

Other urls found in this thread:



What a fucking bitch. He deserves it.


the mental gymnastics of this guy
sure on the average day, nobody needs to know every movement of their partner.

but she's at a huge convention. a girl could say "take me to your hotel room and i'll fuck you" to 50 different guys in 24 hours if she wanted to.

Who is the guy and girl? Ecelebs?.

What I wouldn't give to have video of what really happened.

Yeah, some streamwhore went to E3 and disappeared without attending anything she was supposed to. Claims to have lost track of time playing poker. Innernet's claiming she got railed by a bunch of black guys

Not only was she at a huge convention, she disappeared and nobody knew where she was. If you wouldn't be concerned for your partner's whereabouts in that position, your relationship has issues of its own.

All her tweets scream guilty conscience. If you have nothing to hide, don't keep refuting people on social media.

Enjoy licking nigger cum out of your coalburning gf's cunt. Little cuck boy.

I dunno, it's probably to inflate her e-celeb profile. I think her livelihood depends on getting exposure. Keep kicking up a storm and hide behind the misogyny excuse. It's not like her boyfriend isn't a bitch and will leave her



Who are these people?
Why do we have to care?
Fuck off back to 4chan.

Why am I not surprised that the cuckposter frequents tumblr?

no u

Tumblr is great


right here big boy


Also, this:


What is the reason for so many numale cucks being into video games?

*tips fedora*

*tips fedora*

sudocuck is retarded and unfunny.

there is no video faggot dont lie

most probably she went party dosent want her bf to know when all this started she see easy internet fame and start to play along

i like this two i respect them
they manage to meme pol and reddit for free twitch channel promotion all over the internet
you can clearly see every post about this "drama" they mention her or his twitch channel its fucking brilliant new faggots here redditors and the internet cucks got baited hard on this one

So why do you white knight for this whore in two threads if you don't care ser user?

That's not what "meme" means, redditor.

I don't know who these people are and considering there's one faggot white knighting in both threads I think this is some retarded attempt at shilling for a z-list eceleb cunt and her numale bf.


Why do guys date women who are pure trash? I don't understand it like why the fuck would you even bother with a "gamer girl" or any kind of roastie that has a mind of her own. Just get a gf who has crippling self esteem issues and isolate her from her friends so she's reliant on you. It's not hard fam gotta play the game to win


this slut is not even good looking but i guess this is above average in burgerlandia

If she didn't cake her face in makeup, she wouldn't appear attractive at all. So many sluts on TV and in cities cake themselves in makeup that a lot of burgers don't even recognize it as fake anymore. It's not that the women in burgerland are less attractive than the rest of the world in some parts that's true, though, it's more that the ugly, insecure sluts dunk their heads in vats of makeup, eyeliner, and lipstick every morning and end up getting a shitton of attention because a lot of stupid and or blissfully ignorant burgers can't tell the difference between natural skin and paint.

Self-esteem and daddy issues are often what causes girls to become sluts. They constantly need validation so they sleep around, because it makes them feel pretty and desired, even if they aren't. Modest girls are often the most confident in themselves, in that they don't need constant validation to not want to kill themselves.

That being said, some insecure girls do end up being prudes, but they're often complete cunts and unwilling to have sex unless you rape them. My last attempt was like that. She turned out to be so insecure and fragile that I completely broke her emotionally with a few menial insults and comments. It was genuinely pathetic, and it made it harder on me because I couldn't playfully insult her to break her down, like I can with most girls, without risking her bursting into tears and trying to cause a scene. My whole objective was to get her to kill herself (I've done it before), but she was literally TRIGGERED when I called her a hypocrite during an argument that she just sobbed and yelled "I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU I GOT CALLED THAT IN SCHOOL AND IT HURT MY FEELINGS WAAHH WAHHH WAAAHH". I wish I smashed her head into the fucking pavement.

yeah, it is. reddit got memed on, and so did Holla Forums when all of the redditors cross-posted this "drama."
it's just free advertising for her channel. no one cares, dude.


you don't understand, letting aside all of the lurkers, all of the desperate no-life vidya neets will almost certainly watch her shit. I imagine they will make a point to, just to keep spamming insults at her, which the dumb bitch will either ignore or (if she's smart) spin it as harassment.
there's no way the supposed whore can lose here. she gets free views, she gets attention, she gets a victim complex if she wants to.

and the thirsty faggots in this thread will keep rambling about "modern women" and "chads". honestly, another user said it best, it's hilarious the way thirsty virgins will go out of their way to give attention to a whore, who in all likelihood isn't a whore in this context. sure, she's an attention whore, and probably has seen quite a few dicks, but it's almost certain she didn't get blacked here.

all in all, who cares? why do you care? because it blew up on reddit and twitter?

Because cuckolding and autism are really fucking funny to me.

You seem to have some kind of problem with our resident cuckold discussion board. Almost like you have some kind of personal stake in this issue. Really fires off the neurons. Whining about reddit doesn't hide your anal pain. In addition it's a non-argument at this point. While it's regrettable, reddit has surpassed IBs in relevance, every site you will ever use will have redditors. Everyone under a certain age probably discovered reddit well before this site, and a lot of people over a certain age have moved on. While shaming people for using reddit, or linking to reddit is valid, whining about how a lot of people on a particular board might use reddit is not an argument. While it's true, it's an assertion you could make anywhere.

Good job faggot.
I bet you like tasting nigger dicks on your waifus lips don't you?

Better question: why do you care so much?

She is thin and that qualifies as attractive in burgerstan.

Except all this drama is literally reddit. It's cringeworthy /r/incels or whatever the thirsty virgin community is called spamming this shit everywhere.
Whining about someone "whining about reddit" doesn't change the facts. There's no anal pain here, friend.
No one wants redditors like you here, and no one certainly wants faggots who annoyingly spam frog meme, whining about normies and shitposting about tendies. /r9k/ and Holla Forums were combined to create a cringeworthy tumor. That much is obvious.

Well you sure seem to be the reddit expert. You're the one who invoked reddit when no one else did after all, and you seem awfully sure that this comes from reddit, which you could only possibly know if you came from reddit.

How does this even relate to cuck shaming?

keep your shit on Holla Forums virgins

I unironically see no problem. The "cuck" meme caught on because virgins finally had a way to insult non-losers. Fact is women will follow their desires, just as you probably would if you had that chance, and a man can either engage in willful delusion or accept it. The real "cucks" are men (boys) who have so much jealousy and insecurity that they can't stand to see their SO enjoying herself. If she had a consensual casual encounter with a few guys, so what, hurts nothing, doesn't change the fact that they're in love. Not fundamentally different than any guy in a relationship who jerks off, except that she can secure willing partners.

no need to explain to reddit thats why i didnt respond to his




t. Alpha Cuck



Nah, I got linked to the thirsty virgins, who were the ones who originally spammed this shit here.
Except the whore has proof that she was spending a shitload of money on poker, multiple times that night.
Just stop giving free advertising to some whore, you fucking retard. You got tricked by some angry virgin community, users of which speak entirely in /r9k/ memes despite being cancerous redditors.

You just know this guy is one of her beta orbiters.


But of course.

That'd be the retards that noticed this shit in the first place and then spammed it everywhere.

Agreed, there's nothing wrong with your girlfriend filling her needs. In fact it's kind of the alpha thing to do, not even bothering to fuck her but letting someone else do it. It's like having a housekeeper or a chef but instead of cleaning your house or cooking your food they fuck your wife.


I like how the article even though written by a librul airhead jurno actually defines progressivism as cuckoldry and Trump as the anti-cuck.

Oy vey, are you cuck-shaming, goy? Don't you know thi is the current year, and it's literally anuddah shoah to hold such retrograde views?

What a fucking loser. How can he accept a whore like that? She is never going to respect him.

This cuck!

What a fucking cuck, jesus christ.


Getting into gaming is a good way for the third tier of women to get male attention and experience the illusion of being desired.

Without her LPs, she would've been some average, somewhat weird-looking woman, but now she can delude herself into being a "celebrity" - a delusion eagerly fostered by her faggot viewer who're so beta that they can even find an attractive woman to masturbate to.



hotwheels died years ago m8

Kek, he's a character like edward snowden.

He was right. The old internet is never coming back, and instead of embracing the idea of growth and creating a new userbase people got butthurt. Instead of trying new things they've chosen a slow and certain death. Reddit apologists will often say something to the effect of, "Yeah sure there's a lot of retarded SJWs on reddit, but some sub-reddits are good", and that's probably true to some degree, but it has the inherent problems that come with registration and karma, problems that would not exist if they were using a site like this.

There's nothing more pathetic than watching a man doubledown on his own delusions just to preserve his personal status quo.

So how long until she gets her first black son?

This sounds fake but I wanna hear the story even if you are making it up. Need something like that right now

it's true and it fucking hurts. Internet capable phones are what killed it, social media, and reddit/tumblr is just an extension of that problem.

It's like being an old movie cowboy watching the wild west be tamed as the train line rolls into town.

Yeah that's really what it is, at least we can keep the little pockets we have, cowboys eventually just ran out of land to run to.

anyone got the copypasta?







I can buy the free twitch promotion orbiters attention whoring etc. also i was pretty sceptical myself about the cucking..

I get it she want some time alone (who dosent) to play poker get caught up in the game etc.
BUT cmon now this is not 5 or 10 hours she was off for 24 hours and completely missed E3 panels she was supposed to attend and its not like some minor thing because she is streamer basically she make money from this and showing up there is a priority…… its very fishy did she got blacked who know ? maybe she had a online one night stand with some white guy. maybe she want to party get drunk and wanted to try some female action and got a hooker? who know endless possibilities ? my point is she clearly did something in this 24 beside playing poker

ana plz…

38 weeks or so.

You know they won't allow those pockets of freedom to exist for long. Eventually we will have it all taken away due to SJWs wanting to extinguish non conforming areas or corps just destroying anything they can't control and make a shitload of money off. Enjoy the taste of unregulated thought and freedom while you can, lads.

I'm starting to think Holla Forums just likes black guys fucking white women so they look for any excuse to look at and post Blacked porn.

It's sad that the boyfriend didn't have the balls to leave her after what she's done.
His argument "hey losers, if you can't stay less than 2 hrs without talking to your gf then the problem is you" was fucking pathetic. She disappeared for 24hrs, even her friends were worried.

t. roastie

Yeah, its a good thing we have this important outpost of freedom so our enlightened thoughts can flourish, unregulated.


they have a point though, when Holla Forums complains about white women getting blacked doesn't that make them kind of cucked themselves?

Can't wait until Lauralania gives birth to her black son.
It'll be hilarious how stupid her boyfriend was thinking on taking her back.

I see this posted around, why is this wrong? i get that defeating your enemy is good but who wants to go to jail?


God bless the internet.

No, faggot, they don't have a point and that's not what being cucked means.

It's the political class' response to terrorism. While Trudeau has literally said as much, many politicians are running with the idea that if we were to fight back, or basically take any measures that would prevent terrorism in the first place, such as banning sandniggers then terrorists win somehow.

4d chess

depressing but true, no matter how much you rail against women, you will still pay attention because you are thirsty betas


being cucked means having your women being fucked by somebody else
Holla Forums complain about having their women fucked by another ethnic group
how is it not being cucked?

Because race doesn't exist and love between different races is beautiful.

ebin meme xxDDD


t r u e

omg lol.
Better never work with people in social media I guess.
I mean the person twitting the call to find her on Twitter was probably drunk herself.

Reported, again!

Her disappearance has caused major concern with the Tweet receiving over 5,000 RT’s in the first couple of hours since being posted as worried friends and family look to get in contact.

Has anyone seen @TheLauralania ?? She went missing after the @Twitch Mixer last night. RT’s greatly Appreciated. pic.twitter.com/VJbL6WaCpE

— ash ✈️ E3 (@ashleeeeean) June 15, 2017

She deleted her tweet since then…

>Now deletes her account to avoid further damage

You can't hide this forever Lauralania.

Nope if I was to attend a panel there would be my name on the list of attendees.
They always put the list online, I had just an optional shot and some private but not official appointments that day.
That bitch and every virgin losers like you reddit/4chan/Holla Forums are responsible for this to be public.
Don't you have better thing to do with your life?
Fucking mob mentality.

All those fucking people judging her just ready to start a new Salem witches trial are the worst of hypocrites.
I hope you will all die in hell!

You aren't her. She is too busy chugging nigger cock to be posting here.

Believe what you want.

That is generally how belief works, yes.

If you say so I guess.

I did just say so. No guessing necessary. You aren't too bright are you?

You people have ruined my life with your witch hunt.

Now there's absolutely no doubt that you're someone who's merely pretending to be a butthurt roastie.

For telling the truth? Now, that's a start! Toxic people having nothing better to do than to bully a girl online. No fun allowed, the new Puritans watching all day videos on Pornhub.
I will re-open my Twitter Saturday for my next big broadcast on Twitch.
See you there losers.

Bullying girls is fun.

On the off chance you are her then have a free piece of advice for the road. Social media is not your friend and deliberately agitating people who have already made you into a laughingstock with your own stupidity is not wise no matter what grrrl powah mantra you have been fed.

You ruined your own life by fucking niggers behind your BFs back though. Don't worry, I'm sure he's down for an "open-relationship".



So much hate in this thread, I will include many screenshots in this conversation for my Pop Culture Detective series.
We have now 64K subscribers on Youtube and here we have a perfect example of toxic masculinity.

K. Here's that last thing from JUST.

See picture. I unfortunately don't have the video/screenshots of her going to the hotel with the other people, so if someone wants to add it to this feel free.

I love how her whole story hinges on her having her chargers stolen (who steals chargers but not phones?) and both her phones dying – and her being somehow unable to use someone else's phone to contact her best friend or her boyfriend for 24 hours. And this from someone who's online 24/7.

I wish he'd include a loaded gun into his mouth and pull the trigger while he's at it.

pls no bully!

I just changed my twitter handler, you are not as smart as you think.
I received a lot of donations so I just wanted to thank you all ;)
find me on @MytiaZimmer


wow I can tell that it has been made with love ♥

Love him, honor him, cuckold him.

keep your cancer on your containment boards under/a/ge Holla Forumsirgins

Where do you think we are at the moment?
He doesn't even he is dead!

Holla Forums is a containment board

go back to your containment site


2 in the pink, 2 in the stink, 2 in the ???

In the nose ;)

Where's she from?

Truly, we are the real cucks.

who is this retard and why should i care?

god there is a different e celeb in this board every week.

Read the thread, retard.

No because what's going on is

The alt-right is now calling the cucks "cucks". It's like how Jews hate being named. They created this pornography, so we will identify white males who engage in this submission for what they are.

The Left is now trying to scream "cuck" back at the non-cucks to force us into cuck-submission and continue their BBC myths, and continue to weaken the white race. This is the hallmark intellectual battle of the generation: The Cuck Meme War.



Hang you head in shame.

go the fuck back to reddit and never come back

i'd rather jerk off to the sauce

man, can you even get more cucked than this


if that's not cucked than i don't know what is

I'm concerned for you user. Everyone is.

So do you have the sauce or not?

Nothing worse than a cuck who thinks "he" is still a man and that nothing wrong has happened.



He is hitting spots she didn't know existed.

Of course that wasn't her. It was originally posted as an illustrative example of how she spent her night.

I liked pic relate cucking drama more was proven real and had a lot more lulz and pic/vid material

The current one is boring no pics no vids probably twitch shill

Which one's that?


bare with bad englando tho eu fagg

so basically this couple want to try another guy.(my guess is she talked her bf into it) they where like early 20s girl was hot. so they ask around people tell them to go on some reddit board dont know exact name i think was lady boners gone wild or something basically its guys showing they dick or whatever. They find some guy near them with big dick that she like. Meet with him take his dick.All this time they posted on reddit with pics and stuff. Bf log in say he didnt like it etc. She tho cant get enough of this guy big dick they meet more bf mad delete acc. She made new acc continue to post pics vids start fucking this guy 1on1 when bf is at work. Out of nowhere stop posting Delete acc and a lot of the pics and almost all vids. Later on some guy post that he knew them and that they broke up and she was now dating the other guy LUL. also i think she end up marrying the guy LUL.

pic above is from video that was lost its her and the guy when bf is at work she posted vids pics with text "Guess who is going to only watch today" with bf on them and shit like that
when she deleted her shit that video was forever lost i only have this screen. the only video i have seen since then is a blowjob around 1min long i dont think other survived. same with pics many got deleted tho i have seen around 30-50 that still float around but only the late ones that she post of her and this guy bf pics got deleted

whole thing happen like 2 years ago lasted about 3 weeks had many threads about it on half chan i guess pics that survived are because of that also probably the reason she deleted it all
it was fun because of the bf getting cucked to hell but also was good porn because she had nice tits and body face was kinda meh

ops wrong

Yet another cautionary cuck tale.
If your gf suddenly mentions she wants to try another guy, have a threesome, try being an open relationship, then she probably already has a guy in mind and is going to fuck him either way.

So Barbara4u2c (part of the anti-sjw community and at the moment à VidCon2017) decided to go to Vegas with a nigger beforfe going to ShitCon.


Is she, dare i say it, /ourgal/?

She did nothing wrong yet!

Shit's long. What's the point of the video?

Oh wait nevermind.

this are more rare and late ones, when she start to meet the guy solo, she was posting them from different account…..

Wow she literally left someone just for a big dick.

Would you ditch your g/f just for some other girl with big boobs or something?

Holy shit she was with Mike Matei

i still dont get what some random whore and her cuck boyfriend have to do with Holla Forums

Woman are huge whores. The meme is that "men are dogs", but I think it holds more true to women. I don't think we should hold it against them or anything, but I've yet to meet one that was 100% faithful.

Everything that women say about men, is actually true about men.

*true about women

Well its not just that for sure. They sex life was probably shit if they are on the internet trying to spice it up. And sex is a big part of the relationship.
She probably just needed good hard fuck from someone new.. But they where young didnt think much about it and jump right into the deep. Bf was idiot tho. Picking guy at they age. Let them exchange info. Let them fuck solo. Young females get attached when have sex and the guy they found was on reddit posting pics of his dick so he was probably pretty desperate for gf too.
What did the bf expected to happen LUL.
If they went for some 40+ year old guy or some nigga with big dick pretty sure she wont leave him to date some old guy or a nigg,

Probably yes unless my gf is already a super slut :D


Not dying for your loved ones, being this cuck.

I think you're seriously overestimating women here.

is this cuckino?