I'm a Maoist third worldist what African country should I move to?
I'm a Maoist third worldist what African country should I move to?
Its fun to say Djibouti, go there
A Maoist you say? Maybe Yemen is more your speed.
Mars tbh lad. The red planet will be ours.
Ethiopia might be too rich though.
op here i was thinking this i am a american thus a native english speaker
American third worldist? Just move down south, tennesee in particular has huge swathes of people living in third world conditions.
America is first world and as such will never know the true struglle of the proltarte
Tell me more about Third-Worldism.
Or the Chicago south side. There are two or three shootings literally every day around here
first world people have better wages therefore poverty doesn't exist.
regards, retard.
Isn't that why it's a good place to go? It's beginning to industrialize.
Seychelles. It's literally the only African country with good living standards. Plus it has a socialist government that the people have supported for nearly 40 years.
Central African Republic
The reason revolution doesn't happen in the first world is because of multiculturalism.
In a homogeneous society you can frame it as a class war easy.
In america you will never unite the black and white working class due to centuries of racial hatred that is used by the upperclass to cause division.
For instance, if america was wholly white, bernie sanders would have won.
Many third world countries are completely homogeneous like africa and asia.
Maoist third worldist wants these poverty stricken, starving, diseased third worlders to some how take on a rich first world country?
Maoist third worldist invalidate the first world working class because they can make money at their wage slave unpaid internship jobs to pay off their massive debts they have through school or buying a house or a car?
The whole thing just seems like rich white kids going REEEEEEEEEEEE WHY WONT YOU THIRD WORLDERS KILL WHITEY ALREADY
Also Seychelles
You're shitposting right?
What a revolution.
Alright man, where are you living in? I'm operrussocelular Venezuelan, why don't we trade places? Venezuela has less AIDS.
Move to a gulag you muh privileged white AmeriKKKan.
The idea is the developed, imperialist countries of the world benefit greatly from the exploitation of cheap labor and natural resources of developing countries, so much so that the ruling class is able to buy the complacency of workers in the first world with much higher wages, much cheaper products, quality entertainment, a strong social safety net, etc.
Frankly, workers in the first world have a lot more to lose than their chains. They just don't live in the right material conditions that warrant revolution. However, this isn't the case in the undeveloped countries of the world. Before world-wide revolution can happen, it must start in the third world to cut off the first world's sources of wealth and power.
Unfortunately Holla Forums doesn't take Maoism Third-Worldism seriously because it looks like Unruhe is the only notable leftist on the internet who ascribes to it.
Well, these things are changing. The 'aristocracy of labor' is disappearing fast. Though the idea that revolution has to start in the third world kind of makes sense to me.
Meh, he seems like an obnoxious shitbag. I haven't watched much of his stuff, though.
Outsourcing labor outside first world country, shrinking of the middle class, welfare states slowly collapsing because tax evasion etc…
They're homogeneous in the same way that the different mix of european white people in america are "homogeneous"
That's just capitalists taking advantage of the cheaper labor in the third world.
Most of the middle class are petit-bourgeoisie
Source? It's about time.
But I don't think it would necessarily mean that the labor aristocracy is disappearing. There's nothing to suggest they won't go back to business-as-usual capitalism.
I fail to see the issue here.
looks nice and sunny. do you get mad when you see people do their laundry outdoors?
Putting first world's proles in unemployment, shrinking the aristocacy of labour.
Middle class is eaten away by both sides, the prole part become poorer because uemployment, wage cuts and inflation whereas the richest become full blown bourgeois. The aristocracy of labor is therefore diminished.
Something something public debt austerity…
All of this is making me think that the world is slowly homogeneizing: Every country will have a small clique of ultra richs, a anectotal middle class and a fuckton of proles. The whole world becoming China.
Gini coefficient is 65.8 bruv
Union busting, outsourcing, stagnant wages and an eroding welfare state.
k den
this is a bit similar to marcuse
anyway isn't one of the main arguments for the failure of 20th century socialism that it failed because it happened on third world enviroments, the places where revolutions happened were already shitholes in the first place?
how maoists deal with this argument?