Our Golden Girl Karlie Kloss is now a shill for wix.com

Our Golden Girl Karlie Kloss is now a shill for wix.com

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here is a video I don't feel like converting it to a webm


Why does she have such a disgusting body language? I always feel there's something deeply off about her whenever I watch a video about her.

user please share the non shortened link.

Literally who?




Put a botnet in a botnet.
Here's the non shortened without tracking.


Is pronounce the same way as the word for "wank" in German. Looks like a fitting product for her.

Fucking sell out skank

She has weird body language because she is a nerd.


Didn't people use to call this nasty shit freewebs?
Btw Karlie Kloss is dating one of (((Kushner's))) brothers.
This just seems like some middle aged woman trying to claw her way into relevance considering that even though she's 24 she looks like she's aged herself 10 years into the future(look at her hands) and shit won't get better for her past 30.

Newfag here.
Literally who?
Or to be more diversity STEM friendly using POC cultural terminology: Whodafuqdisbitchbedawg?

This is the correct reaction. Stop giving the fucktard attention. It's what she wants.

Tall people, especially when lanky tend to feel pretty awkward about being so strangely proportioned. Guaranteed this is a result of her pre-fame when she felt weired, tall, and gangly. Ever notice how these people tend to sulk, especially girls?

reddit is here

fuck off reddit

this site uses cloudflare, go back to reddit


youtube.com/watch?v=1Og2EBG4N5M code a bracelet


neither was I guess what I did it without being told to because im not a fcking muppet

You are a faggot for not uploading webm.

But she did same thing that you did, she learned how to do programming on her own. She likes it so much that she is telling other people who never tried programming to give it a shoot.

You don't have to.
youtube-dl -F [url]
then look for a format with the right filesize. 43 is often fine.
youtube-dl -f [format] [url]

no thanks

link to her github, lets see what code shes written

Why do you need proof that she is writing code? Why can't you take her word for it? It seems like you are being very hostile towards her just because she is a woman.

reddit is here indeed

wtf i can code now

I know you're the same retard, but if you actually read jsinterp.py, you'd know that it's just for extracting variables, and is not even a full interpreter. It's a parser at best. It's not even Turing-complete.

She's a woman who has married into the kushner family and is using this as a way of pushing her modeling career, she's an advertisement devoid of anything one could call original thought. thats the problem with her and the fact she's being used to shill this crap at a time when everyone and their fucking mother knows that tech is getting reamed up its by bay area politiking is why folks are pissed at her. She's the face of what's wrong with the current culture that is about being "good enough" and "empowered" even then she's a fucking compromise everyone and their fucking left hand knows the woman they really want to push is coraline ada.

as much as I hate women, I wouldn't call that hostility. I just find it incredibly hard to believe this idea that a female actually writes real code, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

nobody here can actually read python, let alone even find the file

Choose one.

I want to fuck her until she accepts she can not code and she acknowledges me as the master programmer who is superior in every way.

g-g-g-g-g-gend-d-d-d-der i-i-i-i-is o-o-on a s-s-s-sp-p-p-p-pectrum a-a-user-kun
i-i-i-i-i-i-i th-th-th-think h-h-h-h-he i-i-i-i-is s-s-s-s-s-saying th-th-th-they're(((s-s-s-s-s-silicon v-v-v-v-vv-v-alley p-p-p-p-p-eople))) th-th-th-th-thirst v-v-v-virgins w-w-w-with n-n-n-n-no waifu who w-w-w-ant t-t-t-t-to v-v-v-v-virtue s-s-s-s-signal a-a-a-a-and o-o-o-orbit her l-l-l-l-ll-like b-b-b-b-betas.

her initials are KEK

She's just taking jobs as the face/tits. You treat this like she gives a single shit about what she's modelling for.

for the same reason you ask a designer to show you their previous work. Or are you retarded enough to hire someone solely on their word?
you remind me of spics who get offended when you doubt their immigrant status. Maybe if so many of them weren't illegal that wouldn't happen.

I'm not hiring her to do anything. She claims to feel empowered after learning some programming techniques. I have no issue with that. She claims to be a programmer and she wants to encourage girls to learn programming. I have no issue with that.



I wonder how you got through grade school

Grade school is the point of the bad misses.


0/10 can not code

What I almost always do is that I upload a low quality WebM along a link to the YouTube video so that people have the option of choosing between downloading the 12mb compressed file from Holla Forums or getting the Ultra16kHD 35gb file from Jewgle. I consider that the respectful and proper way of doing things. A few times the video is so long that hosting it on Holla Forums in one part is unfeasable. Splitting the video is possible, but annoys anons. Use good judgement.

>Btw Karlie Kloss is dating one of (((Kushner's))) brothers.
(((4d chess))), ignore it, goy.


Media is telling me for the past couple years that it were white males preventing and chasing females away from coding. I don't know what to believe now

take it easy supreme gentleman

go away white knight normie

considering the stacy prettygirl fucks who seem to push this it might just be that "Men I dont want to fuck are creepy dangerous potential rapists" meme. Im not even taking the robotpill, I have no problem with girls in general, just.. These normie bitches, christ.

you have to go back
there are 30 million other "non-normies" over there waiting for you

6ft fite me fgt

Lol I love girl nerds