Is the Model Rail Road hobby the last bastion of actual nerds and not nu-nerdum?
Not a female let alone one with blue hair in sight.
Is the Model Rail Road hobby the last bastion of actual nerds and not nu-nerdum?
Not a female let alone one with blue hair in sight.
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I've never seen a girl playing Quake 3 (CPMA).
They are the original hackers. In fact, they were the ones who coined the phrase "hacker" in the 1950s.
What? There were MANY MANY women in the early Quake scene. My ex-girlfriend was one of them and she's friends with just about every goon that posts in FYAD too.
Hell, even you've probably fucked her at some point, assuming you were at all involved in the scene when it was in it's prime.
Do you know how expensive that hobby is?
It was my mother who taught me how to play Quake 3. My aunt, who was then her best friend, also used to play a lot.
I've seen many girls play Quake 1. It's still quite a cool game for LAN parties.
who the fuck can even support that hobby?
you need multi-million dollar hedge fund-tier income to afford it, and NEET-tier free time to even make anyhting
she was also really into unreal tournament
Is it any surprise that the people into trains are Boomers?
You forgot that you need a shit ton of space.
What does 'jo' mean?
Java Object
It's hard to take that argument seriously when almost everyone claims that VR requires room-scale.
kinda cute tbh
Gen? If so, I confirm I fucked her.
Any anons from Europe down to play some cpma or quake 1 ? If yes add me on steam
I don't have any games on it, I only use it for the chat.
what could possibly go wrong
I heard of a story where after a husband dies one of the first things the wife did was throw his model train stuff into the dumpster, even though it was worth thousands of dollars.