Is anybody here not racist?
Is anybody here not racist?
Your mom sucks nigger cock all day, so at least she's not racist
im not, but then again i am a pedofille
How fucking small is he? He looks like a midget.
i believe white people are inherently better than black people.
I'm not, blow me
how do i have high verbal iq ;_;
why? when your race always say were more beautiful, more physically capable than and always say we have bigger cocks, tits and asses than you?
oy vey
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only brown person on
your not, my nigga
hey remember when you guys were slaves?
that was great.
I was raised in a multicultural society and I've actually interacted with many different races because of it so of course I'm not racist.
I see a lot of the racists here like I see a lot of the mgtows here, they hate entire groups of people out of complete ignorance because they've rarely ever interacted with the group they hate so much to figure out they aren't these horrible boogeymen they make them out to be.
remember you guys were dying from a a disease named after us
that was great
We should have never brought your disease here.
found the nigger
found the nerd /lit/ fag
I´m white, racism is a crime, crime leaves to jail, jail life is black culture.
I don't judge individuals before I get to know them if thats what you mean. I don't religiously believe that all races have the same IQ attractiveness, propensity towards violence, etc or that genetics can never influence who people become though. And I definitely am not accepting of most cultures. There is right and wrong and "culture" is not an excuse to be a terrible person.
I hate to break it to you but I don't think you are white.
If that is true then you would know some cultures are shit and enable shitty human beings. Just because good people can come from a toxic culture doesn't mean that culture is absolved of it's evils.
I'm only a little bit racist
I can think cultures from the middle east are backwards and would be better off not existing without being racist against the people from there.
You weren't born and raised in the multicultural society of jew york or shitcago were you? Niggers are stupid with few exceptions. They are raised to be brutes with better physical strength because of the old ancestry of being slaves for day labour. With some exceptions as they mix with genes of other races for worse physical strength in exchange for something else like health or brains. With of course even the exception to that.
Is it racist to recognize people are physically worse, better, and or different then others sometimes? No? Then why is it racist if you do that as a white man to a black person? Or as a black person to a chinese person?
I wasn't raised in america, no.
To white people who say you've got your good and bad people on both sides. You just haven't met enough niggers.
meep meep ben "the jew" shapiro should an hero tbh no homo
why do niggers continue reproducing?
I work in a factory that's somewhat physically demanding. We employ a lot of temporary employees, many of them are negroes. I just want to know where all these physically dominant niggers are at because we can't seem to find any that can work 8 hours a day.
If you believe in evolution (even micro-evolution if you're a creationist) you believe races are inherently different.
Nigger dominance is a myth perpetuated by a swarm of faggoty nigger loving cucks on the internet and Jews in high places who want to promote race mixing.
I'm fine with every different race, I just want to kill the Jews. A spic or nigger comes at you with their machete held high while the Jew acts like he is your friend and strikes when you are at your weakest.