Anyone with a solid understanding of history knows that the following statement is not a theory or prediction, but an observation of fact, akin to a scientific law:
Violent balkanization is inevitable in a multi-ethnic state.
There are 0 instances of such a state ever enduring through the ages. Mongolians, Romans, Ottomans, Soviets, you name it. Every single multi-ethnic empire that has ever existed has dissolved along those ethnic lines.
A Hillary Clinton victory guarantees that we will continue along this trajectory to violent separation (whether that separation is in 5 or 100 years is beyond my ability to surmise).
A Trump victory will offer us a chance at veering off this trajectory, but it will require a successful transition from implicitly white civic nationalist policies to explicitly white ethno-nationalist policies.
Given the overwhelming presence of the (((far-left))) in both modern media and our education system, not to mention the influence exerted on Congress, I think this is highly unlikely and that a Trump presidency will probably end up merely delaying the inevitable due to deep ideological and cultural fractures that exist in our White demographic.
How do we prepare for this likely conflict? Unlike earlier multi-ethnic states, American racial diversity is highly diffused geographically, and is more represented in terms of an Urban vs Non-Urban divide than any solidly drawn geographical lines. While the rural midwest and northwest states are overwhelmingly white, there are even higher populations of white people existing in these racially diffused states along the coasts. Furthermore while there are decipherable cultural regions such as the West Coast, the Southwest, the Midwest, the Northeast, and the Deep South, there still exist strange outlier states such as Hawaii, Alaska, and Florida.
How can we expect balkanization in the US to unfold when it's diversity is diffused in such a spread out manner? How can we try to consolidate a stronger unified white identity before this conflict emerges?
Thank you for sumarising my thoughts exactly. With all the brainwashing going on and the control the enemy has we are still enless miles away from getting off the path thats been carefully paved for us all these years.
Robert Bell
It will fall apart, but the problem is that whites will not recognize it soon enough. They don't even realize that we are in the beginnings of the race war now.
Alexander Johnson
Henry Robinson
Shut up, kike. We made it work prior to 1965 and a couple decades after even. Everything you mentioned are kike driven fracture points that will go nowhere because I will point out the fact that it's a kike D&C tactic.
Logan Green
Did you even read the OP? Prior to 1965 the country was 90%+ White. I don't even believe the 60-70% numbers that get tossed around for today's population.
Those people don't evaporate into thin air if you win an election. What OP is saying is that the processes to avoid violent Balkanization aren't likely at all to occur and that preparations FOR a violent Balkanization are more prudent.
Anthony Hall
This is honestly the best response I can come up with to your post.
Asher Young
Great OP. I also feel that it's inevitable. You raise the questions that I have. How will this happen when the center of the problem is always a large city.
I think it's going to start with political violence, then naturally evolve into ethnic war once the sides are naturally drawn. Most gun owning Americans are conservative and white, most shitskins are on the left by default (most niggers are politically retarded.) I see it as white gun owners finally having enough, the police and military play a large part in this, and the shitskins and racetraitors forming the other side.
Naturally, when you get a crowd of niggers, spics, and sjws, there will be infighting. They have no respect for authority, and will have no working chain of command. Without authority and chain of command, you can't win a war.
I'm wondering more about how the white population will split with itself. There has always been a progressive segment of the white population wanting to force its social experiments on everyone else, dating back to the 18th century I think.
How would the traditionalists and progressives sllit?
Benjamin White
This along with a more prevalent individualistic streak is what is dooming whites the most as I see it. It's both a great strength and a great weakness. There's -virtually- no racial cohesion/solidarity unlike every other group. And meanwhile, the other groups have large segments within them that flat out hate whites.
I'll be called a shill and/or defeatist for sure, but I don't see things playing out for whites at all. Unless there's some big event (I'm not even talking like a WW3 or an American Civil War: Part 2 event - which I still see going badly for whites), I see it as a total destruction that will ramp up exponentially until completion.
I think the traditionalists would get absolutely massacred/forced to submit (which would then result in them becoming slave-tier) in a short time, and the progressives would immediately be racemixed out of existence while most of their men would be cuckolded so hard that many would either flat out kill themselves or break the cuck-wiring only for it to be far too late to matter.
Jaxson Anderson
Oh look, another thread promoting Red Ice shills and fake Holla Forums celebs created through repetition of the name.
Ben Garrison next?
Justin Fisher
Racial identity is still apparent among rural and especially southern whites.
You're the first person in this entire thread to even mention them. Pic related, it's you, you god damned autist.
Andrew Gonzalez
The U.S. is a little too big for the mestizos to hold it all. Most of them also don't seem to be driven by white hatred, unlike some other groups.
If things get too hot and the welfare stops, I even see a lot of them fucking off to Mexico.
As for the blacks … lol.
Colton Watson
There are two ways that I see the Balkanization beginning:
1) Progressive Victory: This is the slower path. Racism exists naturally within most (perhaps all) people, but left is attempting to provoke ethnic divides as a matter of public policy. Tensions will continue to rise. THere will be more acts of rioting and violence, all of which will contribute to white flight from the cities. Rural and suburban areas will become more dominated by whites. We're still waiting on a stressor of some kind (e.g. recession/invasion/etc.), but society doesn't have to completely fall apart for this balkanization to occur.
2) Economic Collapse: It could happen tomorrow. Once the economy goes to shit and groups like BLM don't have food, they'll turn violent. It might even turn into Holla Forums's long awaited race war.
(checked) OP mentions a divide between cities and rural areas. Things are much more complex due to multiculturalism, media, and the internet, but Spengler's rules still have some relevance to this situation. It's quite likely that we'll see anti-intellectualism occur in the population of people who believe that manspreading is caused by a secret desire to rape women. Once it does, the Second Religiousness won't be far behind.
It feels like I'm fighting 15 different nation-wide wars on top of a dozen or so global wars.
Am I the only one who constantly feels like they are in a literal actual war zone? Ever since I learned about Marxism when I thought that the "communists" where behind it (as opposed to the (((communists)))), I've always been keenly aware that we are not in peace time.
Justin Nguyen
You know, I've been thinking about this coming Balkanization for a long time, but lately I find myself asking why allow leftists to have any part of the country? Why not just purge them completely and force them to flee this country. We can't tolerate leftist bullshit spreading like cancer ever again.
Jaxson Young
Trump doesn't stop the Balkanization, but I feel he can soften the eventual violence some what. If whites actually start believing in race again and we have a good negotiator on our side to deal with the other races we may come out of this with minimal amounts of deaths. People will move around.
Jason Anderson
This is also a good option.
Brayden Rivera
To quote Leonidas in 300, "give them nothing, but take from them everything."
Adam Cox
Racemixing will fix that.
William Thompson
I wonder how much of this is because of the majority status.
It didn't make sense to act as a group when 90% of the population was in the group.
As we become minorities we're seeing the rise of that in-group preference because only now is it really becoming meaningful.
David Morris
It's all fine and good to suggest purging the cultural marxists, but is that actually something that can be practically achieved?
Also I think most left leaning moderates and young people in particular are ripe for being converted, they've simply been brainwashed and misled by the (((Education System))).
It should go without saying though that the Jews and the Lugenpresse have an express ticket straight to the ovens.
Parker Myers
It just needs a flash point then it will happen. Theres no none violent or democratic solution to the problem 100 million people dont just go away thats more the everyone in germany. Its likely the US will just break up into a smaller more managable entity like the USSR did with russia. Everything gained from mexico will likely go back to them, texas cali etc. Heavily black parts of the south will be gone. Also this white universalism in the US really doesnt exist southerners have diffrent religious and social values as say an oregonian, it might break up into 2 or 3 white nations.
Christopher Allen
If it comes to a civil war? Absolutely. Purge them indiscriminately. Cancer has to be completely eliminated.
Lucas Brown
It cant and anyone who says otherwise a sizeable portion of the white US is leftists. You cant fight and win a racewar that way even with every single white we are only 60% take away leftists we are only like 30-40% people who would fight a racewar like less then 5%
Gabriel Nelson
It's not just the marxists I was talking about. There are a lot of soft-hearted Christians here who really do mean well, but they happen to be delusional. And while "kill the Communists" might fly, "kill the Christians" wouldn't. Keep in mind this was meant to be a Christian nation.
Colton Turner
Cities will be a wasteland, half the population or more will starve to death.
Jacob Hughes
Didnt mean to sage
Ryder Perry
It was a mistake not to listen to the people. Balkanization should have happened decades ago.
Asher Perry
Seems nothing of value was lost
Blake Wright
Switzerland is a functional multi-ethnic state.
It can be done, but only with white people.
Landon Roberts
Not gonna happen. Dindus, spics and kebabs are spread out all over the US.
Andrew Myers
It's not an empire faggot.
Nicholas Morgan
If you guys honestly want to know what the race war will be like read this
If whites get more pathetic and just blanda up, there will be no war, we will just dwindle and dilute until it does not matter anymore.
If white attempt to stand up, and reclaim our heritage, and stand up for ourselves, their will be war, as the UN and Kikes have ensured to plant the seed of hate in the blacks and browns for what the banks did to their country (with the help of Mason whites).
Third option is we make a deal with the blacks and browns they can't refuse. Tell them about the kikes and show them that in 15-30 year technology will be such that we can just buy them all out with 3d printed beach houses, and just relocate them all.
We all know the kikes will not make this deal with them, because they want them all dead or a 95% population reduction.
Easton Price
Thats OPs point. Switzerland fits that description. Was Yugoslavia an Empire?
Wyatt Parker
It's obviously intentional. Could be something clever only people who took Latin in high school understand.
grate: a : a barred frame for cooking over a fire b : a frame or bed of iron bars to hold a stove or furnace fire c : fireplace obsolete : cage, prison
Or it could mean something simple (by their standards) like turning the schools into hell.
Ryder Foster
Levi Richardson
In the event of widescale civil unrest, how would purging white cultural marxists actually be accomplished? How would they be identified?
Unlike jews and shitskins they blend in with us. They look like us. Okay maybe some of them are scrawny effeminate faggots, but not all of them are. Hell, some of us are too. Do we just start slaughtering anybody with thick-rimmed glasses?
I have to assume that we won't have the internet for research, and even if the internet is still up, what would you do? Dox every person passing through every checkpoint? Comb through their social media history before deciding to let them pass or put them under the ground?
I'm open to suggestions, but I don't see a pragmatic solution to this.
Cooper Bell
I think those are the optimistic examples. What about Brazil? What if, like in South Africa, our numbers continue to dwindle and white people act in a meaningful way?
David Cox
I'd wager that integrate at the time simply wasn't a word that most people were familiar with. Decades after the fact, we all know how to spell it because we've all grown up with the consequences of it.
Zachary Turner
They should have the Dominos Pizzabot (tm) roll into the hood and see what happens.
Nolan Cooper
Yugoslav does count as an empire actually and switzerland survives by federating which means everyone gets their own country and stays away from each other.
Jason Fisher
You really wont have to. Most 'leftists' are dillusional and cloistered in their suburbs or urban centers. They have no means of survival if the power goes out and money stops flowing. The rural and prepared citizenry will survive. You cant know who's 'curlturally marxist' really but their beliefs predicate on being dependent on the state. If the state is gone they are naked in the woods. They will starve. Same goes for the obese and the infirm.
Oliver Smith
Each region you mentioned will form its own racial form of government.
No idea about the Southwest and Left Coast.
If the Yankees try another empire grab for "muh white imperium" they'll get their asses handed to them. There is no shortage of men or machinery in the South any longer.
It can be assumed that the ruralfags will eat the urbanfags, depending on how terrible the locale is, regardless of what happens on the regional scale, and that will purge off a lot of non-whites since they seem incapable of living outside of megatropolis shitholes. The majority of city lifelines, such as water treatment and power plants, reside well outside of the actual city.
Hudson Martinez
By who, all the spics?
Angel Ross
There's no good lines for Balkanization though.
It's not like the West coast is all White and the East is 100% other ethnicities.
Minorities, brainwashed leftist whites, and whatnot are concentrated in urban regions scattered all over the country.
The Blacks in the South are the closest thing to a possibly separatist region way I see it, and that's where American White people actually have an identity, so I see it as very unlikely.
Who else? The "la Raza" stuff? I'm a Mexifag and that's fucking bullshit, that's chasing a ghost; most people here would rather have Mexico turn into California than the other way around.
Bloody civil war, mass deportations, all else fails and Brazilification? Maybe. But there's no battle lines for effective balkanization, in that there's good hope for the US.
Jackson Perez
Texas, really being the only exception. But I think they would only split if this larger civil war scenario was actually happening.
It might just be as simple as red state vs blue state. Not sure who that would favor tbh.
Owen Adams
It's like you're really a fag or something. Go Sox.
Brandon Ward
That paper was beautiful
Matthew Thompson
That's why it's very likely it will be bloody.
Thomas Wilson
Balkanization implies loss of territory to the savages and parasites currently in the country.
Then 200 or 300 years later what happens, when people start forgetting why the split occurred in the first place and the process repeats itself because shitskins can't self-govern and start clamoring to be let in "White America"? Do you just keep surrendering land and resources? How long before you have nothing left to give away or are too small to be self-sufficient?
My country would disappear overnight without military alliances with other EU countries. Who would a fractured white America ally with when it's surrounded by enemies fueled by racial hatred?
Joseph Smith
Hello Polish user.
William Reed
That's not true though. Think of the demographics that are obsessed with "survival" and "prepping" and prepare for "zombies". Even if they won't/can't say it, there's a lot of normies that have a feeling something is going to go down. A nice white pill is that those are our people generally even if they aren't 100% aligned with our views. I see bumper stickers for pic-related and other anti-Fed groups/subcultures on the trucks of most high agency White guys in my part of the country.>>7689794
Jackson Thomas
Samuel Reed
sorry OP, you're going in the oven. bolshevik kike subversion is what destroyed yugoslavia, rhodesia, south africa, the british and russian empires, et cetera et cetera.
Easton Stewart
You don't know anything about balkan
Jack Cruz
Will probably take over twenty years for us to sufficiently polarize in order for this to happen. Starting to think a off planet solution for the white race might be best.
The issue is most would not fight at all on all sides.
Most revolutions are only 3-5% of the population. But in a country with 320 Million people, that is 10-15 Million People.
William Richardson
just going to point out that the fucking definition of an empire is rule over various ethnic groups
Adrian Allen
that is a really rare wojak.
Angel Murphy
Not quite true.
Adrian Myers
Now compare that map to the USSR or even Czarist Empire.
Ethan Bennett
Daniel Bell
The boarders of Russia proper have barely changed in centuries, except to expand. America isn't an empire.
Sebastian Diaz
What further complicates things is that many of the most redpilled and well-armed white live in the South….which is crawling with dindus.
Asher James
what is this faggot tree
Mason Roberts
It is and has been since 1865.
Adrian Mitchell
Gabriel Jenkins
Russia has lost almost everything it has gained since peter the great. Ukraine finland baltics belrus. It has been continusly shrinking and dying for a century and very soon its likely to loose siberia due to asian immigration.
Landon Hughes
Over half of the world's naval power will half to come together just to destroy our air/naval capacity outside CONUS.
Luis Evans
You putin fan boys are fucking idiots and his multicultural shit is guareenteeing russians collapse
Ethan Cooper
Much more people need to wake up before violence begins.
In Europe it will start in France I think. Le Pen will lose next year, which is good because it will make the normies even more bitter and vengeful. It's way too early to force repatriation (although nowhere else will it happen first). There will be a couple other big attacks. Maybe in a school in a smallish town, that would be the tipping point emotionally, because of the kids, and the tension and anger afterwards would redpill most remaining cucks. People will then just team up and simply start ambushing random arabs and africans. Inside towns, with cold weapons. So completely different scenario than the US. Some will respond, together with the leftists, but after a few thousand casualties, I think most foreigners will just leave the country peacefully. I have no idea what will happen next.
As a European, I don't know how the US could divide. This above sounds like an argument for rooting for Clinton. If Clinton wins and gives amnesty, that would close any democratic route for ethnic nationalism, even if most illegals are in California anyway. But would many whites get bowlcuts during her mandate? I don't see it happening. Instead, the exaggerated attitude of the media during a Trump presidency (if he turns out to be a good president and he's loyal) could give even more awareness to normies, just like the sjws did with feminism.
Converts are sometimes the most radical believers.
Yes, I feel that way too.
Cultural marxism, even if it has now spread, has initially taken roots only in the English speaking countries because of the "white man's burden" meme (Sweden and West Germany were exceptions because of the war). However the fundamental problem is Christianity. Cultural Marxism is a disguised modern reformulation with the same principles: unconditional charity, exaltation of the weak and oppressed, an original sin which can be removed with help of a trained clergy. It's the perfect vulnerability to exploit for a parasite. But if you get repeatedly ill because you're ignorant of how hygiene works, swearing at or trying to extirpate the illness doesn't make you less likely to get another one, nor wiser.
Colton Moore
I doubt the US will divide i think we are all secretly hoping for it because the alternative is brazil and a lifetime surrounded by niggers and no one wants to admit that is the more likely option without a collapse. If there is a revolution it will be in europe within a decade
Kevin Collins
I have an example of a successful multi-ethnic state.
Chinese, Malay, Indians are the principal ethnic groups and they seem to get along alright. Singapore is consistently one of the highest scoring HDI nations and they have ridiculous test scores.
Josiah Bailey
Trips of truth Keep spreading the propaganda, stickers, paint, flyers, just talking to people etc. The more racially aware and prepared whites are, the better chance they have of saving themselves when shit happens. Spread the "Northwest Front" books, too. I know some WN's see whites capturing just four states as "defeatist", but there's nothing to say they have to stay in those four states afterwards. If a race war starts but all the races are evenly distributed, the very first thing each one needs is a "safe area" for supplies, rest and re-arming.
Jeremiah Stewart
Also I suggest you do some research on the demographics of Siberia before making such absurd claims.
Matthew Martinez
Nothing will stop the split. Not even if every non-white was sent back tomorrow. Trump will just delay it. I'm not one for doom and gloom, I'm just being realistic. Germanfags and Londoner lineage wants collectivism. Scots-Irish and the rest of non-Londoner Britfags want individualism (of the non-pozzed variety).
It's very racial. There's no such thing as pan-white/european, even with the mixing that has occurred.
Austin Hill
We've been in a race-war since Europeans landed on this rock. We've been having to keep down nigger rebellions, crucify white cucks (yes, they existed at all points in American history, delivering pozz loads equal to anything today), clear out injuns and drive out mestizo mexican scum. The war has always been going on, the big trick was to convince white people that it either stopped, or that it was immoral to fight it at all.
Gavin Carter
It's already occurred to a degree. It's tricky due to the mixture of natural resources, places of work and residential areas.
We can't all just move to the Dakotas and such places without giving up massive assets.
US cities for the most part are laid out like shit. Very little thought looks to have put into them coupled with the means of construction, one can only concluded they were never meant to last.
So I think barring another civil war (which will come at some point) the status quo will persist and with it the tensions. This Charlotte happening shows that place is pozzed. Their downtown (which is all they have) got overrun and trashed with little effort. Most large cities have been lost for 1-3 decades now. Nigger mayors and police chiefs were massive clues.
Gun laws are big. So any fag states are out. Also taxes. Can't have state taxes. The ones that do are actually the worst off. Bankrupt state pensions are going to be a huge issue.
Samuel Williams
That's why they attack so hard the confederate flag and all that shit.. they know it's inevitable.
Dominic Bailey
Sounds familiar.
Tyler Martinez
It starts with disruption of food transportation. Then law and order breakdown extremely fast in the biggest cities. Martial Law is declared but it doesnt matter. They wont be able to stop what happens next.
The big cities almost immediately devolve into inter racial warfare, but its mostly at first niggers vs everyone else. Funny thing is? Everyone else ACTUALLY CAN coexist and get along fairly well. Ish. Tolerably, livably well. But not niggers.
It starts with people in the cities escaping, and in some cases having people from outside attempt to drive in and rescue them. Then the food runs out. And every neighborhood begins savaging itself before the winners coalesce and move around, eventually seeping out into the immediate suburban and rural areas.
And thats where everyone starts begging for food and safe residencs. And nobody is around to enforce muh equality norms. Which starts more conflict. Black white interracial couples are the most screwed immediately. White hispanic shortly follow. Better speak that english and be on good terms with family and neighbor.
Because the immediate aftermath is a hard redpill and the stark realization that nobody can effectively stop whats happening. FBI penetration into gangs and groups? Rendered completely irrelevant now. FBI too busy escorting VIPs. And getting shot at by oh….all local pds?
So suddenly mass organization of civilian militias happen, and they mobilize. And fuck, just protecting the countryside and refusing to allow certain people to eat off of you kills them.
The Midwest and the Mississippi River system and Appalachia etc get secured comparatively quickly. The largest portion of the problems are concentrated, even if they rapidly spread out.
Even if full martial law mobilization is achieved with absolute loyalty, their just isnt enough manpower to hammer shit down everywhere. Oh sure, the Fed would be able to shitstomp any opposition if the Fed can keep even a 50k mobile mechanized force in the field, but that doesnt matter if they cant stop the killings. And fuck, even if they can, the amount of time it would take to comb through even say half of Tennessee with that force means the other half can wrap shit up.
"No sir, that census is wrong, aint never been no niggers in Memphis."
And thats the problem right there. I mean, sorry, but the American military and intelligence apparatus is not the Russian one. By the time a securely unbeatable force is assembled, its too late.
The problem? Former Mexican Territory. California is something that will have to be outright reconquered. Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada are the same deal.
And then of course the issue of dealing with whatever Loyal Feddie remnants there are.
Ian Robinson
Juan Baker
In 2014, the paleoconservative luminary Pat Buchanan asked, “Will the U.S. become Balkanized?” For better or worse, the coming Second American Civil War or incipient Balkanization of the United States has been a common theme on the intellectual fringe with some spill-over in the mainstream. Everyone from black to white nationalists seems to be counting on some kind of spectacular political break-up in the next half-century, if not a profitable one then at least an apocalyptic one. Secession and segregation are integral parts of the vocabulary of American politics, and even some Hillary voters aren’t averse to asking Red Staters to just secede already and leave the good Blue States alone to enjoy their Starbucks-brand democratic socialism.
Such a flare-up would not be without precedent. The United States came asunder in 1861, so it is clearly not invincible, although the fault lines are almost certainly not the same. The ethnic, demographic, religious, economic, and geopolitical causes for the first American Civil War are not perfectly understood, but identifiable. Bloggers like JayMan have done an excellent job aggregating and explaining maps and data that show America’s different cultural streams, including the ones that went to war seventy years after independence from Britain. Here is a link to the ‘American Nations’ series, which will give you a basic rundown.
With the Republican frontrunner predicting riots, clever schemes to rework the political boundaries of the United States to reduce social tensions have been something of a fashion among aspiring thought criminals. There is the Six Californias proposal. The anarchists at the All Nations Party. Southern separatists who want the Old Confederacy back. Black separatists who want an African-American state in the Mississippi Delta or the Black Belt of the South. White separatists who want a white ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest (if nowhere else). Latino separatists trying to reclaim Aztlan. Libertarians want to move to New Hampshire and turn it into a small-government paradise, although most of them aren’t advocating open secession yet. Most aspiring separatists are gracious enough to offer Utah to the Mormons, and haven’t they pined for their Deseret long enough?
As I pointed out more than two years ago, despite widespread and increasing societal tension, the United States is simply not polarized enough to actually Balkanize or collapse into civil war. North America is becoming increasingly diverse and increasingly non-European, but diversity alone is not enough to drive a civil war or other major political rupture. For that, you need not just diversity, but concentrated diversity, and America’s diversity is deliberately diffused throughout the entire country.
Before Ukraine entered an official state of civil war in 2014, it had two clearly identifiable poles pulling the country East and West, respectively. Click here for a great map that illustrates what I’m talking about. In the West of Ukraine, the inhabitants spoke Ukrainian, wanted integration with the countries to the West in the EU and NATO, practiced Eastern Rite Catholicism on occasion, and had a history of being ruled by Poland, Lithuania, and Austria. In the East, the inhabitants spoke Russian, wanted re-integration with Russia, practiced Orthodox Christianity, and had no history except that of Russian conquerors and colonists in the territories around the Black Sea and Caucuses.
These cultural differences manifested in pre-Euromaidan presidential elections. Western regions voted upwards of 90%+ in favor of pro-Western candidates, while Eastern regions simultaneously voted 90%+ in favor of pro-Russian candidates. There was not much of a gradient either, as most regions voted 60-70%+ in favor of their particular candidate. The Donetsk region, which is now the core of the Russophone rebellion in Ukraine, voted for Viktor Yanukovych in 2004 with a margin of 96.2%. The Lviv region in the West (where half the population is Catholic) voted for Yanukovych’s opponent with a margin of 91.8%.
Nolan Jenkins
For comparison I’ll quote my original article:
…only a handful of U.S. states were >60% for either Romney or Obama in the 2012 Presidential election. Heavily Mormon Utah only managed 72% for Romney, and even Obama’s extremely liberal birth state of Hawaii only just barely managed to break the 70% barrier. Those were the only two states with >70% returns for either candidate. Take a look at that map of Ukraine again.
If you want to imagine an America that is going to split apart, imagine an America of 25 Utahs and 25 Hawaiis – but that is still not exactly as polarized as Ukraine was in 2014.
Even if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, I doubt that Republican vs. Democratic vote margins in the 2016 American presidential elections will vary much from their typical 51-49 or 55-45 counts. Take a look at this map of the results of the U.S. presidential election of 1860 one year before the Civil War began. Notice anything funny?
John C. Breckinridge, running on the ballot of the Southern Democratic Party, won almost the entire South, while Abraham Lincoln won almost the entire North and John Bell of the Constitutional Union ticket won three states in the center of the country, including Virginia, which coincidentally fell apart very soon. What were the victory margins then? Did they more closely approximate today’s American victory margins or the highly polarized margins in Ukraine?
Not a single ballot was cast in favor of Lincoln in 8 out of 10 states that Breckinridge won, and not a single ballot was cast in favor of Breckinridge in four Northern states, including the big ones of New York and Pennsylvania. The South had a three-way race between the Northern and Southern Democratic parties and the Constitutional Union Party, while the North had a two-way race between the Republican Party of Lincoln and the Northern Democratic party. The country was de facto holding two totally different elections. In other words, it was already de facto two different countries.
Looking at election results and JayMan’s extensive collection of maps showing regional dialects, climate, religion, etc., it is very difficult to discern any particular geographic poles that exist in contemporary America. There are certainly regional tendencies, but there is nothing that even comes close to approximating the level of polarization (bi- or multi-) necessary to catalyze a civil war like that of Ukraine in 2014 or the States in 1861. An election map of the United States reveals that America is not divided between Red and Blue, but is rather an almost continuous purple. The purported borders of cultural differences of America’s eleven nations are even more vague when examined on a map. Even a Mormon state is a bit far-fetched when only around half of Utah is Mormon.
Ultimately, America cannot Balkanize because America’s diversity problem is not regional, but national and ubiquitous. The main political division in America is not geographic or territorial, but a caste division between Brahmins and Vaisyas. If the political turmoil in America worsens significantly, it is very unlikely to lead to secession, Balkanziation or civil war. The geographic conditions are simply not there. It is, however, very likely to lead to a patchwork of increasingly autonomous local governments – on the order of counties or municipalities – and widespread low-level political violence. At the moment, the United States seem destined to remain united even as they disintegrate.
Gavin Sanders
Tiny can work well with strict rule, scaling is where the issue lies.
Cameron Johnson
You know, its actually funny. The Damnyankees and midwesternsers and everyone else were all for racially equal treatment, and equal opporutnity…..and then they had to actually you know.
Deal with large population s of niggers andnspics.
Nah, I think as soon as the race war is over, we reunify and reconquer parts of the continent we lost. And then Canada.
Charles Russell
Without the feddies infiltrating everything, they get dealt with harshly and immediately. Its the Hispanics that cause strife. Marrying jnto them hasnt been seen so bad. What with havjng traces of humanity instead monkey assed rapefricans.
Zachary Sanchez
There's a misunderstanding. By European I simply mean that it's 5:30am here. I've never been in the US, therefore my ignorance.
Nathaniel Barnes
Jose Campbell
The problem with OPs theory is that the USA isn't like any other country in history. All those other countries became multi-ethnic through conquest and absorbing the native population.
The USA became multi-ethnic through immigration and assimilation. It's a critical distinction for what should be obvious reasons.
That isn't to say there aren't problems right now, but most of them are relatively easy to fix. Build a wall, deport Illegals, overturn the 64' immigration law so America isn't forced to import massive amounts of 3rd worlders as part of a quota system and go back to a selective system. And now you're almost done.
The last remaining step is ideological, and in a nutshell is simply Nationalism. You need a common thread, a common ideal to bring people together and form a cohesive society. Getting rid of poisonous divisive programs like Affirmative Action and Protected Classes of people needs to be done as well. Freedom of Association and the right to tell people No are important to a free society, even more so in a multi-ethnic on.
Noah Harris
Lel if Lincolns opposition had worked behind one person, they might have won.
Angel Wood
even if he doesn't, build it
Camden Scott
Even if you consider what we had "making it work" why the fuck would we want that when we know that pure white alternative is the clearly superior option.
Grayson Harris
Please correct me if I am misunderstanding you but as far as I can tell you are suggesting we deport the illegals to reduce the number then assimilate the rest? I do not want to live among the kind of people that created the failed states they came from.
Zachary Thompson
That's how I read it too. Big fat no thanks to that idea, that's just another band-aid solution
Brayden Brooks
Well the USA started out with mostly white citizens. The biggest non-white group was blacks and those were slaves, not citizens.
I am skeptical of theories like OP because I don't think that observations about empire durations can be generalized. Firstly people always define what is an empire and what counts as rise and downfall in a way that makes the numbers fit. Second, saying the US will inevitably collapse is like saying the market will crash. Sure it will, but when?
Xavier Ward
Not really, just let the south go and most of the problem is solved. Florida is like 1/3 of Jews.
Are you a southerner?
Hudson Jones
Let the South go and hyperliberals rule you with a Sweden fist.
Camden Miller
most of the low population states that are overrepresented in the electoral college are both north and red, however most of these states are going to trump.
Grayson Gutierrez
Pick one and only one Russia has been retreating for a century
Adam Baker
The worst nigger lovers have always been from the south you faggots
Jaxson Ramirez
This post is the essence of MyPostingCareer civic nationalism.
"The country can work guys, muh proposition nation, muh scale."
Isaiah Bennett
for comparison, here is the reagan map.
This is what trumps map will be like
Christopher Morales
We need to redefine the purpose of government in the west. This isn't a matter of what government principally, historically has been meant to do, this is a matter of what the modern need of government is, and that is to preserve White, western culture and history.
Here in the united States, part of that culture and history is the constitution, and it is thus a priority of the government to uphold it, in addition to all other facets of whiteness of western superiority, in that order.
We are fighting foreigners, invaders, and negros that infest our cities, but the government is like the gun at the center of the table, and everyone is reaching for it at once. We need to sieze it at once, and protect ourselves from these animals.
Matthew Williams
Nolan Stewart
nigger we took like most of Mexico. "hurr immigration" shut the fuck up
Christian Phillips
while I don't agree with the post you're quoting (the best racial policy for america would be to try and create a new stock from existing whites while deporting or discouraging non-whites from breeding), he is right in that a large majority of non-natives in the US were immigrants, specifically during and after the cold war when we would "reward" countries that didn't ally with the commies by letting them send their shit-skinned dissidents get free gibs in our kapitalismus wunterland
Oliver Smith
The empty part, you historical illiterate. And we took less than Congress and the President mandated because of–get this–A FUCKING PROTOGLOBALIST TRAITOR NAMED NICHOLAS TRIST. HE WAS A FUCKING SPIC SYMPATHIZER. If he hadn’t been negotiator, this would be the US southern border and there would be no cartels, no immigration problem, and we’d be ENTIRELY self fucking sufficient on oil.
Thomas Green
Caleb Phillips
This is what Yankees actually believe.
Gabriel Reyes
the southern white slave owners were always just nigger slaves to wealthy new englanders
Brandon Walker
Obama put the final nail in the coffin for the US Military, cucked beyond belief.
You can get better training on your own.
Colton Edwards
This is why the Northwest Front is important.
We need to make sure whites get a piece of the pie. for you newfags
Wyatt Bell
Rome. Rome fell by importing browns for slave labor.
Nathan Garcia
Thank you for correcting the record
Jeremiah Ross
Singapore is 75% Chinese, and they walk all over the other ethnicities.
Carter Campbell
Just kill everyone in college towns and urban areas. That gets 90% of them.
Jace Davis
You already named them yourself. The urban-rural divide. Siege the cities and most of the shitskins will die.
Ryder Lee
Kill yourself.
Dominic Cook
They know what they did. They know exactly what they did.
They have learned the hardway what happens when you give niggers chances ans jobs
Some ait it.
Nicholas Cruz
John Taylor
The US will fall like every other empire of an age. And they are getting ever more destructive.
Because the US can't let any part of the rope loose. That's the problem when you want to be hegemonic and control everyone. They don't want Europe to take their place, they don't want a power of Asia to be dominant in its own fucking region, they don't want anyone to creep in Latin America because Monroe Doctrine.
I mean, look at the royal fucking they are doing to themselves.
Noah Myers
Anthony Myers
The thing I hate about the NWF is that people pretty much draw it along state lines and don't include all mountainous areas of Northern California down to about Redding, where the valley starts. Great topographic control of roads up the Sacramento River (I-5) and 101 on the coast. The whole western US is heavily mineralized, you are giving world class deposits of resources away to the hordes who probably won't even dig the shit up.
Nevada and Utah would be valuable as whole territories. They're so sparsely populated everyone could be Mexican and it wouldn't matter, not to mention the magic line of latitude they're concentrations exponentially drop due to cold winters.
TL/DR: NWF boundary lines are arbitrarily drawn, leaving out much western resources in places of nill population. That and we don't have to move to begin with, DOTR WHEN!?
Henry Harris
Most likely one section will control all the farms and land, the other will be stuck in the cities with da banga who wants da gibs ma dat, where a dozen farts will make 95% of them stinky.
I'll tell you though, they swamped over 400 schools in one of the whitest areas of the country in 15 years. And with leaders like King Nigger and Because Vagina you can expect that to continue 10 fold.
Daniel Richardson
is this what happened with india and pakistan?
Easton Taylor
He is right, burguer.
The sonner america loose its superpower status, the better for the wellbeing of all americans.
John Taylor
Carter White
Being a superpower means being an empire. Being an empire means expanding your borders and sphere of influence. Expanding your borders and sphere of influence inevitably leads to a multi-ethnic state. And a multi-ethnic state is an unhappy state.
Every major power today: America, China, Russia - all of them are multi-ethnic states, and while all of them wield great influence, all that really means is copious amounts of wealth for (((them))).
I'd much rather be a small, ethnically homogenous state free of jewish influence than a global superpower.
Gavin Powell
It won't balkanise because there is no identity other than American concentrated in an area that could be it's own nation. The only strong regional identity is in the South and in Texas, but they are so internally divided that they're hardly likely to secede again, and if they didn't at the time of civil rights and desegregation why would they now.
The people who are most discontented with the current system, non-elite whites, are also the most patriotic and committed to America.
The only possible balkanisation scenario is a Mexican 'Reconquista', but Mexican dominated areas actually rejoining Mexico seems unlikely to me since they have nothing to gain from leaving the federal gibs.
This is correct. Blacks will never separate voluntarily though because of everything they gain from the federal government.
Connor Powell
Matthew Rodriguez
this the south voting block was the only thing that delayed social degeneracy obviously it wasn't enough, but without them the us would probably be like the uk/germany/sweden/france
Cooper Kelly
If the wide spread diffusion of non-whites makes Balkanization unlikely, than what's going to happen?
Do we just turn into another Brazil? Should I just start packing my bags and plan on abandoning America for Europe?
I hate the idea of America being a lost cause, but I'd much rather assimilate to my ethnically homogenous ancestral homeland than live in the Weimerica Shopping Center.
Josiah Morales
europe is in no better shape some of them (eg england, france, germany) are approaching us demographics levels while being nogunz, and no free speech
you have extremely violent and hostile kebabs all over western europe and most people are still convinced they don't pose a threat
us and europe have different problems, but they're both very serious
Elijah Rodriguez
Yes, you should take a dna test, find out what ethnic group you have the most of, and move to that country and learn the language. Colonialism was cancer and is almost going to cause the death of the white race, we all should be saving money and trying to stop the colonization of our ancestral homelands. Leave america for the blacks and mexicans.
Aiden Wood
should clarify this doesn't apply to some eastern european countries, but unless you have a parent from there etc it's doubtful you could assimilate even if you speak the language
Nathan Peterson
north america belongs to the european man, manifest destiny
europe is already very densely populated - if hundreds of millions of whites returned it would be complete shit we should be expanding and cleansing every continent, not retreating into one area surrounded on all sides by browns
Julian Moore
But whites need to be a superpower if we ever want to leave this planet and keep our dominance, as is ours by birth and right.
But you are correct, empires lead to race mixing which leads to a fall.
So we need to partition the world with the chinks for now and genocide the shit out of africa and spic-shithole-land down south.
If we dont our descendants will always have to watch their back against niggers, dune coons, poo in loos, spics jews etc. Our ancestors have repeated this cycle a couple times over the millennium, and we finally have the overwhelming technological advantage to make it a reality. We owe it to our children and our forebears to make a white planet a reality
Ryder Lewis
I'm willing to bet India will further fracture in the future.
There's a significant difference between the northern Indians and the Dravidian's in southern India.
Blake Torres
If Europeans continue to live in America, which was a multi ethnic, diversity melting pot of failure, I can assure you, the remaining survivors will be culture-less, and highly susceptible to genocide like south Africans are. You know colonialism is bullshit and is a major reason why non whites believe they have a right to colonize Europe, why push it? It never worked and it never will.
Besides, our brothers in Europe need us, it is going to be a life and death struggle in Europe, and they need every ancestral European they can get.
Aaron Williams
I think the main difference is that most Europeans still largely possess a concept of a racial/ethnic identity, whereas in America that ethnic identity has all but ceased to exist and been replaced with the concept of a proposition nation.
I'm half German/Dutch, half pure Greek. While I actually already speak German quite well (studied it for 5 years) my mother is only 2nd generation and still owns her family's original property in Greece, so I may end up returning there, although I know very little Greek beyond what I used in my church. Greece, with Golden Dawn, seems like one of the most promising states for a nationalist take-over.
Obviously the optimal scenario is an America re-establishing a fervent ethnic identity, but I just don't know how likely that is anymore.
I think the best case scenario is that white identity politics succeed under a Trump presidency. A wall and deportations help with the taco problem, but I think it would really take something like a paid sterilization program under the guise of "reducing population growth" to return America to a homogenous state. With the low agency and time preference of black people and a lot of hispanics, a system that offered $500 to get yourself sterilized would probably be wildly effective. I think an all-out genocidal race war is an extremely unlikely scenario.
Chase Cruz
Noah Brown
You're nitpicking. The meat of it is gathering whites together into defensible territory.
Jordan Nguyen
Singapore keeps people in line by having extremely strict laws that aren't exactly ringing with liberty or freedom. The more non-white a country, the harsher the laws need to be to keep a semblance of order in society.
Brandon Thomas
you have a weak, defeatist mindset the only reason why we're being colonized by non-whites is because we allow it to happen the white race was destined for far more than simply staying at home in europe before WWI the US was a fine country 90% white - if Lincoln had sent the blacks back to africa like he'd intended it would've been almost entirely white US got to the moon first, and has contributed in many other ways to science australia also was a fine country until the end of the white australia policy and the confiscation of guns some of us have had ancestors in the us for hundreds of years - giving up while we're still a majority would be an insult to the blood and sweat they poured into building a nation out of nothing
if you think you can assimilate to greece, then good luck - as you said they do have a strong nationalist counter culture that is relevant, but if you're thinking holland or germany is in any better shape than the us you are kidding yourself
Aiden Nelson
i think the situation in europe depends on a lot of things. a year and a half a go it seemed nearly hopless and Europe would have to be rebuilt from ashes, if we even won.
But if Europe had a safe flank in Trumps america, I dont think it would be too bad.
But again that counts on Trump winning, Trump not being martyrd, Europeans having the stones to start something when trump is in office. theres just too many factors.
That being said, if shit goes down in Europe, and things seem ok here in the states. You know damn well i want to see the land that birthed my blood.
Unfortunately you are most likely right. if however the economy crashes hard enough to stop black gibs, but tv, internet etc is still up, i think the scenes of whites being butchered by gangs of wild niggers would piss off whites enough to start a race war. At least to the point where we have them submitted enough that deportation to africa could be on the table.
Grayson Johnson
This is changing
Levi Moore
I think it's a given that any 1st generation immigrant can never entirely assimilate to the country they've migrated to. If I was to return to Europe it's more than anything because I would want my children to not have to be a part of a multicultural banana republic like America.
James Rivera
Americans will thrive whether or not they're willing to become as brave as the first patriots. If they're not, then it was all for nothing and the country is worth shit.
Easton Torres
as much as i love the idea of cascadia, i really think that is a worst case scenario option. If the majority of US territory is lost, in ruins or nigger-wast-lands then the NWF is our best bet for whites on the continent besides the south i think. But there has to be a next level happening for me to willingly give up an entire continent to spics and niggers t.wash fag liveing in the same state as seattle hurts burn it please
Camden Harris
keep telling yourself that burger
Luke Thompson
It won't balkanize rather we'll just have loss of state enforcement abilities
For example, the Southwest will be part of the US, but for all practical purposes it'll really just be northern mexico
Noah Ramirez
promoting state rights is allegedly racist
I'm all for it. The fed is fucked we need more local control.
Isaiah King
No. Being a superpower means being able to project overwhelming military power at any point on the globe at any time.
Being an empire means you conquer other countries and force them to be your subjects, like europe and russia did and do.
Nice try shekelberg.
Brody Reed
The Northwest is going to turn into a Chinese province before it becomes a last stand for Whites. The NWF a stupid idea that would pin us in a corner, vulnerable and far away from the centers of power and the historic cities that would crumble and be torn down in our absence.
It's all about retaking institutional control. If that can't be done and there's some kind of collapse, the best strategy would be a Midwest/Rust Belt (or simply a Virginia/Upstate NY front) that sweeps east, takes over the resource facilities feeding major EC cities, and purges NYC and DC of Jews. If you could get the Jews to flee from those two power centers alone, you would attain nearly total control and you'd do it fairly quickly. But you'd need some help from within. After that, the blacks and browns could be relocated rather easily. They are secondary concerns, never forget that.
No Balkanization will happen in the US though, and there's probably a greater chance of the opposite happening, i.e., the formation of a North American Union that incorporates Beanerville and Canada.
'Good thread though, some interesting ideas above.'
Leo Johnson
Hey Dudley! It's nice to see you Vancouver Cannucks showing up!
Sorry you feel so overwhelmed by chinks!
Don't worry!
Your country will be annexed into USA before Trumps first term is completed, then all your problems will be solved!
William Butler
Okay, well let's look at the historical superpowers than.
there has literally never existed a super power that wasn't a multiethnic empire, because the wealth to exert that kind of influence is only possible by conquering other countries, and conquering other countries leads to the state becoming multiethnic
Luke Garcia
It wouldn't be states rights, it'd be closer to a situation like Lebanon where you can only go through X neighborhoods or you're gonna have a bad time, but on a far larger scale and far more intense than it is right now in the US
Asher Ross
the usa is not an empire shekelburg
Hunter Murphy
Alexander Perry
TX, bruv. Couldn't be farther off. And who the fuck is Dudley?
Easton Morales
Multiethnic nations are far more feasible and functional than multiracial ones if integration is enforced.
Jaxon Foster
what the fuck kinda definition of empire are you using that America somehow does not meet?
Nathaniel Anderson
ebin trole
Perhaps you'd like to show how progressive you are on this site for very smart people like you.
Cameron James
Texas is the canada of the south.
how old are you?
Elijah Harris
how about you fuck off back to reddit you faggot
Tyler Rivera
not sure if product of inferior southern educational system, inferior liberal college system, or jew
Jason Phillips
hang yourself
Evan Brooks
the usa is not an empire therefore I do not care about it being an empire, that would be insane.
Your premise that the usa has already failed is extremely jewish in nature.
Eli Allen
Ayden Bailey
Are you 12?
Liam Anderson
Grayson Wood
Remember to change your id next time shlomo, and maybe be less transparent than calling white nationalism jewish and promoting a multiethnic America
Owen Allen
Landon Jenkins
I did no such thing.
Gabriel Jenkins
my state is already almost a pure white ethnostate.
these southfags haven't managed to clean their own shit up after 150+ years
Henry Ross
Back to a real discussion with real ideas please, fagoots.
Sebastian White
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
The easiest way to an ethnostate is to let the south and new england go, along with california nevada new mexico and arizona
Noah Reed
Are you kidding? You want to lose the best land the union has because you don't want to lift a finger to remove the brown menace? You're putting yourself on a reservation mate.
Joseph Bennett
any white people from these states who are sick of not living in an ethnostate are obviously free to
I haven't figured out why they haven't done this already.
James White
have you been to the south? conversely have you been to the north?
it's literally not the best land
Evan Adams
Southerners come from primarily english french and irish stock, whereas the non-new england north is all nordic aryans.
Christopher Stewart
Justin Gray
Let New England go to who exactly?
Carson Murphy
Lived in Florida most of my life. Our proximity to the equator attracts the brown skins but that doesn't mean this isn't our rightful clay (or should I say quartz?).
Elijah Rogers
I honestly don't care. After they go we can declare war on them, solving all of the problems at once.
do you care about clay or living in an ethnostate?
after you leave the white USA then you can do whatever you want to get rid of your jews and make your state white enough to rejoin
Connor Smith
After fighting the south in a war that eventually led blacks to be freed from slavery, the north has little right to lecture the south about the presence of blacks. We were fine having them as farm tools, but you ass puckered northern cucks couldn't let it be. It doesn't matter how high of walls you put up, unless you get them out of here they will bleed into your 'ethnostate'. The only solution is to rid them from this continent. I don't think any 'ethnostate' that includes the hive of Jews that is Jew York City would last long as an ethnostate anyway.
Alexander Green
dude in the 1860's half of the northern states hadn't even been formed yet.
my german dutch swiss and norwegian ancestors were still in germany netherlands switzerland and norway when the civil war happened.
the problem is and has always been this inferior english, irish, and french blood
John Campbell
Except the northern midwest states are more Southern in spirit than they are Northern really. As bad as niggers are, there is nothing more redpilling than living around them. I went to a high school that was 1/4 black. 25 fucking percent. I was in the top classes and there was only one black, and she was only half with the other half being asian which explained which side she took after more.
Wasn't New York originally called New Amsterdam? There was plenty of dutch presence in New England, even if later they moved elsewhere. I like those graphs, are they current? I didn't know we had such a strong representation of Germanics left in this country. Are the Dakotas the new Germany?
Evan Nelson
This is why I hate Yankees, and why there will be separate nations and not one continental whitopian empire. There is no such thing a pan-europeanism in the U.S. This is why LARPagans will make no headway in the South and it will also remain Christian.
Charles Rogers
Let's see, you call germanics snowniggers and pagans LARPagans. Filtered and reported for being a faggot my man.
Matthew Allen
Nigger-centric people who make blacks the focus of their ire when engaged in social commentary are retarded. Blacks are literally the easiest ethnic group to not live around or interact with.
With enough resources, media outreach, time, and help from us toward the establishment of their own African ethnostate, we could probably convince them to leave willingly in a generation. Half-Mestizo/Asian breeds created by white dudes are much more of a long term threat on the whole.
But the real topic of this debate must entail the following: HOW DO YOU REMOVE THE JEWS FROM INSTITUTIONAL POWER??? That power is focused in TWO major cities: NYC and D.C., though to a lesser extent, L.A. and SF, but those can be dealt with later.
Jackson Green
Don't care. Go back to cuckchan.
Lincoln Thomas
Seems kind of like jumping into a swimming pool then complaining about getting wet.
>"the problem with china is all these fucking chinks"
Tyler Miller
One way we do this is to completely remove any semblance of dual citizenship. I would have to give up mine but I'd do that with a smile on my face if the Israelis had to choose between being American citizens and Israeli citizens. I'm sure they'd find a Jewy way to get around it, but it'd make their duplicity more apparent.
Evan Green
yeah, upper great lakes is majority german ancestry with the rest being scandie, over 80% white and under 10% black
William Sanders
Fuck off, retard. People who talk like you are one of the major problems.
Adrian Bailey
People who talk like me are the majority in the South.
Eli Miller
once again, my state is doing pretty well, we didnt' even notice the 2008 crisis thing.
I prefer strong state rights so that the rest of the shitburgs in other states dont fuck up my state.
Nolan Powell
Dual-citizenship is an important factor, and ending it would be a civil way to go about it, but I'm afraid many would choose to stay and continue doing what they do if given the choice.
Tyler Williams
America needs a strong leader like Rodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte.
Christian Diaz
I've never lived in the cold but the north sounds like paradise. Triple digit heat and humidity gets very old very fast.
By the way, dumb cucks like that guy you just responded to do seem to be the majority down here because somewhere in their recent ancestry is probably some nigger admixture. It's not really a benefit to be some mystery meat ami wholly unconnected to any european culture.
Ayden Morales
"Yankees" aren't the fucking problem, dude. Get with it or shut up.
Mason Brooks
Asher Bailey
I like the weather in the winter in the south, but the shitty cold endless winters also keep the weak away.
Ethan Peterson
We don't have winters in the south. We only have days when it might be a little nippy if you go to the beach. My first dip in the gulf this calendar year was on January 17th and it wasn't half as cold as the Italian seas I'm used to.
Liam Myers
You sound like a transplant. Go ahead and move back, nobody will miss you.
Yankees are racially distinct. They long for European collectivism. They are much newer blood to the U.S, minus New England. See above with "muh euro culture" as if the South doesn't have its own. The South wants individualism.
Yankees have always had an intense jealousy for the South and they force us to integrate. That's why we'll never get along under one empire.
When I'm reported or told to shut up for having a separate opinion that doesn't jive with their horde mentality, that should be evidence enough.
Josiah Price
Jaxon Butler
this is a defining trait of the nord
yankees are literally from new england
Christian Thomas
The feasibility of this is low, though. I think it's going to take physically removing them from pressure points in banking, the media, NGOs, etc. As long as they control the money and are able to lend it to our government, they will dictate the terms and make further attempts to shut white people out.
Samuel Fisher
yeah it's unlikely it would ever happen, at least not without letting the south new england cali az nv nm go
Lincoln Adams
Not typically. Certainly not in the present nordic countries. Usually they'll will want a strong centralized government. What state are you from?
Jack Rogers
they were not really dutch though, they were cultists that were exiled from reasonable countries. then they got overran with italians which is still the majority to this day(including italian jews), while the irish moved to the suburbs
Thomas Sanders
James Jackson
this is why norway is a full member of EU right?
Daniel Kelly
Okay lads, we need to talk about this NOW. What is it about Minnesota that makes it be like this, and can any Minnesota anons gib other anons some explaination for why your state stays dem seemingly forever even today? I legit want to know what's going on with this one state that seems to stay the same always.
Carter Reyes
Minneapolis. Ever heard of 'Little Mogadishu'?
Isaac Cooper
I think your perspective is dated, and I think the southern pride you exhibit, while beneficial in this quandary we're facing, ignores major realities.
The south is currently undergoing the most intense demographic change of all and the individualist values people like yourself believe it stands for likely don't have much of a future. The Chirstcuckery makes them even more vulnerable even if there are strong pockets of resistance.
Jayden Adams
No, I actually haven't heard of it before. Mind explaining it for me and other anons who haven't heard of it before?
Nathaniel Gonzalez
yeah idk whats wrong with them, THE ONLY STATE THAT DIDN'T VOTE REAGAN
however when you live in one of the nicest states in the country maybe you don't understand why the rest of them need reagan.
Xavier Young
MPLS is luckaly only a small portion of the total population of the state
Elijah Long
It's Sweden USA. I have family up there and they're just too nice to face up to some of this.
Xavier Ortiz
by land alone it qualifies as one of the largest political entities in history that's before you even consider all the political conquests of just the last century
Connor Wilson
it's nice to live in a nice place. the only way to keep it nice is to let the south go and keep the north white
this federal system is what is allowing them move north
you had your chance to let the south go and you fucked it up
civil war was the second worst thing to ever happen to north america, right after the 1965 immigration act
stopped reading
David Harris
Jackson Lee
tbh, the Deep South could cleanse itself if we had real leadership.That said, I guess a state or some cities would be (hopefully) temporary black ethno states. I think we'd end up having to kill the beans and I would assume the street shitters would just realize they're persona non grata.
Nicholas Turner
once again, my ancestors didn't live in the USA during the civil war, and most of the northern states west of mississippi did not exist at that time.
I had nothing to do with this.
Are you a nigger?
Nathaniel Sullivan
Something to do with the next shipment of Somalians?
Nathan Price
gl hf
Zachary Evans
my ancestors didnt live in the USA either but that doesnt stop niggers from blaming ME for their niggetry
Jose Diaz
Ethan Miller
I agree that in the long run it might be wise to cede some of the south. We're people of the north anyway, that's what made us who we are. The problem is drawing the, what, 5,000 mile line between Virginia and Oregon or something like that? It seems if we get what all of us here want, we'd almost have to push everyone else down into where it kind of bottlenecks into Mexico.
Owen Nelson
no seriously lol
I have come to realize that they literally do not understand how this works at all. Especially the black studies majors. They literally don't realize that northern states never had slavery and many didn't exist during the war
Jacob Smith
Of course you would think that.
Christianity is a core tenet of the South. Deo Vindice. Unlike the U.S., the Confederacy would have explicitly recognized the Christian God, rather than some masonic unnamed god of "nature."
If you're referring to Churchianity bullshit, everyone can smell the rot, and it's going to be cleaned out.
Ryan Hughes
I mean they're upset about losing the war still anyways, consider it to be reparations
Mason Baker
Charles Bell
Basically, Minneapolis suffers from the double whammy of having an internal fifth column of minorities while not having enough to redpill people as it is in the south. When you live around a high density minority population, it's inevitable that whites will become racially charged, but minnesota is still 85% white and are thus insulated from the brown menace. This means they are more likely to be appalled at anything that borders on racism and directly translates into votes for the le not racist party. Minnesota also suffers from being a state that lacks a seat of republican party infrastructure. Wisconsin is much like Minnesota but there's significant Republican party presence there enough to make the state swingly pretty reliably red.
The Little Mogadishu thing is a thriving hive of Somalis that have been imported into Minneapolis with predictable results. Like the other user said, it's almost exactly comparable to Sweden. This area is a hotbed of ISIS recruitment as well.
Brody Sanchez
that's actually changing, you should talk to more people who live there. The media doesn't really show what the people really think, this should not surprise you.
Josiah Richardson
Fuck off Schlmo.
Parker Watson
Oh I know it's changing rapidly, but as it stands it hasn't boiled the frog yet. If you think about it in terms of physics, the acceleration has certainly increased but the speed is still rather low.
Dominic Lewis
Not until Christianity is transformed into something completely different, and I don't think there's enough time for anything like that to evolve.
Nobody gives a fuck about the confederacy anymore, and most young people in the south want to act like cosmopolitans these days. You're getting swamped by spics and time's running out very fast; this is a new era, think forward instead of backward.
Jace Myers
Just leave the South alone when the time comes. Amicable relations could be had, but not if you force us to integrate into some racialist fedora empire.
Isaiah Russell
so do you believe the north was right in the war?
and the south is wrong to complain about it
The south was right to leave, and they should welcome the chance to do so now?
wheres that southern individualism again?
who is really the jew here?
Andrew Miller
it's something that's unfortunately possible and thus needs some contingency planning for the day it may happen, fuck off (1)
Matthew Green
Go on… Tell me how hordes of imported Somalians haven't overrun Minnesota in the past five years.
Alexander Morris
Christianity isn't that big of a deal anymore tbh. Most people my age don't really go to church in the South, and I live Georgia.
Unfortunately, GA is overran with nogs, spics, and 'asians'
Isaac Martinez
Christians here are just as degenerate as anyone else. I went to a christian private school and I remember having the daughter of one of the megachurch pastors in my area offering to blow me. The christianity is all cultural feel good type christianity with none of the benefits of tradcon that the deus bulters want to imply. I've seen all of this first hand. The only ones who act good are a small minority of the PK's (preacher's kids) but even they are a bubbling pot of hormones who explode into wild degeneracy as soon as they are out from their parent's thumb.
Alexander Peterson
Dude, I live in the south myself. You aren't fighting Civil War 2 and you aren't going to anytime soon, buddy. Young people who live in the south flock to major cities and act like cosmopolitan wannabes partly because that's where the only decent-paying jobs are located these days. Your entire perspective is, as I said, outdated.
This isn't about North vs South, this is about Whites in America forming a new identity beyond that for our future well-being. I think that's already happening even if it may be a little weird and fucked at the moment.
Nathaniel Gomez
I don't go to minnesota but everyone I talk to from there says exactly what you say and that they want to vote for trump.
Levi Thompson
Matthew James
Yeah, I've seen plenty of that myself. The Jews went after Christianity hard and successfully, for better or worse, made a lot of Whites turn away from it. Good in the sense that it never made much sense anyway, bad in that the void was filled by a form of toxic cultural liberalism that in many ways is even worse.
Jaxon Ross
That does not make you Southern.
Aiden Thomas
As we all know the french and english are degenerate versions of germans that were dominated by italians who are half north african anyways
Blake Diaz
Yeah, because that's totally going to catch on with the masses any fucking day now, right?
We need a future outlook and ideology, preferably one that puts things like Christianity and NS on the back burner.
And I don't identify as such. But neither should you if you desire what's best for the long term viability of your race.
Xavier Adams
Toxic cultural liberalism is the only alternative for people who are skeptical of christianity sadly. There's no ideological haven, yet, for people who aren't religious but are leaning towards more traditional values. I think that's a major niche that needs exploiting soon. Hell, I might write my own book explaining how you needn't source your traditionalist views from the bible and instead could look to nature for justification for disliking sodomy, degeneracy, etc. I think that book is just waiting to be written. Hitler and GLR believed that scientific nationalism was the way forward, and I can't help but agree.
Really, the problem with the areligious is that they're only fed pozzed statistics. As soon as I started exposing my friends to some wrongthink statistics, they went full natsoc in a hurry. I have friends that are in love with Uncle Adolf now. Not true of my religious kin.
Lincoln Gutierrez
This was recognized early on and why I treated you as a Yankee. The disconnect is with you, not me.
Landon Carter
Chase Gutierrez
Scientific nationalism sounds nice and I think it's a good way forward. But I also think anything that focuses too much on Hitlerism and the like is bound to fail. It would be even easier for the international Jew to create a coalition to smash it next time around.
Whatever one thinks of Richard Spencer, I thought he had some brilliant commentary on the possibility of a new religious movement forming in one of the, if I'm not mistaken, two Radix podcasts that came out in the last week. Write the book, though. Part of the reason I'm staking this thread out is for the last year and a half I've been writing one on the topic of this thread.
Jace Collins
Matthew Sanchez
Grow up. People still hung up on this artificial north-south divide from the 1800s aren't people who are thinking clearly about the future, and this is a thread about the future.
Jacob Hill
I disagree, suppression of the reality of race can only last so long as a farce because it is contrary to fact.
While I have no qualms about an Esoteric Kekism Nationalist movement ultimately that sort of thing is never going to go beyond the inner circles of white nationalism.
Modern whites are overwhelmingly Protestant. And disregarding fringe /christian/ nationalism-friendly variations of the religion, Protestantism is, at least in my opinion, diametrically opposed to a nationalist ideology, which makes things difficult. Orthodox Christian communities are highly built around ethnic enclaves however, so it would be an interesting experiment to perhaps try and tie a newly renewed American racial identity to an American Orthodox church.
Andrew Martin
New York Business man Donald J Trump.
Nathan Young
You're part of the fucking problem, you d&c kike stooge.
Cry about the civil war all you want, but in the end, it was you fuckers who were the good goys dying for rich kike slave-owners and being funded by the Rothschild (((Bank of England))). Clearly all these years later you people are still a bunch of good fucking goys with your promotion of Christcuckery and anti-white d&c sentiments.
Richard spencer is a homosexual subversive plant meant to co-opt the rising true right
Eli Ortiz
dubs confirm
Gabriel Smith
MUH 42
Blake Perry
top kek
You might as well be a libtard. You are practically a carpetbagger. Urbanites are the ones stuck in a bubble. As I said in my first post, you'll be eaten. Ruralfags travel into the city, but urbanites never leave. They're incompetents and the hive of all moral degeneracy. No surprise they have no culture and seek race as the sole answer to all problems.
Just move up North. Will save you time.
Ryan Rivera
You don't have to fellate Hitler to want to correct the historical record regarding his crimes. Imagine being able to downplay the impact and death count of the Holocaust and thus release the Germans from the collective guilt that has been thrust upon them. We shouldn't let it slide that one of our greatest racial heroes is maligned in such a disingenuous way.
The entire justification for the barbarous actions Americans did in WW2 predicates itself upon the Holocaust. Without that backing, we go from liberators to becoming the genociders ourselves with the atrocities at Dresden and elsewhere.
Since America is trending towards rejecting Christianity as was always going to be the case with a foreign ideology, we could start teaching about the verities of race and immediately the entire Marxist system comes down like a house of cards. As a kid I remember it was perfectly fine calling your friends dumb niggers because everyone knew it was true that niggers were dumb. Now you'll get expelled and socially ostracized for uttering such wrongthink. This is the problem, we can no longer admit truth even if its uncomfortably true. When the battleground is on the home turf of the PC hugbox brigade, we will always lose.
Mason Gray
Ivanka may be hot but she is the weakest link in the chain.
Chase White
Milo is an example of attempts to (((co-opt))) right wing movements. Richard Spencer maybe a stupid fucking tweet one time. Just because he isn't perfectly aligned with proper white nationalism doesn't mean he's a fucking FBI agent.
Isaac Bennett
idc personally, that she converted is pure kek
Ryder Rogers
milo is pure lulz
praise kek
Ayden Thomas
Spencer supports Milo as well, you know that right? That he seems to equate the new right with buttpirating is also infuriating.
Hudson Bell
Hey man, just passing on the information. Did you listen to it?
Sure, buddy. Think we're done here. Good luck in your battle against the Yankee Urbanite.
I agree, it's twisted and sickening, and I'm not saying let it slide … I'm just saying, let's have a more future-oriented outlook.
Tyler Evans
Colton Anderson
iirc he thinks hes useful as a gateway drug, which I don't agree with.
But my point is if you label every single person that isn't aligned with 14/88 or is doing PR faggotry as a shill trying to co-opt the movement people won't listen when someone who's actually trying to co-opt the movement (like Milo) enters the scene.
Nicholas Gutierrez
Adrian Martinez
I agree. The fedora has been tipped and the main points of division have been mostly addressed. The thread will now descend into autism and LARPaganism.
Just to make a note for those who read my previous post: obviously race is significant. But to say that it alone will solve all problems is to be a fool. The decline in Christianity is directly tied to the decline of the West, and subsequent invasion by foreign elements.
Leo Lee
Luis Smith
I hate to say this but he is. Normies love the sassy faggot thing he has going. Once they start watching him destroy the low-hanging fruit of leftism, they get accustomed to hearing wrongthink, and it's really easy force a redpill down their throat after that.
Easton Wilson
Carter Brooks
thanks user, you too
Landon Cooper
it should go without saying that 'The Christian Question' is an entire can of worms in of itself in the nationalist movement.
But I think our movement absolutely HAS to be secular, because if it isn't I believe it will split open from within. There are simply as many nationalists that see Christianity as antithetical to their ideology because of its universalist elements as there are that see it as a crucial element of white identity because of 2000 years of it being the religion of whites.
As far as I'm concerned, it's a topic that should be avoided at all costs because it will only serve to divide us.
Nathan Gonzalez
Nolan Barnes
Elijah Howard
The whole "milo brings people in" argument holds very little water. I've never heard of a single person getting brought in because of milo and his targeting of overripe silly targets. I don't think Spencer is irredeemable as is Milo, but he needs to start shaping up fast. If you think Milo isn't a problem when he shows up in drag, tells his followers he doesn't want Trump to win, talks about drinking nigger semen constantly then you yourself are a problem as well and likely only came into the movement post gamergay. We didn't form such a following by cucking for the first nigger loving faggot Jew that looked at us as a way to lever himself into fame. That even the aut right have recognized Milo as a problem tells you that it's not just 8ch autistes being puritanical again.
Tyler Nelson
Ethan Ramirez
And both coincide with the rise of Jewish Internationalism, which makes this correlation of yours much less remarkable than you think.
Samuel Wright
Christianity is Judaism for the goyim. As soon as strong pagan traditions died out it went full Marxist exactly as it states in the Bible. Quoting Old Testament out dated verses against sodomy is irrelevant because that isn't part of the new covenant that Jesus brought and is thus ignored rightfully by Christian theologians. There's a reason christians don't kill people for working on the Shabbat or for wearing blended fibers.
Jack Diaz
Spencer is a literal self-admitted homosexual who tries to present himself as a "leader of the alt-right". He is absolutely a subversive. Whether he's a deliberate plant or not, there's no denying he's subversive to our cause.
Mason Howard
He said he is not the leader of the alt right at all but they present him in that way.
Brayden Sullivan
ohh i didn't totally read taht I thought you meant milo
idk who spencer is
Evan Cruz
It means this: atheism is a tool of the kikes.
Christopher Cruz
Secularism is not atheism, cuck. Let me guess, you think America was founded on 'Judeo-Christian values' though, right?
Ryan Cox
Completely agree, and fortunately, that already seems to be the case, and likely won't change since Christianity has been going in reverse for 40-50 years (or a couple thousand depending on how you look at it).
Internally, yes. But there should be an avenue for people who refuse to give it up, for now, because many won't. Step 2 after defeating the Jew is weaning the true-believers off of Goy Judaism and directing them into something new, as another poster was talking about.
Jonathan Martinez
Hudson Diaz
(if you listen carefully this is ripped off from the german band kraftwerk)
Aaron Ortiz
I think a87a51 had a mental breakdown
Isaac Watson
He's either a literal shill or just an incredible fucking autist who thinks observing that America is a 50% white multiethnic banana republic on it's way to balkanizing makes you a kike
Jacob James
my state is 87% german and scandinavian
your state is not
Aiden Cooper
Ryder Williams
Anybody who claims that the diffusion of diversity prevents balkanisation is a fucking moron.
People will self-segregate, and they can self-segregate very fucking fast. When a bunch of BLM rioters turn out an entire city and run screaming through the streets looking for white people to toss into fires, do you think the regular people living there are just going to go "Gee, I'd love to move but I owe a bit too much on this mortgage. Guess I better get ready for my necklacing."
Similarly, the diverse populations living in heavily white areas would receive more subtle but no less threatening messages informing them of their future if they remain.
Of course, like attracts like - if we get a Trump victory and he shuts down HUD and the like, then people will self segregate to a greater degree than is permitted under the current regime.
Cooper Campbell
He reeks of bored hotpocketry in my opinion. If one checked the board logs I wouldn't be surprised to see kampfy active recently.
Owen Murphy
That's just great for you user, that doesn't change the fact that plenty of non-midwestern states are increasingly non-white and we are in the early stages of balkanization
Connor Reyes
yugoslavia is the best modern example of balkanization and the failure of multiculturalism
unfortunately reversing demographic trends is incredibly difficult. the only 2 ways is the cull opposing populations or simply outbreed them, which is why starting families and having lots of kids is the way to win the game of politics at the end of the day. politics is a game of demographics. other anons should think about that, and not necessarily get married and start pooping out kids as early as possible, but when they're ready –settle down and get to work
Carson Anderson
Dylan Morgan
Lincoln Gonzalez
Zachary Perry
Ah its moonman on recently. Makes sense.
Xavier Cruz
But secularism literally isn't atheism, they're entirely different concepts. A secular ideology just means one that isn't concerned with religion, while an atheistic ideology is one that includes an express disbelief in God.
Christopher Jenkins
Jack Torres
Wyatt Murphy
Isaiah Garcia
Landon Hughes
One leads to the other. They're intertwined. A point I didn't clarify on was the "judeo" christian shit. No, America was not founded as Christian in government, it was masonic shit, as I stated back a ways. The population was like 98% Christian, though. The South, on the other hand, has always been Christian, in government and otherwise.
I honestly don't give a shit what the North does after we split as long as they leave us alone.
Disagree. There are and have been plenty of secular states that are highly religious, and up until jewish subversion began in the 20th century the United States was one of those.
As far as a state goes secularism is merely a rejection of things like a state church, theocratic elements, or divine right of rulers.
Levi Thompson
Mason Williams
Good post
Charles Jackson
I think he took a bunch of X and decided to post on Holla Forums
Parker Price
Kayden Rodriguez
guys, I think something needs to be taken into consideration here: most non-whites and white liberals in the US live in cities, yes? and if the government collapses and basic infrastructure (which is already on the brink of non-functionality) stops functioning, who do you think is gonna get it worst? all the farmers and rural communities will just rely on well water and local farms, whereas cities will be like apocalyptic war zones. And, since the US is the primary benefactor and motivational force of the UN, there simply won't be enough relief aid to save them. eventually, you'll begin to see the rise of political movements backed by local militias and farming communities, which will eventually re-take the land lost to niggers, spics, and dead liberals. granted, this is speculation, but I can assure that a LOT of niggers, spics, liberals, and whatever other urban riff-raff will be FUCKED.
Jason Lewis
Robert Reyes
Colton Hernandez
Moar US collapse war games
How will the average normie respond when everything comes crashing down? I'll just be like "its finally happening lol" "normies get fucked"
You think we will be able to demand sex from the girls in exchange for food water a place to live and protection? You think they might agree and then try to back stab us the first chance they get?
Noah Rivera
Yes to both questions. Read accounts from anyone who's lived through a state breaking down; prostitution becomes widespread.
Evan Gutierrez
Yes to they'd try to take our guns and shoot us or just run off with some food or something Or maybe some of them would try that stuff and others wouldn't
Charles Sanchez
I think the same thing.
The left and the media will go so extreme under a Trump presidency that it will wake a ton of people up.
Noah Wood
America was largely founded by Freemasons and based on masonic virtues.
This isn't "secret history" or anything, you can go look it up and see all the traces of it, both in their thought and the massive signs/symbols they left lying around the place. It's incredibly easily verifiable history.
Nolan Nguyen
New England would be fucking wonderful if it wasn't for the niggers, spics, kikes, chinks, marxists, and faggots.
Asher Richardson
I don't know if I totally believe that. Those countries that you mention because multi-ethnic empires through the use of their military and taking over other countries. This is not at all what happened with the United States. People wanted to move here because we were better, had more jobs, had a better economy, or whatever. And this was good in the beginning because people really wanted to be American. They wanted to learn English, they wanted to work, they wanted to assimilate. Nowadays all that assimilation is basically out the window but there is a more even gradient of ethnicity throughout the country compared to those older empires. Sure you can find lots of mexicans in southern Texa, Arizona, and California, but you can also find them in New Jersey. I think that because of these differences, a balkanization of the US is a lot more unlikely. pic related
Cameron Evans
OP is a defeatist, D&C shill. Remember to sage and report the thread.
Lincoln Ward
The USA is for all intents and purposes and empire. Also the spaniards mixed with the indjuns, while the based anglos removed them.
Sebastian Brown
Nathaniel Garcia
let the shit states go I'm tellin ya
Sebastian Myers
Interesting thread, especially since there is no emphasis on the English language.
Now America has essentially been at war with vast swathes of the moslem world while simultaneously abusing their own language.
This occurrence is significant, even if only understood in the terms of the purported national self interest.
Here I will introduce the semantics of the Cultures we are now engaging, hopefully in a rational manner.
Haram Eating of pork, adultery, many Christian ethos, some rational some not.
Finally Harram
There are obvious synchronicites with the many monotheistic structures.
The most serious one is the concept of harram or hospitality.
Now the harram of the German people, otherwise quite welcoming and appeciating, has been violated
This is very serious.
Wyatt Hernandez
by joining the police?
Jace Perry
Most likely it was something southern, mid-20th century, and dumb. He misspelled "integration" because in his fucked-up yokel dialect, the word is pronounced "in-ter-GRAY-shun." So he stuck a piece of white tape over the first R.
Yeah, there are few 'good lines' for anything in N. America. The Indians were too often roaming bands of savages for a reason. Don't look to Europe for clues on how things will go down. Europe is teeming with natural borders. North America is not.
Avoid larpers. Not even once, pol. They'll only break your heart.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Treereich soon
Bentley Hughes
that flag is ugly as fuark.
would not die in a firing line to keep upright/10
Colton Price
I see.
So if I, as President of the United States, were to successfully get a treaty ratified with another nation that stated we WERE a nation founded on Christian Values, would that make it so?
Gabriel Reyes
Kill the mods.
Xavier Wilson
Even ignoring how mentally defective you are (and how intl always brings this up), the fact remains that the Constitution and Declaration were predicated on Christian thinking.
Xavier Harris
Jesus! This is like the end of the world. No way people could live like this?
Aaron Lopez
Gavin Wilson
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Easton Nguyen
was this shit written by meteokur or razpaul?
Luis Nelson
You can't make deals with niggers
Alexander Cooper
They will fall in line with their own race. 99% of liberal ideas are just virtue signaling. They dont really believe it, especially if they were forced to leave their comfortable life.