Far-Right white nationalists are butthurt as fuck.
Far-Right white nationalists are butthurt as fuck.
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The hashtag is right, but the reasoning is wrong.
Not even just white nationalists. It seems to be triggering every flag-saluting moron in the country, and there are a lot of them.
What is #AmericaWasNeverGreat about exactly?
It isn't wrong, but it looks like it's mostly over idpol shit.
Well, naturally.
This is probably a good thing.
Honestly Europe is 1000x better than Clapistan
To hell with social liberals and conservative liberals.To hell with all liberals.
Edgy liberals triggering edgy conservatives by pointing out ways America done goofed, usually in regards to fucking over non-whites and ignoring capitalism.
Well, it's funny seeing Burgers get triggered anyway.
No argument there.
Most of of the people posting the hashtag were black and Latin urbanites, the guy is fucking obsessed with college liberals.
He's trying to stay relevant after the gamergate autism
Bullshit. Do the Clinton test. If he drinks Hennessy and likes Jazz, then this might have some credibility.
I'm beginning to understand why the rest of the world hates us
Is it unfair of me to gain more schadenfreude from the American right being butthurt all the time than the left
How fat.
Wait, what was the first one? WWI? A war the US joined in near the end, got a bunch of its own troops killed and then sort of fucked around aimlessly for the next year while the rest of the Entente basically cleaned up?
Even in WWII the Russians did most of the hard work.
I'm assuming he means WW2 and the Cold War.
Which is even dumber.
In WW2 all we did was storm France and bomb Japan. And the Cold War was 40 decades of coups and getting people killed. Is he trying to take credit for saving the world because we didn't destroy it?
the thing that they don't want to be reminded about america's involvement in WWII is that we were mostly concerned with the pacific campaign which wasn't as impressive.
Did anyone save that rebuttal to the Holla Forumslock in the sanders general asking when exactly was America great?
Someone did, but it was small and I don't have it.
but without the soviet union they wouldn't have accomplished either
why is mister metokur also so salty ?
also why isn't he fun to watch anymore ?
Does someone have that picture comparing all the "firsts" in the American and Soviet space programs?
They just kept moving the finish line until they happened to be in front, and then declared themselves the winners.
Now America is relying on Russian rockets for all their launch capabilities.
he's desperate to stay relevant.
You probably turned 13
you mean this one?
Nope. It's the mass murders, as well as support of corrupt politicians and organized crime.
Don't get me wrong, but nobody actually cares what Americans think.
The response image to this one is great.
I wish I had it.
Yep, that's the one.
which one?
Meh. No timeline, no interpretation of events. Besides first woman and man in open space are not really important. In fact, even Lunokhod is not really relevant. Much more interesting, is that after landing of nuclear-powered Lunokhod 2 no human went to Moon for 40 years. High-octane paranoia fuel.
Also, looks biased as fuck. What does "relevant" even mean?
And the first Moon landing was Soviet.
It's fucking true. The most that burgerland has ever done has been an isolationist hick country killing native Americans and living with vast amounts of untapped resources at their disposal. And yet it wasn't until we came out of WWII as basically the only country in the West that wasn't completely fucking destroyed that we were able to accomplish anything significant. And our time in the sun has been pitifully brief, and our achievements dismissible, in comparison to those of other Western countries.
aren't you being biased. I"m not saying it was ever great, but what country was? How is the US worse?
i hate to be that guy
but the states did provide some good shit
like some good computers
It shows the original and expands it with a ton of American accomplishments in space.
Yeah, it's biased but the point its trying to make is valid. The USSR got plenty of firsts in the space race too. Americans just like to exaggerate the importance of the ones they got.
U wot?
You serious?
Mainly because we could steal clay without pissing off other European powers that much.
Wrong again. If you knew jack shit about the US, you'd know Americans ruthlessly exploited any available resources.
Well, that's when we became king dick superpower, but to say we were an undeveloped backwater beforehand is complete nonsense.
Better scenery and food but at least in the US I can have an arsenal in my home. Though associating with most others that do will be painful.
This thqh fam.
Stupid 'Muricans that think 'Murica is great arguing with stupid 'Muricans that think it's all about "white" people, like the rest of the world that hates 'Murica doesn't exist or something.
It may never have been great, but it certainly used to be better.
This, we're the only place other than Canada or Australia that isn't an overdeveloped sardine can, but also isn't lawless and broke. Also, unlike Canada and Australia, we extend from the arctic to the tropics in a single legal entity.
The only reason I can think of for wanting to own a gun myself in Europe is to quickly commit suicide.
If there's ever a revolution, we'll need the army on our side anyway.
Alsi, tell me more about how you are not broke, when your dept is more than the world economy…
If you live west of the Mississippi and East of the Sierras, maybe.
Like all Sargonites.
You don't know the half of it..
Yes. You should take pleasure in all 'Murican butthurt.
Oh, you mean Japan?
Sure. 'Murica developed before WW2. THROUGH SOCIALISM!
Not just them; the US state sector was important in the development of computers.
No. It was through ruthless, racist, greedy, ecologically ruinous capitalism.
You're a retard and you don't know anything about history. Please stop posting. Once your nuts/ovaries have dropped we can discuss how fucked America is like adults.
First manned landing. It's always manned for a reason.
First man-made object to reach the Moon: Luna 2 (1959)
First soft landing (and photos from the surface): Luna 9 (1966)
As for the space race: picrelated is the actual Space Race: in 1955 both US and USSR declared that by 1957 they'll get into space.
- Kennedy, October 1960
Moving of goalposts happened in May 25th, 1961 (Gagarin - April 12th):
Mind you, unlike with Sputnik, Soviets never officially declared Man of the Moon as their goal.
Meh. Niggas can send space probes all day. Getting a human to a space sphere and back in one piece is a completely different endeavor.
Literally three of those things Russia already did and I'm almost positive America wasn't the first representative democracy, there was Athens sort of and then there was I think the Netherlands at the time? I'm impressed at the stupidity though. "Freedom of religion" to be Christian-Vanilla or Christian-Chocolate.
"Well, sure the soviets may have actually taken Berlin.. .. BUT WE DID D-DAY AND DROPED A BOMBS!"
Whatever makes you feel better, I guess.
ACTUALLY it's not "democracy". It's Republic like in Rome.
Because our "debt" is a money-making machine. We're actually issuing bonds at negative real interest, meaning plutocrat "investors" are paying us money for the muh privilege of storing their loot in our coffers.
Admittedly, this isn't unique, as some European nations have gone further to issuing "debt" with negative absolute interest (that is, literally worse than cash). The reason for all this, is because plutocrats are absolutist class warriors, and are so dogmatically opposed to investing in actual infrastructure that would benefit the real economy, they've completely overloaded the global financial market, and the closest they're willing to come to real investment is to indirectly pay some of the taxes they've dodged, only grudgingly because they have overfilled every other piggy-bank in existence.
Even ignoring the government, America is disgustingly wealthy, since our debts are far more than balanced by our huge stocks of wealth:
It's also basically pointless. The only reason the US wanted a man on the moon is as a symbolic victory, not a real one.
A common criticism of the Soviet space program was its disregard for human life, but the first men on the Moon could have died there, and it probably wouldn't have been quick and painless.
As much as I hate M-Ls, even they have a couple of achievements with modern relevance.
This gets a lot funnier when you remember that religious institutions in the US were racially segregated and that
Yeees… Your debt is secure… yeees..
Just wait till the next crisis sends you to tartarus, since you won't have Obama doing state interventions….
How is it pointless?
But what about the overall attitude to human life by the two space programs?
I'm glad we agree somewhat.
I agree here as well.
You realize the first round of those interventions were actually signed by Bush, right? Republicans are all talk, no walk, when it comes to autistrian economics. Remember when the previous big catastrophe hit, Nixon was hardly shy about going full commie when push came to shove.
Butthurt Canadian/Brit detected.
Well, there wasn't really any scientific use for such an endeavor at the time. In comparison, a satellite is a literal wealth of knowledge, one that can be flung into deep space with no risk of life and a very small risk of getting less info than was worth the investment.
In this specific case, going on until the end of the USSR, it was basically the same. There was no fair reason the Challenger astronauts should have died (which was also a much slower and more painful process than it looked). The US government were merely cheapasses.
Neither government has ever cared about human life. The US just massacres other countries' citizens instead of its own.
It was supposed to be a first step toward a manned moonbase (which would be cheaper than a space station while fulfilling most of the same tasks), mars missions, and more. Never forget that (scientific fallout aside) unmanned exploration is useful only as a prelude to human expansion. Instead, space exploration has almost collapsed.
Eastern propaganda; the first animal in space was fruit flies and they were carried aboard an american spacecraft