Pepe's creator, Matt Furie, 29/09/2016:
"I have no idea or control of the powers I've unleashed"
Wew, the memes don't stop
where are all the gaywads who were worshiping
him last night?
no one cares about this irrelevant faggot
top kek
Whichever user drew smug Pepe is da real MVP tho fam smh tbh fam.
Pepe was there before time itself and he'll be there after time ends.
He was merely a vessel of Kek.
(Praise him)
thank you for correcting the record
I'm sure if we throw Matt Furie into an Anagram generator and/or Gematria we'll come up with some interesting stuff.
I took tonnes of acid and turned into a giant national socialist. Now what, Matt?
Lol same. Took tons of mushrooms and realized niggers suck.
Fukken saved
It's like poetry.
You fags are posting in a GEG thread.
It's too late, Matt
It's too late Matt. The memes have become self-aware and the arrival of Kek is inevitable, prepare accordingly.
Same here.
I've taken mushrooms, LSD, DMT. I did not come to these conclusions
but, you're, like, totally full of anger, duuuuuuuuuuuude
i hate the idea that psychedelics turn you into some kind of all-loving hippie shit. psychedelics just give you an alternate perspective on your mind. what you do with that depends entirely on who you are.
"I have no idea or control of the powers I've unleashed"
TFY it is easily over 9000.
Probably more to do with your surroundings and cultural context. Everyone here already knows that psychedelics are powerful brainwashing tools (MKUltra), so when you take the stuff your surroundings are gonna heavily influence what you take out of it.
If the media is constantly equating psychedelic use with this liberal garbage then what most people will take out of their trips is exactly what they were programmed to take out of it. The 60s in a nutshell. You're not "awakened", your just another sheep parroting bullshit that "experienced trippers" told you because you can't actually make sense of your trip
Fuck hippies
Same. Psychedelics free you from conditioning.
Related, frogs are going extinct worldwide
It was always too late.
This loser again ? He is as relevant as Will and Grace
I tried to redpill a liberal childhood friend of mine while we were both on acid.
He was basically speechless the entire time and couldn't refute or extrapolate further on anything I was saying, merely agreed with me. Pic related is an accurate representation of what happened between us psychologically. Ultimately the pill was too hard to keep down in the post-trip context of a normie's inflated ego; the cognitive barriers were back. Despite this, many months later this same friend is now a right-wing SJW hating race realist. The knowledge had to be acquired on his own terms I suppose.
Anyway, just thought you guys might find it interesting.
Praise KEK!
seeing my OC makes me happy
It's like watching a new Ben Garrison being born.
We can't stop the memes, they have evolved beyond us.
We all are humans at our core but it doesn't change the fact that you get people following shit religions or cultures or media pushed ideas or etc and they can seriously fuck shit up and need to be stopped
Psychedelics are a fantastic tool and I think everyone should experience a trip
Similar, it didn't change my mind on anything external in the moment, but it planted the seeds for a new approach that led to the eventual conclusion. I realized that drug use was degenerate, because it had a literal degenerating effect. My face on acid was in decay, as I was losing image, and turning from person into organism. Order was hard-won in the world and structure would fade without tending. I saw that I had been moving into disorder over the previous year. I resolved to quit drugs, discipline my body, and discipline my mind. Also saw the social pushes and pulls occurring in every second of interpersonal interaction with greater magnification than ever before. Realized that nobody would care about me (or anyone) unless I (they) gave them reason to, and that anything done with little effort is likely worthless in effect. Also, it wiped away most emotions for a while afterwards, so I had an empty slate from which to lay new foundations.
This man is the prophet of Kek. He is the beginning of Kek's awakening.
Is it almost time to bring the winter-chan memes down from the attic?
Niggers and abos are not human.
Furie is a Hillary-supporting Commiefornian degenerate. He doesn't represent us in any way.
I was a lefty liberal until I started smoking weed for the first time. Shortly after I was full-blown NatSoc and promptly kicked the habit to the curb
how can we bring Matt Furie into the light? he can join the pantheon, like Ben Garrison
Top kek indeed.
If there is one common theme to be assigned to the psychedelic experience, it's that it increases the user's appreciation for nature. Just because the frog and the fly "are one" doesn't stop the frog from eating the fly, nor does it make the slaying of a deer by wolves any less brutal.
He may have created the template but the creativity that made Pepe into what he is today isn't his.
Pretty much this.
Matt furie strikes me as a an average normie limpdick with hipster sensibilities, I can understand how he'd be concerned with having his creation associated with far-right movements the likes of wich could bring about Dutertes in every country they gain traction in.
Someone neeeds to fix that pepe, his shorts should be down to his ankles.
The user who first turned Pepe into the feels good man reaction image has more claim to authorship than this Furie faggot
Which is still not jack shit. Non material authorship is a kike scam heavily limiting creative pursuits.
Furie is entirely irrelevant. Just as Pepe is understood as a spontaneous manifestation of Kek, through an "author's" hand, but not from him, rather from somewhere else, such is all art - if it's good and true. All the artist does is cutivate his ability to accurately know and channel his muse.
We made Pepe who he is today, not that Hillary voting faggot. Kek has already grown too strong for them to stop him.
I need sauce on that beautiful music user.
Alt-Right the Frog
Reminder that Matt Furie is into vore.
Breitbart did an article on this..
The comments on FB are great
Link fail
sauce those tunes
pls respond
We can't let them get away with this.
We must start spreading all the pictures they claim to be racist onto other popular memes.
fuck Furie that dumb faggot
"We're all one" yea right, like all snails are one or all eagles are one, so fucking retarded.
Berserk - 05 Murder.
-Susumu hirasawa
His music comes from the divine memetic divide.
Open your mind for the ALL.
The ALL is ONE.
We all are one.
Love is the highest power.
Love is oxytocing, oxytocin is love :^)
For sure. Psychs never pushed me down that road as I was already on it, but during my trips if my focus wandered to Holla Forums thoughts, my belief in them stayed the same.
What a faggot.
This picture makes me irrationally angry with how fucking terrible and gay the attempt to make Wojak look like he's speaking is, reminds me of that Murdoch Murdock faggot. Ruins an otherwise great meme.
Now that's just perfect, one of the most psychopathic fetishes.
I thought I could have a laugh at what the kikes are kvetching about, but instead I am filled with anger and I dare say hate.
Gas this naive fucking retard, I hope he goes bankrupt and kills himself
"Hate" is a code word for "disagrees with a communist faggot".
Basically "Dude weed LMAO"
But is also admitting that you need to be under brain-frying drugs to think that we are all the same.
This Furie guy is pure cancer
Well said.
Shill get out. psilocybin mushrooms are a natural plant teacher that red-pills many people on what they need to do to fix their shitty lives and unplug from the mainstream conditioning.
It's been proven to connect synapses that do not normally communicate with each other, thus expanding consciousness. Is this not the goal of the ubermensch?
Stop ignoring nature you retard take some shrooms
Doing maths connects synapses, as well.
No need to scarf down something that will "unplug" you from reality.
Or in other words, you thinking you're doing some high minded shit while any onlooker would think you're an insane, err, enlightened übermensch, person.
Once upon a time, Pepe was Holla Forums
Now, Pepe is Holla Forums
Guess I'll go shoot up some snake venom while I'm at it.
I never tried mushrooms. But I do see alot of people saying similar things
You wouldn't be trying to kill me fam?
Yeah, that's pretty bad blasphemy.
So when I kill myself, the world ends with me?
don't try to play God in both senses.
there's always a chance at redemption for all of us.
alleviate tension and seek balance.
direct your eye to His will.
this right here is the secret to red pilling people… it is also what makes it extremely difficult to do. You have to give them the information and allow them to think that they are not being fed information but finding it on their own.
thought it would be awesome if someone could redo this to be more Holla Forums like
it's a struggle.
we all have an ego.
that ego is at odds with others.
the trick to having a good relationship is through understanding.
tensions can be alleviated this way.
we're all in this together: at odds with our desires. just manage them and find balance.
don't clash too hard. alleviate tension.
Holla Forums
a smooth wavelength is indicative of a peaceful relationship.
otherwise is indicative of crisis.
avoid crisis for the sake of having a peaceful relationship. pour the purifying water of forgiveness on the fire and you will come to an understanding by His will.
my two cents.
This guy hardly "created" Pepe. He just drew the first one. In fact, Furie's rendition of Pepe is very different from the Pepes that you see on a daily basis. Thousands of anons have drawn various forms of Pepe. We created him as a community. Plus, I would say that the real creator of Pepe was the guy that drew the first smug one.
post your Pepes
Get your head examined
That's a rare Pepe
Our path is clear.
Best time I've had in months was playing Bloodborne on 3 hits of acid. Wrecked the Cleric Beast as an unleveled Deprived with only 4 blood vials. Haven't done better than that before or since, but can confirm there's nothing inherently in acid that makes you a libtard pacifist. Guess what? Right now my immune system is gassing millions of virii and bacteria. Nature is fascist, and human beings have a right to define peraonal and cultural boundaries and to defend those boundaries.
came to post this.
I've done lots of mushrooms and I ended up here.
Matt "Hey nogs it just a frog" Furie
The reason people hate some hippies is because they act like (((hippies))).
Most of them don't stay friends with me for long since they seem to think consequences for lying is a drag, man.
He's an Egon Goji type cuck. Thrust into a situation and just runs home to mamma.
he was merely a vessel Kek used to channel her powers to create her avatar
DUDE WEED actually grows brain cells. But you wouldn't hear about that in (((D.A.R.E.))) or from the (((police))) now, would you?
It's food, faggots.
I don t want to push things, but what if that dog creature is an avatar for Anubis? (Dog headed one right?) he may have been a usefull idiot for the elder gods
the four horsemen are an analogy to big human cycled events. just as there are winter and spring, there is pepe jesus and so fourth. there have been pepe jesus' all throughout history; they were just different things because it's a metaphor
Funny, a "Dude weed LMAO" calling someone else a shill, now that you corrected the record, fuck off back to the oven.
At this point, i would say that the only thing Furie's and Holla Forums's Pepes have in common is the name, for the rest they are two complete different entities.
Never too early, brother. Winterchan is growing more powerful this year, following the rise of Kek.
sounds like a red-pilled Inception
13 responses and not one clue to the original smug Pepe
Maybe it sprung, fully formed, from the void
Pretty sure it first appeared on /r9k/, when the whole "who /mischief/ here" thing started. I am pretty sure smug Pepe predates the mischief thing though. That is all that I can really remember about that time, it has been a while.
Maybe we should "enhance" the water supply with psilocybin?
Is it the junkie stare?
Furie admits a lot of his inspiration came from Jim Woodring, who's stuff goes much deeper…
>Frogs feature prominently in Woodring's comics, and their symbolism seems to change from story to story. Often they are spiritually-minded but rather pompous creatures, but they can sometimes be sinister and alien. At other times, they are "average joes", struggling to protect their homes or their families from predators. A giant cartoon painting of a frog leaning against a wall made up the cover of the first issue of Jim in 1986, and frogs framed the cover of Weathercraft in 2010.
Woodring even had statues commissioned.
He also has a very Moonman-esque character named "Whim".
would make Pepes with/10
Extremely pathetic and gas worthy
If I see a gril with a tattoo like that, I'm immediately asking her out
The thing that makes me truly kek is that while it is a toad, not a frog, the Bufo Alvarius (and others in the Bufo family, Bufo because of Bufotenin) produces 5 meo DMT and can be smoked for hardcore psychedelic effects and a lot of the pepe creator's art seems to be DMT/psilocybin inspired.
5 meo DMT isn't a blastoff experience either compared to regular DMT that is, it's mostly a dark experience and afterwards you feel enlightened on the natures of reality. Remind anyone of a certain ancient Egyptian deity?
Ever hear of microdosing? Microdosing the mass populace via water supply would be very interesting. Fluoride is used to dumb people down, if we anons gained control of the government we could secretly add 5 ho DMT to the water to really assist people
Can confirm
We are NOT the Alt-Cuck fucking McFUCK!!!
Why can't journalists do their fucking job?!
Also, i wonder how long it will take the MSM to discover all the fucking disgusting rares that /r9k/ made to keep Pepe away from the normies.
user, I heard u liek Pepes, So I…
kek, Cant wait to see skinheads adopt pepe tattoos
I think Pepe can bring back the Hakenkreuz.
Today I found this, thought it's probably of interest.
Read - Analyze - Discuss
kek has been a baaaaaad meme he need to be abused