Women in tech learning

I really have no idea what advice I am supposed to derive from this but apparently this is what women learn at Cisco in their internships about technology


Are women really this shallow and useless at tech?

Yes. In 20 years of working in tech I've met one decent female programmer, and that was back around 2000 before everything went marxist.

There are two kinds of women in tech, programmer/developer/engineer/ who happen to be female and there are diversity hires who are there just because they are female.

You know it almost sounds as if this Marxist narrative has brought down the industry to kindergarten as said, but how can anyone expect such individuals to be taken seriously if the average female programmer is a tard screaming happy thoughts, almost seems like shooting yourself in the foot

Like this user said I 15 years of working in tech I've met one decent female programmer/sysadmin and that was back in 2006.
She was a good mentor, to bad she died of toner poisoning.


That's what StackOverflow is for.

Sounds about par for the course with Cisco.

Toner is smaller than 10 micron.
If you don't have the good masks you die.
Basically she worked for a xerox subcontractor for 2 years.
But for some reason their gas/security masks, that were bought in china, didn't filter the less than 10miron particles.
It lead to pulmonary and blood problems and then some organs began to not properly work etc...
She died painfully because chinks can't into saying the truth.
I hope china nukes itself.

The 'women in tech' thing is a massive con, the only people who benefit from it are stacies.
Really quite a shame tbh, she was pretty talented, went from nothing to being pretty decent at Python and Linux in the one year she was there.

in my 10 years in software, i've only met 1 or 2 good programmers period.

fuck off normalfags

No. Tech was already shit before SJW (it was always shit). If you don't even know this you have no say in anything. Are any of you faggots even software or electrical engineers? Corporations were already SJW long before you started calling them SJW, but that's still not the point. Corporations want to cover their ass from all angles, one, which is SJW, the other is covering up their shit code and diluting their liabilities. It is why memes like "everything has bugs bud" are immediately referred to for the daily fuck up.

Yep, it's wood.

I can only suspect you have never actually contacted team building shit from all kinds of businesses because your basement doesn't receive any.

ha no, its all just PR. Under the hood of a corporation is still the same ruthless assholes as there always was, they just need to coat the company's image in the right paint and right now muh diversity and muh wimmen is that paint.

It'll blow over soon enough. Its just fun to watch those company's who believe their own bullshit start staggering around like drunks and fail. Hello Yahoo.

I've noticed that the female diversity hires don't actually do any programming. They just do QA stuff and reporting, from my experience. I mean, I know SOMEONE has to do those things. But isn't it usually the Jr. programmers it gets thrown off on? Or something whose official role is software QA instead of development. Seems like the diversity hire female is just wasting the position, which would be better served by someone who actually is a programmer.

i am pretty sure she wasn't going to make it evolutionary if she died from that...

I'm kinda lost here, user. Who are you talking about?


A girl I used to go to college with.

What are you talking about?

exactly. If a bunch of retards claim an advertisement offends them, "alright, we're just trying to make you buy our shit anyway, we'll change the ad to whatever you want". To me, anyone that bans you from a video game server for saying "nigg{a,er}" to anyone who thinks anti discrimination laws should exist or diversity quota whatever is SJW, it makes no difference whether they believe what they say.

This has been going on at least since the 70's in corporations. I don't know western history good enough to go beyond that. Of course at some point it may have been valid, but the 70's was literally 100 years after slavery if I'm not mistaken.

It won't. The reason this is happening is the money people (guess who) who the tech companies depend on for their ridiculously huge funding rounds want to destroy the west, and they're using their control of financing to push self-destructive propaganda into tech, movies, video games, etc..

Women in tech are good at pleasuring cocks but almost all women are good at that so it is a mute point

This is what women learn at Google in their internships about technology

She's like the girl version of the guy in that one screencap whose kikebook album always had the same expression.

Shitty op, but you can still learn something from it. The usage of the word "I" is an indicator of sex. I wonder why.

That's absolutely fucking nothing wrapped in buzzwords for 10.000$.

Wait, that's not the pic I wanted to post, this one is.


well whether that is true or not ther is two thing against that
< the money will eventually run out (there's no profit in it)
< the people aren't buying.

When you control 80-100% of every market people will buy anyway.

only small numbers of markets are near monopolies and of those they are either platforms or utilities.

Or like all other women an emotionless robot.
No, that's just a manner they found of getting their way around.

Printer toner is like asbestos. It won't hurt you if you whiff some from time to time, but if you work breathing it daily for years, it will accumulate and ruin your health.

Not when the (((bankers))) at the top of this scheme can literally print themselves as much as they want!

Well then they're bigots and antisemites. They need to lose their jobs and be bashed on their heads with more propaganda.
Worked like a charm until very recently.

I'd rather have the woman make the car. The car is ugly and that could be an excuse

Yes, but CISCO classes are pretty straightforward whether it's hardware or software to the point where you don't even need a textbook to get your CCENT/CCNA, so they fill them with bloat if you aren't taking them as a technical/trades courseload as part of your program you're in.


Modern cars are all ugly. This one actually looks a tad better than average.


It's an ad, retard

A hypothesis: the promotion of women in STEM comes from complaints by the tech industry that they're held to a standard in which they are required to hire 'minorities' (USA has the Griggs vs. Duke Power Co. supreme court case which says meritocratic hiring practices are racist or sexist if they result in different representation in employment than is present in the populace). These companies have to hire women or non-whites in order to keep the government off their back (H1B Indians serve a dual purpose: cheaper labor and brown-skin diversity hire).

Large corporations have to find something productive for these people to do, especially tech companies, when they're unable to perform the job they need to be done. Getting more women in STEM might mean, for them, finally having productive workers that aren't just there to be 'diversity hires'.

Instead of attacking the legislation of equal employment because of the accusations of 'racism' and 'sexism' that would be thrown onto them, they instead seek profit through trying to make the populace into its own ideal, given the legal circumstances/framework they are put under.