Why is NASA trying to keep us here on Earth?
Why is NASA trying to keep us here on Earth?
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Space isn't real.
because of the space nazis
You mean the jews.
The guys at NASA developed several projects that would have colonized other planets by now and also explored several solar systems.
But they didn't get any money fo' dem projects.
it's the jews
ever play Wallenstein. Nazis got to space earlier
stars are chemtrails
Then what is space? No flat earth non-sense.
the final market
In the moon race, NASA put Air Force test pilots into death traps and commended themselves on how few people they killed. They've never had the balls to do it again.
We sent seven missions to the moon and one failed catastrophically on the way there. That no one died was from superhuman efforts and dumb luck.
Do you think the EM drive works?
Do you have any idea how fucking horrifying just the concept of space is? Lets just ignore the insane radiation, the random relativistic speed micrometeorites, the stray orbital junk the size a pencil eraser going at mach 4 that can just fuck you your day, the fact that your body stops building your bones due to lack of gravity. The nothing out there looking like any of the photos you've seen. The concept that if you are stuck on Mars, you are stuck somewhere you are in every way evolution-wise unprepared and unadapted to survive in. The Martian assumes much to make that story even work. Okay back to the radiation, lets now pay attention to the Sun, that with our lovely ozone layer and magnetic field, is a benevolent and helpful energy source. In space? It is a ticking fucking time bomb that can just randomly decide to shoot out deadly fuck-your-chromosomes-into-the-dirt radiation that you maybe, MIGHT have some shielding against if you're lucky enough to be inside a protective structure. Space doesn't fuck around, it has already built the (near-perfect) space ship for you to survive in space, and you in your hubris decides to forsake that and take a scamper to where you literally don't belong? You gotta be on POINT. You have all your asses covered and then re-cover them or you end up with Columbia, except with the crew dying on reentry only to have their remains fall to rest how many millions of miles from any semblance of home.
Then again we've been spitting in the face of the horror that is space with comparably busted ass technology, with only the necessary amount of autism that the dwindling space budget has given us. I think thats awesome.
NASA do not have the funding to send manned missions beyond our earth orbit. They would definitely send man to mars if Trump's administration willed for this.
Also see the many examples of NASA failing at propaganda as if they were in space. Also see rocket physics and entering the atmosphere from space.
Well based off my studies space is real. It is where the sun and the moon is. There is also stars there. For proof look up at night.
Kikes don't want us on earth. They just don't want us to realise man can not go into space and return and or can not go at all. Yes we can have lightweight sattilites in space. But anything else to support a human and it's bullshit physics.
Sage because op is a kike or stupid.
Man went to the moon! See rocket physics and entering the atmosphere from space.
Yo man, space is like a thug nigger, and you are like a cuck white boiiiiiii.
Das Y.
WER UP NIGGA. Wen I was playing point guard I was fucking mad whyte bitches like nang thang na saying. BBC FUCKA!
Doubt it, What does get me fucking pissed off is the fact that they cancelled project orion, and now it'll never ever get funded.
>he doesn't want to explore the stars someday, and find alien life forms on other planets to hold tentacles with
If the moon landing was so easily faked how come no other country on Earth has faked their own moon landing? You don't think China or Russia would've by now? You're delusional
Russia already did back in the day you moron. Never heard of sputnik? Chink's weren't advanced enough to even know such things. This is all assuming kikes have had control over much of the world since about the 1850's and expanded ever since. I hope I am wrong tbh because kikes having had control over the world since then means we are all fucked.
You do realize nobody has actually died in space ever right? Retired Astronauts live well into their 90s. Radiation is not as difficult to block as you realize. Just surround yourself in a lead-based faraday cage. Your rad dosage beyond the radiation belt will still be high, sure, but still not unlike what the average Jap is probably exposed to. And Mars is a cozy 70 degrees F on the equator. The risk is substantial but it's not out of the ballpark
because space chicks are awesome and they dont want to share it with us
I know Its not hard to block yourself from radiation
No, the best way would be to generate your own magnetic shield (assuming the tech would be available to do that without screwing up components) coupled with substantial use of gold foil to reflect UV and IR radiation as well as to dissipate heat. The benefits that lead brings would have to be much more than measly radiation shielding. on the ISS water and polyethelyne bricks are used to reduce primary and secondary radiation exposure to the crew.
I think the reason NASA doesn't go balls-to-the-wall with space experiments is just funding, if enough people become scared in todays hug-box world, they'll just completely defund space research and another country will be in charge of putting up the first lunar base. It would be better for the future of space exploration if cheap, sustainable power and propulsion were developed.
If anyone's interested in a realistic and "dirty" view of a space-faring mankind read "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman, it is essentially Vietnam in space but it is relevant even today. Forgetting to mention conservation of momentum reminded me of it.
lul wut. By that you mean layers of plastic. With water as the barrier instead of air. Plastic is a shitty energy absorber because it is not a dense material. I don't care if they had 4 foot thick plastic walls with water in the middle.
See imgs.xkcd.com
NASA has a 18,620,000,000 billion dollar budget as of 2012. Fuck off.
Why the FUCK do we want to go to Mars? It's a barren, irradiated wasteland with little water and almost no atmosphere. We'd be living in caves while burning through what little water is available and eventually need support from Earth to not die on a dead world.
Meanwhile, Jupiter's moons have massive amounts of water, likely in liquid form, and might be able to support existing life from Earth if we just dump it in there. We could thrive somewhere like that, yet we waste all our time poking at rocks on Mars. It has to be the Jews. They want us contained.
1.) Mars has similar gravity to Earth
2.) We have multiple rovers on Mars so we at least know what to expect, the surface is more familiar to us if only by proxy
3.) There is residual water on Mars and some trace water in the atmosphere
4.) The temperature ranges on Mars ere extreme HOWEVER they are not necessarily ranges unheard of on Earth. The equator for example is 70 degrees F during the day and something like -200 degrees F at night. Again, extreme, but not out of the realm of habitability granted we have some form of shelter to keep ourselves cozy.
You're right though, there is plenty of evidence of substantial bodies of water on moons of other planets, but unfortunately they are not only significantly further from us than Mars but are more unfamiliar so we're not as prepared. Saturns moon euclidus for example is not exactly a hop-skip-and-jump from Mars. Space is a big place in case you hadn't realized.
you mean just 18.6 billion. Because 18.6 billion billion would be 18^20 dollars which is more money then what actually exists
no normies, etc
no normies, etc
Don't you know that the earth is one massive spaceship moving extremely fast through space?
Anyways, most humans don't deserve to go into space, humans would fuck everything up and would destroy it. If I ever develop a spaceship, none of you faggots are coming along with me. Only the highest scientists, explorers, polymaths, etc. should be able to go.
Your space ship a shit, ape nigger. You haven't developed shit. You don't even have a logo.
hell yes. it's possible that thousands of years from now, people will be travel to Mars for tourism, and the Moon will be green like a mini-Earth. your lack of vision is depressing.
As a microwave?
licensing rights.
Kikewood only gives away the rights to other kikes. It's too bad Russia is not as kike controlled(I hope) as it was in the 1950's. Or we could get that sequel you are all waiting for. Instead we will have to make due with all the shitty semper-fi movies coming out.
It's certainly easier to get to, but there's no reason to get to it. The trillion dollars we'll blow getting there to plant a flag and diversity propaganda and GTFO could have gone towards preparing a real colonization effort on a moon with water.
so is california
Controlled opposition. Take the concave pill.
four genders
Cummin' at him stronk with the 33 dubs and the Logos logic.
Four simultaneous genders.
I was an EMdrive believer for a while, cos I really wanted it to be true, and for years no-one could explain the source of its thrust.
Shows how fragmented science & engineering knowledge is. NASA spaceflight forums have thousands of posts on EMdrive from competent scientists and techys.
Then on 2016 November 28th, thundercuck pointed out it was radiometric thrust. Fuck. He was right.
This guy kind of gets it.
There's so many "destroy all life" factors to cold space that it's honestly kind of a miracle there's life on earth.
I mean yeah, "rule of large numbers" but still we're basically the 1 out of a hundred billion chance.
Personally, I feel this is why teraforming just won't cut it. We, as a species, need so many finely-tuned aspects of our lives controlled that there's just literally no way to truly alter a planet. We should be focusing on man-made superstructures as at least there we can have some goddamn failsafes.
Radio waves do not have enough mass even in space to push a craft along. Let alone something fast enough to get to the moon within a reasonable time and or without being sucked into the nearest large source of energy/gravity.
I don't come to tech much but it seems shills are here trying to shit up the board by just saying dumbfuck things, or maybe its 13yos pretending to be techs.
Nice logic. Stick your head over a ton of 99% pure Uranium235, its radioactive, and by your logic, its only as strong as radiowaves.
no for the inner solar system its not going to be more than 100 km/s. Still thats enough for a pebble sized micrometeor to punch thru a spacecraft hull.
But its never happened to manned spacecraft yet, most notably the ISS. I don't understand why not. The Earth is often subject to micro meteor showers. It seems the ISS is playing a low risk russian roulette game.
the ISS also isn't 12000km wide
yep thats what I thought
relating to the measurement of radioactivity.
"radiometric data"
Radio waves fall under this. "Electromagnetic Radiation".
Please stay out of Holla Forums, Holla Forums. You are just embarrassing yourselves.
NASA would have humans on Mars by 2025 if it didn't fuck up spectacularly with their mission to have another moon landing.
You know the one, where they went horribly overbudget and fell several years behind schedule? If they didn't do that Obama wouldn't have so grossly cut their funding when Congress lost faith in the project being completed at all.
The goyim can never be allowed to leave Earth. We can't control them if they establish a fascist colony on Mars. Never forget the six million.
because people like you don't deserve to go in space, thanks.
Nobody American, look at Soyuz 11.
They want to sell your bodies to aliens they need you captive and chipped.
Pic related: An alien tribe stealing your life force energies through interest and debt. They won't forgive it and Christ won't forgive them.
You know anyone can start lending money and charging interest, right? Pick up a The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros, and. the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, and make a ton of cadh
I am actually thankful for them. Current year NASA would colonize the Mars with niggers and jews. Hitler's America would send only the best thinkers and warriors, along with pure christian wives.
Flat earth is a simplification, we really live in a 22 dimensional universe, while everything is projected upwards to various degrees, giving the illusion of 3d.
It is similar to how early '3d' game engines worked.
There is nothing really up from the world, the stars you came see are just rays of horizontal sunlight that have bent at certain angles to come out as dots - in fact part of the one dimensional universe inside this 2d one.
Hitler never had any ambition to take over America or England. If he had won the war, America never would have taken in Braun and our own space program would have never left the ground.
If Germany won, which would be damn near impossible, England, and I'd say the US too, would probably elect someone more aligned with national socialist politics. Even ignoring German influence, if national socialism had won against the two other systems under almost unwinnable odds it'd be crystal clear which of the three is superior.
Yes but you're missing the point. Without Braun and his cabal of Nazis, NASA wouldn't have amounted to jack shit. America wouldn't be sending ANYBODY to Mars.
this is your brain on Holla Forums
This is your life on Holla Forums.
Does the electric universe theory explain the EM Drive?
Roger Shawyer, the inventor of the EM drive, is patenting a new version of his drive. nextbigfuture.com
Mankind is here on the Earth and here alone. Oh we may manage outposts of a kind on the Moon, Mars, and a few asteroids if things go on that long, but we will never leave the Solar System and NASA has nothing to do with that. The laws of physics do.
Actually, it's an outrageously blatant miracle user. Read 'Rare Earth' for a good place to start.
Simply not true. There is no radiation protection beyond the 2" think aluminum armor of the modules themselves. They all constantly wear dosimeters and they also take iirc potassium iodide tablets to reduce slightly the risk of some cancers. By far the main radiation 'shielding' of the ISS is the simple fact it never leaves LEO, and therefore never leaves the protection of Earth's miraculously huge magnetosphere.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about do you? Define magnetosphere, LEO, and dosimeters. Tell us the RADD's dosimeters(whatever that is) protect from and the radiation absorbtion 2 inches of alluminum is going to provide against gamma radiation. Tell us how that shit will survive a peice of metal scrap hitting it or a small rock/astroid?
It will not nor could it absorb enough gamma radiation. The station you see in the sky is unmanned because no one is in it. Just a huge sattillite to trick goys.
In fact the low level of protection from Galactic Cosmic radiation (and most other forms) was exactly the point. There is no radiation protection for the ISS astronauts of any substantial merit. They all know that going in and it doesn't stop them.
Going outside the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere on a long pair of cruises (not to mention the surface stay as Mars is ded) is a whole different ball of wax. Pretty much a suicide mission at this stage of development.
>>>Holla Forums
How do they keep the interior of the ISS so clean? The amount of dust, which is dead skin, should be a problem up there. Does the air filtration system handle it?
Not entirely, although it's important ofc. One of the many things NASA (and the navies of the world--particularly those deploying large submariner fleets) has discovered about close-quarters confinement vs. the mental health of the astronauts is simply to keep them busy. They all engage in shift-level, daily, weekly, monthly, and expedition-level maintenance of the station in a large variety of ways. This includes directly wiping down every single accessible surface on the interior of the station at least weekly using antibacterial wipes. They also sample practically everything for bacterial growths of any concern. The filters are all cleaned daily, and most are vacuumed each shift.
I don't think I can be an astronaut.
That's not how it works for me.
Best to know up front then, well before you wake up one morning and find you'reself trapped inside a small metal cylinder literally 30 million miles away from home amirite? :^)
Praise Lord Steven Christ and Cell Earth
water and polyurethane have a tenth thickness (thickness req'd for radiation to be 1/10th of unshield at given distance) of 24"(gamma radiation) or 10" for neutron radiation specifically, lead has 2" (beware of the radiation window though) and steel has 4 or 8" i forget, but with that info im sure you can make decent shielding in space. i dont think the radiation levels are a huge roadblock.
solar flares tho.
Except for the cost of launching all that heavy radiation shielding. There's a reason that the Apollo missions, sent well outside the Van Allen belts, weren't heavily shielded. Even that monster Saturn V didn't have the capability to lift heavyily-shielded manned craft into TLI. So NASA made a calculated risk and launched anyway.
They did have a few contingency plans. One was to point the service module's engine bell towards the sun in the event of a flare. The mass of the entire service module and the command module's head shield, in combination, would have noticable reduced the radiation that the astronauts would receive if it was highly directional (like a solar flare). Obviously that doesn't help with the Van Allen belt passage, but again, calculated risk.
The only practical way to use physical shielding for humans in space is the storm cellar concept. A small dedicated shielded area of the ship, probably a crew cabin with food, water, waste disposal, and radiation-hardened links to ship systems for control and communications. All one can do is wait out the storm. On the ISS, the modules Zvezda and Destiny are designated for this. They're not really purpose-built for the job, but they're the least-bad places to be on the ISS if a flare hits.
China hasn't poached enough rhino horns to construct a convincing HD set yet
Why the fuck would you go to space, its nothing up there for you.
Nice try, Martian.
So you're telling me we live in the hollow earth?