Is there a way for me to unpedo without telling my friends and family I'm a pedophile?

Is there a way for me to unpedo without telling my friends and family I'm a pedophile?

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The girl you posted looks pubescent. Is this supposed to be a trick?

why the fuck would you voluntarily tell people this. It holds the same taboos as telling people you're a nazi. Retardeds in our culture have been conditioned to respond in a particular way to both.

Just try to find a legal girl that looks like she's 14. There are women who do, and the reason they do is because men are attracted to 14yos. This fact kills the normie.


Maybe he's got a daughter on the way and doesn't want to be tempted to harm her.

wrong reply


Is there a way for me to lose weight without jumping off of a tall building?

Cut a hole in a fatty part of your stomach about 1 inch in diameter. Then take a vacuum and insert it into the hole. Weigh yourself for results.

Just Holla Forums yourself.

In short, no. If you really are a pedophile or minor-attracted (the girl in the photo is likely pubescent), then nothing can "cure" you of it, since it's an inborn, unchosen, age-based orientation. Aversion therapy is just straight up torture, and it doesn't do jack except leave you emotionally destroyed and distrustful of psychology, so that's a no-go.

There's no way to change it, nor should you be looking for one. Pedophilia is, in my humble opinion, a hidden gift from almighty God. You are able to see and appreciate beauty in a place most cannot fathom. And being a non-exclusive pedophile, you have a larger pool of people to admire than your garden variety teleiophile could ever dream of. I liken it to being able to see the entirety of the human color spectrum in a color-blind society. Most people can't sit and soak up the vibrant color spectrum of the world quite like we can, with all the deep hues of blue and burgundy; the turquoise blue and the wine red, for instance. We, being lucky enough to enjoy both children and adults (to whatever extent), can more so treasure the grandeur of it all than some poor sap who can only make out dingy brown and pale yellow, you know? Don't change for anyone. Be proud and content with yourself.

Because if we leave it be nothing will ever improve. People are not all of a sudden going to grow a heart (and a brain) and begin to listen to our plight merely for the heck of it all: they need to be prodded and incentivized into it. That starts when we gradually begin "coming out" to those closest to us, improving their mental image of pedophilia by showing them that the poor schmuck with the mustache and the bad comb-over on the nightly news for kidnapping, brutalizing and dumping the cadaver of little Lindsay isn't at all representative of the wider non-offending pedophile community. He's a wild anomaly and needs to be treated as such, and coming out privately to those around us, those who care for our wellbeing, could very well pay off big time. Of course there's gonna be risk, but if no one is willing to risk disaster, then we shouldn't expect anything to improve whatsoever.

representative of the wider non-offending pedophile community.
So much this. People have a total misconception of what it means to be a pedo, what it means to be an abusaers, and that those two, are not the same thing and not always go together

To be fair, I'm one of those pedophiles that strenuously disagrees with the (to my mind) ludicrously wide definition of "child sex abuse". Personally, I don't like nor do I buy that all sex is considered harmful or abusive. I think that if things were different, and I mean really different, not just superficially, that we'd witness less serious mental pathology in association with childhood sex. It's a long strech, I know, but I think a solid case can be made for it.

pedos will be accepted in the US within 10 years, mark my words
t. not even pedo

am i stil b&?

This is bait.
Op used a pubescent child to try normalize the attraction to teens, it's alrwady somewhat normal but hebephiles and ephebophiles can still be considered pedophiles.

I sincerely doubt that; like no, really. I think it's plausible that should our current mild exposure continue like it has been, that we'd become more readily embraced and tolerated, but we're certainly not going to taste freedom within the foreseeable future.

No, hebephiles and ephebophiles are not pedophiles, though they are minor-attracted. In fact, the term "minor-attracted person" (or, more rarely, "minor-attracted adult" ) was coined to be a stand in for all sexual attraction to those under the age of consent (and therefore majority). We eventually got fed up and tired with dolts mishandling everything having to do with minors as "pedophilia", so we came up with this umbrella term.

What I was trying to say is that society along with their normie sheep thinks hebephiles and ephebophiles are pedophiles.

Gotcha. Understood.


Age of consent is not everywhere the same as the age of majority. In many US states it is 16 or 17, here in Germany it is even 14.

Ah, right, yes. It completely slipped my mind there for a sec.

Operant conditioning. Construct a device to give you a painful but not physically harmful electric shock and zap yourself whenever you see arousing kiddos, or cause immediate pain in a similar way. Immediate timing and consistency is of the essence. This will cause extinction of your conditioned place preference. Or masochism. Good luck. You should complement this by reinforcing conditioned place preference for adult women. You could try an amphetamine-like psychostimulant while marathon masturbating to adult healthy shit. Good luck if you're serious.


The reason so many people are anti-pedo or whatever in America is because along with being 1000% over sensative, a lot of them got diddled by someone, somewhere and later they got told that was something they should be ashamed of, regardless if it was out right rape or first love. There is no distinction or clarity in any faucet of modern thought so one cannot expect it here either.


ya get off of Holla Forums

Here in Shitnigger the age of consent is 14. You can do anything but take pictures with them. Even though I would do a 14 I would bring the age of consent up to 18 if I could. How can someone with a daughter have peace when a favelada with a car can fuck your daughter and you can't do shit?

Brazil is a pedo's Dreamland tbh.

nofap until you achieve enlightenment, and no longer need sexual stimulations to feel good. Bar yourself from material pleasures in this way and you will be on your way.

Or, become transhumanist, upload yourself and then you will no longer have sexual cravings

Let me guess: you like teenage girls, but since you're american you think you're pedo.

try ayahuasca, let us know if it works

I am a Semenist

LSD did the trick for me


She's at least 23.

To your question OP: KYS.

Who doesn't like young girls.

You Jews ever stop posting this shit? We know it's you.

People like you should be shot in the street.

Yes. tell everyone you have found Jesus. You can then peruse your pedophile objectives under the cloaked guise of religion.WINNING.


move to a island, yo



KYS faggot

Delete everything. Scrub HDD with free space wipers. Do not tell anyone ever, under any circumstances. Especially not the police. Then just move on with your life and quit being so fixated on sex.

Do not do this. Don't tell anyone ever unless you wish to be ostracized and possibly have legal troubles.

Random shithole ^^^^

This. Become a "youth group pastor" and you will literally be served up young, horny, impressionable girls on a silver platter, and they will look at you as if you were Jesus. Except that Jesus probably wouldn't expect blow jobs.

I'm a non-exclusive pedo who isn't a sociopath. I would never harm a child. And it doesn't matter if sex with a child is truly harmful or not. Society makes that impossible. But the majority of normalfags wish only death upon me. They see me as no different from a child molester, even though that couldn't be further from the truth.

or just buy a little girl sex slave from some human trafficker or kidnap a kid and avoid getting caught. Even if a woman looks 14, its not the same as being with an actual 14 yo, women's personalities are disgusting by the time they're 18..Also, 14 is a little older than most pedos i know like, 11 is a much more appealing age imo, but beggars can't be choosers i guess

That could help somewhat. It's extremely risky though and not an option for most.
