Any deepnet forums related to malare dev discussions?

Any deepnet forums related to malare dev discussions?

Don't post script kidie forums.

Other urls found in this thread: to download malware

you can't get the former without also getting the latter

only skids ask this kind of shit

This desu
Also op, pic related.

all fourms are for skids faggot, gtfo

hell forum, but you have to pay for entry, also these is 0day forum


Read these books OP.

Yes, the KKK will soon operate a Darth Net textboard where h4xx0rs will be able to discuss w0rm5, 7r0jan5 and other r00tk1ts...

after you unh4xx0red your shit? you got pwnz0r3d you n00bs.

I'm \/\/riting C-chan, the true |-|acker s0ftw4r3...

Can't you morons answer the OP's question? As if you are anything more than skids. Especially these tripfags.

Not any of them, but as far as I know, those communities have shriveled up.
Alphabet Agencies don't particularly like them, and I've heard of raids/honeypots on their userbases.
All that seems to be left are retarded skiddies whose idea of 'hacking' is DDOS.
The real hackers either have very tight networks that won't just open invitations to anyone, or they go lone wolf.



are you fucking retarded? all state of the art 11337 hax0r information is already public on shitty infosec blogs and haxor conferences. no "deepnet XDD" required

Are you? He asked about FORUMS. You know, places where you talk to people. I'd be interested in that too.

Bumping for some links

I don't speak illiterate-skiddie-american so I have no idea what the question is asking.

What's a "deepnet" and why would it have forums solely about malaria? to download malware

lmaoing @ u kid

cl4s51c sk1dd13 c4nc3r