What's a good film to watch with your daughter?

What's a good film to watch with your daughter?

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You don't have a daughter and as a Holla Forums user no one will allow you near their children. Just ask for pedo shit to jack it to instead of this pathetic shit.

Dark Knight Rises
The cuckold

The greatest story never told


Leon The Professional


Nice fantasy, too bad that nobody really talks about holocaust excluding maybe 1 to 2 hours of history lesson in high school


the holocaust is never explained enough you fucking antisemite

Flames of War

Shut the fuck up, all throughout my classes from 4th grade to 10th, all we had to learn about in English was the holocaust, women's sufferage, or slavery. usually we had a theme for each semester in English and it was always tolerance or acceptance so we had to read Things Fall Apart, Anne Frank, and some other novel about a oppressed factory girl

Lmaoing at your country and its education program

Back to >>>Holla Forums.

great movie


Hell no, i aint coming to that shithole

You're the stormweenie here, cumskin.

אם אתה רוצה לנשק את פי הטבעת שלי אתה צריך לעבור מבחן על השואה

What happened to Mara?

who gives a shit?

Disappeared from the internet
But still lives in the hearts of anons


"A bunch of butthurt, lying kikes are still crying about how the goyim stood up to them 70 years later"

There's your explanation.

No wonder since america is a country without any culture or worthwhile literature

Yes such bravery

She's still around…if you can find her.

No shit sherlock. Burgerland is a couple centuries old. It takes a lot longer than that to build a real national identity and a canon of worthwhile literature, art, and music.

Frozen & Chill?

Glad that you agree that america is basically a non country with no culture

I'm not a huge fan of the place but shitting on them for that is silly. Not that I have any real expectations of them ever creating much of artistic worth but still.

Never happened, kike. How many sand nigger children have you slaughtered this morning by the way?

So wait
Did gentiles took up arms and stand up to jews 70 years ago or did holocaust never happened?

They stood up to the Jewish elites that were destroying their country, but they certainty didn't have an overly elaborate system of putting a bunch of innocent kikes who din du nuffin on a roller coaster to get personally gassed by Mengele in fake shower rooms, where they were then later turned into soap, lamp shades, and used for kindling.

Then where did all the jews go?

Beauty and the Beast 2017

tbh I wish we discussed the holocaust more in school

anne frank was my first waifu

In my country nobody even fucking knows who anne frank was
I first get to know her from inageboards
True story

Israel and America

I'd say maybe 600,000 jews tops died in the holocaust 95% of them via illness and starvation in the last year of the war.

New York and California If I had to guess. For people who have supposedly been in danger of disappearing for almost a century it's like they're omnipresent. Seriously though, that's like asking, "where did all the Europeans go". A lot of people died and relocated during WWII, retard.

Explain this

oy vey what fuckin anti-semite country are you from?

You mean people fled a warzone as soon as they could at the outbreak of a war and decreased the overall population?
What the fuck, who does that?

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the child catcher will scare her shitless.


A Clockwork Orange.

Thats pretty cringeworthy

Watch tentacle pornography with your daughter.



There's your problem right there.

The question rather is: how did Hitler manage to kill the 6,000,000™ if that was the combined Jewish population of Germany, Poland, and the SU, and if hundreds of thousands emigrated before 1941?

boss baby

Source for this?

Our history book in school told us nazis turned jews into soap and lampshades and had several huge chapters dedicated to WW2.

It's in the picture to which I replied:

Did Russia export all their jews to be gassed in Poland before or after the Bolsheviks created communism?

Really activates the ol' almonds doesn't it.

Do you seriously think we're retarded, kike? Most kikes have since moved to live in the US and Israel.

The shitty state of the concentration camps was the result of Allied bombings and decreasing supply priorities as the Germans began retreating into Germany.

Stalin didn't just beat Hitler in the war but also in removing kikes. And warcrimes. And map painting.


except that he was a kike and so was everyone around him, they gulaged the shit out of native russians because they hate them

I love it!!



>>>Holla Forums

The goonies

Secret of Nimh
The Dark Crystal
Daisy's Destruction

cuckchan pls, you're not welcome here

Back to your safe space, little one.

Léon: The Professional

You don't realize the irony in demanding others leave, while telling them they need a safe space?


reddipolers have zero self-awareness, Marxism destroys that part of the brain.

back to your subreddit, trumplet!

Are you new? /redditpol/ supports the corporate establishment, they're too tame & neutered to read Marx. Learning is for libruls.


Gal is it really you? I just wanted to say you are gorgeous despite being a Jewess. I love you secretly ♥

Spirited away and most things made by studio Ghibli. Otherwise Matilda? Depends on how old your daughter is. Marry Poppins and chitty chitty bang bang were some of my favorites growing up.


אתה יכול להיות הגולם שלי ולמצוץ את הדגדגן שלי, גוי טיפש שכמוך

Yes, I agree, we should totally let you crush the skulls of Palestinian children underneath your Boots of Justice while gassing their families.

גוי טוב


Indeed, they don't explain why people hated jews long before Hitler came into the scene. No mention the German Revolution at all.



Maisie's destruction

Funny how they all disappeared from soviet occupied countries.


explains everything really
