Holy fuck this website
With gems like
Read the comments if you want to OD on some pure ideology
Holy fuck this website
With gems like
Read the comments if you want to OD on some pure ideology
Other urls found in this thread:
I almost find it difficult to see people so entrenched in their ideology human. They aren't individuals, they don't interact with people. They are their function and interact with cogs in the machine.
>Your workplace is not a democracy. At best, it’s a benevolent dictatorship. It might be a totalitarian regime. But either way, rounding up supporters and creating a petition is not appropriate
Fucking gulag/10
The first letter has to be fake.
I knew clicking those links would make me angry.
Class cucks as far as the eye can see.
Absolutely disgusting.
You'll probably enjoy this as well.
All the worst ones are middle managers for big corporations.
I'm actually somewhat thankful to such "honest managers"; they shamelessly outline how capitalism in intrinsically anti-democratic and are therefore helping us out in our job as educators of the working class.
They'll still be the first to be lined up against the wall, tho.
But we're all free to quit whenever we want under capitalism, right?
I pray for another great flood to cleanse the earth of these people
This thread just reminded me I jused to visit this:
I still work the retail dead-end comrades. I've no college education and I am 25 years old.
Thinking of turning to a life of crime.
I know this feeling.
Do you think perhaps consciousness is actually a rarity and that most people are pure empaths, as in, they have no consciousness of their own and just think whatever the establishment tells them to think?
Just a thought.
I'd like to find a guide online for doing this kind of thing. Know of any?
No, I don't honestly think this is the case for the broad majority. I think people just defer a lot of self-agency to the "system" (whatever incarnation they might be serving at the moment) so they can have a "clear conscience" and reduce the ammount of emmotional involvement and personal responsibility for whatever consequences they bring on others.
They rely on the structure they seve for a portion of subsistance, why would they jeopardize themselves or their tranquility? they'd rather do the bare minimum and just go on with their lives.
I've thought of that, but I want a little more than to live of the grid, honestly.
No, but someone should make one.
Well, you don't have to live like it's the 19th century or anything.
You have just enough time to sell four years of your life to the Air Force. The G.I. Bill is almost worth it.
Not america, not an option.
Life *is* pain.
it could be a cool idea to just pick a large plot of land and ask people to contribute funds towards buying it and making it publicly available. After the land is made public, anyone will be free to move in there, however they want. This territory will be dubbed "freeland"
Pick only one.
Just an idea… Would it be interesting to drop a few "redpills" in the comments?
The comment section is moderated so you are going to have to be the slickest entryist in the world to get your comments approved.
Yeah, for some reason my "death to all bosses" post hasn't shown up yet.
I propose updating a term.
Socialite(noun) : It is said of the individual who delegates or subordinates functions or characteristics of itself unto a collective.The individual many not be aware of this state and judge the collective decisions as his own ideas.
"Michael is such a socialite, he has to consult his friends before deciding if he enjoys some music"
"The student looked nervously around, trying to find out what wold be the correct opinion to have"
"He knew it was true,because all the sources said so, well , all HIS sources anyway."