So my cousin is from germany. I recently had a look at her facebook and all of her friends I looked at are fucking coal burning. It makes me sick to think my blonde hair'd, blue eye'd aryan cousin might be sucking shit skin cock. This isn't some hypothetical that is void of reality Black are fucking our women and destroying our societies.
So my cousin is from germany...
she'd be disowned if she was my relative
She's 18 and needs to be saved from herself and the invaders
shill/slide thread. do not reply.
post her nudes, faggot
pics of cock sucking?
kill the shitskins, op
germans brought it on themselves by losing the war lol
shut the fuck up Jude
Oh fuck off OP, we all know you fapped to those pictures and started fantasizing about your cousin taking multiple black cocks. Imagining her wallowing buckets of black cum and begging for more. Posting Holla Forums bait to assuage your guilt is really childish.
I knew an european girl that for her 19th birthday went to visit her family in Germany. She was almost (((deported))) back to Germany because her (((visa))) expired during her time there.
She was so scared from the experience, that she married her American bf (black football player) as soon as she arrived.
America 1; Germany 0
If my mother and father dies and i hit 30 without being married and having kids im buying shitton of weapons and will go on killingspree rampage killing all shitskins. I wont live in the same country as brown people and coalburning bitches. I wont go with whiper as they say.
are you a woman or a moron?
let me tell you a secret OP they all like to take pics with blacks etc. just because its cool to do it its a show off thing
rarely they actually fuck them there is ofc this few who do it but even most of them only do it if are sure that no one find out about it
just look at the amateur porn on the internet the true amateur interacial whit girls 18-30 is maybe less than 1% from all the amateur stuff out there
that should tell you something
Marriage in my country isnt that easily broken as is it in America. Also women here belive that breaking up marriage is sin.
what country would that be?
If you compare women to porn stars then porn stars have been with less partners then the average women of today. Every girl i know even my own damn sister has one black guy or mexican under her belt. Thats just how they are, they will just say "it was a mistake". Women should not be allowed to have sexuial freedom.
People marry in their 20s in Slovakia?
nice meme but porn stars before even start porn have been with they dads and all his friends not to mention the guys they babysit for and all the boys from the neighborhood
yes half of my friends are already married and it makes me even more suicidal
Have you ever read or watched a blog on women who do porn? they only do it for about five to seven years then stop. Many of them also go cold turkey since most men except for niggers dont want whores. The average women has fucked more men then a normal porn star. Remember alot of the men in porn are the same guys over and over because porn for men is a shit job.
just w8 after some years when love fall off and the problems hit they 28y old wifes start cheating with her co worker who is 55 etc… you will be laughing your ass off to they misery
the older i get the less i want to get married
Dont get married, user(ette). Marriage is like being in jail. You cant get out of it, and you always eat the same thing.
mostly because the pay is shit. nobody watches porn to see the guy, most of the money goes to the female 'talent'
Fuck off with you American demoralization propaganda. I had enought of you goblins. Im going to marry some slut bitch and make 10 children just to counter your retarded mutt asses
first of all why would you read a porn star blog?
second im sorry but your stupid if you believe that its not a secret that 99% of pornstars are escorts rly bro i know today young women fuck a lot and do it secretly im not born yesterday "i have seen things you wouldn't believe" but cmon now pornstar have a lot more under her belt than a average woman
Im not American, douchebag. Also, i am divorced, so one would think, i know what im talking about.
whatever your fantasy tells you.
Yor're assuming what? Im a NEET?
urban or rural?
are you a woman?
im assuming you are using that part of brain which let you say lies while releasing dopamine so you can forget your pitiful life.
For knowledge and to understand how they become who they are. Why do you like restricting your understanding of why whores become whores?
You must be young. Only youngtards talk like this. Escorts are most of the time normal women making a few bucks on the side as they go to college. They don't like strip clubs because some one can notice them there maybe. Porn stars cost alot if they want to escort so they only fuck high class men. But most of the time porn stars only have sex when shooting porn. It's funny because after they are out of porn if they don't find a cuck then they are basically dry most of their lives.
Just let him make a mistake, stop trying to save the dumb ones.
beyond the women inherent instability, why would you bring a child in this terrible world? its obviously going tits up.
we are not talking about the 1% pornstars who make as much as a brain surgeon per year
how do you think the average less known pornstar make money ? mowing lawns? they escort you stupid faggot. and the high class men is only for the 1% really famous one. The other just escort for average small time guys with well payed jobs. For example almost every guy with stable profession can get a average porn star a decent programer or a average doctor or a guy with a small business or just a guy who work at a law firm can afford to call escort pornstar its not something rare. i get it that you cant afford it by being neet or working as disposable workforce job.
Average porn star is your quick hit with a dick -few timers. That's what pays now "amateurs", you would know this if you did your research. Porn stars that have been in more then seven years are rare and most of the time end up with below average men. I live in commieforina so yes i know some actresses and porn stars and i would not want to live their life. But event he older ones "late 40's" are shocked at what the new generation of women are doing for a quick buck. They would state only a crackwhore would go so low but now it's normal with some of the shit they do. This is just the times we live in now. Your normal women even more fucked up then a porn star from 30 years ago. I'm not going to sugarcoat reality for anyone.
sure bro keep believing that a average girls get more dick than a loose pornstar who hang out at strip clubs and have a regular one night "appearances" at brothels like bunny ranch
im sure she spend the whole night just talking to the fine gentlemens there
forgot pic
im sure pic relate who is listed at a famous brothel fuck less guys than an average woman LEL
pro tip for 2 weeks she probably have had more dick in her than your mom sister and your gay uncle put together true they lifespan
Do you even know what an "Aryan" is? Learn how to use Google you fucking retard.
Say what you want, I've seen it so i don't care what you say. Like i said i live out where the normal girl has more hookups each week then in a month for a pornstar on a shoot. You cant say otherwise to me when ive seen it. Don't matter what you say, non of your shit matters. I'm just talking to worn others out there. Don't be dumb, women are whores now.
Impregnate your amazingly-cute cousin NOW!
do you have an update to the situation, user? or more pics of your cousin?