How can carnists even compete?
How can carnists even compete?
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Festival de Cannes selection, I will not even pirate this trash.
Stay triggered, fleshfag. You come try to watch this at the Beverly in July, us vegans will sniff you out and ream your ass.
I am an ultratrail runner, fitness and paleo-diet activist. You will do nothing fucking nigger, me on the other side I will hang you to a tree.
Embarrassing tbh
kek, enjoy the heart disease, you fucking cuck
Veganism is the future, you luddite filth.
I am not leaving in cave but in a hut near the seashore by a river. And yes I hunt largely by foot even if I am after big Games.
Stay in your fucking city , agriculture is responsible for most diseases since its invention.
I am going out to a restaurant on Wednesday, and I am going to eat whale sashimi. I had horse last night. I find "The Cove" to be the funniest movie I have seen in the last several years. I love dolphins myself, especially when they are at the end of my chopsticks.
has vegan gains ever made any gains?
Gotta do that G4P
on the daily
to get them anabolic
diced to the socks
out of the box.
right babe?
Convinced me 100.55%
If you spend all day indoors and then travel away from your native area to a sunny place and walk around shirtless the whole day, you idiot. You don't get skin cancer if you are exposed to the sun, in the same area, year-round, and allow your skin to gradually brown.
A traumatic procedure that involves pushing another human being out of you involving a great deal of blood loss
Saying that meat gives you heart disease is like saying that drinking water gives you brittle bones.
Okja is cute. I want a small one to hang out in my garden and I could bring it inside sometimes to post on Holla Forums with it.
How long have you been at this now?
Two years?
By eating meat.
Recent research (last 30 years) suggests the #1 culprit for heart disease is salt. This is why blacks have a greater rate of heart disease, they are less halotolerant.
What clouds the issue is that butcheries inject salt water into meat to increase weight and profit.
But if youre raising your own, buying from mormons, farmers, or hunting, this is completely avoided.
Yeah but they literally have to drink enough for the water to crush their internal organs.
You're really bad at this arent you?
This is getting just worse and worse.
you messed it up, it goes like this.
that's the spirit.
wew, whole lot of colon cancer coming through here
The future, sissy.
Looks good.
Do they need to kill the girl's pet? I mean, aren't they supposed to have lots of these hypo pigs? Why they need to eat this one in particular?
is there a explanation for this in the movie or are the villains that cartoonish?
I don't get your point.
The girl comes from a small farm in Korea, one of many across the globe, that got hired to grow a super pig. I think hers is the one that grew the most or something, so they came to get the pig and have an event where they show it off and kill it for food.
The fuck? Such a creature would be treated awesome and allowed to breed until it died from old age.
Lol at the faggy version of Nine Inch Nails song.
Little known fact that hippos are omnivores and cannibals when it suits them.
Sounds like me.
Wouldn't be the first hippo on Holla Forums.
It's a Super Pig, not a Hippo.
You're totally wrong. You know pigs are smarter than dogs and human children, right?
I don't believe you, hunting big game on foot then what killing it and leaving it there cause it's too heavy to carry back?
You're a super pig.
lmao, hunters are such pathetic beta males, can you even get an erection?
Are you the same veganposter on Holla Forums and Holla Forums?
I can't imagine there are many of you.
They also have 30 minute long orgasms.
Looks like the parasites from that meat you shoved down your throat have made their way into your brain.
It's literally one guy, same as the Holla Forumseddit / reddipol faggot.
You can tell they're by themselves because the shit they try to push never takes off in any capacity and when they're asleep or away for any length of time you will not see one single post that even attempts to push one of their mind abominations.
Even dunkaccinoposting is more memeworthy.
Holy Hell, pigs are smarter than nigger children, at least.
guess veganism really is a thing for niggers
All me
That big nigger from green mile which i liked died like straight away after becoming a vegan.
I'm glad I live in a timezone where you're asleep for a few hours while I'm shitposting about superior non-forced memes.
Veganism is for anyone who isn't evil.
But if they are getting so much trouble for trying to kill her pig, why don't they just kill another one? Le the girl have her pet, it's not like they aren't raising a million of these fuckers.
I don't give a shit about the welfare of animals and evil is not real.
I ate bacon today and a pig had to die for that experience. I feel good about it. As a matter of fact, I hope they fucked that pig in the ass before they killed it too.
Meatcucks, everybody!
Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!
The whole body doesn't get "infused" because someone shoots a load into one place. Meat isn't a liquid and bacon doesn't come from the pig's ass.
That protein and K12 deficiency must have damaged your brain, vegtard.
So there's like a few of you and you're all that obnoxious, I wonder is that a result of your diet.
Christcucks are worse than veganshistains tbh.
But niggers are evil.
Vegans are top dog alphas, bitchboi. Go suck on a sausage.
Veganism also predates Christcuckery, and doesn't have Jewish origins. Look into Pythagoras and Apollonius of Tyana. Vegans are legit OG.
Mother is his best movie. Kino shit
This whole thread is dangerously low in B12.
MUUH B12!!!!!!!!
Sound cranky, bro.
Pop one.
At the end Okja eats the little girl.
So this will be shown at a place that loves expensive meats and rare shit like narwal or some crud? But of course they couldn't show even a real animal in Okja, just some fake shit so the rich can feel ok while they go eat their meats later.
Well shit. I don't think vegans can co pete with these digits.
What the fuck are you trying to say? The protagonists of the film are Animal Liberation Front members, Paul Dano and his crew, the film is 100% pro-vegan. They used a fake animal because it's a scifi story, retard.
The protagonist is the girl.
Is it sci-fi because no one actually cares about the ""animals""? Also nice that you agree that no in beverly cares about the animals either, they just pretend for the press.
The girl gets help from the ALF, Paul Dano is the main good guy after the girl. I saw it at Cannes
I've seen some shitty fucking movies this year and this looks just as terrible as the worst if not the worst Lmao
No offence to Mr. a²+b²=c², but anyone who takes his worldview from him should by hospitalized.
A Neopythagorean huckster. If there's anything more retarded than Pythagoreanism, it's Neopythagoreanism. Our idea of a fiery hell likely came from them too: they lived around Sicily, which is vulcanically active and has lots of rifts from which gases escape, making sounds that superficially resemble screams. This gave them the idea that the underworld was full of fire and contained the souls of the damned. Before that, the underworld was thought of as a dark and dreary place by the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews.
So guess whom you have to thank for all the scary stories Mummy and likely absent Daddy told you about the place you'll go if you don't stop masturbating with her panties.
Sicily is rad as heck, brah.
Reported, Pastor Anderson is a cool guy.
t. a Catholic priest
This actually looks good.
I want this nigger's cock inside my wife.
t. liberal
That's why you're called meatcucks.
the average meatcuck
always with pretty girls enjoy you fleshlight Almond Milk Man ;)
Vegan women are superior. They don't have worms crawling around their vag.
oh lawd…
What kinda retard gets race mixing out of that…
Only out their asses, eh?
The man made like a dozen white children. How many do you have? Surely, gaytheists and fagnostics will save the white race along with their Pagan brethren who worship a God who replenishes himself by drinking other men's cum.
You realize meatcucks genuinely have parasites, right? Vegans have the healthiest bowels on the planet.
This is just one of hundreds of interracial marriages that this cuck has done.
Mainstream Christianity
And he brought several mulattos into existence by marrying niggers to white women.
But don't take it from me; here are the good pastor's own words:
>I would much rather have my children grow up and marry saved Asians, and saved Blacks, and saved Hispanics than to marry some unsaved Aryan White person.
I'm not a Nordic Pagan and no embarrassing story about some Norse god will convince me that I should therefore devote my life to the worship of some fictional Jew who claimed to be the son of a Jewish tribal god 2000 years ago and who told me to love my enemies.
So Odin is Chris Chan?
Wait, that explains a lot.
Uh huh. You really think if you pull all the other races out and left it up to this current stock of white people everything will be OK? All you'll have is a reset a little further up on the slippery slope than the brown people that will continue to descend right on down it without a massive ethical change. Not to mention birth rates that don't reach replacement levels leading again to white genocide, which is really a suicide, because that's what unrestricted fornication does. This societies death is coming from removing what mobilized it to begin with. We didn't have these problems for thousands of years, including the problem of remaining white, until modern times when all the sudden, somehow, everyone became convinced they were smarter than their ancestors, started fucking everything that moved and didn't pay attention as ZOG grew. I don't know why, but you proud white warriors seem to have a selective memory on Social Marxism. One of the primary goals to subvert a society, other than D&C, is to remove the people from religion. That used to be in Cultural Marxism 101 but now you always kvetch at Christianity (without even reading the passages you cite) like a bunch of talmudic Jews, just like they programmed you too.
Except it does though. That literally has no presentation whatsoever.
Ignoring the fact that the bread is charcoaled for whatever retarded reason that may be, this is what a proper burger looks like. Everything separate in distinctive layers with little to no overrun of sauces.
What's worse, Vegans or Christcucks?
or Vegan Christcucks?
I'd say they just used squid ink in the dough for the look.
How about you answer for this statement straight out of the mouth your pastor?
At the end of the day, you have no answer and Christianity, at the very best, tolerates ethnonationalism, but only a mild form of it, as Anderson makes clear.
I have read the Bible, and auxiliary works and commentaries on it too. Anderson's teaching, which amounts to "ok, you CAN marry within your own race, but don't think anything of it and welcome everyone as your Christian brother" is perfectly in line with the Gospels and Paul's letters.
So do enlighten me: is it OK actively oppose race-mixing in Biblical grounds? Is it OK to collectively defend one's ethnic identity? Can one exclude foreigners from one's space, even if they're "saved"?
We kvetch at kikestians because not only are they inherently anti white egalitarian faggots who support pedophiles in Vatican, their semitic religion has ensured the jews rise to power by forbidding anyone but jews to practice usury and banking in European countries and christcucks have only ever come to the aid of the european people when it suited themselves.
Funny how the semitic religions only have one god whereas all the aryan religions have many.
Is that the worst kike nightmare? Vegan nationalist crusaders expelling their asses and protecting the animals so that kikes can't abuse them anymore to conform with their satanic religion?
I'd agree with that though. If you'd rather marry your son to some femnazi degenerate and your daughter to some cucked faggot than marrying them to Christian partners of other tribes but with strong moral fiber then you're being racialist to a fault. It doesn't matter how white they are if they are going to raise tranny or tumblr tard kids.
Niggers don't have "strong moral fiber", whether they mumble something about y'll mothafuckas needin' Jesus or not. The relationship will end in abuse, abandonment, or murder.
lol at some keyboard "aryan" warrior on an imageboard talking about who has moral fiber
I don't sling crack on the streets, which is more than can be said for the average US black.
Mel made a movie about one of those. They aren't to be trifled with.
Do you have problems of the brain?
Sounds like someone you could easily fuck in the ass tbh
Jokes is on you they are following my paleo-diet, proof is on my website.
t; image-stock web-designer
Instead of posting on this board with your CGI skills you should go to (((Hollywood))) to direct the next (((Jewrassic Park)))
Funny how you resort to le keyboard warrior when someone doesn't buy into your love of niggers.
Just another wannabe internet tough guy, age 16
i don't doubt you'd like to
Who else is gonna see it at the New Beverly?
Holla Forums meetup?
An unsaved white person can at least be converted eventually. A nigger/gook/spic will always be a nigger/gook/spic no matter what.
a vegan
Which showing?
How would they be empowered exactly? Hitler was a vegetarian and a Christian, he made them so butthurt they are still trying to smear him. Imagine what a orthodox Christian vegan could do to their collective asses. They'd never sit at ease again.
>veganigger propaganda
That girl is literally exactly the same as the ISIS toddler. Damn, meatcucks are fucking disgusting.
Kikes get off on death and misery. On humiliation and torture. That's why they brainwash people to eat meat.
Lel. I had a feeling that would trigger you. There is nothing wrong with hunting if you put the corpse to good use.
-t. Kike
M8, you can't trigger me by posting degenerate losers brainwashing their kids. I've seen more death than you ever will in your entire life, I've worked in slaughter houses, I've done undercover investigations. You fucking hypocrites cry and cry and cry about how evil homosexuals are and how they corrupt the youth, and then you go and teach your kids to murder innocent animals. You're scum, plain and simple.
Vegecucks confirmed fo cucks
*is a
The world's strongest man 2017 eats beef
It's not really good propaganda but the cinematography is amazing. It's better than most high budget movies.
Human beings developed because we ate meat, the protein supplied was beneficial to our large brains, especially that found in fish. This is why vegans are entirely retarded.
Why do kikes and leftists hate animals so much?
Too bad you're still a chubby shut-in. If only there was some way you could claim their hard work as your own.
Considering that kikes must slaughter animals in torturous and cruel ways to eat them I beg to differ. The Jew hates animals.
Post some pics, Jamal. Show us how ripped you are.
wow you're sure fitting in.
fucking roasted.
Go back to fapping to black dicks, kike sissy.