Women and children only


If she stayed in the lifeboat like Leo and Billy Zane wanted Jack would have almost certainly survived.

she's a strong independant womyn, no man is going to tell her how to save her own life!

Cameron was always a faggot

Titanic is like the MRA Schindler's List

You need to practice trolling leftyretard

big dicks help you floa-

not a lefty, just sick of MRA whiners

mad as fuck reddicuck
probably a drump voter too

If you voted for trump and think the country is better off right now than it was with Obama you are a cuck

No need to be redundant bro

But unlike the Holocaust, the sinking of the Titanic was a real event.

But it is better off by every metric. Niggers are unhappy.

Niggers being unhappy means dealing with niggers

You need to practice trolling leftyretard


Except it wasn't actually the Titanic that was sunk. It was the Olympic.


Says the cuck who's butthurt that America isn't getting blacked anymore lol.

The rule was supposed to be women and children first. The asshole officer in Titanic who shoots the passengers understood this (He, Murdoch, was a hero in real life) while the guy on the other side of the ship, Charles Lightholler was, like much of the crew, very inexperienced in how to deal with emergencies, so he thought it was women and children ONLY. Many men on Murdoch's side survived, Lightholler would force men off of lifeboats on his side. Ironically, Lightholler saved his own skin while Murdoch died.


We really need a rule saying

Actually, it should be extended to


Wew lad

so they voted for Trump?

sick burn and topical too




No, they voted for comrade poleddit candidate Bernie