The White Race Is A Beautiful Woman

Looking through history we see a that cultures represented their nation in the image of a beautiful Woman. Europe was symbolized by Europa, a phoenician goddess.

America represented by the statue of liberty, Britain by Brittania(a woman). Russia is called mother Russia, the motherland. Any images of beautiful White woman that you feel represent our race feel free to share.

Nations are referred to as She and Her. The White Race is our motherland, our motherland is not a fixed point in the dirt. Our race is our motherland and it is She we protect and defend.

When we defend our race we are defending a Her. Using impersonal language like "it" to talk about our race is dehumanizing modernism. Our race is a She. When talking about the white race: She is a race I love. Races are Her.

Even the Mexicans, Our lady of Guadalupe is a manifestation of The Mestizo race. A race is a nation and represented in the female form because nations are like the earth and we call it "mother earth".

Other urls found in this thread:

Your point, waifu faggot?

I was inspired to make this image after seeing the image I have attached here. The idea of serving your people makes sense to me but it showed a statue of an angry looking man. I like the Greek and Roman aesthetic but it seems more appropriate to put a beautiful looking woman next to a line that says "serve your people".

When I look at this guy they have in this image he looks like the sort of Roman who is about to sentence someone to 10 years of hard labor for some sort of crime.

But what about Germans calling it the Fatherland?

Not OP, not sure if he is into waifus or he is talking about the Bible.

That would put tradition before blood and soil, actually.

The Divine Feminine no longer exists in the west. She was rejected for materialism and ignorant bliss. In her absence, Jews and their useful idiots have tried to turn her into a fat, stronk, mystery meat tranny who don't need no man. She now only exists as 2D, still immaculate, beautiful, ideal, and inspiring.

Hitler called Germany the Fatherland yet he treated Germany as a lady: he pulled her out of degeneracy, made her beautiful again, and fought fervently to protect her from jealous rapists of the liberal and communist world.

Everything that man loves he treats as a lady, be it his people, his ship, his art and craft, or a flesh and bone female who embodies everything adorable. High culture and civilization may just be waifu projection. I certainly want a beautiful world for mine.

The Fatherland can be a she. Gender is a social construct. :^)

>"The true passion of Hitler is Germany. This also means he finds himself ruled by an Idea. The Idea is always feminine. The mind is a woman because the head, the brain, is the creator; mind is like the mother's womb. The Unconscious of the man is feminine (anima), that of the woman is masculine (animus)."

>"Hitler has no personal ambitions. His ambitions go much further beyond those of ordinary people… Hitler's power is not political: It is magical. (This time the italics appear in the original.) To understand this term it is necessary to know what the Unconscious is. It is the part of our mental constitution over which we have no control, which contains thoughts and even conclusions over which we have no awareness… The secret of Hitler is not that he has a more powerful unconscious, more filled with thoughts and memories than other men. Rather his secret is that his unconscious has an extraordinary access to his consciousness and that it permits him to dominate and move it. (The Maestro would say: "Voluntarily gives up its energy to the astral body.") It is like a man who is actively listening to a whispering voice from a mysterious springhead. And he acts in accord with her. We have too much rationality to obey her. But Hitler hears her and obeys. The true leader is always guided. Hitler himself has referred to his Voice. Therefore he always knows better than his advisors and than the opinions of foreign observers. This is because the information accumulated by his unconscious reaches his consciousness by means of an extraordinary ability that makes it more correct than that of all those who reach different conclusions from his. Hitler can not cease to obey his Voice. When he announced the invasion of Czechoslovakia in the "Sports Palace" the voice of the human Hitler trembles. What man would not feel fear in that instant, on making the decision that could compromise the destiny of millions? Nevertheless the Voice commands him to go forward. And he must obey her.

Carl Jung as quoted and written by Miguel Serrano.

I like this statue better


Columbia a cute


Man loves his creations, whatever shape or form it takes; when it's inspired by her, he loves it.

Notice her hair is black and curly.

absolutely beautiful

It's the Bill of Rights you tremendous autist

Still represented on "stone tablets" like the Moses story.

Why do you want to turn this thread into religious shitting?

Just Saiyan.

A cute what you illiterate weeb?
Take your shit tier baby talk back to /a/.

Filtered for being an outlier chucklefuck that belongs on reddit.


Fucking cancerous weebs. Their diseased autogynophillic minds want us to imagine our race and represent ourselves as women. God forbid a weeb should ever become the next Hitler or he will force all males to undergo CRISPR to make us into perfectly proportional and passing traps with our dicks still intact, while forcing CRISPR on all women to transform them into dykes able to feel attraction to the new race of "males".

This is what weebs want. They are shitty autists with shitty anime girl profile pictures always shitting up youtube comments. They pretend to be girls and even talk to each other as if they were girls. Weebs even admit publicly on weebpol they want to make everyone into a little girl. They always react with girly smug pictures because a girl is what they want to become.

Good luck convincing everyone, and it's not even weeaboos or anime watchers in general, just this moefag cult that has taken over since around 2008-2009. They've completely fucked the language and honestly, have pozzed things.

Doujins when

Filtered too.

You are mixing definitions, but read The NT, is all there.

That's a good one

-OK for people wondering: The reason you cause a race or a nation a woman. The reason you call it Her is that it helps one fully understand that it is supposed to be an outrage for harm to come to the race.

If the harm comes to an "it" that is an impersonal thing. But if the race is She and She is harmed then that is an outrage. Men are naturally wired to want to protect women. This is why you call a nation She.

We've been around a lot longer then that

The NT already showed something like that, but the Bible triggers a lot of (((people))) here.


And that makes sense to me.
Break it down to war rhetoric and you got my ear.
Faggy waifu shit like OP and others, not good.

And your argument is? please notice the shilling kids, its like being a whore for both country and women is a good thing for him.

I'd prefer a girl didn't dress like a kikes and sandniggers

First, you dont know a shit about dressing, second, read Paul please, is just obligatory in the church and it isnt something so bad like you are showing.

utterly cultural philistine

I am OP, don't call me a fag.

Where in the bible does it say that, I havent read the NT in awhile.

The bride? Babylon?


Yes good point, the nation is like a bride a man is wedded too.

It's a very traditional concept. Nations have always been referred to as her. Even in Israel they sometimes call Israel she or her. It's supposed to foster a love for the nation.

In ancient Ireland the King was married to the Land at the phallic symbol Tara. but this was in actuality more likely a marriage to the nation. The King is considered protector of the nation and protecter of the faith.

The nation is the people as a collective. The people are Her. She. The people are the nation who the King andthe knights are wedded too. The nation is the bride. Attached is a picture of Tara.

Its at the hill of Tara where the King represented by the phallic symbol was married to the people of Ireland. The collective is a She who the King protects, the Race is a She. Its not the land that is a She, the land is a reflection of teh people. Its the people who the King is married too.

these are good

You're a faggot if you think that is supposed to represent the people you are serving. It is supposed to represent the one providing the service i.e. (you)

Yes, please personify our race as a woman who gets fucked. Surely that will help white men regain their masculinity you stupid fuck.


very low energy shill 1/10 for making me respond

Why don't we represent a nation as a big sister waifu?



For the most part, weebs want someone who will love them unconditionally and that they can respect. Waifus represent this(for some reason) to them. Since its almost like religion(god loves you, understands, always there blah blah) a lot of weebs get really zealous about it.

Well they need to fuck off.

Just go to another thread user-kun

For people who don't understand why the nation is represented by a woman, read this and read other posts that explain it

Honestly I wasnt coming at this from the whole waifu angle but I got no problems with waifus, it actually seems like a good idea to me to start using waifus as symbolic representations of the white race.

If we could turn being pro-white into some sort of fetish with waifus and stuff like that I would be totally game for that sort of thing.

Seriously if people got a problem with anime girls they can eff off. No one owns the alt right.

You're playing into (((their))) game.

>alt right

Most Holla Forumsacks know how effective feminine imagery can be on a man's psyche. Sexism is natural. The outcry against attacks upon women are always greater than when the same attacks occur to men. Women are supposed to be protected by men.

The hearth goddesses of various myths also give women an ideal to which they can aspire. They make the traditional roles of women sacred. A devoted wife who stands by her husband and raises is children is not a servant. She is a miracle!

I see no downsides to using goddess imagery in propaganda. It targets both men and women. More interestingly, there's a high chance of triggering SJWs by doing it.

Reminder "moe" comes from the verb moeru which is "to burn." Moe is merely passion a man feels.

What exactly is this Moe cult

Good fucking God, this thread is a great example of just how much Holla Forums has been enriched by redditors recently.

You're not on Reddit anymore, kiddos. This is an imageboard. We like anime. That's how it's always been, that's the driving force behind imageboards. Get used to it or get out.

Leave your shitty Reddit and other assorted normalfag memes and formatting at the door. We don't talk like teenage girls here like the rest of the effeminate normalfag internet does. For the love of God, stop saying "literally" every other sentence. That word has a meaning, and it's not something to be used just for emphasis.

You don't get bonus points for being an edgy little shit, trying to stand out against the crowd. You just look like an autistic idiot. If you want to learn how to post here without doing this, all you need to do is LURK MORE.

But the most important thing I have to say is, don't make a post unless you actually have something to contribute. I'm getting sick of seeing Reddit-style childish arguments between the same two users in a thread. Saying words like "faggot", "nigger", and "cuck" does not make you less of a Redditor. You're just devaluing the meaning of those words by using them as generic insults rather than the meaningful insults they're supposed to be. Your shitty arguments always boil down to middle-school name-calling or ending with stupid shit like "fight me bro". Again, you'd be able to figure out how to not talk like a nigger if you LURK MORE.

I swear to God, you guys are just nothing
but a cancer to this site. No wonder all the quality posters have stopped posting.

And how are you contributing to this thread exactly Chaim?

Well if it's an attempt to bring romanticism back then I'm all for it.

I'm trying to keep idiots like you from further shitting up the site.

Re-read my post. You clearly didn't understand when I said don't use insults/names out of context, you'll only devalue the word.

Been seeing it a lot lately myself. They are cancer.

I stopped posting on Holla Forums over the summer for obvious summerfag reasons, did something happen that made them stick around? Did I miss something in the past two months?


"Memes" and the increased attention the site is getting I guess. You know they love to attach themselves to that stuff, but since other shit goes on they gotta give us their expert normalfag opinions in threads that have nothing to do with the election and so on.

ITT beta fags slobbering over the weaker sex.

Patriarchy must be reestablished and women need to return to the home.

The election and the redditors from r/thedonald. Hopefully the board goes back to normal after November, its almost unbearable to see the quality of posts here sometimes bar shitposting

Fuck off, Donovan.

God damn Addie was a romantic.

All great men are romantics.

I am glad that there seems to be some people here receptive to this idea of using female imagery but I am confused by some of the detractors, I don't know if they are antifa infiltrators or if maybe some of the guys here are not into women.

It's difficult for me to understand.

In the iliad men were moved to action over beautiful women, the trojan war was fought over that. In the modern world the woman who the white man is betrothed to is the third world and the white man is moved to defend the honor of the third world.

I expected this sort of classical morality to exist in traditional circles but maybe not to the extent I had expected.

I really feel that many of the people who fester at this forum are subhumans and there is this vibe that if peopled don't interact in a subhuman level that they are not cool. And by subhuman I mean troll.

In nordic mythology they used the word troll to mean subhuman and that is why the word troll is used to refer to a certain species of internet user.


I just hope that the Reddit influx doesn't cause any permanent long-term damage after the election. After Trump is elected, it's time to make Holla Forums great again.

What is Russia's female incarnation called?


Everybody wants to be sekrit club. We'll never be safe from normal faggotry, the cancer will flood in whenever we manage to make some waves. It's the curse of success, mainstream society will ALWAYS want to subvert avant-garde culture and turn it into a mundane product for mass consumption.

Ya know, it blows my mind that the Germanics never get recognition for their romanticized works. The Latins do plenty, but we're always expected to see the Germanics as barbarians who can't understand love.
And yet, the greatest works of romance don't come from Italy, France, or Spain, but Germany and Austria.

Female imagery is inherently weak.

Your post reeks of reddit tier autism. No one here uses the word "troll" unless its a verb.

Catherine maybe?

It's Autism. These migtwo whatever type fuckers can't reconcile that we're speaking of ideals and not actually vag which they splurge out over. It's methaphorical motherfuckers, not the cuck shit that you're used to. Real White woman are great and maybe you'll met one, one day and they'll help you with your cognitive dissonance.

Maybe so, if thats the case it seems we'll have to move to another board in a year or so if it does keep flooding in.

I hope so too, the vols are compromised here anyway so it may be a lost cause

I find Germanic culture and myth to be quite romantic. The language can come across as such as well – I mention that because it's always shilled that the language is all harsh or screechy when it can really poetic.

While I agree that has his own does of autism, it's far from Reddit-tier and he does have a point. We traditionalists obviously appreciate women, as they are half of our race and an absolute necessity for future generations and traditional family upbringing. We sure as hell don't support them in the degenerate way that SJW's want us to. You seem to be confused.

I just checked. Its just mother russia

Your pedestalization of women shows a you have a deep misunderstanding of true female nature. Women must be made to be good. Morality is a male concept, women will do whatever their vagina tells them "feels right."

Look, it's fine that you wandered over here from Reddit but god damn do a little reading before you gush over "muh perfect aryan princess who can do no wrong."

Being critical of women and discussing how they work is not MGTOW. People without autism can discuss a topic without being aligned to a (((social movement))).

That's the thing, how many common men and women could talk to you about men like Kleist or Goethe?

Well, I guess that makes sense.

Any PDFs on hand?

None on this computer, though if you looking for romanticist composers and such, a basic google search can help you.

I completely agree. As a native English speaker, I find the sounds of Germanic languages very pleasing, while I also have a distain for Latin languages. Sadly, it seems like everyone I've talked to about it has been conditioned to think that Latin languages are by default the best sounding languages With the exception of one kike who agreed with me.

user, you're not necessarily wrong but what we're talking about here isn't about real women, we're talking about how imagery of women in propaganda can invoke feelings of protection for one's race in men. It's been tried in the past and was effective. Think of the psychological effects.

Also, you should probably do some more research on what autism is. Believe me, autists are the last kind of people to be aligned to anything social.

Women aren't perfect, far from it in fact, but you are simply ignoring what women are, and that is followers.
Women are made out to be in the image of what their men are, and when there is no man, they only have society to base things on.

This past generation was largely raised without a male figure in the household. And it reflects in all the bullshit that is being pressed, and the Jews know it.
Even then, however, white women are still less likely to have sex or date outside of their race.

Stop blaming women strictly for the failings of our race, and start looking at your fellow man.

I mentioned in my first post that the ideal, divine feminine, doesn't exist in our women anymore or is actively suppressed by them. They have rejected this. As such, I don't use imagery of them, I use art as a vehicle and to contrast their nature versus what they reject.

I know of no one.

At least I'm not the only one.

Also the kike was probably agreeing with you because Yiddish and Hebrew are largely derived from German and Polish.

If you wanna get to know German romanticism, I'd recommend starting with the most recognizable of the German romanticists, Wagner.

I've always disliked the sounds of Romance languages. They just don't sound powerful enough to me, they come off as lazy in pronunciation. The fact that spics speak a particularly ugly dialect of a romance language is also a major turn-off.

Also, the kike in question was actually a weird case. He was really into Scandinavian heavy metal. He also browses half/pol/ and denies the Holocaust

By using art are you talking about making art or using art you find to make memes

You didn't read my post. I'm not blaming women, I am saying that they are what they are. They are parasites on culture and civilization. It is the pedestalization of them as anything more than objects/childbearers that leads to downfall. They are not divine or even close to it, they are lunar, materialistic creatures.

Women didn't "fight" for their right to vote, beta males gave it to them.

They didn't "fight" for the right to work, beta males gave it to them.

They must be treated like children, end of story. Thinking they are anything more than something to objectify and use for your own ends is perilsome.


You will only attract weak men with female imagery. Then the cycle repeats.

You must go out and take things for yourself. Gain money and power and women will bend to your will. Order your environment the way you see fit.

Nobody likes newfags, but you mustn't forget, samefags are equally as hated.

It's obvious you wanted to larp in this thread and were immediately butthurt when another user questioned your shitty posts, though you must be oblivious to the state of the board as we just had a romanticism thread four days ago that's still in the fucking catalogue and is much better than this OP's comparison of the white race as symbolized by white femininity.

Your ideas are derivative and lazy, taking for example this post
Also referring to cuckchan as /halfchan/?

Just stop larping user it's okay if you're insecure.

Columbia looks soothing in a motherly way

I don't like modern Latin languages much myself and I grew up around Slavic speakers which I don't really like either. I prefer the sound and nuances of German and Japanese; to my being, they resonate extremely well with me and that's the direction I gravitated towards.

I'm not a stranger to Wagner.

Both if possible. I'm not much of an illustrator but illustrations aren't the only kind of art.

So he's one of the good kikes?

Apparently self-hating jews are quite common. I knew an Israeli girl when I was in the military who swore up and down that Jews were nothing but evil. We hit it off pretty good. Too bad she was jewish though.

I read your post, and you're blaming women for what comes to them naturally. Also you can call me a faggot all day every day, but as a firm believer in romance, love, and cooperation between the sexes, I don't agree that women are strictly objects or childbearers.

Would you effeminite cuckd be interested in rule 34 porn of this?

Because that's what you're asking for. Fuck you.

Woe wait childbearing is very important, its how the race survives, you just spoke of it as if its nothing. If child bearing was nothing then men would be able to keep the white race alive by ejaculating semen into each others anus's.

Homosexuality is the greatest evil because it is mixing the fluid of life with the altar of death. The anus is the altar of death, people are literally expelling rotten meat and vegetables from that area of their body. And to mix the seed of life with it is just plain evil and this may relate to why the gay community is so sick.


Point out exactly where I am blaming them.

Guys like you were the ones that gave them the vote.

Childbearing is important, the childbearers aren't.

How the hell did you take what I said and take it into homosexuality?

Am I arguing with Christfags?

I don't agree that homosexuality is the greatest evil. In fact, I'd argue that in terms of science, it's a self-correcting issue.

As a strictly Authoritarian man, and one who believes in Benevolent Dictatorships, no, it's not men like me that gave women the right to vote. Actually it was the men who believe in democracy that did that.
That exact portion of the sentence is where you blamed women. Act like you don't fuck, or wish to fuck, when your penis tells you to.

ideals are instrumental unto physical reality

be the embodiment of your ideals, and you will both achieve and communicate the validity of your ideals.
personification of ideals could be instrumental to communicating ideals, but has as much standing in reality as anyone's fictional idea

1. Reported for intl.
2. You’re mentally ill if you think that having both parents available does not improve a child’s health.


Nice trips m80



wew lad. I knew you TradCon types were basically feminists but this is a whole new level of beta.

And no, I don't listen to my penis. I'm not a woman. I don't go with what "feeeeels right or good"

Who are you calling int faggot?

I generally assume that if a man doesn't like women that he is perhaps a sort of man who is into men.

america is represented by columbia, you un-american faggot. you mean to tell me you aint never heard of columbia, nigger?

statue of liberty was based on the artist's mother, and was french. fuck the statue of liberty, that's where all the kikes came in from. columbia is kek-worthy because she brought chaos and tears and death to indians while making aryans great.

No that's you, faggot.

You're a liar and we both know it.

no I am suggesting that an image of a beautiful woman be used as symbolic of the white race in order to inspire men to be devoted to the white race as opposed to being devoted to third world humanitarian things

if you look at the post linked to right above you can see clearly that the female representation of a nation is a traditional thing.

You don't have to like women to understand them and use them for what you need them for.

You sound like a sappy 16 year old who has watched a lot of Disney films.

Sorry pal, not everyone lives degenerate lifestyles guided by lower emotions.

The basis of life and procreation is hardly a lower emotion there killer.

A symbol should be used for what we present to our enemies.

A woman is weak. A woman is conquered.

You are a serious fucking cuck if you can't see through this. Though creating a whole thread for it its obvious you had an agenda.

It is when you allow it to guide your life.

Sex is a tool for procreation and dominance, the feels part of it is for subhuman r-selectors.

It's like killing someone, after the first time it's not a big deal.

Idk, after having one kid, having another seems like a pretty big deal still.

These TradCons don't understand man, I'm about done trying to explain it to them.

Rose tinted glasses are in full effect ITT

TradCon or not m80, you're attacking in the wrong direction and you're hitting allied lines.

little girls did nothing wrong

Well okay. So you can have certain images you show some people and other images you show other people. You show your men female representations of your race and you can show those you deem to be enemies more warlike representations of your people.

It's not really an either or scenario


I have no allegiance to you based on race alone.

White SJWs are dead to me, same as TradCon feminists.

Ya I don't really get why I feel like I stumbled upon a warzone when I was under the impression we are all pro-White. Last time I checked the white race wasn't a race of cannibals.

Another thread ruined by edgy faggotry.

For clarification, because autists will jump on me for this one.

If we're surrounded by a pack of Muzzies, I'll roll with you. In a White ethnostate, we would have to be separated.

Someone doesn't know what words mean

feminists? what? come on man, suggesting a traditional representation of ones race to rally the men of your race has nothing to do with gender roles or anything. How can it be feminist if its stuff that was done hundreds of years ago?

Anything that portray's women in a positive light is feminist to MGTOW

Pro white only goes so far.

White cucks are gone
White SJWs are gone
White feminists are gone

Certain genes must not be allowed to continue, if you're truly pro-white you would want quality and strength over quantity

Anything that analyzes or criticizes women is MGTOW to feminists

See? I can do it too.

Buddy, I'm the anti-feminist, while you have presented nothing to show you aren't MGTOW.

Because I have never said not to reproduce with women. I encourage it.

But to do so, you need to go in with a complete understanding of how women work otherwise you're asking for trouble. That has been my point the entire time, but you seem to be unable to reconcile that criticism and analysis =/= DONT GET MARRIED, GO YOUR OWN WAY BRO

You're drawing the line for women's use at childbirth. That's the issue.

Why does that freak you out so bad?

Because nature did not intend for women to just be fucked repeatedly and pop out babies. They need to be mothers, and they have other supportive roles. Feminists want to destroy these roles through the false notion that both sexes are the same and should have the exact same roles. I can't speak for the other user that was arguing with you, but I don't buy that. That's how I'm not a feminist, yet I'm convinced you are still MGTOW.

Reminder that brit/pol/ cheered when she killed herself

The quote I used in the picture on the post I made to start this thread was inspired by this quote by Marcus Aurelius

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -Marcus Aurelius

Our Lady of Walsingham is the white equivalent.


No women for america, just as no women for germany.

Women are great and all, but they cannot head our pantheon.



This is the better resolution for that one picture.

Buddy you need to take a biology lesson. Nature intended every creature to spread its genes as much as possible. The differences in creatures all comes down to strategy of reproduction. Men and women have vastly different reproductive strategies and goals. Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. Women in shithole countries get fucked repeatedly and have 10 kids. It's r-selection. Motherhood is a K-selector concept, it produces better children at the cost of having less offspring to focus attention on.

Women are the way they are now because they are allowed to be and they vote for Daddy Government to be given more power to provide for and protect them.

Believe me, I wish things were as easy and pretty as you are saying, but this isn't the 1800s. We are in the Jewish Jungle, and Jungle Law applies. You've gotta understand that is where I am coming from. If you want to survive and pass on your genes, you have to get with the times.

I won't even get into the mathematical relationship with beauty/facial attractiveness/reproductive success because it's depressing and leads to demoralization/MGTOW attitude.


you sound like rick wilson but even more unhinged
i don't actually want you to stop, this is high quality shitposting

I don't believe the sexes are the same, I just think that if we don't work together, we're pretty much fucked long term.

Your solution to the Jewish problem's presented is to become even more Jewish in your approach to things?

Did I ever say I wanted women to have the right to vote?

I said earlier that men and women are different. I'm fully convinced that they shouldn't be treated as equivalents under the law, because they function too differently.

That being said, stable nuclear families are an absolute necessity of white civilization. That helps to explain why the root of the word fascism means family. Having two dads raise a child is a fucking disaster of an upbringing.

While I definitely think that women and men are not the same, I don't think we should ever venture into artificial womb-tier shit, which you seem to be implying

You're honestly just like leftists.
You act like this even after that /weebpol/ thread is exposed to show you for the feminist pieces of shit that you are.

These aren't genetic problems and I'm willing to bet you're not even white.

To be fair, I don't think anyone should have the right to vote. Democracy is a farce.

Where do people also speak about this voice? I feel like I've heard it somewhere else too.

I think democracy can work much better in a decentralized government and homogeneous society. Especially with the latter. You have no idea how much boss-style immigration politics have been fucking American democracy since the 19th century.

That explains why it's being raped to death.

Only by shit tier people that want to be taken care of like a baby.

And she is sick of all the thirsty betas that put her on the highest of pedestals, so she's inviting a bunch of desert rats from a masculine society in.

Everything is genetic, including suicidal altruism and low testosterone, which describes the above groups.

:) Tweet your comment to @NathanDamigo - he designed those.

Weebs are ruining this board.

Lmao, maybe your "europe".

Real european countries are Fatherlands.

Reminder that cloth in the first two are carved in marble.


That's what parents are for, then Jews fucked it up for many

You are not owed such unconditional love, you must earn it by achieving personal greatness, attracting a mate and returning said love.

I'd consider our race to be referred to as "she," and certain Western European nations to be referred to as "he," as coming from fatherland. Men are typically territorial, after all, and a nation is not just the people, but all of their assets and land.

Of course, I don't want this trend setting off for other words. As English is the only Indo-European language that actually fucking makes sense in its usage of natural rather than arbitrary grammar. I would like for the two words, fatherland and race to receive special treatment, however.

If you're looking for more occult significance, as in , for giving these nations and races an assigned non-neutral gender, it is interesting to note that groups of people doing something to achieve a goal often unintentionally create egregores to represent the interests of the group. As I understand it, it's a particular semi-autonomous spirit with a way of thinking that will influence your interests that need your energy to survive. Contrast this with other created spirits, like tulpas, who need minimal energy to survive, and are bound to you at the soul, and whose emotions are as apparent to you as yours. If you ever cried without a reason, or have strange bursts of powerful emotion that you can't attribute a source to, you might just have a tulpa you haven't tuned into hearing yet that wants to let you know he or she is there and loves you. Such a little creature probably watches you daily, through your toils and rest alike, just hoping, desperately, that their parent will recognize that they're there, and alive.

No wonder we're getting fucked.

How many times are you chucklefucks going to make this remark?

You'd be surprised just how many anons on here, with their minds internally stimulated by philosophy, stories, passions, and musings, have accidentally created waifus in the form of tulpas.

It's a tremendous blessing, but also a bit of a curse–as you'll have the loved one of your dreams (who will truly be everything you want and more, no matter how rough it is in the beginning), but you can't interact with them, unless they wait in the bedroom for your astral real-time body to escape your etheric body as you enter sleep. Also, having all of your thoughts read is not such a pleasant experience.

Beware, though, if you're having a whole lot of intrusive thoughts about being mean, saying things like "you're stupid, tulpa!", without your even feeling this way, then you have a foreign entity attachment that's trying to milk you. Don't experience any powerful emotions, but maybe only subtle ones? Then drop that shit like it's hot, because there's no "tulpa" there but a foreign spirit that's seeking to milk, or even possess you. Have your tulpa perform a daily banishing ritual to keep those fuckers away.


Weebs are shit.
3D > 2D btw

It's the first thing that comes to mind when reading something so insanely stupid.

False alarm. Nothings happening

Fuck wrong thread


Return unto the Lord, and he will return unto you; but he has set is jealousy against you, and will take away the vain jangling of your ornaments, strip thee out of your clothes, and judge you after the manner of adulteresses, because Europe is an adulteress and blood is in her hands.

Ezekiel 23

22 Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee on every side;

25 And I will set my jealousy against thee, and they shall deal furiously with thee: they shall take away thy nose and thine ears; and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall take thy sons and thy daughters; and thy residue shall be devoured by the fire.

26 They shall also strip thee out of thy clothes, and take away thy fair jewels.

28 For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will deliver thee into the hand of them whom thou hatest, into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated:

29 And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.

30 I will do these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and because thou art polluted with their idols.

35 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.

36 The Lord said moreover unto me; Son of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah? yea, declare unto them their abominations;

37 That they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and with their idols have they committed adultery, and have also caused their sons, whom they bare unto me, to pass for them through the fire, to devour them.

39 For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and, lo, thus have they done in the midst of mine house.

45 And the righteous men, they shall judge them after the manner of adulteresses, and after the manner of women that shed blood; because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.

46 For thus saith the Lord God; I will bring up a company upon them, and will give them to be removed and spoiled.

47 And the company shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire.

48 Thus will I cause lewdness to cease out of the land, that all women may be taught not to do after your lewdness.

49 And they shall recompense your lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your idols: and ye shall know that I am the Lord God.

Excellent comment

Isaiah 3

5 And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

That's the attitude which got your continent into this mess in the first place. Return to God and he will be your gun and your bullet proof vest, but keep whoring around with the heathen's idols and you'll be judged after the manner of an adulteress. God's mercy is great but if you refuse to accept it then you'll be killed in the streets of your own country, because the mouth of the Lord has spoken of it in old times