Its board exploration time lads
Remember to report back your findings to Holla Forums Expedition Co. HQ AKA this thread
Board exploring
Other urls found in this thread:
meep meep lol look at that dipshit in the background hes holding the sword by the blade hes gonna cut himself and the wound will get infected and hes gonna die cause theyre in the 16th century or osmething and there are no antibiotics tbh no homo
some retard didn't know what "Nationalism" meant
meep meep hes prolly alpha as fuck n doesnt care hes cutting himself tbh am straight
reddit christianity
Some failed free-speech oriented board from way back in 2014 when Holla Forums was still new
There is a post with the board administrations contact info. Twitter account @8chanuser has long since been wiped from history. The board moderator "@MrScott1337" has long since deleted his Twitter account, googling this brings up an old Twitter post from 2014 where someone is replying to him, but the account no longer exists twitter.com
Spooky as fuck
Seems to be some personal board against SJWs or something from back in 2015?
A non-active swedish board, feels kind of sad somehow.
Like an empty version of Holla Forums in swedish.
I get sad way too easily.
There is a kind of sadness you feel when finding dead boards. Like you know the board owners who created these boards probably had great prospects and shit and now its all just dead and abandoned. Its a very melancholy feel.
A dead masked picture board. I remember when we used to have threads for this on Holla Forums.
Someone made a board documenting the Tony the Tiger twitter shitposting and only gave it one post kek
I remember the gmask shit. But I never bothered learning what the fuck it was or how to unmask the pictures
A very interesting one, a board dedicated to maps from 2015, looks like had some activity but died from non-activity, A promimising board, would have made a great comunity if only it had a few more members.
You describe it perfectly.
A board dedicated to Disney
This one is particularly sad because it looks like the BO put actual effort into the CSS and shit. But it looks like it hasn't gotten a single post in 11 months. Was founded early in 2016 and was under new management by late 2016
I guess you could wonder why the fuck the board died, but it looks as though only a small amount of people were ever posting on it to begin with. Still pretty sad
"Political Lounge"
A "Casual Text board" or basically somebodies attempt at some comfy underground text-community type thing. Has a nice custom CSS
Founded in 2016 and went absolutely nowhere
A board made for pedos only 4 months ago, has a few posts but doesnt look like any effort was put into it.
Cause of death:
Fun fact about that one: one of the pedos used the encryption key I dropped when I resigned from my mod position to give me a mod account on that board. You can see my test post with the name zlush, which was the name of the mod account. I don't have it anymore. Dunno what the point of the board was because whoever made it never said anything
I wouldn't consider a board only 4 months old as "dead" I have seen plenty of boards that are still technically alive and only have a couple posts every 4 months, shit like personal dump boards. I think the point of no return for a given board is at least 6 months. Depends on how many posts the boards have overall
shitty baphomet rip off
cool board idea, no posts tho
schizophrenic larpers
eponymous topic, dead board
shouting out the homies
An amateur porn board, was made in 2015 but is still a little active
Still Alive
looks like theres some carding info on here. check it out while you can. screenshot is one of the threads translated into english.
Do not expect a board about alcoholic drinks
Or even religion apparently, as the board tagline indicates
i always figured you were a pedo
because a pedo gave me a mod account on their board?
All I could find on Aline Figueiredo was her instigram and facebook but I don't get why she was so special and why so many virgins wanted to "raid" her
This one is a little weird, its a board about a "Bubblegum" Fetish, its…. something.
Made in 2017 and still active.
Still Active
A Holla Forums text-only clone
This one post someone made really hit me hard though
where do you see gamergate in 4 years?
This post was made 3 fucking years ago
Fucking haunting how time flies, I will keep note of this board and reply a year from now
What it says on the tin. Last post was over a year ago.
A board about peoples regrets.
Made in 2014, no activity since 2015
Dead board
One of the many hundreds of now-dead "campaign" boards created during the peak of GamerGate in 2015
A board about exploring the internet, Basicly like this post but on an internet wide scale.
Made in 2015.
Would have been interesting to see it alive.
The creator put effort into the CSS so its kind of sad to see his work go to waste.
Dead board
Holla Forums's official board for the Gopher protocol!
A single post from two and a half years ago.
A completely dead board EXCEPT for the wild Mewchnigger that posted on it 6 days ago for some weird ass fucking reason
Did the mewch faggots sent bots to post random boards or something?
Yes. Mewch are desperate faggots.
A board dedicated to dickbutt
Anyone else remember dickbutt? The meme itself died like 5 years ago
Don't tell that to reddit
Zero posts.
According to this board jeter has AIDS
The zero post boards aren't very interesting too me. I guarantee you the vast majority of boards people made on this website have 0 posts. Its easy to just shit out a board in 3 seconds with the idea of maybe using it to dump shit and then losing interest immediately after. The most interesting boards are the ones that were once alive I think
Shooting games. Had some activity, but dead
Because we didn't have enough leftycancer boards with just Holla Forums. Nice CSS though
Here's an interesting one The Church of Buddhism
Looks like the had a Steam Group
What's even more interesting was that Holla Forums used to be linked on the groups Steam Page, but since then its been replaced with {Link Removed} probably because Steam mods started cracking down on Holla Forums links in 2016
Regardless, the board and Steam Group have both been dead since 2016. the board itself seems to have fallen to spam
The leftards are complete fucking faggots that were so desperate to subvert this place they made several leftist-oriented clone boards, including a leftist version of Holla Forums but I forget the name
A handful of posts from a couple of years ago, hardly any of them are funny.
Kill La Kill board. The posts are so fucking old the GIFs auto play.
You've unearthed a relic with that find
I can't even believe people still remembered and card about AFV. Bob Saget and Tom Bergerons humor were always cringey as fuck and the show itself lost its novelty after video streaming websites like Jewtube started becoming a thing back in 2005
Free of the Jew, only one post.
I don't know what people were expecting
Some fag.
Have you guys noticed if you try to go to the catalog of these dead boards it 404s? Just figured out you can fix it by posting
Normally I wouldn't give a fuck about this board and just hit random again because it looks like just another one-time board someone sporadically made and forgot about
But look at this trippy as fuck picture as its only post
Mostly /ebola/ related shit and incoherent OPs
One post from a year ago
Another ancient board with autoplay gifs.
They tried to build power armor then succumbed to the brownpill
Some foreign imageboard outpost for another website maybe?
It has a nice looking custom CSS, so its one of those really sad cases where the BO put effort into his shit and the board just died
Last post was in late 2016
Mushroom growing board. It was somewhat active at one time
lel I think I remember their BO shilling that board on Holla Forums here
Last post was in 2015. Damn I've been here too long
No idea what the fuck this is. Was once surprisingly popular.
A board about classified information leaks. Has some genuinely fucking interesting shit in there, but its been dead since 2015 and it looks like the BO was a lolbertarian
It's literally just one embedded WEBM file.
Oh, and snooping around more, it also looks like their BO was actually a Jew, figures
It was a file board
Speaking of which, I believe we used to have a global file upload board on here, it was either
A board dedicated to the ashleymadison leaks
Did anything significant ever come from the Ashley Madison leaks?
I honestly don't remember. I think there were some big names in there, but I couldn't tell you who at this point.
quaint little dead board about Corgi dogs
Seems brand new and active. No idea what it its, but if I were to guess I'd say Serb/pol/?
Dead singapore board
Wait, wasn't this that one board that used to have the really batshit crazy CSS that made it almost unreadable? Can't believe its fucking dead now damn
The one that would flip text upside down and sideways constantly? I don't remember it being Tzone.
One of those broken boards that points to /a/. I tried posting on it to fix it, but it just shitposted to /a/.
A board that died by 2015 about some game based on random wiki crawling and dice roll
Do you remember the name of it?
Long lost to the sands of time my dude. I wish I remember what it was called, that board was fun.
That shit happened to dozens of boards as a result of the April Fools day hack. Supposedly Codemonkey fixed a lot of the sites database since then but my guess is that one board is sitting on a small server rack in some forgotten dusty corner of Jims pig farm that they never updated
First exodus board, from September of 2014.
A board about starting a new crusade, board owner made it in June of 2016 as a result of some board drama with /christian/, and then killed the board later in the same month after it became resolved kek
Real piece of Holla Forums history right there my dude
Chaos Magick. Another board with posts old enough to have autoplay gifs
raid board that possibly predated /baph/?
I guess this is another example of a severely broken board? Or am I being trolled? :^) It isn't a CSS trick, it's just a blank page.
Or maybe it was a CSS trick nvm
There were tons of small attempts at raiding boards before Baph came into being. None before nor since have been nearly as successful.
More Holla Forums astroturfing.
Maybe we can take older boards and use them to use as examples to learn from. I think what makes a board successful is a good leader who is able to make shit happen. That's why baph was so successful while other raid boards failed. We need a leader to focus our evergy
The whitest cyberpunk board on Holla Forums
Why did those retards make so many lefty clones of popular boards? I thought the point of astroturfing was so you could blend in and not stand out by making yourself clash with the local community. My guess is they sent bots to just claim as many leftist themed boards before anyone else or something
I don't even know where to begin with this one.
This is the only logical explanation I can think of, everything else would just have been a complete waste of energy.
Exactly this, which is why Baph nearly ceased operation the second the BO got swiss cheesed by the feds.
I believe that was an ill-fated project to create a video game based on Holla Forumss "Deep Sea" Threads. Holla Forums used to have these threads talking about the ocean and shit for many many years probably as far back as at least 2009 and it was defended because "muh culture!" and shit but mods eventually cracked down on them because they started devolving into general shitposting threads and that's why 4AM was for
As far as I can tell deep sea threads were never really a thing on Holla Forums
Some offshoot of Holla Forums? They seem fairly active.
A board dedicated to shitposting about the Facepunch forums, which became sort-of a Neogaf-lite at its peak
I wonder what eventually made him stop.
Isn't that literally just Holla Forumss Weekend Gamenight planning board? Retard of course its still active, Holla Forums literally has a Gamenight sticky right now
>>>Holla Forums14151128
The botmod. I remember the Holla Forums BO saying you can request to have your board added to the botmod to stop brown pill spammer.
I rarely go on Holla Forums anymore. This gamenight stuff seems interesting though.
Holla Forumss been hosting weekend gamenights for the past year or so now. I never participate myself but people post webms sometimes of game nights and they seem pretty comfy
There was that board and also another board that did the same exact fucking shit but had a darker theme IIRC
I literally have no fucking idea what Google Forms are, but the BO made a pretty damn comprehensive sticky considering the board only got 1 post back in 2016. Another rather sad case of a BO who had an idea and put effort for nobody to give a fuck
Board used to be active with blackmail/rape videos but bo went crazy and fucked it
I almost miss him.
He was like the hazing ritual for all new boards.
Any board that doesn;t suffer at least one of his posts isn't a real Holla Forums board as far as I'm concerned.
RIP Sir Reginald.
There was a couple of immitators like the Moot of Dead Boards but nobody else had the same level of dedication and autism as brownpill fag
The board subject itself is just a shitty meme so that's not the interesting part, the interesting part is the first post you see, which is from 2016, is some guy trying to ddos some random hotels website
This board is ancient as fuck and died back in 2015
The BOs only sticky is referring to some furry porn raid on the board long ago that's since been forgotten
Its a shame the retarded BO had no fucking clue "goy" means non-Jew specifically, not Jew
No shit man, the last time I saw him was like three months ago on some shitty meme board.
He probably still posts on new boards, but if what says is true then most new boards probably have him preemptively filtered.
A shame really, brownpill faggot is one of very few unique maymays this site has.
A board old enough to have posts with autoplay GIFs. The most active dead board I've found
An archive for true news
for any newfags, back when /n/ was still new and before /newsplus/ became a thing, some autist wast making a bunch of news-related boards for specific types of news stories and using /n/ as his journalist front
Kind of feels rather quaint now
Someone wanted to make an imageboard software in Haskell. He made a single post on his board 1 year ago and literally nothing has come from it since!
Reminds me of how I used to think this site was going places
A response to the >>>/kind/ board. It's dead, but apparently >>>/kind/ is still alive
Glad to hear /kind/ is still somewhat active.
Every other board is already mean as shit, it's okay to have something dedicated to kindness.
Haha I remember this shit. Way back in 2014 some autist was getting triggered by Holla Forums posters on Holla Forums so he made this board and began shilling the fuck out of it on Holla Forums which just pissed people off
Needless to say it hasn't been active since 2014. There was a single post from last year but that guy was probably just crawling the random button like we are right now
M-me too
A board about ants. Dead
Board about Psychedelics and general mind alteration
Dead since 2016
We have failed Hotwheels.
That board has a nice looking CSS, shame
The overboard came much too late, and it still isn't as good as the one infinity next had as far as I can tell. Too bad really. For how much of a failure infinity next ended up being, it had some pretty good ideas for finding small boards
I'm surprised to find that /ebola/ isn't 100% dead yet.
The good old days, the days that I'll never forget. I cant believe I'm feeling these feels right now.
It's been sitting on the verge of midnight for years now. Being constantly perpetuated by the likes of Holla Forums and /monster/.
It was going places.
It just had the unfortunate circumstance of being a hotbed of activity during an election year.
Before faggots started actively advertising this site on reddit in mid 2016 it was probably one of the best imageboards on the internet.
white lives matter
last post was in 2015
I remember practically EVERYONE wanted some kind of method for finding more obscure communities but Hotwheels couldn't do it on his own and this was before CM took over
Real fucking shame Josh fucked us all over and gave us such a broken piece of shit. This whole website is a gigantic cautionary tale. What could've been the rebirth of imageboards turned out a dud. With just Holla Forums and 4chan and a million smaller boards underneath its clear imageboards in general are dying
You just described Reddit.
People like you are part of the problem. Its why HWs was so reluctant to add shit like an overboard. Reddit is a content aggregator where retards get their opinions validated. Giving an imageboard the ability to discover more community isn't making it Reddit. There isn't shit like vote arrows and you don't need an account
Fairly new board. Board owner put in some decent effort to make stickies. Looks like it could use some traffic.
Except reddit incorporates and promotes upvotes/downvotes, user accounts and identities, shadowbans, and doxxing of wrongthinkers.
Predecessor board to >>>/trek/ and eventually >>>/strek/ which is currently active
This one has a custom CSS
You know a board is dead when the first non-sticky thread is reginald
>>>/dankness/ Dead board with shitty memes
kek, the catalog almost entirely consists of MSPaint images the BO made himself
Wow this board is still going.
Last post was literally 3 days ago about someone bitching the last winner never came back and essentially killed the board
But someone had to sticky that post, which tells me the last winner is still around and is just being a dick or waiting for the right moment to continue the game
Dead with one post as of 2015
What was the board dedicated to stealing other boards gets? I don't think it was >>>/get/
Some decent lewd-related material, stilll ded tho
I think it might've actually have been /get/ but the board has been nuked several times AFAIK. Regardless, the BO of /get/ was also the old BO of /sp/ so after the whole board drama with /sp/ forcing them to move on to Bonzai chan (which has since also died) /get/ was good as ded
shit nevermind I remember now
It's >>>/getball/
Absolutely disgusting, but lots of autoplay gifs in here >>>/bellies/179
Also looks like Getball has been in limbo since early 2017
I'm stealing that
/secretrule/ was a fun as fuck board for a while there tho
That was a /sp/ offshoot.
It's not surprising that it pretty much died when autism wheels """accidentally""" deleted 8/sp/
Fucking hell. Is there not one of these boards that isn't loaded with Holla Forumss dogma?
It seems like 99 percent of all boards on this website can be categorized as follows
1.) Empty boards people made on an impulse and never did anything with. Occasionally you will come across Brownpill man here. Probably the vast majority of boards on this site
2.) Personal boards/boards about specific people, usually dead, probably the category with the second most boards here
3.) Offshoots/clones of bigger boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums, mostly just Holla Forums though
4.) Fap boards/lewd dumps
5.) General information dumps
6.) Specific communities, sometimes you find outpost boards of completely different imageboard websites or boards representing orphaned communities. active examples are /4chon/ and /cow/
Oh, and also forgot 2 more important categories
7.) meme/shitposting boards
8.) boards that cover one very fucking specific subject that were doomed to fail from the start
Man, why do you even care?
It's pretty much a given that the first posts on any board are going to be filled with Holla Forums and Holla Forums shitposting.
It's almost like the largest boards on the site have an influence on the smaller boards.
Not sure what this board was ever about
But the BO made a REALLY FUCKING MASSIVE wall of text about what he's doing with his life now hoping someone reads it. It has no replies, this was back in 2015
Really depressing man. I just had to screencap his post
For all your elf needs
A sort of torrentchan, interesting.
I remember this board back when people started spamming the fuck out of Holla Forums. Seems to be dead since 2014
That board still looks active though
A board about grammar nazis
Another one of those really depressing instances where the BO made a group page on some other website and a comprehensive BO for his community he wanted to build and nothing ever came of it
Supposed to be about cryptocurrencies.
Has one posts about some gifs.
Some retard made a board about his local city
I actually had to look up where the fuck Grand Haven is, its a small town in Michigan. I honestly don't know what he was thinking when the population of the city as a while is a little over 10 thousand.
Yet another failed Holla Forums operation board
I remember going on Holla Forums in early 2015 and seeing a bunch of really good threads. I took it for granted.
Does anyone remember that guy who posted here after robbing a bank? He posted pictures of the money and I remember we saw his picture on a security camera. I think he said he got away on a bike.
Board dedicated to medicine
Yet another depressing as fuck case where the BO put a lot of effort into his shit and even made a custom CSS but it just never went anywhere
It's okay user I was just kidding.
From what I can tell this was a board made after some users split off from some larger community that ran on a traditional forum over some drama. the BO by the sound of it had high hopes this would take off and wanted people to shill his new board
Some people posted on it, wasn't really alive, still like these little bits of internet history
Didn't someone steal the bike?
I think maybe.
Shame the text board is fucking dead
dat CSS
Found it
All these dead boards…
Remember /fatpeoplehate/ and how Holla Forums niggers drove them away with their retarded spam?
I still wonder to this day if Holla Forums was really being a bunch of faggots or if they did the right thing after all
guess we'll never really know
Now that I think about it, wasn't an user actually writing to this guy relatively recently?
Soon Holla Forums and eventually this whole site will join them
Seeing all these dead boards reminded me to clean out my bookmarks
Bookmarks from 2014 are mostly tranny porn.
But wwhy?
he means activity-wise
Regardless, Holla Forums has made too big a mark to die now. I don't think Holla Forums will ever become more active, nor will we ever reach our peak traffic again. We're stuck in stagnated-limbo
Pretty soon the entire Earth will be like one big dead board.
so will the entire universe, but that doesn't mean that none of this matters, if anything it matters even more because we know this moment wont last forever
I still remember next fondly.
When it launched for the first time
You mean when it DDOS'd itself literally minutes after it went live?
gg josh
Claimed the get
that feeling of wonder and amazement only lasted 1 minute
bateman will always claim the best gets
now check em
my power is growing
The get must be claimed in the name of lewd lolis
what is that a crop of?
How stupid do you need to be to post on a board about doing this shit
The lewder the better
digits have spoken
3dpd is disgusting
Why is trying for gets such a fucking adrenaline rush?
I don't even care if I don't get digits anymore because I've gotten quite a bit of full 10 divisibles on here it helps to have a digits watcher
Goddamn that pic makes me want to fap everytime i see it.
I would have posted it from my roll folder after i bust a nut
Anyone else lurk dead forums? reading long forgotten conversation's between people you'll never know.
It's fun reading old news posts from different sites. I don't know why stuff like that makes me kinda sad.
Anyone remember this?
Probably because it's gone, you could have a conversation back then but now it always turns into a shitshow regardless of topic.
no, but nice symmetrical digits
I don't really have a "home" on the internet anymore I guess. Imageboards suck now. I used to feel some sore of belonging on places like Holla Forums and 4chan. I feel like internet culture has homogenized to the point where niche places I used to like aren't much different from reddit.
I love doing that, than spamming the place to oblivion. Its a a random kind of feel.
Think this board died 2 minutes after i thought neat should occasionally lurk, back in 2015.
I agree with you, the only reason I'm still on imageboards is because this is as close as I'm gonna get to how it used to be.
my home is Holla Forums and /k/