Joss Whedon’s leaked ‘Wonder Woman’ screenplay is mindblowingly sexist
Joss Whedon’s leaked ‘Wonder Woman’ screenplay is mindblowingly sexist
wtf i hate joss whedon now
When will people realize feminism is just an excuse for fat ugly women to act like cunts?
What is it with all the worst people being footfags?
Terrible fetishes attract terrible people
Is he, dare i to say it, /ourguy/ now?
Whedon loves to write sexy women but is deeply ashamed of it. Over his career he has written women as sex slaves, prostitutes, go-go dancers, uncontrollable sluts and much more, because they are potent male fantasies. But instead of owning them he cloaks it with mind control or demonic possession or pheremone gas that makes you all horny. It's not just a fear of reprisal though, I genuinely think Joss doesn't think women have all that much sexual agency because he is a beta.
Holy shit I thought I was the only one who noticed this. This goes way back to when he got started. He's even more creepy with how hard he tries to hide it and how much he keeps inserting it into this shows and movies.
Not surprising because he did Dollhouse which Anita called out as sexist. He was momentarily forgiven when he posed with her to get back at those gamergays. Would this be the third time that Whedon has been attacked? There was that twitter quit after the Avengers and it seems like he was forgiven. Guess there is still a lot of fat to chew from Joss.
He'll never get a break, will he?
He doesn't deserve one. I want to see him get attacked constantly, visibly, until he breaks and kills himself and blames all the 'abuse'.
lol this faggot can't win
Seriously guys, nobody cares about this movie if you stop talking about it everyone will stop talking about it in 2 weeks, its forgettable
Oy Vey this is like another shoah!
Whedon is the ultimate male feminist.
It's not being a beta, it is just observing with a keen eye. Women refuse to take responsibility, so why give them any agency to begin with?
Joss loves writing whores too for whatever reason, heres just a few:
>Morgan, Darla, Lina, Lola and Sandy in Buffy/Angel
>Inarra Serra, Nandi, Saffron, Sheydra and Chari in Firefly
>Echo, Foxtrot, Kilo, November, Tango, Sierra, Whiskey, Cassandra, >Aphrodite and Athena in Dollhouse
>Jules in Cabin in the Woods
He likes writing big dumb guys as well, I think Whedon's social map of the world is still stuck in high school.
To be completely fair, Dollhouse was very indulgent of Whedons wank fantasies. I understand being averse to feminism but in this case it was a show about women volunteering to be mostly prostitutes, then returning back to the dollhouse where they proceed to act like braindead children. At some point you have to say fair enough, I can see why woman would be offended by this beta male's creepy masturbation fantasy where women are half slut half toddler that managed to worm its way onto television screens.
What I mean is, for women to dress provocatively, dance sexually or really make any sexual advance in WhedonWorld™ they have to be coerced by some mystical or technological force like possession or mind control. It's beta because Whedon elevates generic flirting and sexual behaviour from women to something that could only occur with the aid of some coercive power, rather than shit that happens nightly in every pub and club around.
The only issues I see in this are the "sexy dance" scene not being in character with Wonder Woman as she is usually depicted in the comics and the Whedon stand in being a terrible representation of the God Bacchus.
The thing about the Amazons not being a perfect enlightened society with not everyone getting along a deep hatred of men(as it is often depicted) is a much more interesting setting than a perfect impossible utopian society of women.
Also Wonder Woman is supposed to be curvacious, not a fucking twig
Problem Goy?
Post yfw you realize Zack Snyder is everything that Joss Whedon wishes he could be.
Like getting in bar fights and having reconstructive surgery on your jaw apparently.
what a shame his kid killed herself
Not really
How dare he not describe her thoughts or personality before her appearance in her introduction. The first thing I'm aware of in cinema when I meet a character is usually their thoughts.
Arguing with a woman is always mansplaining. I guess I already knew that
Holy shit
are…are you defending joss whedon?
Joss Whedon is the BO
Hollywood liberals are hypocrites. What else is new?
This. Snyder is the fucking man! His movies are pure kino no matter what the haters say.
I hate to defend Whedon, because he sincerely deserves all the fuckery coming his way for being a beta feminist boot-licking kool-aid chugger, but there's not a damned thing wrong with describing things visually.
It's such a crock of post-modernist bullshit to insist that a movie should only value and perceive a woman by her thoughts and feelings
So it's…Taran-kino?
…it is shitty
That would explain why he's such a faggot.
Yet another beta male cuck orbiter trying to con his way into some pussy by pretending to be *sooo sensitive and understanding.*
His eyes are too far apart and his eyebrows are too finely groomed to be /ourguy/, wouldnt you say?
Why are they sea lions?
Sea lions are the women of the sea.