) is and that gives us these desires to learn, to know, to feel in the deepest reaches of our soul and achieve wisdom - THAT is what I'm after. I want to meet God, I want to exit this prison called the world. The more time passes the more disgusted I get with the things I see around me and in the world. I do not wish to participate. It sullies me, it is a dirty thing. Yet I catch glimpses of the Truth, of a reality beyond this fake one and that alone keeps me alive and going. I sense immense majesty behind the veil and it feels like Home. A true Home, be it Hyperborea, Thule or some other incomprehensible Outer Heaven. We do not belong in this filth, and I fear that it is irredemable.

I do not wish to participate in this world. I cannot stress this enough. It is not a question of money, women, politics or anything of the sort. I gave it all a fair chance.

I know I'm not alone in this. It has become self evident that the truest divide isn't racial, which is to say biological, but that it is the question of the soul and origin of that soul. I am here because I know there are others like me here, and that we probably came from the same place outside space and time. If I am to fight I will fight for the absolute dominance of me and my brothers over the whole of the so-called humanity. But above all the true goal is to go back Home.

There is nothing of value here. Nothing.


money does not change you AT ALL, especially someone like a Holla Forumsack who would be repulsed by materialism to begin with.

take it from me. i have a mil in the bank and i live like a NEET in a shitty apartment in immigrant central.

all my problems are internal and money will never fix that.


did you?

The hardest part about leaving the neet life is having a reason. I have no one to care for. And I don't want money for myself, not that badly. What can you even do with money? Not much. Most material possessions are inexpensive. Food is cheap, clothes are cheap. Computers are cheap. Rural land is cheap, but still expensive relative to everything else - that is the only thing that could motivate me to work tbh.

The only thing wealth is good for is living in cities or buying sports cars, I suppose. Or funding political groups such as the Jews and their white genocide agenda.

It's hard to find motivation

Nigger stop using affirmitive action, fuck 'graduates'. Start a business anyway you fucking lemon.

True, so many people are caught up in the

Typical timecvcks really, You can get a trailer for 2-5k$ a really nice trailer for double that, a double wide for 12k$. My girl friend and I made our first purchase of 5k on an old rv with very little miles on it. At least no matter what ever happens we have a nice little escape vehicle, then for 10-20k We plan on buying land, and doing the aforementioned double wide while we build a dream home all for around 45/k, the bigger the down payment on your purchase the lower your payments will be.

I feel like girls don't want a neet bf though. Also I don't know how hard it would be to convince a normie girl to come innawoods with me.


Those who pursue happiness by only indulging in pleasure, will only find themselves wanting more pleasure.

Those who pursue in becoming greater than their own current self, will find themselves fulfilling and happy.

What I'm saying is, if you want to be happy, and think you can be happy by only doing things that seem fun (having tons of sex, video games, eating unhealthy but tasty food, doing drugs, etc) will never be happy, they will only become addicted to the degeneracy they indulged in.

But if you seek to become a better person, a healthy one at that, fulfilling a life-long goal through struggle and hard work you'll come to feel proud of your achievements and feel that you are significant, and during the hard work and struggle, you'll be much more happy with the things that you get. Unlike those who indulge in degeneracy, will demand free shit.

this life is the only life, dont waste it

go out into the world and conquer, do not hide in your bedroom on the same welfare teat niggers suckle on

be somebody, that is the european way

We should all get into writing for SEO and online marketing.
Learn how to influence, and write articles that promote our ideals subtley in everyday internet stuff and ad adverts.
Learn to write ad copy and persuassion tactics and fine tune them specifically for our. cause.
You can do this from home, or anywhere you like, the pay while not amazing to start is enough to get by, and if you are clever, you can use it to supplement neetbux.

How did you find that part-time job?

Indeed, I have coasted through medical school while clinically insulating myself from any kind of "student culture" pasttimes. I only worked my ass off when I failed an exam and had to retake it, a couple of times now through the whole program.

The road to economic independence and ownership is actually not complicated, if you are reading this you probably already know the basics:

Pirate everything, eat cheap but efficient, do your own exercise without paying a gym, don't waste money on sluts or booze. Basically NEET personal economics.

Now add a real income of any kind of job, but maintain NEET economics. Put all extra into stocks and precious metals (a tiny bit for speculative investments is fine). If you live in the US you have the privilidge of easy access to Vanguard Total Market, where you just buy the stock market. Precious metals should be either physical in your hand, or allocated like BullionVault (where you explicitly own the metal and can even go pick it up if you want to).

With enough stocks you get economic independence (dividends become a steady income), with enough precious metals you become economically secure (even if the economy goes into recession or depression, your gold and silver keeps you financially secure).

did that while i was in college, 20 hour workweek at a low level job, half my salary went to rent, quater to food, and another quater to buy a violin and some books.

It's a good life, but you'll never get a house, my advice would be to try not to kill yourself for a few years until you saved up for a home, then revert back to this, but then its time for a family so you cant really.

Also its a bit hard to get a job if you dont plan on working all day but it is doable

lmao, kys

Mods! Mods, arrest this man!

It's probably true, which is why going full neet isn't always a good idea, but personally I've only ever met one girl in my entire life I liked, I would give anything to not have been overflowing with bitterness over my current and past situations at the time. When someone seems interested in you and your heart beats like crazy every time you're near her and you can't express your feelings because you're so fucking bitter and you lose contact, she's thinking you hate her, and all you're left with is just seething rage and more selfhatred than you've ever felt. You can't establish or hold onto a family as a neet, but the emotional damage of shit on top of shit leaves you just as incapable plus feeling like shit. You can't build a family without a foundation, but you'll only cause harm to things you care about if the only motivation you have to get out of bed is spite.


I spend money on booze though. Regarding cost: Some buy a latte a day, I buy an inexpensive (nearly same price) bottle of red wine from Chile or Australia a day. Regarding health effects: It's a lot more sensible than SSRIs or sleep pills and it works just as well, and for me serves that purpose.

Work today sucks. You bust your ass for little return. NEETdom sucks, its empty and everyone looks down on you. Lose/lose for the majority of people. Very few can actually make it, good job, good money, good friends and family. The future is going to be one bedroom apartments for most people.

I don't know what the solution is. Reset with an EMP? Embrace the automation and everyone can be a NEET? Work for work's sake sucks. Most people would be happy to work if the job was actually worthwhile and contributed to something that isn't someone's wallet.

A bottle of wine a day is a tad much. I've found a bottle of beer (half-litre) to be harmless but even then I skip it on some days when I don't really feel like it. A bottle of wine a day is approaching alcoholism.

In my mind I refer to it as "entry level alcoholism." I can stop and not have DTs. The anhedonia/depression and insomnia has been with me since prepuberty so I view it as a sensible solution, far better than pharms.

tfw just want to live the primitive farming life.
It's hard enough to convince them to have children at all, just look at the birth rate.

Still sounds a lot better than what the other user posted.
Were you really trying to list "sleep 12 hours" as a bad thing? Most wageslaves yearn for the privilege of sleeping in late.

I know that feel. Playing medieval RPGs really makes me want that peasant life, but during today so I can live without lords fucking me over or lose half my kids to illness.

The cool thing is that here in Australia if a woman has a bunch of kids she isn't required to (pretend to) look for work to get her welfare.
Tfw no neet wife getting neetbux to pay for most of our expenses while I farm the land to feed our children and build shit.

That's because (((they))) don't want anyone to be self-sufficient.

You don't need to own land to start a farm goy, just don't let der juden overlord catch you

The real scam is that no one actually owns any land because if you don't pay property taxes they take it from you.

Government is the owner of everything.

Yeah I know I could set up anywhere but then a ranger could tell my to leave at any time. I might do it but it'd suck to put lots of effort into building a shack, starting to compost and collect materials to farm and then being told to leave.

Bullshit, you did not work 8 hour days on a farm in 1814, you worked 12+ hours with a horse and plow, that faggot doesn't know what he's talking about. That's not even true today.

90% going to rent, houses run a million dollars? Also bullshit unless you live in some degenerate coastal city. In reality there's a lot of land for sale in the USA to farm on, you can own it for the same cost as a college loan. If you want a rural life, get the fuck out of the city.

NEETs just making up shit all over the place and demonstrating they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

There's something beautiful about NEETdom. Every hour of every day is your own. You have an abyss of time relative to the average person. It gives you a unique vantage point from which to observe the civilization around you grow (or decline). I think it's almost like what a vampire would experience except on a smaller scale.


Yes, really - even today with all of the machinery it's down to 10 hour days, but if you were some pioneer there was no shortage of work. The whole reason they had so many fucking kids was for labor purposes. You had to be at least moderately skilled in a shit ton of areas to have a decent life. The time a NEET would be spending watching television the women would be spending spinning and singing to themselves. These people married work with entertainment and they did work more but only because their productivity was so low. Ask most people today just to do a few things they did like washing clothes by hand and they'd shit themselves.

One farm can feed millions of people. How is that relevant? How much time does it take to only feed your own family? Not 12 hours a day, even in 1814.

You're not accustomed to physical labor, are you?

When you're not doing the actual work of plowing and harvesting and baling and building, you're busy fixing your tools, organizing and cleaning your shop, or passing out from exhaustion.

There's a lot of work involved in "self-sufficiency". I use quotation marks because of course you'll be buying steel tools, fasteners, lumber, etc.

Have you ever done anything related to home maintenance? Construction? Christ kiddo.

Ok kid

So you're not accustomed to physical work, then.

I like to keep active. Is this some sort of distraction technique? How is this relevant?

It's relevant because you don't seem to understand the incredible amount of work that has to be done for homesteading. I figure that if you had relevant experience in a trade, you'd probably realize that it's not exactly a picnic.

Keeping active isn't the same thing as trying to run a homestead. It's labor intensive. There's a reason our ancestors were tough as nails.

Yes, productivity has gone up as I said, but it's seasonal work. It's not like you can decide to plant at any time you want, you have to take full advantage of the time you have available. The weather and seasons (growing seasons for each crop as well), availability of fertilizers, water, crop prices on the market dictate your operation. It is by no means easy work. Everything you do creates additional derivative work.

I am by no means a farmer but I used to throw bales of hay and pick apples and even just that is hard work - you're throwing around 60-80 pound bales all over the place or spending hours up a ladder gathering apples. 12+ hour days were very common even just to feed your own family. They simply didn't have the things we have today - even getting water was a huge hassle in the Midwest before they discovered they were sitting on top of a huge aquifer and figured out how to get it out.

The people who romanticize farming the most have zero experience with it. Most of the people around today can't handle it, it's very labor intensive. Throw in all the other duties and responsibilities of a pioneer taking care of a family and the average NEET would piss his fucking pants.

JIDF out in full force.

farm work was dependent om the seasons user. So you'd spend parts of year working your ass off (planting and harvest) and then you'd spend the rest of the year doing day to day stuff. Not to mention in during the medieval period people would enjoy way more holidays in the form of saints days. Thats not to say the peasant life was some sort of utopia, it still sucked in other ways, nut it's definitely true that people used to work less hours than us

Said this multiple times, and I'll say it again:
The "sign" in this pic is depicting interracial sex in plain sight: a nigger fucking a White girl (the black arrow, aka benis, is inserted into the girl, the right and left parts being her legs and the center one being her core).

You're right about the amount of work, but even in winter there's work to do. Winter's the time to fell trees and skid logs - they slide better on the snow, or you can use sleds. Work doesn't end when it gets a little chilly!

Plus you can fix your tools, organize your workspaces, take inventory, etc. You really have to live your work for homesteading.

What's wrong with you? We're trying to wake you up to the reality that homesteading will require a real commitment to a difficult life. That's not to say it's impossible or shouldn't be attempted, but you shouldn't go into it thinking you'll be able to put in 8 hours a day and goof off the rest of the time.

Mostly I think what's important is the spiritual dimension of life, which we've lost. We're too disconnected from the product of our labor. I really don't think peasants worked less, though. There was always more work to be done because you couldn't just go to the store and buy cheap shit when things broke down. You had to fix and improvise a lot, which often means sitting down for long meticulous tasks. Not intensive work by any means, but it still needs doing. Like sharpening axes, chisels, etc.

underrated post

Congratulations, you've given me the best example of a drooling retard knee-jerk shouting JIDF when he's losing an argument that I've ever seen.

There was still plenty of Winter work. You still had to milk cows, tend other livestock, etc. The women would stay inside and spin linen for hours… It's not like people say, "oh shit, Winter - guess I'm done for the year" and spend the rest of the year jacking off. There were all sorts of maintenance chores and yes, they often did have Winter harvests as well - typically roots.

The average work day was less than 5-8 hours a day unless you had a wife and kids.

Quite right, I also forgot to mention Winter harvests and we haven't even touched on livestock. Even if you're a fucking veganfag you'd still have to at the very least own a plowhorse and store enough hay to last them over the Winter. The horse would have to be plow trained and well cared for. If you fuck up, you lose even that massive productivity increase. While we didn't farm my family did own horses and the horses generated enough work by themselves in the Winter. Had to get up every fucking morning at a very un-NEET hour just to give them a couple flakes, some oats to keep them warm and break the ice out of their troughs. It was the same every night too.

People underestimate the things a NEET can do. NEETs have more freedom than a wage slave ever will. The problem with NEETs is that they don't actually do anything productive, but what NEETs don't usually realize because they're to invested in the latest weebshit is that a productive NEET is a powerful force. A productive NEET has all the time in the world to get /fit/, study, train himself in areas of interest. A NEET can have a spotless house in one day of cleaning if he really wanted to, hell, he could fucking build a house if he invested enough in it.

The reason people don't like NEETs is because they don't do anything, ever. They sit in a computer chair all day leaching off tax payers money, drinking soda and eating takeout or some shit like that, and people usually look down on the people who are unproductive. People with jobs have an illusion that they are productive because they spend about 10 hours a day doing some fucking god awful office job or even worse, working in retail. People with jobs admire the truly productive people who actually have gotten ahead in life by being productive and is why they're even trying to do shit with their life in the first place.

Now imagine what it would be like to be a productive NEET. Sure you don't have any cash but people probably admire you because you did more shit than them. A productive NEET probably is buff too because staying /fit/ is a priority, or it should be. And a NEET doesn't need a schedule unlike a wage slave. They can go to bed and sleep as long as they like, then get up at midnight if they feel like it. And being a productive NEET will probably get you a good job if you plan to get one because of all the studying you did while shitposting. I feel like Holla Forums is a surprisingly good educator. It informs about the current events, you study politics from every angle, and there's some philosophy thrown in as well. So being a productive NEET is the best of both worlds I guess, if you include getting a job after a while.

OK then.

Aye, care of animals is time consuming as well.

Building a house is a lot of work and requires a degree of skill not typical of NEETs. What most NEETs lack, because they haven't practiced it, is will. If you've trained yourself to sit on your ass all day and do nothing for years, it takes a herculean effort to start putting in the works required to undertake a large task. It can be done, but it's not as if there's some huge reserve of NEET productivity waiting to be tapped tomorrow. It will take time.

Arbeit macht frei.

Of course it will take time, over a year probably.
But it is certainly possible.

Work is only a viable option if you have a society and a people who you wish to benefit. I see no point in working for this Jewish government they have in place or all of these "refugees" that do jack shit but spawn more of their invaders as we speak.
Not working and living on welfare is like going on strike but the state pays you to do it, it should be desirable to all those that oppose modern politics.

Not to mention all that free time you get to improve yourself, read books, shitpost on forums and of course watch anime.

I'm not even a NEET.

That sounds familiar. This year I wasted a good opportunity, found out that merely a few houses away lived this 22 year old that would have been perfect for me, extremely feminine and pleasant to be around. I'll just say that I completely fucked it up and we've lost another one to the cock carousal, maybe one of you will get her post-30 and +100lbs, sorry brothers.

Thread theme.

NEETs will be NEETing. They wouldn't be NEETs if they were industrious and productive individuals. NEETs are superflous to society, to the genepool, to the sexual market. They hide in their rooms, much like sick animals isolate themelsves from the herd. They will die off eventually and no one will notice or care. Life is such for the NEET.

blame everyone but themselves.
looks down upon the working class
Claims earning a living = Slavery. While on the welfarebux.

Have fun paying for ahmed and pacos 20 kids instead because they are obviously much better than NEETs.

Life sucks. I don't like anyone where i live. I don't like the sluts. I hate my job which is fucking brutal work for little to no pay all the while every single customer shits on you and treat you like a piece of shit. I just want to move back home around where my family lives and do something productive. Just want to own a house, have some kids and a nice wife to wake up to.

Why must everything suck so much nowadays?


You know, the fact that you need to make excuses for yourself even to open a thread in an anonymous IB shows how much of a faggot you are. No wonder you actually have doubts about whether you should work hard or not.

So unless you were normal and there was a point to you staying alive?

Read "Growth of the Soil" by Knut Hamsun.

You have to work a lot to homestead. If you want an idyllic country life you need slaves.

How much of a pathetic peice of crap do you have to be to sponge of a woman.

I've refrained from doing the normie thing despite having several opportunities to do so for this very reason.

My country is being flooded with chinks, mudshits, and niggers and the whites here couldn't be happier. What's the point of making sacrifices for a nation whose institutions despise you? As each year passes, this place feels more and more foreign to me. In the eyes of my government, I'm an atomized unit, interchangeable with a Somali or an Afghani or a person from China. I'd wagecuck my heart out 60 hours a week if there was some greater, national purpose to it. But given the circumstances, I'd actually be contributing to the demise of my culture by paying taxes.

I don't see it. Pretty sure the white arrow is supposed to be the symbol for the male sex ♂ being part of the female symbol ♀ differentiated in the black ˻ shape at the top. If any race mixing can be seen it's the other way around.

Those in the UN who think up these logos are into witchcraft and pagan symbolism. Just look at the other logos on that podium. The early League of Nations to the modern UN was heavily influenced by the work of Otto Neurath's Isotype system and they have ran it into the ground.

Would like to add that this was the reason why the #heforshe campaign failed even with massive support and backing during a year where feminist issues were constantly in the headlines(#bringourgirlsback, #yesallwomen, #womentodrive, #everydaysexism). The messaging and tone of #heforshe was incomprehensible to normal people, your typical numale or feminist had no idea what it was about at the time asides that Emma Watson was involved.

The people who think these campaigns up and work on them live in a bubble outside of normal mainstream culture. They've been trying to get back in touch using celebrities like with the recent Global Citizen concert. Without celebrities being paid millions for their involvement they'd get no attention at all.

Here's my two cents on the subject, even though, I don't have a lot of life experience.

I've had what I'd call mild/chronic depression for almost 4 years now, and, you see, weither I study all the time and wake up at 4AM, or do nothing all day but drink and play video games, I still feel empty and generally like shit.

The only moments I feel life is worth it is when I'm reading, or writing, mainly when it's philosophy. It instantly changed my perspective on life. I'm still not happy, but I feel less empty.

Even though everyone on Holla Forums should read a bit of nonfiction, you probably need to find your own thing. Try to improve yourself, no just by changing your body and habits, you also need to change your way of seeing, thinking, and improve your mind.

Find some kind of big goal, and work on finding ways to reach it.

If you feel like working 9 to 7 is taking too much of your life, try polyphasic sleeping and work on your projects or interests at night.

the life of a wagecuck is dull and pointless

farmwork is god tier compared to office work idiot


This is a degenerative mindset, because if you spend your time doing nothing it'll impact your mind. Nothing will be expected of you, so you will lower your standards to minimum to keep yourself happy. Let's say a student goes to college and he's expected to read 5 800 page books, at least halfway through, for 5 different courses over the course of 15 weeks. He's also expected to do laboratory classes and write reports that can take up to 30 hours to complete. This creates a man, who knows how to manage his time and knows his limits. It teaches responsibility and adaptation. It hones the mind and memory. If he fails to adapt, he drops out and pays arm and a leg for failed college. Same goes for workplace environment.

If you are a NEET you simply don't learn these skills. Your mind slowly degenerates and your memory becomes progressively worse. Sure, you can do these memory excercises and train your body in every way possible, but how long can you keep this up? Eventually you will want to spend some more time on that video game or that movie or going out for a beer. Before you know it, you stopped doing things to better yourself. Why? Because nobody expected anything from you, so you had no reason to prove yourself and venture beyond your comfort zone.

Radis u turizmu?

Znam kako ti je. Ova gamad od privatnika kod nas u Dalmaciji zaposlenicima daje mrvice, jer, naravno, uvijek ima 10 novih budala na Birou koje se moze zaposlit ako ti radnik ode. Ja sam sefa odjebao ove godine za posao jer ocekivao da mu radim 30% prekovremenog besplatno. Gamad ne da 2000 kuna 'viska' radniku mjesecno (iako ih zaradi), a u dzep stave milijune.

Smece od drzave, smece od ljudi.

Stalo im je samo do nogometa i slicnih sranja. Neuka masa mongoloida koji se daju u ruke ovima na vrhu. Kao narod se prostituiramo strancima da bi stranacki degenerici ostali na vrhu i prodali nam nerodjenu djecu u duznicko ropstvo. Al cim nekome probas objasnit ove stvari, gledaju te kao da si pao s Marsa.

Odavno sam dosao do zakljucka da je ovaj zivot patnja i kazna za nesto van naseg razumjevanja. Stavljeni smo tu da patimo i zivimo bok uz bok ovoj masi majmuna koja nema ni oci da vidi ni mozak da shvati. Prezirem ovaj zivot. Budit se ujutro za nista, zivit za nista, patit za nista… Bez cilja, bez svrhe… List na vjetru…

Ne smatram za sebe da sam poseban ni narocito inteligentan, ali nekad imam osjecaj da sam okruzen doslovno zivotinjama - stavljen u kavez s ovim priglupim stvorovima koji ce se iz petnih zila borit za nogometni klub i preplacene sportase, a nece prstom maknit za narod i drzavu.

Okruzen slijepcima, covjek s cak i jednim okom je kralj.

Dream job there


Where do you get these strange ideas? I feel the same way to be honest.


You know nothing about life in the past, we've never worked more hours in a day than we do now, you can thank the protestant work ethic for ruining working life.

Thinking about this few days ago, i got to the conclusion that this is the best era for being mediocre.

I want to climb a mountain

Find something you at least mildly like to do user. Leave yourself time for escapism, and stay true to your principles.

And don't let greedy diversity hires try to make you feel like you owe them something for hiring you.

because most things have already been done and ya can't really do it any better than they have

Such a post-modern attitude towards things is really a reflection of the current decline of our society. I would have hoped people here would be smarter than that. Such an attitude is simply degenerate.

Western culture is all about striving higher and pushing one's limits to make things better. Imagine the sorts of shit we could accomplish if we all got together to change things even a little bit.

You sir have the right idea.


I lost it at drink pepsi. mfw.

One day out of the blue I woke up with a heavy sadness in my heart. This sadness never went away. It wasn't until years later that I realizes it was the mourning of my youth. That morning, years ago, my lust for life had died just like that.

Back when I was in my teens and early twenties I could honestly find novelty in other people. Now it's nothing but bitterness that stems from a disappointment in others that is hard to explain. I'm lonely, but it's a mental isolation not physical.


looks like one of my kind.

I only sleep 11 hours a day and I don't even like pepsi!

Leave your country and go somewhere else. First world countries just suck. Everywhere else, if you come with a little money in a poor country, you'll be rich enough to start a business and have fun.

It pains me as much as anyone to leave my country, but it's all going down the drain and we'd all be better off in Thailand or Senegal.

the problem with "if we all got together to change thing even a little bit" is that I'm surrounded, irl, by so many of these people who seemingly care about their work and community but also are full liberal and would fall for all the leftist/globalist lies of diversity, affirmative action and so on and not once realizing, on their own that so many people mooch off their work and tax dollars.

like this user >I'd actually be contributing to the demise of my culture by paying taxes.
that the subversion and undermining of the work and rewards the worker is supposed to get I'd say is a pretty big argument for actually being a NEET

How much is a little money? Teach me your ways.

I'm in holidays in Europe right now, but I'll soon return to Vietnam where I live. I work for a startup there and partly own a bar and a restaurant, which took only $8,000 and a handful people to open up, I also rent three rooms on airbnb to tourists. With the startup I make $1,500 a month, with the bar and restaurant, an extra $700, and the renting of rooms pays for my rent and the maid and leaves me with an extra $300 at the end of the month on average

A beer costs from $0.50 to $2, a great meal in a restaurant from $2 to $6, renting a scooter with gas costs $80 a month, or $1 to get anywhere with a mototaxi, phone plan costs $5… everything is cheap as fuck. So I spend my money in restaurants, bars, night clubs, and travelling left and right in the area because plane tickets in southeast asia are dirt cheap (including Japan), scubadiving, skydiving, sailling the sea from Saigon in Vietnam Koh Samui in Thailand…

It really is the ideal course of action:
- go where everyone is poor
- meet people and start businesses with them that milk tourists
- work in innovative startups which rich investors blindly throw money at regardless of results, of which there are plenty in poor countries because work is being decentralized there bceause it's cheaper
- rent a large house and rent the individual rooms to tourists, pay a maid to clean everything

Ironically I end up making more money than I did in Europe.

There aren't that many hours of light in the day during ploughing season you wiki-bred mouthbreather. During hay/harvest season you might see farmers working 18 hours days alright, but then and only then.

Non-coastal, anywhere large sized cities will have the average 20-35 year old easily spending 60-70% of their wages on rent, and houses will absolutely pass half a million dollars.

You sound like Old Economy Steve. user isn't completely fucking retarded. People here have run their numbers. Anything outside of social housing/food stamps is now well beyond their reach, in spite of any skills or ability they may posses or be able to obtain. At that point, what's the point of not choosing NEETdom.

The race is rigged from the beginning. Why run if you're just going to lose?

My grandpa had to pick corn and feed chickens in the dark before sun rise, its not impossible to work after dark

Thank you for this post user, I needed to read this.

Go ahead and try make a horse plow in pitch black darkness on a field where neither you or the horse will see anything.

Radio free Northwest had an excellent podcast about just this subject. The title is Ghost dance two. Really hit me right in the feels.

Working lots of hours, no job security, constant frustration, too much debt, no family, late 20s, and holding on like hell and playing by the rules even though I know it's not working. Almost like HAC knew me personally, but it's actually what's happening to most of us.

I feel betrayed.

you sound like you should go to Church on Sunday
if you haven't found meaning in this life, you'll find meaning with Jesus Christ

inb4 God-hating frogposters derailing the thread

Look forward to the coming apocalypse.

You left out the gym.

Non-existence is not a state of existence. One cannot be non-existent, because to be any thing is to be some sort of existence. Death is consequentially not a mode of being, but a threshold through which we cross.

What is your true fatherland?


I'm gonna go for a 2m run now. If anyone else had any inkling to go for a run, join me.

Not true, there are plenty of busnesses you can bootsrap and its easyer now than ever (with shit like kickstarter)

Hell just look at your pic related. It was a virtual neet who invented Oculus Rift and now he's worth like $700,000,000

tfw I know someone IRL who has done exactly this. His wife makes 6 digits working in tech. She was hired because of affirmative action no doubt (they are both asian). He works shitty retail jobs just to get out of the house but doesn't need the money.

This motherfucker is in his early 30's and plays vidya whenever he wants while his wife is working 60 hour weeks. She is buying him a sports car this year.

Granted this arrangement only works because the husband is an INTJ and his wife is an ENTx (MBTI personalities). This kind of shit won't work with most modern women, they simply don't have the work ethic or drive and men usually can't cope with not being breadwinners. I'll repeat 90% of women just wouldn't able to sustain a family on her own and if she did she would hold it over your head like an anchor waiting to drop for the rest of your life. It's just not worth the headache.

I'm super jealous of that arrangement btw.

Wrong pussy. Start your own business and get rich.

Whether you are a wageslave or NEET does not matter, what matters is forming a family and siring children for future generation. That is the ultimate objective, those with no descendant betrays their bloodline and the race.

After playing Rose Gun Days, I have known of this.

Wage slave here, pretty much this.

But how can you responsibly create a family and have children, when you and your wife have both to work full time jobs and still barely save any money? The government will take your kids from the smallest age and force them to spend time with SJW teachers, who will completely brainwash them. You can't have a stay at home wife on a wagecuck salary.

You shouldn't, there will come a time, a moment when the woman will hit a low-point in their relationship and will be holding every single thing she has given him over his head and kick him out.

And it's a failed relationship, because how the hell is she going to keep her job, while getting kids aswell? Impossible.

That's why i don't want to marry or have children at all. Also Holla Forums always overvalue such things as marriage or family. They mean nothing close to what it means to you for normalfags.

You can marry yourself into close feminist and spend your lifetime in misery.

Go die like a dog in some forest, edgy /k/id.

Okay. If that's all you have to say.

Getting a prenuptial agreement isn't a bad way to go user. It's sad that you've given up on the idea of a happy life. I don't think there is any way to overvalue the importance of family, and the reason I know that is because my family is trash. I'm going to put in all the effort into being a dad that my dad never did since he left.

You might as well kill yourself if you're so detached from your own nature that you don't feel yearning for starting your own clan. Put down the video games and anime and go for a walk.

Then you either force the wife to stay at home, or you yourself must find times for your child.

I know this is hard, but life is hard so you must bear with it.

We anchor now

Not taking the chance at all is cowardice.

I am saying it clear, without family or children, you have no future.


People here that value marriage don't overvalue it, they assign as much value as has always been attached to it.

I agree normal people don't value marriage at all anymore, or rather its value is only what they can screw out of you if it goes tits up. Marriage has been undermined and made worthless by the secular state. The only people who value it are religious people.

Sure, and I'm Gaius Julius Caesar.

Compare us with the communists and leftists who value hedonism and anti-natalism, all we have to do is have children and raise them well. Their is a dead ideology, our is a life one.

Here in the current year, free society, free love, the thought of having children is discouraged and awkward, and wanting to have white children is racist. We have to fight it, we have to have a future for our children.

This will definitely be a possibility but he will always have alimony thanks to feminism if she ever wishes to divorce him.

They have 1 child. Her job gave her 3 months payed leave. Father stays with the child, but most of the time the baby is with grandma and other extended family. It's definitely a weird situation and not one that is common at all. I don't want anyone in this thread they can just find any woman and pull this shit off. Most women are incapable of working let alone sustain a household.

Another story where feminism came back to bite a woman in the ass:

Woman falls in love with and marries a guy from a wealthy family. He is a heroin junkie. She works in graphic design and makes decent money. One day she got sick of him being a dirty degenerate and filed for divorce. Since he doesn't work (junkie + trust fund) when the divorce went to court SHE was mandated to pay HIM alimony payments. She is still cutting him checks until this day. He is still putting needles in his arm and laughing all the way to the bank.

All her friends say
Cry harder bitches. This is the future you chose.

The sad reality of the matter is that as more men "give up" to the demands of dismantled gender roles, the more women will get fucked by it. No one really wins. That's the tragic part.

Same user. Had to switch IP.

I never claimed to be shit. Reading comprehension.

Also, you should know that INTJ's aren't natural leaders and have no issues taking a backseat when it suits them as long as they trust the person leading.

Never change.

This is why I like being NEET. Though my NEET days seem to likely be coming to an end soon and I have no fucking clue how I'm going to deal with that.

I actually have time to improve myself in things because I don't work a mind numbing job.

I do all these things and more. If I had a job or went to college it would cut into a lot of my study time.

I doubt you're learning that many languages honestly. Actually I know you're bullshitting, or your bar for measuring your learning of a different language is hilariously low.

I never said I was fluent in all of them. I've actually been thinking of cutting Norwegian and Italian though because of time needs. French is my best one since I have been learning it for a couple years now. Icelandic and Old Norse are very similar so I am learning them together. I am still a beginner in them since I have only been learning them for several months now. I started Norwegian early this year and Italian was started some time in the middle of last year. I obviously have a ways to go in all of them, but I do study them all. But I am thinking of focusing on French and Icelandic/Old Norse just because of the amount of time it takes to study 5 languages at once.

I speak Italian and English fluently, I can tell you from experience that the hardest thing in learning any language is keeping track of the vocabulary that it takes to speak above a grade school level. If you're some savant like my cousin who knows 5 languages then maybe, but most people aren't that way which is why my kneejerk response is to doubt people's claims that they are learning many languages.

I guess I did not state that I do not focus on speaking that much since I have no one to talk to. I focus much more on reading and writing which I find much easier than trying to speak and understand spoken parts of languages. I am no savant though I have always liked to learn things and generally pick things up a bit faster than the average person (though it depends on the topic since I have a very hard time with things like Holla Forums stuff but do pretty well with things like math). I definitely understand your skepticism, but like I said earlier, I am definitely not yet fluent in any of these languages.

Sucks you're thinking about dropping Italian, it's a beautiful language. Here's a useful link if you want to give it a go again though.

All I can say to you anons, and this is some thing I knew when I first started posting on boards is that if you never leave your computer, house, route,routine you won't ever meet any one fulfilling your own prophecy.

The whole point of being a neet is to be your own master, You aren't wasting your life away at some wage cvck job. Every day I try to learn as much as I can, I do as much as I can. Staying current with the news, whether writing some thing in my book, or learning a new memetic technique or a new scale on my guitar, I'm always doing some thing, always improving and this is what the uberman life is all about.

While I don't expect most anons to up and go traveling at least heading out for a hike, going to get some coffee, in breaking the routine in life kek will bless you, gotta give it time.

To recap

If your not where you want to be in life, fucking get there

Job market in USA blows cock even though I have two uni degrees from a great school. Taking the air force officer test on Tuesday.

Indeed. I like it a lot more than French. I like the way it sounds more and the grammar can be much easier, especially when trying to ask a question, but since I have a better level in French and have more time invested in it so far I think I will stick with French over Italian. I'll definitely take a look at the link. Thanks, user.

Religion is simply a way of communicating philosophy to the masses who are incapable learning or understanding morality. There is no man in the sky watching you masturbate.

The motivations of religion seem firmly rooted in the fact that human beings have a tough time coming to terms with their own morality and the morality of those close to them. It also takes on a form of control. Be a good goy in this life to get just rewards in the next.

There are different takes on morality though.

Jews see others as beneath them and to be used, extorted, and vampired from. It is the most devious and shrewd by far. The root of all evil.

Christian morality most closely resembles Western culture before the Jews of 1900s destroyed it all. Love your neighbor. Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't Cheat. Golden rule kind of shit.

Islam is morality by the blade. The strong shall dominate the weak. We are the strong. They are the weak. Immorality is punished by death. The weak will join the collective(to become strong) or die by the sword.

user, do not even pretend for a moment that your decision to "Fall in Love with Jesus" has anything to do with weighing the pros and cons of each religion then choosing carefully which one seems best fit.

You were born into an area where Christianity was dominate.
If you were born in Israel you would most likely be a devout Jew.
If you were born in Syria you would be Allahu Ackbaring in Germany right now.

People such as yourself for whatever reasons have a predisposition towards gravitating to religion.
Which religion you end up pushing has nothing to do with the religion and everything to do with location and those who raise you.

I'm 24 now. Hear my short story:
>wasted 1 year of being normie and drinking and making all those experiences
If i get fired … i swear to god i will take advantage of being a neet again.

What is my point? This pit of despair and neetism is up to you. If i get the chance to neet my way through life, i will do it. It is not that i hate my boss/coach. I just pity him.

When did NEET just become interchangeable with lazy?

You can not be NEET if you are in Education.
That is what one of the E's stands for.

Kek graces you user

If you're an early millennial 90-94 you came of age during the great recession (jews) to an influx of immigrants sub human spics, nigggers and achbars and obama care killing small business, an artificial shortage on truck drivers, automation and industrialization in the food industry e.g monsanto, sysco and corporate interest and a turning of age to a thinking mind during the age of 911. I can only speak from my experiences and I haven't had it the easiest, I'd like to think that I've had it the hardest at least that way I know the bottom line, but I know it can get much worse than I had it and if really thought about I'm one lucky fucker and I consider my self graced by kek.

I'm happy that you made it to interview, just hide you're power levels and yes man, any chance you could share what your looking at going into?

I wanted to be a planeccvck

Then correct me on this.

Originally I wanted to cyber warfare, but if they offer me space operations I don't know if I'd be able to turn it down as that could segue into being an astronaut. It's a low chance, astronomical you might say, but it's there. I was going to just go cyber warfare in the army after getting a 99% on their officer test, but I was counseled against joining the army by a neighbor of mine. It's amazing how far you can get by being able to do arithmetic and remembering facts about the integumentary system.

you were only a NEET between graduating and getting your job there is no such thing as "neetism"

Then lets say a degenerate. I dont care for the exact word. Just the fact that i got work and if i ever gettin fired (for working my ass of a second time) i will live my life like the real neets potrayed it.
/blog end

Alright then fair enough hopefully you won't get fired

the screencap on Holla Forums doesnt work

can someone make a proper screencap of this thread please?

You on firefox?

F12 > Options (gear symbol) > scroll down and check 'full page screenshot'

You'll now have a camera icon in the top bar of your f12 menu and you can use that for full page screencaps.

Wow, thanks, it worked like a charm!

m8 you're going to die anyway, who gives a shit if there's future generations with your DNA.

Get out of here Redditor MGTOW cuck. You aren't one of us.

There is a lot of that going around, it's partly to do with obama care, it's simply more economical for employers to have a cycklical flow of part time workers. If you stay some where long enough you start to get more rights and such.

for ex I have been hired plenty of times to cover for people on vacation thinking I have a full time job, it's only supposed to last 3 months but goes on 6 and I was fired for no fucking reason, they called me a liar.

I confronted all three of them when they said that

It turns out that it was just an easy way to fire me, my manager cried because he knew the kike owner was being a kike and it all stemmed from two things, 1. I slept with another bar tender from a different bar but in the same social circle, I was younger than her and it was low key so for 3 weeks they grilled me about it asking what happened and the whole time I just bill clinton'd that shit and 2. One night the owners wife started talking to me blacked out drunk, she was perceptive and saw through my real physode, she didn't exactly know what happened but during my teen years I had been through hell, a personal tribulation, despite my best efforts you can't always hide that you lived in survival mode for over 13 years the long story being tldr "u r strong don't let it get to you", the owner took it the wrong way and forbade his wife from drinking and basically treated her like shit. I didn't ask to talk to her I was just doing my job cleaning up puke ffs. Jobs are 90% politics and the sooner you realize this the better, you know what everything is 90% politics and 10% power/ divided by all parties involved.

My whole fam is army and has been since for ever, but they are pozzed these days, marines aren't as bad if I had my way I'd be S&R with the coast guard but I don't make the cut for any of that shit :/ Idk

Go to /fringe/, then, if you tire of this physical plane. While I have interest in this Thule or Hyperborea, I don't know what actually exists out there on the astral plane. What I can tell you, though, is that, when you die, your etheric body escapes to the astral, and it is there that many worlds and ideas similar to Thule can exist.

I'll also tell you this: You cannot be tortured forever as in the Christian concept of hell; if you're put in too much pain and duress, your spirit (or possibly even soul) can die as well. I know this because spirits can be killed, and there exists a thing called "ego death."

I hate your evil religion so damn much. It was your ilk that made me believe in eternal torture in the afterlife if I said the wrong words to the wrong spirits.
The truest irony of Christians is that they worship a Qliphothic god. No wonder they're so motivated by fear and see the universe as small oases of light and seas of darkness around them. Any evil god would tell you that he's good, and that most of the universe is bad. You're so easy to manipulate that way.

Army seemed filled with nigs so I talked with them but was skeptical. They looked at me like a leper when I said I was going to speak with the Air Force as well though. They got mega triggered by that as if I was saying they were stupid because they immediately brought up the fact that Air Force people think they're smarter than the Army people. I thought that was very unprofessional.

…like a boss!!!

NEET life can be amazing if you make the most of it. I worked and went to school full time since I was 19. I developed adrenal exhaustion, due to my addiction to booze and hard drugs. Now I'm neet, not by choice, but because it's been one life threatening illness after another.

I've been neet for 5 years now. I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't have much in the way of material goods, I have an old computer, and an old flip phone, and none of the new gaming systems.

Compared to the absolute kikery in the education and employment sectors, I'm perfectly content just lying in bed and staring at the ceiling.

I have plans to go back to school, finish my robotics degree, and get a job.

But damn…I gotta love those government checks I keep getting every month. I live in ontario, have help from family, and still get government checks.

I have all the weed I can smoke, but I don't overdo it. 3 times a day, max. For chronic irritable bowel, nausea, vomiting, and insomnia. I just got registered at an MMJ clinic.

No booze, no cigarettes, no porn.

NEETdom, if done right, elevates you to divine status, if you use your time wisely.

But watch the fapping, no porn, and keep your place neat and tidy, and you should do fine.

Get into nutrition. Being NEET is all about building yourself up, after being torn down by this kike infested society and it's inhumane institutions.

Oh…and fucking V A P O U R W A V E


Jesus fucking christ. Stop being a parasite. Posting on Holla Forums doesn't mean you're not a degenerate, user.

Fuck, man. I feel the same way.

user, prenups ain't worth the paper they are written on these days. The (((judge))) will throw it out the moment the first divorce hearing starts.

This is a meme. Shittily written prenups from Legalzoom maybe. Having a bar certified attorney writing you up an ironclad prenup where you notarize and/or film your wife signing it aren't able to be thrown out. Usually they throw it out because they claim the person was under duress, incapacitated from whatever prescription cocktail they're on, or that they didn't understand what they were signing. Covering these bases isn't hard and is likely the best investment you'll ever make in America.

Again this whole 'all prenups get torn up' is a meme. Don't get married in California and instead consider states with less lax divorce laws and judges.

Get out of here TORnigger

oh im fully aware of my degeneracy. I just don't give a shit. I'm on pol for the funny pictures and lols.

Its called chronic illness. In case you haven't noticed, missing one day or one week in school can ruin an entire year.

You need to call in sick before your 3 months probation is up? Congratulations…you're fired.

I've made the best with the hand I've been dealt. People get sick, dumbass…

Its worth it to be a parasite, and foolish not to be.

I don't go on reddit, faggot. Also, who cares?

It comes as no surprise that the number of NEETs is rapidly rising. It is almost impossible to get a job that pays a living wage, unless you have union connections (I live in Canada).

It is an employer's market. There is zero job protection, thousands of durkas competing for one shitty job. Even if you get a STEM degree, you're still not guaranteed a job.

In Ontario, there is almost no regulation in the Post-Secondary market, so I ended up getting scammed at a Trade School. For 5000$. That's a lot of money I had to save up.

You have to pay thousands for tuition, books (which they purposefully make obselete every year, so you'll pay another 200$ for a book you'll never open), you don't learn anything of actual substance (even in stem programs). It's all "listen to the durka drone on, read the slides, regurgitate on the test."

There is a reason so many people, especially white males are retreating from work, community, and family. Those institutions have broken down - at least in society as a whole.

Communities are so heterogeneous, that no one gives a flying fuck whether you live or die…because there is always some durka or sand nig to replace you, and another to replace them.

I've almost died 4 times from illness. Why waste my time working for , when I could be dead in a few years? For people who don't even give a shit about me?

There is something poetic and sad about this post. It's almost art

"Those who feel see life as a tragedy. Those who think see life as a comedy"

Take it from me… I have $400 in the bank and no job. Money changed EVERYTHING. I can fix all your internal problems if you give me access to your bank account.

What if your children grow up to be drug addicts, and then you have to support them, or kick them out on the street, because there will be no opportunities for them in the future.

The white race is becoming a minority. It will be almost eradicated in 40 to 50 years. The whites that are still around have realized this and have given up the fight.

And as for Donald Trump, you Holla Forumsacks actually think he's going to make america great again? Guess again. Trying to make america great again is an impossible task. It's passed it's tytler cycle in history, and the empire is on the verge of collapse. The people of america have given up except for a small minority.

When trump outsources what's left of american jobs to china and india, or lowers american wages to compete, then there will be even more neets.

Stoic Reminder:

Virtue = happiness…

But you need money (security, access, time) to accomplish higher virtue because we live in the modern world and it's just a sad fact. I'm old enough to have gone through all the shit most of you are going through now, and if you can escape the rat trap of wage slavery and keep learning philosophy and self development, you're going to be OK and you can buy a decent woman.

But they sure as hell can't be decent around someone who is a depressed wage slave while worried about the little parasite (baby) that needs them more than you do.

We still need a wall. It's a signal to the world that Globalism is over

I have a writing degree. There is no future or money in it. Write all the blogs you want, I've never met an online marketer who wasn't having to sell online marketing "out of the goodness in their heart".

You need your T levels up. Do martial arts, engaged with normies though this. It's an honorable past time but also very character building and good for you. It won't help you get girls but if you buy a good motorcycle (Honda shadow) or something that gathers instant attraction, and open yourself up to women, even in a Stoic calm honest way, trying to make friends with her and still letting her know you're not a friend but want to kiss her at some point (the key to modern women), then all that is left is to lie about your intentions in the future (I'm planning on going to law school, not I'm planning on suicidal thoughts as a NEET). This may sound like self betrayal but it's more about the power of influence. Women have to like you before they can love you.

The entire pick up game bullshit about "getting hobbies to make people like you" boils down to what I just said. They're just stupid fucking assholes and can't write a direct clause of action because they're selling to betas with expendable income and a sick desperation

But you work on YOUR life, land, liberty. And you need at least 100K now to do this. College is affordable because they wont take your apartment/home away for going. They pay you to go, then charge you 5yrs later by taking your tax refund. You're spoiled and have no concept of reality.

False. It's a way of destroying philosophy and keeping the masses immoral as fuck. Christians, Muslims, Jews are not moral or smart and they are empty inside without their addiction

I too enjoyed Dextromethorphan, user.

I am not saying or even implying that a pioneer used a horse and plow 12+ hours a day - only a fucking moron shitlib would deliberately misinterpret and strawman that. It is trivially obvious to anyone who isn't a dumbshit faggot that there is no purpose to plowing every damn day.

What I am saying is that in the days of the horse and plow it was very common to work 12+ hour days. There is far more to homesteading than simply planting and harvesting crops. There's making clothes, washing them by hand, making soap, butchering animals, milking cows, feeding horses, shoveling and spreading manure, repairing tools and equipment, constructing outbuildings, constructing and mending fences, etc.

OMG tell me about it. The best is making agent lemon. Holy sweet jesus.

DXM is an amazing drug. Too bad it gave me heart problems and brain damage. It's been years since I touched the stuff. I miss it. Same with MDMA.

…and speed…

…and heroin…

Sorry that you're being sarcastic, but you're only proving my point.
