How can I make legit money online without any fundage ?
Not 1$ not 0.000001 not phone calls or BS Absolutely nothing .
Mining is impossible with the Chinese ,don't have the money to buy good hardware anyway .
Captcha , clics and surveys take month of your life for 20$
Making money online
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Either buy lotto tickets or sell blowjobs.
Not fast money live in third world country so dollars and Euros have great value here
Lotto ticket lol you mean idiot's tax?
Learn Java and work for some bank maintaining their shitty apps.
Mechanical Turk. Use a US ID through a US IP
B-but /g/ and Holla Forums told me that it was a pajeet language !
Is it hard to learn ?
I don't have much time ..
I dunno looks hard ? My English isn't very good
Also how the fuck I am supposed to find a US ID?
Then learn Ruby and go work in some treadmill
Didn't finish my study's yet so no degree for now , can I make money from it without an actual job ?
What's about android apps?must be java?
With fushia os other language will be usable ?
/g/ and Holla Forums resent Java developers for actually doing something with their lives. If you're not a fat disgusting autist who lives in his mother's basement spending your neetbux on dragon dildos, it doesn't matter which language you write in as long as there are jobs to be had.
You mean you haven't even graduated college? Go work at McBurgerTown to pay for your beer like every other teeny bopper.
Be famous vlogger and set up patreon. literally the easiest way to make money online, which means, its not easy
No neetbux by whatever
Isn't that the main problem with java today ?
Don't really how it works in the USA but yes
Kind off
Funny there is not even a single MacDonald in my country, well not official one .
I tried to find a part time job with friends , they only hire you if you can be here every day trust me I tried
I wanted online money because 300$ is like the average salary here so it will be reaaaly worth it.
no charisma
I was thinking maybe learn how to use renpys and make shitty hentai games in patreon, but hey I don't know how to draw
Couldn't you just move to a first-world country, or not be such a flunkie that you can't even show up for a job?
not him but he said that they need you to be there every day. if this includes weekends, i can understand him tbh
That's what I am trying to do user
That's a more than a goal it's surviving
But in order to accomplish that I must have good grades even though I suck, if I can't I'll just end up an illegal alien but I won't stay here any longer .
Get euros or dollars is like a B plan , with it I could get a good school (uni or whatever they are called )even with shitty grades have a degree and just fly from this shithole.
user you don't understand I tried friends tried , you can't possibly have a part time job here I asked every where , or a you of these "look him in the eyes and tell him your a quick learner " ?
That's why third world are called third WORLD, we do not live in the same world user
No amazon here Can't send something or receive a package from the "outside" for less than 100$,
work months to pay a computer is normal .
6 days a week
Also still studying how can i possibly be here at 8 when I am in school at 8?
It's not like the USA is the only first-world country out there. Have you considered moving to Germany? It's easy as fuck to get in as a student and it's not like the muzzies have wrecked it any worse than what you'd experience as an illegal alien a big city in the US.
Germany easy ? I have family in there but they are geniuses..
Do they accept everyone ? No degree nothing
suck at studying since the beginning
Do not speak german
Well not a criminal at least
Also yeah i am afraid of Muslims , because I know them I don't want to see any of them
But Germany is big I won't stay in Frankfurt or some big city if I could go there.
I was thinking about maybe Canada as I speak French fluently but I must graduate college first right ?
Another thing my country do not allow a visa to 18 year old people because well
Everyone fly away , so it must be official
If you live in such a hellhole can't you apply for asylum somewhere? That's how all the muzzies got there in the first place.
No war here not sure they will accept
Rapefugee are either Syrian Erythraen or Somalis.
Also I absolutely do not want to end in a camp I'll be killed in no time .
Stay in your country and fix your own shit, become a warlord or run for mayor whichever is more powerful in your state.
I have no problem with you trying to make money online, but if your plan is to move to a first world country, dont. We dont need you, and we certainly dont want you.
Speak for yourself , yeah a rapefugee is better for the economy than someone that is wiling to work in your country
If the gangrenes already spread out throughout the body it's just too late
You and your people, 3rd world shitskins, are the gangrene on the earth, moving to a white country is you spreading it. But I don't expect a sub 100iq nigger to understand that.
And yet you are destroyed by these same low IQ shitskins
I am not Muslim nor black but somehow my post triggered you because I am wiling to move to a "white" country
I guess that's what we call a toxic behaviour, go rest user we will probably never met have fun with the Zionists
You can learn to write in decent English and make money writing articles, doing transcripts, etc.
300$, and even more, is reacheable if you work full time and are not completely stupid.
I gave you a way, now put in the work and be happy.
As if that's stopped hundreds of thousands of other cunts from lying and getting in anyway.
That's an issue as I can't do it now
And it will take a while before I could reach a good level of writing , i literally learned from imageboards and movies
But thanks for the proposal
They don't fear death they win if 10 of them success and 1000 drown
They will just breed more anyway
The only way you can make money online is being a telemarketer, and you'll probably make shit pay even if you qualify. You can also make money by being a technician but you'll still receive shit pay.
You'd better be off claiming disability, you'd make much more money that way.
Well I think I'll just learn a programming language seems the best option for now
Read books you faggot. Start with Harry fucking Potter then work your way up to Charles Dickens. Also what kind of shitty degree mill are you going to that doesn't even teach you English to an acceptable level that imageboards will teach you something?
yeah, probably. I hope you aren't white though, affirmative action will hold you back.
you can't do it now, but if you start writing now, find some clients and trysome stuff to start, you will build a client base and in a few years, or even less, you will find yourself working from home full time with an income 10x bigger than those of your local friends.
Of course, if you don't start and you keep going around looking for a silver bullet that doesn't exist, you will never manage to succeed.
this is complete bullshit tbh. In these days you have to make a name for yourself in the public sector before you write a book. This isn't the 1500's.
Where the fuck I talk about writing a book? Are you retarded?
My God, kids these days have zero initiative, they can't even imagine something outside of what is proposed by the jew schools. No wonder the white race is going to the shitter.
Harry Potter ?
well why not it'll help that's true
If only you knew how bad things really are
Thanks I get it
White ? Well Caucasian and blond hair
Too white ? What if I have an exotic name from a literal tribe ?
Pretend to be a girl in any MMO and have people send you money. It's like being a prostitute without actually having to put out. You're gonna have to put work into it though. Spending a majority of your time mingling with fat neets and scamming them out of their money.
Farm gold on Runescape
Google paid each week on-line from home over $4000+ simply by operating merely on-line. Last month I actually have got paid $19523 simply by operating four weeks on-line. Its simply wonderful and my earnings ar currently far better than regular nine to five workplace job. This job is simply outstanding. attempt currently to induce additional money on-line from the small print here……
become a camboy
Are Normies stupid enough to send money to an Avatar ?
Too late it's 2018 not 2008 , also people use bots right ?
Sell my dignity for tokens ?
Sell music to stock music companies.
I have two concepts, but I'd need someone to help me with either of them.
The first is this OKCupid profile I set up years ago specifically to try to lure Chris-chan in as a sweetheart. I tailored it to be most appealing to him. Then I wanted to use pictures that couldn't be reverse-image searched. When I was like 15 this black girl tried to catfish me with pictures of some hot goth cam model. I figured if I made the profile and someone was able to identify who the girl actually was, then if nothing else I'd find out her real name. One day Chris-chan did find the account, and he did message me demanding an in-person meetup, but by then he was going by Christina and I'd long lost interest in following him so I never replied back. He sent me three messages, even apologizing for being rude since I never replied.
Here's where it gets interesting though: Every time I log into the account I get like 200 messages. Some really desperate, cringy shit too. The pick up lines are so embarrassing. One guy messaged her for months pleading for a response. Another bought three months of premium access to the site. I felt like a monster. But then I thought "There must be some way to monetize this…" If only there was some low-effort way to get money from these dweebs. I'm not good at lying though, and I wouldn't be able to maintain a character long enough to convince them to send me money.
The second would require someone with extensive knowledge of onionland. How to set up a site, etc. Shit I don't even know how to set up a bitcoin wallet. Basically the short version is I'm really good at seducing underage mentally unstable virgins. It's honestly not that hard if you know where to approach them. Sometimes I record what we do. What I want to be able to do is set up bounties. Basically see how much interest there is in me plowing a specific girl and posting the videos online, with my identity hidden of course for download if you want to see actual underage girls getting fucked in every hole and taking their first load everywhere for the very first time. Like, I'm good enough at it that if the bounty was… Well shit, 15k for one bitcoin?! Okay, let's say it was a third of a bitcoin, or a fourth, I could very easily use the bounties to become quite rich.
The thing is finding receptive audiences willing to pay to see that.
You mean like a girl ?
Where do I start doing this at?
Here is the problem man. You may be hard working and a cool third worlder, yet that gangrene follows you.
You can look for the children of hard working mexican illegals in the US, that instead of following in their parent's footsteps, fall into the ways of their ancestors and mexicanize the place they were born.
That's why you got to fix your own shit before you get your ass in someone else's lawn.
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Can it be criminal?
What do you have in mind ?
What guarantees can you give that the children you sire will be as much americans in their heart as you are?
You see, I'm not talking about you specifically, immigrants even the illegal ones are not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is their offspring.
The immigrant came from a bad place and anything better will satisfy him. The child of the immigrant will instead come from an already better condition, but will have to face competition from the natives which are already in the game for much longer.
The child sees feels it impossible to win, then it revolts.
Developing further my idea.
I want to mean that when you are old and hoping your children will get a better job than you got, when you want them to be doctors and lawyers and you saved money to pay their college even … your children will not be able to win against those who came from well established families.
Because let's face it, you don't know how getting into middle class entails, you have not prepared your child for it, or even worse, your child itself is incapable of understanding what it takes to become middle class. Because your child is a mongrel with indians and thus is a slow learner.
Even worse, your child has to worry about not drinking milk or not eating certain common foods because it got those indian genes that are still not selected to survive in the european environment with its predominant - but strange for other humans - diet.
Your child sees the odds stacked and insurmountable, thus it wants Aztlan, it wants quotas, it wants handouts.
There is a reason why the irish slaves integrated well, while the blacks did not. The blacks don't have what it takes to survive within an European society. They can't adapt to it, it is too much for them. They need to be catered to their special necessities and thus instead of being contributors they became a burden.
So, look at yourself and see if you got what it takes to live among pure whites, if you got, then you stand a chance to not have your children wiped out in the next 20 years. Because that is what will happen to every single shitskin in white countries.
Whites will revolt and if you are not one of them, you better stay out of dodge.
Some old mean near my town just won 2,5 millions dollar for the loto. I bet his family member are going to visit him way more often now.
fiverr, digitalpoint forum, proposing articles to websites you read. There are many methods to get clients, and you'll discover more while your skills grow and you do some real work.
I've been asking myself this same question im a hikikomori and i need money and i don't wanna go outside.
You guys are doing it all wrong that's why the Muslims are so dangerous they are not real citizen more like parasite .
user if I decide to live in the USA , I won't bring with me any culture ideology or even religion
If I have children they will be American and nothing else .
Wow user calm down I know the quote i posted is from 1907 but we are in 2018 now everything changed you can be rich from a shitty YouTube channel and vlogs or be a wageslave all your life even though you had good grades .
If everything goes as I planned I won't come without some sort of qualification .
Not Indian and Still Caucasian user ,my ancestor survived the ice age too
I can drink gallons of milk without getting sick
My cousins even have a farm
And we have the main problem in my opinion
How can you feel the "same tribe sentiment " if you don't look or behave like them ?
Well I think you can't really , but guess what I look white enough to pass.
Well I hope so if that's not the case I'd better marry a Jewish girl right?
I don't know what's going on in this thread, I just saw and read your reply and have no idea what you're replying too, but please just fucking kill yourself. I don't want anymore cunts in my country. We need to close the borders and deport or kill all the shitskins and degenerates. We don't need more people, of any sort, period. With automation and so many other things going on…