
17yo fag here, going to a senior party next week.
Gimme tips on how much to drink, who to talk to and how to get a one night stand.
I'm going with my mates, which one of them is also going to try to fix someone.

Just bring Weed

Ask your mates. Or quit being an autist. Or get the fuck off of here.

aryanfag here
speaking form personal regrets.

Don't drink. if you do, make it a very SMALL amount.

Take it from me, I threw the biggest party that our class of 1000 students ever saw in high school.

It's not like the movies where u buy the girl drinks and u get laid.

Who to talk to:
Make sure you talk keep in touch with someone that considers themselves high status, and then prove yourself more leet than them like a challenge, such as an awkward pickup line, or run through the house naked.

How to get one night stand?
It's most fun when there's a girl that's more of an outsider. find the stragglers and then get them alone. or if you want to hook up with a hot chick, prove to them that you are an oppurtunity to them and you know that all girls are the same but the hot one's aren't going to be putting out for just any guy, they put out for the baddest dudes and they make sure it is an absolute secret.

Just keep your composure and try to be the leader of your circle and socialize and make it fun…not just kids trying to act mature…the real kids are the ones that want to make out and fuck in the bathroom


You can handle far less alcohol than you think you can. If you see someone blacked out on the floor, roll them onto their stomach. Jerk off before you go, you might be able to last longer than 18 seconds that way. Cameras will be everywhere, so if you fuck up, be prepared for the evidence to last forever.

Have fun.

Drink heavily, Talk to the cop at the door when they show up. And the bedroom is where the night stands are. Try to get both if you have access to i pickup or hatchback. Bet way to get a night stand is to empty it out to make it lighter. Then just pick it up and leave as quickly as possible.

instead of faggot alcohol how about drugs? they're guaranteed to get you laid.
i recommend a safe but high dosage of opioids. trust me.

alcohol is a meme.

this. it works but weed is for niggers.

Take it from someone who has the wisdom that only comes from life experience. Don't go. Consider the following:
- you will most likely never see these people again. most people will graduate HS and move away, never to be seen or heard from again. Do you know how many friends from HS I still have a few decades later? One. And we were friends before HS. Look around at your fellow students and know that what they think of you doesn't matter and they don't matter to your life.
- any chick who will sleep with you after randomly meeting you at a party has done it before - alot. These are the women who will give you STIs. These are the women who are racemixing. These are the women who become the 30-and-single, wine-and-cats, degenerate tramps we all look on with pity. Feel bad for them, don't use them up like the rest of the mouthbreathers.
- If you're about to graduate HS, you need to focus on skills that will translate to your future life. Forget partying with a bunch of faggots who can't hold down a beer. There will be decades of fun parties when you're an adult. You're not going to miss out on parties but you will miss out on getting a head start in life.

Police will look inside your house and then find anything they think gives them probable cause to come inside. You need to tell police they are tresspassing on private property but you'll be glad to speak with them on the sidewalk. Walk with them to the sidewalk and be nice but remain adamant that they have to stay on public streets if they want to talk with you.