Fuck what they did to Star Wars

Fuck what they did to Star Wars.

Kathleen Kennedy looks like an old Brianna Wu.

If there's one positive about the upcoming Mudslime takeover it'll be watching women,faggots and other libshits get fucked over the hardest.

star wars was never good

The retards are the only ones left to enjoy Star Wars. Coincidence it's mostly young women who never was interested in Star Wars before.

Yup. It's astonishing how easily their minds are changed. These corporations know how to push their buttons and get them to think and feel however they want them to.

Nailed it. Knew a girl from high school who I never imagined would fall for this sort of shit but man did she ever. She became a total Harry Potter, GOT, Star Wars "nerd" and just bought into it hard. I recall her using the phrase "girl power" to describe how much she liked the 1st Disney Star Wars movie.

They've turned Star Wars into a Hunger Games-like movie. It will get even worse if they go full Legend of Whorra.

I really made me think

t. reddicuck

How would you fix Star Wars?

I know Disney damaged it beyond repair but I'm curious

Yuuzhan Vong "the emperor did nothing wrong"-tier movie
Make actual cool bad guys that aren't just inherited bad guys like vader in R1, but new actual bad guys
Make Jedis go back to being fighter monks that actually have spirituality in them
Make force users be lore; common man should think they're myth or tall tales of real people, not actual superhuman wizards
Make the force subtler, except in combat among force users (sparse, and most of the times force users don't engage pity mortals), lotr style magic that is "why didn't he just nuke mordor" tier



what is that



Turkish poster for A New Hope



yall mufkcers fuck wit dat frog god talkin bout 'ima summon him' and 'watch these numbers and shit' yall bitch asses gon get struck by lightning or some shit blasfemus assholes

That gif was hot, too.

it sure was đŸ˜˜


Rey in the slave bikini.


That's progress honey
ignint ass wouldn't understand… :'^)

Come on. It's 2017 already.

They did nothing to Star Wars, my film was always better. Ennemies of the Cross panned my films, see the picture.

What's the point of being black than?

The Big Black Butt.

Did Disney retcon the force into being a metaphor for god? Does that make the dark side a metaphor for the devil?

They're Hungarian posters

Emperor gets resurrected and proceeds to win victory after victory because there is no Jewish plot armor protecting the space Marxists. Either genocides or enslaves every ayy, nigger, spic, mudshit, kike and chink. Propels galaxy into a new golden age and dies peacefully in his bed with his dick buried in jailbait pussy.

Star Wars died in 2005 forget it

Sounds like fanfic trash. Why not just introduce a new character, maybe an old Imperial officer alive during the galactic civil war.

this sentence works better without "left"


you mean the prequels, right?

Reddit only likes ESB and TFA.

such strong women omg we should totally use them as soldiers in our military i mean come on guys it's the year 2015

Hermione gets btfo in almost every hp movie, hp is cool and yes it will get you laid