
New trailer. What's your thoughts?

Personally I think it looks cool and has the grit Wolverine's been missing in these movies. Only downside is that it's connected to the rest of the X-men universe that's an absolute mess. With their best film being fucking Deadpool. So I gotta remember that to avoid hype.

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It could just be the trailer Or just Johnny Cash but it honestly looks okay. Considering its Jackmans last film they're bound to put some effort into it.

Apparently, not anymore:

So this means we won't get X-23 in an X-Force movie?

The likely candidates we've got are Deadpool, Wolverine (even that's a maybe), Domino, Warpath and Wolfsbane.

The trailer with Cash music is better IMO. This looks a little slower.

They can still use X-23 but it'd have to be a future grown up version. Wolverine's definitely gotta die in this movie. The Deadpool sequel could do a number of different things to have him in their movie or at least as a cameo.

I'm glad to see more X-23, just a little worried that she'll get the same treatment in the comics.
Why can't she ever be happy?
also hoping for Logan/X23 shenanigans

How would they use X-23 if mutants are dying out in the future?

You should be more worried if she is happy. X-23 is a tragic character that's almost cut off from emotion and put through so much trauma. Current X-23 in the comics is a plucky Whedon-esque quip master that is just angry but mostly spunky and out there.

They're dying out in this movie but I think it's just because of reasons and not an active disease or anything. So X-23 exists now and grows up in the future then Cable and Deadpool recruit her for their team. Easy.

I guess you're right a tragic character with a few happy moments is better than Whedon type character
still havent read the new ones so I assumed she was getting Quesada treatment still

X-23 is shit and this movie looks like shit too.

Why have so few directors heard leverage?
Why were these guys not prepared to deal with a regenerator if they wanted "the girl"?

*heard of leverage

Your mum's shit

Calling it now. Daken the villain

I'm still 80% sure the first trailer had Daken show his claws for like a second when he's pinning Wolverine to the ground.

Probably the thought process had them think his abilities were weakening, or at least that's what some interviews have said.

Im pretty sure that's already been confirmed.

Im pretty sure you can ask the share thread for a link if you really wanted too.

Dude. No. It wasnt.

Better than Gwenpool.

I feel cheated!
They said it will be Oldman Logan (with marvel bullshits), now we have a X-23 story.

But then why would they want the girl specifically? She's not that cute.

It was never ever gonna be Old Man Logan. They have no rights to anything major from Old Man Logan.

Fuck off with the shitposting Holla Forums, she's a stolen science experiment and they want their clone back. Either to create a Wolverine like weapon or find a way to mass produce her healing factor and inject it into certtain individuals.

OK, isn't she a bit too young to already have the metal bones? That girl will not grow up anymore, right?

What? Adamantium isn't what slows aging. It's the healing factor. She'll age but much much slower like Logan.

No dude, her skeleton will not be able to grow anymore. She is stuck in a child body forever.

That isn't even relevant

They probably are

wait in the comics was it just her claws that were metal or her entire skeleton?

In at least one of the cartoons, X-23 gets cloned en masse.

She has the same treatment as Wolverine, iirc, so her whole skeleton. She might still age, but she won't get any bigger.

Funny thing is that it's generally canon that the adamantium skeleton treatment only works on Wolverine and similar because adamantium is poisonous, and their healing factors are significantly weakened by it. Wolverine could have a Deadpool tier healing factor without it.

X-23 is still one of the worst characters Marvel has shit out. Fem versions of existing male characters are terrible.

She was created for the series X-Men: Evolution. That one TV series where they were all in high school.

And she looked like a dude. Still my favorite version as far as looks go.

You had to remind me of that.

What is your point? I know the origin of the character, on a MARVEL tv series, and the character was adopted by MARVEL. It is a Marvel character that is nothing more than Wolverine as a young female and this is backed up by how she literally dresses as wolverine now.

Despair and sorrow over what Marvel has become.

Its a shame that almost a decade ago marvel comics was doing alright. Then BAM. SJW's started writing books and everyone became a quirky slice of life character with no drama that didn't push a political agenda.
At least DC rebirth is doing well.
except for that RAY one

Thats nice. Though I think DC also suffers from the Batgirl stuff and Birds of Prey.

Rebirth's still rough and has some shit books like Deadman or Ray but it's way better than Marvel. Not great yet but decent overall.

What's up with the RAY one?

Fruity as fuck for one thing.

Im from a nuclear family but im gay and do what i want

Not really. Wolverine's a sort of samurai with a samurai-like code of honour, who roams the wilderness on occasion. X-23's an autistic/borderline autistic girl that mostly kills people without feeling.

Yes, Marvel made her a shit Wolverine copy who quips her way through life later on, but she didn't start out that way

Her concept is female wolverine. That doesn't necessarily entail acting just like him. She's a copy of his powers and shares a lot of his backstory angst. She's a soulless copy that should have at best been a minor character in Wolverine's story.

she had a couple good stories.

If she is a clone of wolverine, how come her hands have two claws instead of three and her feet have a claw each when he has no claws in his feet?

Something to do with the male of their mutation being designed for hunting, while the female is supposed to use her claws defensively.

So the sexes aren't fucking equal?

Hey Holla Forums


She's pretty amazing when she's written properly. The problem is that people, who are about as creative as you, relegate her to the role of female wolverine and do nothing with it besides that.

Seriously though, I wish people would just admit that life is the most unbalanced game every created and leave it at that.

So anyone else holding out hope for an actual Wolverine costume being used for once? My gut says it's unlikely with the fact they're trying to make their own Old Man Logan in a way. I just want Wolverine to actually look like Wolverine before it's over.

Going by what I know (The adapted material, not the comics), they're two completely different characters. Wolverine joined the program as a soldier and was betrayed, and lost his memory in the process. X-23 was treated since birth (I should say creation) as a weapon. The only thing they should have in common (Aside from powers) is the goal to take down the program that…pretty much made them what they are.

Hoy cunny right there.

same as with the last 3-4 marvel films: indifferent.


I am sad we never got to see a proper Wolverine costume on screen. I always liked Wolverine's mask.

She sounds like that asian batchick that deathstroke had w/ him

It's interview with a vampire eternal loli syndrome

I thought it was just her claws that got adamantiumed, 'cause every time Kimura catches her, she breaks X's limbs or cuts them off.

Blame Jackson

who's jackson?

Hugh Jackman, user got the name mispelled.

So apparently Logan is a Limo driver in this.

You have the full thing?