Was this a well done depiction of the process of jewish cultural subversion of the US?
Was this a well done depiction of the process of jewish cultural subversion of the US?
really makes you think
the kikes can have her.
She was pretty cute 20 years ago… but this cuteness does not shadow her totally corrupted mind and spirit.
Why didn't you save her?
I mean, come on, women age badly but not that badly, even with surgery. Jenna hasn't acted in anything since 2010, her voice has gotten noticeably deeper and you'd have to be blind not to see that thick 5 o' clock shadow all over the lower half of "her" face. This Jenna is a man. Most obvious case that has been prevalent for a while is Cher. The original Cherilyn Sarkisian probably died sometime in the 70s and may have been the reason they offed Sonny Bono. The current Miley Cyrus is probably a man as well as being a just-about confirmed replacement, and may be a blood relative of Justin Bieber given their facial similarities. Hell, JB himself might actually even be a woman.
If any of you want a good idea as to what an actual woman looks like in old age rather than a man in drag, look up one of the following:
You will notice the difference right away between them and these fake plastic men you've been taught to worship all these years.
this is your brain on nu/pol/
We're still doing the whole tranny thing, huh?
I was kind of hoping this meme was dead…
Celebrities being killed and replaced has been a meme since before Holla Forums existed you trigger twat.
In the imageboard area, an /x/ thing from many years ago too
howard always tried to convince his audience he was only "part jewish".
Well I guess the natives did but OH WELL gotta build those parking lots!
user quit playing games, thats not the same person is it????
Sure thing bud
Here's the thing about plastic surgery, son :
It's ABNORMAL. What you're doing is the equivalent of stretching an elastic band and pinning it down at both ends. It tries its damnest to resume its original shape and over time, with age and wear will eventually snap back. But because it was already stretched out, it will come back saggy and loose.
Same principle for plastic surgery. As human form grows, the flesh and cartilage and bone will grow along with it. However, if the flesh and skin has been stretched and cut and pinned down a certain way (so to speak), it cannot grow properly with bone and will eventually pull itself into funny shapes.
He's right though. He's whole part Jewish.
an attractive woman but not a single good porn scene ever
90s = worst porn