Spider-bomb Spider-bomb Should've stopped after Raimi was gone


Look at this cuck, why would anyone want to watch a movie with him as the lead. He's short, nebish, ugly, and pathetic.

I predicted that Wonder Woman would be a hit back after Suicide Squad came out. Everyone on Holla Forums said I was crazy. I think Spooder-Man will be a failure, while Sony's R-rated Venom movie will be a success. Black Panther will also be a success, sadly. The reason for this is that audiences want new shit. Spider-Man has been recast too many times, no one wants to see some highschool bullshit again. Venom will make money because it's an R-rated horror/action/comedy that's coming out in October of 2018, Black Panther will make money because niggers.


Only in America. It will bomb hard in china and Asia at a whole.

Yeah, but the theaters will probably set up a program to accept food stamps.

"Sony’s Spider-Man: Homecoming hit tracking today and is projected to have an opening between $90M-$108M when it opens on July 7."

What a failure!

Look at the budget. That is a failure, you fucking shill. Also, it's Disney's film, not SOny's.

Sony has the rights to Spider Man. They reached an accord with Marvel so they didn't wind up like Fox with Mutants or the Fantastic Four.

Is this good?
I don't even know anymore.

"Sony’s Spider-Man: Homecoming hit tracking today and is projected to have an opening between $90M-$108M when it opens on July 7."

What a failure!
Article says the budget is in the upper $100 million range, significantly cheaper than ASM2, so a $100 million opening is a success. It's not just about the first weekend. The film will at least break even if it make even half as much as ASM2.

And yeah it is a Sony film. They own the Spiderman rights.

Yes, that's good.

Amazing spider-man 2 made twice as much.

Assuming they are telling the truth, then spiderman wil, only need to make about 200 million to become profitable. This isn't hard, especially since China bails out shitty movies.

The film was produced by Disney, by Marvel.

Fucking shills know it's gonna bomb so now they're trying to save face and blame it on Sony. Amazing Spidey 2 made twice what this trash is projected to make.


Then it's a good>>769074
To quote Kevin Feige "it is a Sony Pictures production of a Marvel Studios film. The agreement was that it is very much a Sony Pictures movie. Amy Pascal is co-producing it with us and [Sony Chairman] Tom Rothman is leading the charge for Sony"

It's a Sony film faggot.


so your argument that Sony is in charge is that their biggest money loser has a co-producer credit. gotcha.

Spider-nigger > miles morals

90 to 108 million doesn't sound like a bomb.


I, for one, love to see the spider-faggot crashing and burning.

First two Raimi Spider-Man films are brilliant capekino and hell of a lot better than most capeshit.

This is fact btw.

Why does Spiderman 3 exist?

Spider-Man 2 has a great set up for the sequel. A shame it turned out badly.

And don't get me wrong, I love dancing Peter. It was just a mess story and pacing wise. Manipulative Harry Osbourne was also pretty cool.

Let's play a game called: Spot the main character?

Spiderman 3 is kino

Nah, it was shit, fam.

What is tracking and what is its purpose?

Black Panther will make money because niggers.
If it is a throwback/callback/whatever to blaxploitation movies it will also be popular with Caucasian audiences. yeah right, as if

It is a bomb. If you are Disney or Sony trying to start a new cinematic universe

That looks like a bad fan poster

The only people who will see it will be blacks. Everyone else will avoid it like the plague due to associating it with the Black Panther Party. It better have like a $40 million budget.


This is indeed a fact.
Reference: me.

Producer meddling I think, Raimi wanted to do more movies

Doubt all you want, the new Spider-Man looks like complete trash. No amount of Disney PR will change the fact that the actor is shit, the cast is full of shitskins, and that it's just another generic Marvel film. Wonder Woman was fresh and new, along with having the momentum of Suicide Squad and Batman V Superman, which actual audiences loved.

The new Spider-Man is hotly anticipated, nigger. All I hear from people around my age is how they're excited to see this new Spider-Man.
SS, sure, but BvS was autistic shit that didn't even hit a billion.

The casting of this movie is fun. Tomei as Aunt May? Could be a fun milfy angle. Michael Keaton as the Vulture has to be a joke because of that Birdman movie which is a joke because he was Batman also. But that is all the fun I see.



The nigger bitch in the middle

I hope they pay you well.

Trips confirm, the boy is a cuck.

This isn't Holla Forums, autismo.

So did WW flopped too?

I should say the same, DC shill.

No. It's at $500 million worldwide at a budget of $149 million. It was going to succeed because they wanted it to succeed to prove that female lead superheroes can be successful. Ignoring the fact that those previous movies just really sucked, regardless if the lead was female. They could have just made a decent film and it would have easily doubled its profit anyway.

What's Batman doing?

Assembly the JUSTice League.


No need to shill when you're leagues more better than anything remotely comparable…

It's all money-laundering anyway, so why give a shit?

Someone in that movie is called Zendaya? Just Zendaya?!

*It's the androgynous mystery meat love interest isn't it?*


What a shit poster, looks like one of those chinese knock-offs.

when is the 3rd remake going to happen?

How much did Warner pay you to shill? Is that why you were memeing "DC Kinoverse"?

Why do black girls being fuck by white men look so happy compared to the other way around?

culture fetish

Even normalfags are starting to get bored of this shit I guess.
Too bad they perfected the Spider-man formula with the second Raimi film.

LOL! Keep dreaming animu fag.

1 Beauty and the Beast
2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
3 Wonder Woman
4 Logan
5 The Fate of the Furious
6 The LEGO Batman Movie

You guys see the Editor's cut yet?

Probably the closest thing we're gonna get to a Spider-man 3.1.

What's up with niggers and spider-man?