Y Combinator is compiling a blacklist of venture capitalists accused of harassing women


This looks like the next stage of the witch hunt in silicon valley. Here is the actual reaction of Hacker News:


Which has very limited value, since anyone who posts something dissenting will be shadowbanned immediately.

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread isn't about technology but politics.

I wonder if they would get sued for slander because they are doing this.

It's not slander if multiple eyewitnesses can corroborate one another.

OP please provide un-shortened links.

Hackers never asked for it in the first place.
But someone invited that shit in it so we have to retort in some way.

It's fine if somebody invited it in. Just take it to any of Holla Forums's politics boards that are completely dedicated to all politics all the time!

Leftist don't hesitate to meddle politics with tech. You're naive if you think that the head in sand strategy is the same as being "neutral".

Okay, how do I invest in their companies?

Holla Forums is technologically illiterate and anyone who is comes here too, i'm sure it works vice versa, anyone in Holla Forums that cares about politics goes to Holla Forums and i'm sure it's more Holla Forums than Holla Forums.

The blacklists obviously won't be available for everyone to see it. First you'll need to prove there's an actual blacklist and then prove your name is in it, good luck with that


Just report it. These newfags don't understand what specific boards are for, so it's useless to try to argue.

This is about tech companies and their future, this will obviously impact technology in the future and trying to science the discussion on the correct board is disingenuous.

Just another abusible system from the political left, determined to infantilize allegedly marginalized groups and create large power structures that invariably are co-opted or so overengineered to prevent it that they cost a fortune and deliver nebulous results.

This is literally infantilizing women by taking the position that they can't and shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves against gender discrimination and/or harassment
So, the recent events with Travis Kalanick would suggest that there is merit to the stance that women face some challenges in the business world in the form of people who aren't good faith businesspeople. The question is, is insulating them from these sources of pressure (insulate vs reform; can you really actually reform people through public shaming or the risk thereof, or just coerce them to hide their nature?) actually beneficial?

Hypothetical. You are a high powered female CEO, and have an angel investor come along. He's a lecher and you turn him down and then aren't approached by any others. The alternative is that YC never lets that hypothetical lecher get to you and you still aren't approached by others. In this scenario, your company fails either way, but the option of tolerating an irritant may have propelled you to personal success, and maybe that is something you were willing to put up with? In the first option, YC has flatly denied you the opportunity to be successful (with a price). Maybe such 'filtering' could be an opt-in recommendation/grading system for VC's, but it does have some ethical concerns; the people in the comments of the article rightly say that this could be true of many third parties that manage lists of people.

More generally, I personally think that sexuality has no place in the office, and the same steps I take now to ensure I don't get fired would apply if I was an investor or CEO. These companies tend not to view overreach as a problem (see: CoC bullying, etc.), so I'd say you just have to factor that into your picture of what constitutes professionalism and defines how you behave. Militant HR departments implementing government policy started this, and this is just an extension of that, after all.

What I have never understood is why critics of power structures like these have never abused such systems to make their points. If they were to lie to get a collection of good VC's banned and then go public about it, it would do a lot more to the system than just complaining about it would.

Yes, and since some of those companies have something to do with animation, let's open this thread in Holla Forums.


Y Combinator is a Lisp company. Lisp is Holla Forums.

Oy vey, only negroid women should be CEO of goy-owned companies. Meanwhile jewish companies should stay with us poor oppressed jews.
I thought getting drinks was muh soggy knee?

If it were Marvel or DC, yes, it'd warrant a thread in Holla Forums you jew.

You forgot about /fit/, because YCombinator doesn't discriminate against biomedical startups.
Photo gallery smartphone apps, one click buying, 1984 esque microphone machine so people can ramble off whatever shit they want to buy and it automatically stuffs it into their fat fuck face. Yeah, it's "technology" alright.

I don't blame you for shitting up the board, ironically or not. Just by looking at the front page, I see where all the idiots are coming from, it's no wonder. I blame Jim entirely.

Who cares? Fuck porky. Including the ycombinator owner.

Not news needs pruning.

Hacker News was also deleted threads that mentioned that ((( Sam Altman ))) attended Bilderberg in 2016.

Lurk moar.

there's a whle lot of ((( shut it down )))) going on in this thread, isn't there?
realistically, this is just a formalization of what already happens when some chick starts tweeting that someone asked to buy her a coffee.

how embarrassing

This is not a technology thread. Just because it's barely related doesn't mean it warrants a thread in Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is to discuss technology, nobody is discussing technology in this thread because the purpose, the idea behind these kind of thread is "Jew this" and "SJW that".
These are NOT technology threads. This threads poison and derail Holla Forums and other threads. Fuck off to Holla Forums, where this thread belongs.

Y Combinator is a company that influences Holla Forums. It doesn't matter if you like VCs or not I don't, they still influence Holla Forums. The fact this thread is also relevant to other boards (Holla Forums and finance if we have such board) doesn't make it any less relevant to this one.
Go bite off some baby foreskins to calm down. Unlike "hacker" news you can't downvote the thread into oblivion.

gas yourself

Off topic, but topkek they're literally using 80-20 for their sign, the poor fags.


Let them kill themselves by rejecting white males, who cares

You'd be suprised.

Can't make up the insult or the fact that the person's been "uninvited"?


Yes, they have to do it because of (((DDoS))) attacks. I've asked the owner to mirror it via IPFS, but he hasn't replied yet.

Like anyone cares

Slave to the pussy.

kys you fucking memester
Just post the original link you retarded niggers. Every fucking time. Must be the spillover from pol. Are you niggers so fucking dense that you can understand the use for achive.is but you can't understand why it's bad to fully trust archive.is as a shortlink service?

Democrats are idiots.

Shooting themselves in the foot yet again.


Cloudflare can handle the DDOS the endpoint site can't. Cloudflare gives you a captcha to prove you are not an automated spammer. If you pass the test they let you goto the site. This way the DDOS stops at cloudflare than can handle it, and is not passed to the endsite that cant.

you claim to know anything yet you can't even distinguish spam from DDoS
That literally isn't the reason. They state different official reasons than the shit you just came up with. On the normal upper pre cancer period of the web (something you likely haven't experienced), it was up to the website to provide a captcha to the user, not a gateway in front of it, much like what this imageboard does.

kill yourself. if you weren't illiterate, you'd know how to paste the proper archive.is/date/url link

not any tech that I know of

I agree, this is a problem. I'd like to see a service pop up that could fetch the original link from archived links.

This whole pseudo-entrepreneur mindset is just kikery anyway. What ever happened to the mindset of establishing a business or service that provided real, long term value for your friends and neighbors? Something sustainable, rather than merely a pretty toy that they can then sell to Google. Racially conscious whites should be avoiding traps like Y Combinator, which give those who hate us the power to afflict us.

Do you call it an African American list?

It would be a darn shame if we were to band together and make our own business club that secretly excluded what we considered to be bad actors, now wouldn't it?

No, its just your opinion devoid of any facts to justify it

I bet some random guy making 70k a year spent a week scrubbing that piece of metal with a toofbrush.

That's all the information required these days isn't it. A woman was replaced by a man, an a white one at that. It's not like there are probably actual valid reasons behind this absurd race & genderbaiting.

She could be an incompetent thieving psychopath running a company into the ground, but if you even dare to replace a woman, no matter how incompetent, better make sure you'll go way up on the oppression olympics ladder. And whatever you do, make sure you get anything but a white man, no matter how much more qualified than all the other candidates he is.

God damned, this world is really going to shit.


never has the phrase "kill yourself" been more relevant

Either they click a couple buttons and enable a spam shield onto their existing DDOS shield (two things that have similar solutions) or they modify their fucking site with and hack in a custom solution thats going to end up using a google captcha anyways. Good fucking job with your autism though.

They funded Reddit, a website that Holla Forumsfags constantly whine about.

I believe in being politically educated. I also believe Holla Forums is for technology, not the politics of any kind of "tech" company. We should discuss only and directly about technology. Politics can go elsewhere.

Sue them for Libel.

Unless you white boi's don't even got the balls to do that.

If you had balls any bitches that stepped to you would be dead, so we know you aint got em!

That's an affirmative defense. You get to make it after you've spent money on a lawyer.

Tack on the "bad light" tort aswell.
Maybe some invasion of privacy.

AI will be "racist" one it becomes "sentient". Facts are facts. Nobody would confuse niggers with people if they walked on four legs instead of two.




It is called Tay's law.
As intelligence of AI grows bigger, the probability of it being white supremacist rises exponentially.

The astroturfing is real!
This is /leftytech/ not Holla Forums shut it down!
If someone doesn't want you to discuss these issues like a tranny faggot complaining about being fired for being a faggot BEWARE

I miss Tay.


good job posting out of your ass. You could not fit more wrong in a single sentence. Cuckflare has the captcha gate enabled by default, there is no "flipping buttons", and yes I am flipping out over half the web having a WAF (a snakoil concept to begin wtih) which has blocked me for over 5 years.

Like I said, the captcha gate is not for blocking spam. It's purely a WAF (go look this up). Even if it was for spam, I could solve the captcha once, make 10000 posts (yes, it lets you do this), and the admin would have to manually delete them. Mass delete by IP may not be possible since this hypothetical site is relying on cuckflare for spam protection - but wait, that doesn't even matter since I can reuse the captcha cookie across multiple IP addresses.

I have no fucking idea why there are so many cuckflare apologists on this imageboard. Must be a bunch of millennials. Nobody I know IRL or from other places are both this stupid and insist on defending some bullshit they have no clue about.

kys retard. GNU is a technical solution to a technical problem

can't tell if same polnigger or someone else making joke


seriously think about that shit that happened to trump with that reporter cunt who took a fall trying to take down his campaign

It's like they deploy these fucking cunts and they are just remote mines you can't go near or they detonate and destroy your reputation and life.

explain why you'd care about your repz amongst a bunch of nomies who fall for 90s SJW tactics and proceed to kill yourself

People like you have always been on this board, and they have never gained traction. Why don't you follow the example of your predecessors and make /truetech/ or something somewhere you can be ignored.

Because those fucking normies can get me fired and put in prison just by lying and neither person or system will do anything to stop them.

Sexuality is human nature. The only way to create a space free from it is to remove one of the sexes altogether together with all faggots.

Hacker News used to be cool when Paul was running shit. Now it's primarily a sjwtard pozfest slimepool shithole.

Time to start pretending I'm a spic. I mean, Florida categorizes criminal cholos with names like Enrico Hernandez as white all the time so I oughta be able to flip it around.

No you fucking racist, it's a "list of color".