The book was better
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Literature is the superior medium tbh
is that a girl
You made this thread days ago, did you really need to make a new one? I wish you freechfags would stop forcing memes and let them happen naturally.
don't assume gender
American Psycho is a rare instance where this is actually true.
You're right, misspelling things totally invalidates everything
pick only one
I agree the Hobbit films were much better than that shitty book
Little Drumpy feeling triggered?
Well, most source material is better than what it is adapted into something else like movies. There is very small cases where the movie is better than the book, and that is usually when the book was already terrible to begin with.
Consider growing up at some point.
Op here, prove it.
LMAO, all important books have been turned into movies already, reading is for stupid
The problem is that you people aren't funny.
lmao there's no need for that, just let the talmudvision tell you what to think, faggot
Well, I'll be damned. You're right.
That's just an excuse kikes and hack-writers like to use for being incompetent. It's got to be cut, and it's got to be altered, but that's not an excuse for completely bastardizing source material. Remember these people aren't particularly gifted or talented, and they probably got their job through nepotism.
brothers karamazov sucks
How is reading an inherently more intellectual medium? I've never heard an actual argument beyond, "Cuz you like, gotta use your brain to imagine stuff, man!"
Sounds like you've never read a good book.
reading is for autists
See? Not an argument.
It would be waste of effort to describe colors to a man who has never opened his eyes.
I've read plenty of books, primarily auto-biographies, but I don't read fiction because it's lame and gay, and I'd rather have a visual representation of what the author wants to present, not my own special snowflake head-canon. The book meme is so prevalent you'd think when put to question it's inherent superiority could readily be proven, but it never is because it's bullshit, and le 'intellectual' book readers never gave it any thought in the first place.
You seem to have problems.
The book is never better only completely different.
lotr and harry potter say hello
lmao faggot
I wish it wasn't
They very well could institute policies that focus on white european immigration. But instead they'd rather focus on a borwn demographic that is sure to vote (((democrat))) forever.
And the award of most Jewish post of the day goes to…
they need bigger attentions spans than special effects and sexual innuendo jokes you choke your mind with in your average hollywood flick
Say that to Stalker.
Objectivist philosophy isn't compatible with pro-Trump ideology. At least, not if you actually analyze Trump's campaign and don't just look at the fact he's a business man. Then again, I know some r/the_donaldcucks that read O'Reilly and other shit, but have no grasp on the political landscape and no articulation whatsoever. So much so they don't even realize that those cuckservative authors have no philosophical overlap with Objectivism. Mainly because they usually don't finish Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, or just fucking search for an explanation of Rand's philosophy.
Don't really care. It's leftist propaganda, anyway.
Both books and movies were shit.
Some of the shit in the books wasn't necessary for the plot and could be rightfully cut.
This is true. Cat In The Hat the Movie was horrible.
Goodkind literally is. The Sword of Truth is basically Ayn Rand: The Fantasy
whoa we got a super genius here, watch out ladies
jesus christ…
i wish it wasn't too, so i could jack off to my interracial cuck porn without feeling guilty
but they live is not about jews
it just very easly applies to them
If you're saying something along the lines of, "TV is shit because it's all kike-produced garbage. Go read a book instead". That makes sense, but there's nothing that stands out for why it would be considered an inherently superior, or more intellectual medium. I thought people who read books were supposed to be verbose, and yet they can't seem to articulate a proper explanation.
Just because someone is a heavy reader doesn't mean they are verbose or proficient at expressing themselves in writing. Just as it doesn't follow that because you watch a lot of film it means you could direct your way out of a wet paper bag or make an excellent collage.
can ya spare some cutter, me brothers?
It is by default based on who the actual ruling class is. Carpenter might have even legitimately had Jewish individuals in mind, but failed to notice the connection.
It cant possibly be talking about anything else. Like, at all.
Fascism is for whiny children.
>>>Holla Forums
It was always cool. Slightly less cool these days because of the lack of uniforms but due to the establishment being leftist kikes it balances out. The subversives have become the system.
? Nothing is more edgy neckbeard fedora than consuming media.
Books are a better medium by default.
Well, to be fair it often is.
ITT: triggered redditrumpfolumpfharumfedoreddipolers
They're different things, damn it.
When ever Holla Forums tries to pill other into their side, reveal themselves, or even argue their point, they never do so with information/fact, they just display a value or say something blatantly wrong about the jews. Why even bother if you're not going to try.
inb4 someone pretending to be stupid
It's shitposting holy fucking shit stop being so autistic.
It's like you faggots don't understand how Holla Forums works.
How do you know the reply isn't also shitposting you dumb drumpfetacheetopolumfedorito?
National socialism was cooler tbh.
When ever Holla Forums tried to pill other into their side, reveal themselves, or even argue their point, they never do so with information/act, they just display a value or say something blatantly wrong about the jews. Why even bother if you're not going to try.
inb4 someone pretending to be stupid
You show that silly frumpfaharumpfedrumpfipoler, EXPOSE THAT HARUMPF HYPOCRISY
but jerry messing was a clinton voter
The book was crap
That part where he reveals his name to be an anagram to voldemort is so stupid, anagrams are so lame.
Whats that?
its an anagram to the phrase I AM LORD VOLDEMORT though. hes a fucking ego maniac autist. I was surprised when I read it at first
Reading is faster
The author is able to direct your attention more specifically
Fiction is completely a matter of taste, though. It leads to toxically retarded LARPers if it is read too much, some people become LARP all the way down
That's a whole lot of buzzwords there harumpfedoralordittor
I got into argument about someone who said fascism was "trendy". I thought it was the complete opposite. But apparently it's considered "edgy" or "cringy". This all got brought about when I recommended Cybernazi to someone. I guess anything can be cringy or trendy from the point of view of the Other.
Guaranteed replies.