Have you "chipped in" today, Holla Forums?

Have you "chipped in" today, Holla Forums?

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This thread isn't about the discussion of technology but the discussion of politics.


Here you go:

const women = "stronk"let jew = 0function donate(cb) { jew += 3 cb()}donate(() => { console.log("$3 has been received") console.log("Thank you for empowering " + women + " womyn!")})

You're not discussing the technology of Firefox. Firefox is merely the excuse of outrage over the social politics of Mozilla.

your dumb


Mozilla is a corporation. Random "philantropy" is just part of their checklist. Firefox is not real open source software because it's made by such a corporation.
t. not a polnigger, actually hate Firefug and anything related to it for non-pol reasons

So people need special education to use the fucking internet now, huh
Im not sure if this says more about them or the "designers"/webdevs


Honestly 99% of the population are illiterate about computing.
This is discriminating against the rest of the worldwide population.

I won't say special eduction but people are especially normie like.

that is equally shit

Enjoy your shit web.
Imagine a world with no ads with the faster browser.

i kno, rite?
If you don't curl your webpages, you ain't livin.

oh shit nigga. too bad it still has hamburger menu

anything is better than firefux or chrome, you nignog

If that's true, you wouldn't have to tell me that.

Hey guys let's turn a company or project into something political. Because that helps to grow the community by splitting it up politically. Seems good to me

I don't have to imagine it I experience it already thanks to some addons.



Every time, kek.
Chrome != Chromium

yes but anything with hamburger menu is shit regardless of configuration. that said compared to most other browsers, hamburger crap is not much worse

what are you guys talking about ads? I have no plugins and I haven't seen an ad in years. I have 6000 web pages (mostly about geopolitics and biology) saved from this year alone and I don't remember seeing ads on any of them. You must be browsing the pirate bay with JS and popups enabled or something

or maybe there are some small ads in the corner or bottom of the page or something, but I don't see why I would add a bunch of bloat to my browser to remove that bloat. the end result would just be worse.

they're both shit


it looks like someone just took a dump

can you back that up, or it's just a personal autism?

That's an objective fact kiddo.

i chipped in by replacing firefox with palemoon

Whatever language that is disgusts me.

People still use firecucks instead of one of the many forks?

You should've stopped using it as soon as they fired Eich.

Mozilla gets $500M a year from product placement deals already. Where is all that money going? It sure as hell isn't going to closing the decade-long performance gap to every other browser.

Daily reminder that Eich was never fired.

It seems like you consider it autistic to not like sitting around watching animations all day as a program does gymnastics to please normies with 1 second attention spans
I'm sure it's theoretically possible for a program to have a hamburger menu and not be shit, but I've never seen such a thing.

well whatever, as long as less people are using it

ITT: People bitch about firefox, but there is no actual replacement that isn't shit, so they will continue to use it anyway.

also, fuck Firefox and all the diversity hires that ruined it.

Yes there is