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I find this to be insulting to my intelligence.
Stupid nigger OP.
Consider killing yourself.
Thank you.
lol no
He's trying so hard to be cool it's almost anti-lulz but not quite
Even Obongo's memes are better than your AnCap memes.
I bet you fucking newfags can't even triforce
I'm quite the meme lord myself I recon. Pic related, it's the first meme that memed itself to me when I jewgled meme.
What have things come to?
I can't wait for the year 4000.
This is getting uncanny. The media is really chomping down on this meme shit. Jimmy Kimmel had a sketch on us, and CNN unironically had serious discussion about pepe. Lets be real, the memes is just the most base level shit we do. However this seems to be a huge problem to the elites.
For all the shit Holla Forums talks about when it comes to statistics and discussions about race, fucking pepe the frog seems to be the thing that bothers them the most.
Any suggestions on why this bothers them the most? Why is it they feel its relevant for obama to be good at memes?
He absolutely is not and anyone that isn't a complete fucking retard or an average liberal will be able to see otherwise.
I think there was a thing about Frogs in the Kike tradition of Passover.
I dunno, just going off of foggy memories from that one Rugrats special
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They want to take our memes because it's the last thing they can't control.
LIberals love to think of themselves as the future and it being an inevitability that their goals will be accomplished. They're accustomed to firmly having the youth behind them and the superior position online. Then this election comes along and reverses what they see as the natural order, they don't feel at all comfortable with that.
Forgot triforce
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They know that kids like menes and kids are supposed to be liberal. If the Internet is pro-Holocaust, the kids might not be voting for AIDS and weed this time.
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Frankly, it's 2016. He's up against an Egyptian god. "Pretty good" doesn't cut it.
Hey guys I'm from MSNBC. Could you guys tell me about Spurdo the anti Semitic meme and about the White Nationalist symbol, triforce?
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it took nearly a decade but I finally found out how
Newfags can't lock their spoilers with password protection
They're trying to co-opt memes. They see that memetics is the future of information warfare. Since they can't destroy it outright (impossible because memes reacts aggressively to threats), they want to try and steal it (or at lease defuse its power).
Problem for them is, we're light years ahead in memetic development than they are.
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Newfags don't know about ronin pass
quads confirm
Ronin's paygate garbage that most people use to hide hyper-edgy shit.
Almost nobody uses Ronin for that anymore and you know it.
Our ancestors died in WW2 for this bullshit. They fucking stormed the beaches of Normandy for a misguided cause, only to then have their deaths contribute to this nigger making an absolute joke of us.
yeah, but at least we have something to fall back on to keep things from prying eyes
My guess is that aesthetics are highly important to liberals, in a way that overshadows reason and evidence. The liberal must be the hippest person in the room, be the most current on pop culture, must reject any white provincial signalling, must appear intelligent, so that they can pretend as though they're hooked up to a collective consciousness of hipness and intellectual brilliance. They demand a monopoly on pop culture, standard accepted norms of humor, and the usage of the Internet to troll & enrage their political opponents. They start to panic when made to feel like they just don't get a subculture, since the bubble of liberal groupthink is only as strong as the humor used to reassure themselves that they're right about everything. Without that bubble, they would have to start trying to engage people in rational argument. At a deep level, they are triggered as hell when their opponents in flame wars on Twitter, etc., are apparently telling inside jokes that they don't get at their expense. Even worse than having a losing argument, the liberal fears being labeled as uncool, stodgy, or culturally ignorant (even if the proponents of that culture have non-liberal values). And even though they like to pretend as though conservatives are tooth-sucking morons from the Shire, they subconsciously realize that these people are smart and are in possession of a specialized code of humor that they can't easily understand except by lurking the major *chan boards for months & months, just in order to appreciate the cornucopia of references & meanings.
Zelda thinks you're gay.
He isn't even a good meme.
Is the president of the United States challenging me (us) to a meme off?
King Nigger doesn't respect the people he's leading. Well he's been to Africa and South America so he knows what he's dealing with.
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I'll be pretty disappointed if this election cycle doesn't result in mass establishment suicides.
And Glenn Beck's suicide too.
Do it, faggot.
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Like what, his free healthcare memes from years ago? Those were gross.
Old man wants to fit in with the youngsters
Even worse.
Old nigger tries to fit in with young whites.
Memes aren't a mudnority thing.
what the fuck memes is king boon even talking about? Pyjama boy? Weakly waving those weights about? Michelle's dick?
His executive orders?
Not in the way he thinks.
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At last.
Agreed, capped your post in vertical form.
But I think it's even more drastic than not getting a subculture. The entire culture is shifting without them. Nobody likes Hillary or BLM or refugees, and now liberals are the globalist mainstream boot lickers, and this is causing an existential crisis. their philosophy can no longer guide them.
This meme is overpowering me!!!
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I bow to thee, O Memesmith, for bringing forth what I could not. This beith the first Triforce of Blood mine eyes hath seen.
Top Kek, these people are so sad.
They're so used to unwittingly employing low-tier memetics to alter perceived reality, that they think they can play that card with regards to cutting-edge memery altering the physical reality, and its sad.
Just comes off as "it was real in my mind" tier.
When you make light of your oppressors, they lose their power over you.
Yes, the second plague of egypt was frogs. Tons of frogs
>This is what the great LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials.
— Exodus 8:1–4
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Sounds spot on to me. When liberals try to meme it comes of as out of touch. They are completely unable to realize that they are the establishment. Remember 'Bernie's dank meme stash' or almost anything on 'occupy democrats?' When was the last time you enjoyed a meme promoting tolerance and diversity. The only one that I remember escalating to keks power level was when they got Obama to say 'Thanks Obama'
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The jews fear the frog
Do I smell sour grapes?
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Dubs of truth
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This appears as correct tri-force ONLY to Premium Members.
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he is.
he's what happens when the shiiiet nigger becomes president.
But is he as good as Gary "BOI" Johnson?
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kin I be bresident next? I'm bretty gud at maymays too
Shit thread OP
At least tell us what the article is about, and learn to fucking archive
Why the fuck is a swarm of frogs so bad?
At best a readily available food source, at worst a mild inconvenience until they die in a day from being in a fucking desert cause they're frogs.
Was this shit written by an ancient sjw thinking omg frogs r so gross! eww! that'll scare'em
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lurk moar civilianfags
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Seriously, it's completely harmless.
I guess it's bad to superstitious bronze-age sand people because they don't understand frogs.
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Did ya win son?
The breakdown of reality is amazing.
Let my people go or they'll start acting like jews even more.
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fucking newfag
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How do you do, fellow channers
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Newfags cannot biohazard
DESIGNATED MAY-MAYS, Correct the Record™
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Underrated Post.
The only memes he is good at is literally being the meme. So he is right if he considers shit like if if if if if being a meme or that obama speech generator.
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Everyone is good at memes, he's just a lying asshole. And he needs to be wiped by Trump toilet paper.
And it takes more than just lurking to get all the humor. You have to consume the ___-core media for each board. EVA, New Vegas, Loveless, Eyes Wide Shut, each are those and many more are referenced constantly. Plus you've gotta put in some time on ED to learn the history of chans. All things considered, it takes about 2 years of hardcore lurking and consuming media before one can convincingly fit in on chan boards - and by that point, you've been converted.
shits easy af yo
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Bruhhh…. my sides are blasting off.
Bet you can't ✍ ✌ ☢ tho.
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Fucking pathetic.
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did I win?
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Ha ha, holy shit, what's the alt code for that?
You're implying that they're actually care about facts when Kangzing. They already wuz prezidents.
Obongo was probably the first president to use memes and social media effectively to motivate the youth, but we've got Trump's back in this case. Obama simply adopted the memes, we were born into them.
I ment to say
and even more important than our superior meme skills and experience is the fact that meme power is tied to truth and humor. unfunny forced memes don't survive simply because no one likes them so no one shares them. the memes will always lend their power to whoever has truth and lulz on their side. memes can't be subverted because their essence is truth and quality. without those, the memes simply die out.
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pinochet shit isn't bad, but ancap memes are often like leftist memes, or poorly done ripoffs. and damn few of them even realise it
t. ancap
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This is actually my first attempt at the triforce. It looks a bit weird but I guess that's just before you post it. Perhaps, once the imageboard has to process it, it becomes something else?
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fucking newfags.
Man this guy is so electrically dank.