Is this cunny kino?

She's 19, so it's legal to masturbate to this.

Guess the cucks wont be into this.

Who's the best vegan gal?

that's the asmr chick, jesus christ. i would like to thank you for making me a little bit happier.

lol she has malnourished herself during puberty and now she looks like a fucking 12 yr old
She should be locked up in a mental institution.

Sounds good to me.

says the guy posting on a pedophile forum for nazis LOL


Are you a SWJ? Feminist perhaps? If, so, you do not belong here. Go back to Reddit, normie.


i like reddit


What the fuck is even going on in todays world? Who the fuck are all of you?

kill yourself.

Literally cancer for plebs just like youtube you plebbor

never change Holla Forums

Get on my level, plebeian scum. OPh, wait, you won't, because you are a whore.




No you still misunderstand

Film good
Tv bad
Youtube bad

Was that simple enough for you champ?


movies suck too, Holla Forums should be about radio.

movies only suck if you suck

the only thing sucked on me is my DICK by your MOM

I'm surprised how you guys say OP's video looks young or healthy. She looks like a 80 year old woman. Look at that face.