Midori is a lightweight, uncucked web browser. Developed as part of the Xfce project...

Midori is a lightweight, uncucked web browser. Developed as part of the Xfce project, it is written in C and licensed under the LGPL v2.1. It is based on the WebKit engine.
Thoughts? Anyone here used it?

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I thought the browser was no longer being updated?

Pick one.


Latest version 0.5.11 released 2015-08-30, but 0.5.7 was released 2014-01-15. It's not inactive, just very slow, so it's more a case of getting very little attention from the developers.

Uncucked by SJWs.

The rendering engine isn't included. Mozilla Core (presumably including gecko) is 15,272,315 lines of code.
I don't see anything about that.
Would you rather have your plugins interpreted for a horribly slow experience?

I run it with JS disabled to test websites. Since WebKit doesn't have the best HTML5 compatibility and everything it supports is supported by every major browser (except, maybe, Internet Explorer) I can be sure that it will like mostly the same across every browser.
I also use it as a backup to open several email accounts/watch porn.

It's shit.

I use it in VMs and on minimal installs. The javascript VM is slow as fuck and gets unstable when it's resource starved, and there is the occasional rendering error on complex sites, but otherwise it does what it is supposed to do without taking up too much space.

Do you know what a "JIT" is, son?

Make a fucking effort.

Tabs should not be in an application. It's inconsistent and redundant. They should be in the taskbar.

It sure has a cuck name though

Vuln city.

samefag detected



Am using it right now. Was using Vivaldi, and liked the addons and features, but the snail pace is unbearable. So I'm with Midori for now, until not having Vivaldi's features gets unbearable. Guess it's a tradeoff.

if the choice is closed proprietary botnet(vivaldi) or segfault(midori) i'll choose segfault any day

can i run uBlock Origin on it? and also, how much does it protect your privacy?

palemoon is crashing a lot on me, it also consumes almost as much as firecuck in memory. can i keep hundreds of tabs open in Midori for days on end on windows 7?

Tell me more about this tabbar.

Midori is a good browser to use for short periods of time, its incredibly buggy though and will somtimes just crash itself and die, which isn't a bad thing I've had qutebrowser just go off and be the little engine that oculd and take up 50% of my cpu. But it fails the adcancer test, because of its lack of decent adblocker.

Good for work during installs(getting a background looking at wikis etc) but crap at being a day to day browser.

I prefer Qupzilla, for that particular niche. I use qutebrowser myself but it's really autistic compared to Midori and Qupzilla.

The standard taskbar, with rectangular entries for every open window, is actually a crude form of tabbing. If you add program grouping, preferably in a usable icon-only way like KDE Plasma or Windows 7, then the tabbing becomes a bit more advanced with each application getting its own tab group. Now, add the ability to lock all windows of a given application to the same dimensions. Put things like "close all windows to the right" or similar in context menus within tab groups. Bam! Everything has usable tabs in a consistent manner.

choose one

There's no such thing as an uncucked web browser.

fuck off idiot. only i get to say what is cucked. C is shit


How does it compare on memory usage? Firefox uses fucking 180MB with 0 tabs open on my machine.

How relevant to the discussion!

it's not written in C it's written in MEMORY SAFE vala

Lightweight enough for me, I just uninstalled cuckfox.
The fact that it might not support the latest JS anti-features makes it extra good.

So what browser would you suggest? Surf?

I don't really have many suggestions because all current browsers are shit. They're either bloated botnet, or make use of bloated crap, or can't parse html5 properly, have issues filtering ads, etc.

Absolutely disgusting

i prefer epiphany to midori

Sorry as much as I respect and enjoy the other things that have come out of the Xfce project, on this I'll have to pass.

Their entire infrastructurer is dead, both engine and toolkit. Just use Qutebrowser.

Bump for good shilling

Wew I never realised how much ram my browser actually used till you said that. Modifications ram usage 170MB. Browser open with blank tab and no modifications, 130 MB.

I tried using midori on a craptop and it would never open youtube videos. Which was the only purpose i had it for. They would work fine on other browsers tho.

Other than that dissapointment the browser was very functional and even supports adblock plugins which was kinda unexpected

It looks like shit.

It feels like shit.

Pass. Would have considered it if it were written in Rust.

That's actually quite an interesting idea... someone should do a mockup

Toggle open in new window rather than new tab
and disable consolidate windows of same program together if you have it turned on. Done.



You know what ? Fuck you op.
You made me install midori :
I open up youtube : it raises my laptop volume to 100% and destroys my ears
I open up Holla Forums : no images, no style with the adblocker
I try to search something on the web : duckduckgo won't load with the adblocker
When I click on something it's not working half of the time and either gets stuck or display an error

To be honest, Brave is the only way to go, on mobile the UI is exactly the same as Chrome in terms of look and feel. I had my girlfriend install it on her phone and she's been using it for last few days. She says it's a welcome change with the automatic ad-blocking and such. The only alternatives are Opera and Firefox with a uBlock Origin add-on but Firefox is a resource hog and crashes frequently while Opera does a half-hearted attempt at ad-blocking. Oh, that and either jailbreaking/rooting your phone or paying some shekels for an ad-blocking app from the app store.

That said, as a power user I alternate between Opera Mini (while I'm on mobile data) and Brave on my phone. I disabled Chrome, uninstalled Opera, and will soon deprecate Firefox once I'm comfortable enough with Brave. You guys should give it a try.

+10 shekels

Okay, so what browsers do you use and what prominent add-ons with those browsers? Btw, I don't think Brave on desktop is very good at the moment but it shines on mobile.

Welcome to computers, kid

Internet Explorer

tabs should be in the titlebar. fluxbox ftw.

i haven't heard about that meme browsers since you faggots discovered palemoon.

It (was) part of the DE, but a separate project. eOS used it too.


and if you count the "web engine (TM)", it will be over 9000MLOC