WhatsApp Alternatives

I'm pretty sure there are no FOSS alternatives.
Therefore, which is the least bad?

At the moment, Signal seems to be the best choice.
Am I wrong? What should I use to no appear like a complete asocial?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anything that runs on a SmartPhoneâ„¢ is compromised anyway.

Absolutely. But I still don't want to make (((Zuckerberg))) any richer, to be honest.


Maybe... but the ports for Android are still too glitched and on alpha...


Call me when you have a libre smartphone.

Signal is quite good. It's not perfect but it's a huge improvement over whatsapp in terms of privacy, and in my experience its usable enough to get normie friends to use it.

run replicant on a phone where the radio has good isolation and cant run commands.


literally useless, now I remember why I didn't flash it on my i9100

t. retard who doesn't know how to secure a smartphone

t. retard who believes his smartphone is secure just because he has disabled telemetry from Gapps' options

If you absolutely need wifi and dont want to use another device, get a dongle.

There's no Gapps on my phone, Tardo. Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Everyone else already knows.

tox, telegram

No thanks, I guess I'll keep the botnet in my pocket for a while...

See Signal thread:
Tell me you want to use software developed and maintained by someone who's obviously a plant.

I'm pretty sure people have been using end to end crypto on the internet for up to 4 decades now.

How about wire? It's recommended on privacytols.io page. It seems to collect more data though?

Wire is certainly one of the less-awful options. It's not made by an advertising company, it's made by a non-US company (and thus is out of NSL range), it's easy on battery life, has proper end-to-end encryption where the keys stay on the end devices, has an open source client and soon to be open souce server, has official direct APK download for us gapps-less-ROM folks who don't want to compile our own for whatever reason, there's no phone# needed, and it runs on all the mainstream desktop and mobile OSs.

It's not perfect, but out of all the normie-friendly chat apps, it's the one I point friends and family towards. I just tell them "It's sorta like skype, except that it works well". It helps that it's dead simple to use.

If I'm not mistaken, Stallman uses it himself when he has to do video-chat interviews.

GNU Ring

how bad is telegram?
i remember there being some fuss about their encryption method a few years ago and that someone from the company responded. i also remember the company being russian or something.

how about suicide?

What'sayy wrong with WhatsApp?


dude, on the hardware level it's not even secure. It won't be, no matter what you do


Tox runs on iOS and Android (and Windows and *nix).


RMS has used Jitsi Meet, using Abrowser in the Trisquel GNU/Linux distro. If I recall correctly, the server he used is the one maintained by the Jitsi Meet developers: meet.jit.si

Snowden uses Jitsi Meet too, when he gives interviews.

I maintain a few Jitsi Meet servers myself. A few for my employers, and one for myself on my home server.

Jizz-y Meat. Got it.
