The Plague of Nationalism
Go back to reddit and stay there, you cuck. This is leftist ==Politically Incorrect==. We dont follow your bullshit liberal social degeneracy
bad goy!
Hows your wife's son doing? I hope Jamal visits every once in a while
go back to Holla Forums
If you're really a poltard no woman wants to fuck you so you're actually the real cucks more likely.
go back to reddit
Only if you fuck off back to tumblr
Let me guess, you're fat, autistic, and a lesbian since no man wants to fuck you
no real man wants to fuck a feminist
I'm in the 130 pound range. Most of it is muscle. Not autistic.
Surely a lesbian because I'd rather fuck a cactus than give fat people like you the time of goddamn day
Can you be a non- or even anti-racist nationalist? Like you have a respect for all the special snowflake cultures/ethnicities/languages and want them to survive in a more globalized world, but understanding the need for solidarity and cooperation between different groups?
picture and timestap or bullshit
Fuck off dyke, I've fucked more bitches than you ever will
Lfo fuck you no
Yes most white nationalists are.
No you haven't.
I've had sex a lot! I swear! Beeelieeeeve meeeee
that's because you're lying fatso
Nations don't deserve to exist, but they do deserve to die
i dont think so fam
i also don't necessarily think anti-racism should be about "respecting cultures" because that kind of thing is ultimately rooted in nationalism, it should be about stopping seeing people as an "other", which is what the guest lad in the video talked about to some extent
Or it's because this is Holla Forums and I don't really give a shit about you.
lol no. We actually care about masculinity unlike today's numale
I fucked my girlfriend literally an hour ago. You probably let your dog eat you out
Stay mad, betamale
in other words you're 300 pounds LARPing as 120 pounds
kek, trannies don't count
this is what the dude actually looks like
Nope. Most of you are fat or just as skinny and gangly
Your girlfriend doesn't exist. If you actually had a girlfriend, you wouldn't be posting an hour after you made love.
It's bullshit, don't lie to my face.
You probably would justify having sex with animals if Holla Forums told you it was acceptable.
No in other words I don't post myself on Holla Forums because I don't appreciate the people who post here. Like you for instance. I don't appreciate you.
This is the state of Holla Forums arguments on both sides of the fence…. =(
I don't care about your opinion faggot. Tit pictures or fuck off.
Nod really.
We all know you're a pudgy basement dweller RPing as a dudebro.
Not a degenerate, sorry. I know cucks like you enjoy homosexual butt ramming
kill yourself
She does and she works as a model lol
I'm not fucking off. I'd rather see all your tits, since you're all overweight probably.
It's true. I hate myself inside and will probably get AIDs soon enough.
Oh right. The ones that aren't are fucking meth heads in prison in the Aryan Brotherhood.
I forgot about them. So you're either a fat or skinny gangly faggot who's edgy and talks tough or someone beefed and methed out of their mind with an IQ of 90.
Why would you want to see that?
but he is fat and you said WNs aren't
Projecting much?
Have fun, you degenerate faggot. Homos are just guys too unattractive to get a girl tbh
Still no proofs. My girlfriends friends literally hit on me all the time
Jealous that I'm fucking a beautiful woman while you jack off to hentai because youre too fat for anyone to like?
Amusement. Or I'm into feedplay. You never know
Fuck you cunt, my wife does porn and models. I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.
Its 12 in the afternoon and two people on an obscure Internet image board are arguing about who has more sex
Holy shit, somehow you're even worse than rebel. You respond to every piece of retarded bait on this board. Please stop
please consider necking yourself
No. I'd fight you IRL, fag.
Internet Tough Guy bullshit aside, I'd love to meet some Holla Forums degenerates IRL.
Yeah, it's obvious you're an RPing neckbeard. This post confirmed our suspicions. Lurk here more, eat fewer processed foods, work out, take the real redpill.
To test my abilities.
Not an argument
Ebin trolling and excellent copypasta material.
She's a wizard.
I'd probably kill you with one punch if we met irl
How does it feel to know I'm fucking a woman whose hotter than anyone you betacucks will meet in a lifetime
I'm so offended ;_;
fampai why are you calling women hot when it's a term that originated in jazz?
You're probably a cool lass and all, but could you please restrain yourself from responding to all the bait?
It really does shit up the board when you feed trolls like this.
Only because you asked so nicely.
I really can't tell if you're trolling or are really this much of a delusional waste of space.
Great job fam, really convinced me that nationalism is bad and that everything I know about human biology is a lie.
And you call me delusional
Okay, thanks. I'm not saying you're shitting up the board, it's jus that trolls multiply REALLY fast when fed.
Okay, I'll stop sperging out okthnxbai
No civilizations last forever, and cultures cannot remain static. With the age of the information, all cultures can be preserved, and their customs live on.
As for trying to replicate the past, it's impossible. You believe a faux ideal of what it was, and therefore it will always be different than what it was; the conditions at which it existed are changed.
You can't stop cultures from changing, it's central to their being. The cultures you liked did not start from nowhere, nor did they last forever. Nor will this.
He looks like a fat muslim
Except white civilization is what brought the rest of the world any kind of modernity. Why would you want to destroy the only race capable of socialism by diluting it with niggers and arabs?
Oh god.
It's the "White student's union" guy, isn't it.
He looks like he collects 40k space marines and unironically think they're supposed to be the good guys.
There are no "good" guys in w40k, fam.
I doesn't matter. All changes, all is in flux, as was "white culture" at the time. It disregarded tradition to create a new set in the enlightenment.
Also characterizing all cultures that are European and Russian as the same is such bullshit, I can't believe even someone like you would try that.
Because they've shown in the past they're just as capable. The West reaps what it sows by supporting nationalists so hard in Africa and the Mideast, the former to halt the spread of industry destroying collectivism, and the latter because fighting the soviet union was more important than actually worrying about the consequences of supporting Saddam, or the Mujahadeen, etc.
hey guys what is the best octane for a molotov? Do you prefer ethanol or ethanol-free?
The only time any potential industry was halted in black Africa was when Rhodesia fell
And what of the Germanics who were no better than south Africans in the time of Greece, had no written language, lived in filth, perhaps even cannibalized, while the Mediterranean was blossoming?
Culture changes.
Still, the Cold War necessitated people like Sankara fell.
I'm glad you frequent this board as it means your arguments can be made a continual example of.
"White culture" disregarded previous "white culture"
That wasn't a particularly stellar example, however, the point is trying to halt the change of ideal and tradition is an impossible task, because it's already changed at the attempt you try to preserve it.
You can't preserve that which thrives on change, exists on change.
You still don't get it. Basic White culture hasn't changed much since the time of the Romans.
More analogies. Sad!
You're an idiot
She's right though. Humanity finds its birthplace in Africa, and all of homo sapiens ancestors have been dark. Moreover, the Irish weren't considered white for a time. All is Flux and so on.
This is what Holla Forums actually believes.
Bull fucking shit. The Romans were largely bastardized Greeks. If you want to justify how culture "hasn't changed" in so many centuries you've made the worst example.
If we really want to get to brass tacks, Rome is bastardized Greco which in turn is borrowed Fertile Crescent, and modified Egyptian.
racism is a lot like nationalism.
Some people take pride in being born in a place, for no good reason. Similarly, some people take pride in being labeled "white" though this seems to be a label that is always changing. These labels cause conflict and are used by those in power to make proles wage physical or political battles against each other.
It's pretty sad desu, why can't they just see past their spooks?
You're a fucking retard that doesn't understand the biological influence on culture. Even as our countries change we still retain the basic European culture. Honor, creativity, an urge to discover, ect.
You aren't even community college Art history 101 educated jesus
So what's your pedigree then?
[citation needed]
So these things don't exist outside Europe and all Europeans possess them?
if european culture is biologically determined to be that way then how can you reconcile that with the belief that we're selling out our culture or becoming feminised?
14% Dinaric
88% Alpine
It's Jewish meme magic, of course. The white power race was never undone by Jews in the past because of our white power strength. The Jew has taken away our white power magic through his uhh….Jewish…Marxist…uhhh…SHUT UP CUCK REEEE
LOL this is your brain on pol
Greek Classical is pretty much a hybrid of injected individuality into is previous orientalizing period. Rome did its best to copy Grece, which itself, Rome orientalized. I honestly can't tell if you're baiting but """""""White Culture""""""""" has been basically every other culture, adopting and changing adoptive tradition.
There isn't a singular white culture to begin with and making the claim as such shows a complete and total disregard and ill knowledge of history or how civilization works.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
Maybe white culture is a thing. As in, white people tend to be indoctrinated from birth to be racist fucks and think they are superior for no good reason. If that's not culture, what is?
Just entered this thread. I know right off the bat that a bunch of people are going to say race is a spook because that retard with the deformed head said so, and that we're all mixed.
but all the arguments in that picture rely on spooks
Weak! Here's your (you)
""""White culture"""" is inherently mixed on far older culture. It's already over before it began.
If you actually went to school and understand why my argument is bullshit, you're brainwashed by jews.
You're totally right, DNA is a spook, and mixed race kids die young because they are sabotaged by the bourgeois
You're argument is based on outdated, and dis-proven philosophies with no scientific backing.
It's actually the opposite. I'd love to see evidence that universally all "mixed race kids" die young, as there would be plenty of citable sources. And not easily crafted internet hyperbole.
I'd also love to have a cited source on "culture being genetic." Multiple actually
How so? Which part? The fact that Greeks and Romans both had orientalizing periods, and that despite those two cultures still being different, ha negative opinions of more Northern Europeans, who for the longest time could not write?
Which part? If culture is genetic as you say, why did the gauls exist as they did while more south easternly peoples were flourishing due to connection with more easternly cultures?
yeah this is totally based in good faith and not spooks
do you have an problems?
White's advantage was never some superior bloodline, it was just Europa itself.
Read Diamond.
No bully
You appear to be on the wrong board.
Jesus Christ Holla Forums get a hold of yourselves. This shit is unhealthy.
Wow, those antifa in America were actually pretty damn organized. Kudos to them!
You're doing that by yourselves already tbh senpai. no immigrants necessary.
pretty shit rethoric
Those antifa are fine but they're completely consumed by idpol
The far-right rising is worrying, not the EU falling apart.
Yeah that guy was pretty clueless.
I'm torn.
On the one hand I believe racism and oppression are bad, but on the other I understand the butthurt of Europeans and other westerners who feel demograhic change is an existential threat.
In other words; Racists and anti-racists are fucked.
But that is my dream so my wife's son can life in a world free from white people.
Visitor from Holla Forums here to watch who steals your get and I have a question.
Why do you faggots want Britain to stay in the EU? By getting out they are making the first step into killing the international bankers dream of one world central bank.
praise kek
It would be fine if that were the reason British people wanted to leave for, but most are just dumb fucks who blame Polish and Pakistanis for no jobs instead of porky, so EU Exit schemes from now on are going to rally neo-Nazi scum rather than any revolutionaries.
Enjoy, faggots
ip goes on like normal. We love each oth>Fuck you cunt, my wife does porn and models. I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
#pls be b8
so i posted your little rant on Holla Forums
2 things happend
1) i got banned
2) i got some rants my way, this what your
Holla Forumsfag friends think of you
You're gross. There's nothing exhilarating about that. You're just a weak, perverted, backwards, severely retarded individual. There's nothing human about what you're claiming to be into.
it's pasta newfriends