>population in western countries needs to be thinned
are you serious? milions of niggers and spics would be culled before white kids. HOW IS THIS A MOVIE?
The Thining
Do you know how many nigger kids would be killed before this were a thing. HOLY FUCKING SHIT YIDS…you're so out of touch.
OP this film doesn't even look indie film tier it looks like amateur hour
What are the criteria?
modern movies.
I can't wait until Hollyjew collapses.
I think this is a youtube red movie like a fucking netflix movie but worse somehow
no kidding
whatever yids produced and wrote it should exile themselves for being such abject failures.
Is that Acid Bane?
Yeah because its amateurs surrounded by professionals. This is the fault of stupid millenials and their vine star bullshit. Fuck i hate "entertainment"
Don't fret on this piece of shit it's has nobody in it relevant anyways its not even on the map
I accept their end.
This is the special needs version of that twilight zone episode
I love this idea, no more Niggers and Muslims
Yea I know right, they are literalling memeing this into reality. I don't understand the jews's mentality.
80% of niggers would die during the first extermination process. Maybe that's why there aren't many nigs in the cast.
Their killing off all the dumb ones. There is nothing wrong with eugenics.
If eugenics came into effect the majority of users ofnthis board would be sterilized or euthanized for being autistic fuckwits.
*on this
HAHAHAHA back to your subreddit!
fucking golden opportunity, wasted
Also the only people who have to worry are brainlet normalfags.
Movie might as well be called Asia. Whites are just absolutely inferior in test taking. Since I'm an 6"2' Asian/Serbian mix I consider myself as the true master race
You're not totally wrong. Western education is built toward feels over reals, so a lot of us end up doing shit on standardized tests. Asian education, from what I've been told by fresh-outta-the-rice-field Asian friends is that their education system is built toward doing well on tests and constant study.
On top of all that, test scores don't mean shit in the west. If you fuck up your ACT or SAT and had a 1.5 gpa in high school, you'll still get into some state school. And considering the west's view on school, that unis exist only for parties and degeneracy and what little education happens is no different than any other school, it also doesn't really matter what uni you go to either. We have the fucking easy life in the west, and a lot of retards are allowed to reproduce because of it, bringing down our overall population intelligence. This is one respect in-which I think the rice-farmers have it right.
bitch hit the wall.
She also loves the BIG ASIAN COCK
Hair's covering up 'her' cock…
I wanna watch a big, fat asian cock penetrate her tight pussy.
Speak for yourself Unites States of Retardistan
Didn't they know that we have problems with the population? They are literally promoting the eugenics to reduce the burden on the society. Jewish people is one of the many burdens so if this meme become a reality in the future then the jews are likely to be killed along with the failures. facepalm
How does it feel knowing you're country is going to die before the U.S.?
Just because it's in a movie doesn't mean it's being promoted. Those are two very different things.
This film is anti-eugenics, because it's supposed to make the audience relate to and empathize with the protagonists and their fear, and thus associates those negative emotions with the idea of eugenics.
Sterilize everyone on the planet, make in vitro default for reproduction.
Any issues of population will be solved within three generations tops.
like.. you?
i'm underage
God, you are so racist and ignorant it's pathetic. Not all black people and hispanics are unintelligent you know. There are tons of blacks and hispanics at Yale and Harvard. Probably smarter than you, little Drumpfkin. Are you so jealous of a black man being smarter and having a better life than you? You need to stop seeing things in terms of race and more in terms of LOVE.
More fucking young-adult fiction tier bullshit. Ugggh and this one is by youtube. I think I'm gunna be sick.
Damn man, I don't believe most of the crazy zeonist nwo bullshit but even I think that's a terrible idea.
Every country without the facilities for in vitro will be depopulated, i.e. Africa, good parts of India, rural China, great parts of South America, etc.
We'd be down to 1 billion in no time. Much more resource efficient that way.
Testing is wrong, the current model is wrong. Education as it has and is being practiced is insufficient for the needs of the human race.
Once I become the US President, I'm going to do everything in my power to implement a system that:
Further changes:
And on a wider level:
Our children will become the strongest, the cleverest, and the most well educated adults on the entire planet. Further, a regimen of this nature, which only rewards voting power and authority to those with the highest degree of capability, and postpones the voting ability of university students until an older age, is the most foolproof method of removing the social degeneracy brought around by liberalism while still maintaining a culture focused strongly on scientific advancement.
even you
good luck
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
he's right though, there are lots of based blacks around ya know
Even if we take your pants-on-head retarded position at face value: so what?
Hundreds of thousands of nogs would be killed before any noticeable number of whites were killed or even cared.
Aryan superman right here
I honestly like the idea of it. What the fuck do you fags find so bad about it?
You still have to feed slaves though and you have to worry about potential slave revolts which could lead to the deaths of actually useful members of society. It'd be best to just get rid of them, removes the risk and drain on resources.
That might be true for countries like Japan and Korea, but you need to remember that cheating is rampant in the shittier Asian countries like China, because everyone is so corrupt. You should take some of those education statistics with a grain of salt.
huuuh OP, do you see many niggers in the trailer?
i watched it and only saw 1 nigger woman. every single teenage in that place is white, like it should be, i mean that probably wasn't the first "thinning", hence the reason why there aren't any niggers around, they all died in the very first thinning
Dumb kike propaganda that ignores that from the perspective of eugenics, sterilization is equally as effective as execution, and therefore no further "cruelty" is necessary beyond that point.
Not to mention the fact that you could just start off with subsidizing the birth control and abortions of low IQ women, and ending subsidies to high IQ women to go to college (and delay marriage/reproduction), and offer women with 130+ IQ a $20,000 grant for every child they had (IQ is correlated with income/productivity/etc., having more smart people around pays for itself in the long run).
If there was a desperate concern about resources, the easiest solution would be to reduce the number of kids everyone is having, and limit reproduction to the most intelligent/least likely to pass on congenital illnesses, not start killing children who don't score above a certain amount on Raven's progressive matrices; although, that would be preferable to civilizational suicide, which is what we're doing right now by giving dumb negresses thousands of dollars of extra money for having even more kids they can't afford, at the expense of productive people who don't want to send their kids to "diverse" (read: full of dumb nonwhites) schools..
Trumptards BTFO
How's that IQ working for you lad? Do you have major success in life?
IQ means shit, social interactions an physical appearance are much more important, most jobs are based on popularity nowadays and everyone loves those gargantuan negroes!
not an argument. still not watching the movie, you queers.
Jewish nonsense + young adult fiction
What movie?
My hair is thinning
The Thinning, the one in the OP, you fucking tard.
Nut up and shave it off.
Who the fuck comes here to talk about movies?
And you call me a tard, jeez.
Wait a minute. Isn't this the guy that got into trouble with his music video calling out former girlfriend. It came to light that he mistreated her and fucked with other girls right in front of her and she couldn't do anything because of a contract.
alpha as fuck