Get in here Faggot

Hi /b, do you have any heroes or do you admire someone???

I happen to look up to a faggot named mike horn. Here is what is life looks like.

So do you have any heroes???

Other urls found in this thread:

Name one left-handed autist who overcame adversity and became successful and I'll idolize him for you.

I like Wim Hof more.

That is because you are a retarded faggot. Mike achievements take years to be accomplished and are way more difficult than those of Wim Hof.

Wim Hof went around the arctic circle IN HIS UNDERPANTS. Your hero went around the arctic circle but not in his underpants.

You are retarded and you think the north pole is the arctic circle. I took Mike 2 years to go around it.

The movie (in french) :

I jumped from Mount Everest and landed on the planet Nibiru. I did it alone and can't prove it, but my feet definitely touched it and all you scientists are going to hell.

You are a jewish shill

I have a hero… someone I look up to. I wish more people could understand.

He is /ourhero/, i am a great fan of his work specially from 1939 to 1945.