

Other urls found in this thread:


What's there to discuss, really? She went away from her hubby to ride the cock carousel, I think that much is pretty clear. Now, her hubby can be a good cuck and accept her back with his arms wide open and tears in his eyes, or he can be a man and ditch the whore. Case closed.

Typical modern female.


What was her end goal?


Cuckoldry, yeah!


the Enormous Yellow Dong had struck once again


tranny much?


I played Poker with her and we ended up doing a blow bang.
This chick is intense.

uh oh

Where is the whorecunt from?

The worst place on Earth.

A woman doing shit for attention? Who could have guessed? I think the people at e3 are more blessed then they realize that they have to deal with 1 less bitch.

She is gaining followers ;)
I am already in love with her.


Good, I can house her anytime ♥


Also ashleeeeean is hot as fuck ;)

didn't mean to spoiler that.


Looks like they're both forcing a smile.

She already admitted to it. Who cares anymore?


Why is this shit on every single board


Honestly, look at the guy, who wouldn't be starving for a slab of nigger meat

she is our new queen ♥

Thread theme

She fucked Bane.


oh yeah, she got cocked allright

I sense some jealousy :/

the correct term would be envy, and no i don't feel envious

I stand corrected.

Did he ever stand a chance Holla Forums?

Cute girl, professional attention whore, going to E3 without him…Nah.

she is way out of his league…

manlets. will they never learn?



Nice, dude. You made a mistake by marrying some whore in the first place, but… nice to see you're doing things to correct your life now.


She bears the mark of the Devil!

How long until she is doing ASSTOASS with Kristiplays on cam for more views and autismbux donations?


I remember faping to her when her boobs were smaller.



Go back to reddit.

Not long, I hope. Maybe Blacked will offer her a job!

I left 4chan in 2010 when Moot nuked /n/ and I have never looked back.
So fuck you!

Not Holla Forums but I love watching a whore squirm when it gets caught.

And she makes it so easy.

So she fucked an amerindian?

please please please let there be footage of her at a strip club

I didn't even know women were allowed in strip clubs

spade flush


1: how is this television and movies?

2: its her body and her rules, her husband doesn't own her, in fact the entire idea of "husbands" and "wifes" is a regressive patriarchal construct designed to justify rape and female slavery.


What's wrong with rape and female slavery? The patriarchy literally made anything worth a damn in this world.

She's either dumb as fuck, high or doesn't respect her bf or a combination of all three cause she keeps retweeting all the BBC jokes, if I was the guy i'd dump her just for that.

She has that scratchy Brianna Wu MTF voice.

This confirmed her or just some random porno? Doesn't check out with what she said she was wearing but she's probably lying anyways.

I'm sure it's just some random porno.


Boyfriend cucked out!


If he takes her back he deserves all the shit he's gonna get for it.

it's like my dad always told me and my brothers:

"If she takes the black, you gotta take her back"

hahahagha holy shit what the fuck

Laura, get the fuck out.

I am just a fan of hers ;)



Imagine kissing your girl after her having sucked niggerdicks for 24 hours.

I'm surprised she didn't get it all filmed and then post it.

I don't need to imagine


Oh yeah, what does it taste like then? How does her breath smell like after chugging down gallons of prime nigger cum and having her lips pressed against sweaty black ballsacks all day and all night? And don't try to lie, buster.

well shit, wrong thread

I thought this blacked cheater had something to do with that article at first.

Is Mike the new Louis?

Who's the more insane cuckoldry fetishist, Cuck King or Cucklasa?

can't discriminate against dykes

That's what I don't get, is it just women? or people in general that are like "I have a nice life, a nice relationship, a job…. but I have this hole in my life that can only be filled by getting gangbanged and came on for hours at a dive motel with people i don't know and might give me syphillis."

Cucklasa is more of a cuck because he isn't a kike masquerading as white. He's the real deal.

I think everyone feels like that sometimes

I don't. If the government aren't actively trying to give people autism already they really should.


are you twelve? strippers love bitches, they're non-threatening.

Looks like an ayy

The BBC memes are coming true. Louis CK is probably having a blast right now

Is this bitch dyslexic? Some of these go beyond what's acceptable for typos.


someone HAS to have it right?

who cares

enough people to fill a thread on Holla Forums apparently



It depends on the personality, upbringing and environment of the woman. A woman in an impoverished conservative setting with strong moral upbringing will definitely have less of a "need" to fufill every destructive impulse she learns from TV. As oppose to the woman that comes from an abusive family in a leftist/jewish city.

The important thing is there are women out there who are disgusted by the idea of randomly having sex with more than two men at once.

If she was gambling than she must have been playing black jack

had a co worker at my 1st job…. so his gf lied to him that she will go party for the weekend with her girlfriends night out etc. in nearby town. Long story short some guys he know see her in another town and told my co worker so later on he found out she was lying went to different town alone so she can go to some sex club that she found on the internet "just because she was curious to see what it is and have drinks" she had a drink and left when couples started to "party hard"…….. she was 19 at the time my co worker trow her out the same day he found out…
knowing what kinda couples go there and all are over 40 im pretty sure she got at least one train run on her
sluts gonna slut


Women's rights was a mistake.

Poor happa. All she needed was a white man with the BWC who could've provided for her. She would've been a subpar diversity trophy wife.

What a fucking shame. Why must cute girls go out of their way to ruin themselves? It's like it's some retarded compulsion. I know the general consensus is she's fairly average, but I'm into that particular aesthetic. Obviously without the sixty dicks she's taken.


who is the girl?

She's below average in my opinion, but she probably has the smarts to make up for it.

Well maybe not, she was retarded enough to do porn.

Such is the life of half breeds.


FUN FACT she did this scene 3 weeks after 18

whatever you reckon roastie.

Just found it in a private tracker, took all of 20 minutes idiot.


You're in like Flynn.

Share it dammit.


No one can resist your lies, Todd

Indeed ♥

Good, this is the appropriate response. Never tolerate this kind of shit from a woman. She starts fucking around and disrespecting you, get her the fuck out.

you missed the part where she is now in her boyfriend house again.
They are already re-conciliated.

such a responsible young lass.

I can't believe how cucked her bf is. I bet she let's him watch next time now that she knows she can get away with it.

cucks, when will they learn.

Sounds exciting =^_^=
No but verily she gave him proofs that she was playing poker, she also said she was doing a drug test Saturday.

Pence isn't cucked though, he just loves his waifu and doesn't want to end up becoming a degenerate. He's a high T man and takes precautions to not get tempted.

I meant to imply that cucks should learn from Pence. He would let his wife hang around alone with a pack of niggers.


nigga, sounds more like they played poke-her.

Ok someone post the pun spic

damn, female balding is horrible

I see, that would be wise. Somehow I doubt their relationship is built on the same mutual respect and love as in the Pence family though. She would tell him he is too controlling if he didn't let a pack of niggers fuck her regularly and as a good beta bitch he'd just suck it up. You need a solid foundation to built on, a streamwhore isn't waifu material.





Shittiest acting and voice of all time.

Is that Cara Delevingne?


Look at him and laugh!

Prevention is sort of cucky when you think about it. A slut likes you enough to let you fuck her but she don't think you're worthy of breeding with. Condoms are basically light cuckoldry, only reason you use them is that the skank you're banging has more mileage of dick than your car has road.

That sort of implies she is forcing you to wear a condom or you are forcing her to take the pill rather than it being a mutual agreement. Also if your woman only wants to fuck you to have a kid and that's it, something has gone very wrong.


Jesus fucking christ, the cuck meme has gone full retard. Having sex with a woman that wants to fuck you is now cuckoldry.

Cucks do it willingly too you know and that's even worse. I also don't see what's wrong about girls wanting to have sex with you primarily to get impregnated by your seed, the pleasure should be secondary otherwise it's perverted. Perversion is acceptable in moderation but too much and you risk forgetting the purpose of the act in the first place. In our modern society both the act of eating and breeding have been twisted into a mockery of the natural order of things and it warps us. Procreation not fornication, nutrition not gorging lest all human activity become hollow and devoid of meaning, only empty hedonism remaining.

Prevention is the reason white birthrates are failing, it's the reason why women have become so fickle and unhappy, it's why men are not valued for loyalty. Take the Pence pill, user.



Dont marry whores you idiots holy shit!


Triggered, stormweenie?

Glad you finally admit it in public, but it is just a story of etymology user.
You didn't even realised it. Real men rape.

I really hope her boyfriend isn't seriously taking her back.

Share it, pls.

Look at him of course he did

webm is probably from some porn ofc is not real


I thought birth control was supposed to make women's tits bigger.


What about him? Seem like a normal fella.

Someone give me an update
are they back together?

I have a Vk.com link
Requires account, membership in their vk group


How can they fuck it up? Being a woman is fucking easy, be relative in shape, be nice, have babies and be loyal.

How fucking hard can it be? Are women confirmed to be retards?

Women are kind of like dogs but that you can fuck.

Women like sex, if you don't want to offer it they will just find another man who will fuck them. But i'm sure those guys will play fair and respect the fact she is married though, right?

Let's do some maths. To get pregnant, it takes on average, 7 months dependent on lots of factors. The average amount of sex a couple has in a year at 18-29 is about 112 sexual encounters (twice a week). At 30-39 this drops to about 86 times. In your forties it is about 69 times a year. Let's be generous and say you meet at 25. This means an expected 2110 sexual encounters (560 + 860 + 690) from 25 to 50. Even if you had sex EVERY DAY for seven months to conceive and did this six times (assuming you could even financially support six children and she agreed to this) it only adds up to around 1278 sexual encounters, or around half of what normal people would be having. And this is with an extremely generous calculation. If we take it as sex once every two weeks this adds up to 365 sex encounters, roughly a sixth of what she would be getting from another man. And this is by having SIX children. If we drop that to the average, 2 children, we end up with roughly 122 sexual encounters in all. A measly 5.88% of the sex she craves.

So where is she getting the rest of that sex that she obviously wants, if it's not from you? Be smart, take the Pillpill.

This is why you are losing, effendi. If you could you should have twelve or twenty children.


You well and truly are an idiot and a cuckold, and a bitch.

You can fuck dogs as well.

I like how Holla Forums got memed hard and the redditors spammed this shit all over the site and are now trying to pretend they didn't get memed.
Not that I enjoy seeing a bland whore of a twitch streamer win, but the cringeworthy reddit crossposters from "incel" or whatever are just pathetic. They're lowlier than niggers, and got memed on by some gaymur girl attention whore streamer. Hell, the redditor(s) who originally started all this shit: probably orbiting her ugly mug.

I legitimately am completely confused by what the fuck you just posted.
What does some E3 whore have to do with your political boogeyman?
Are you insane, or is there some joke that you're getting at that went way over my head?
Is everything politics and I'm just an idiot for not realizing there are legitimate boogeymen all around me?
Is the boogeyman real?
Is he going to rape me?
If so, can I charge him with rape and sue his entire family?

Not him but Holla Forums did put a lot of attention to this, mostly because they are half Reddit by now (and openly admit it there)

It's right in the OP, not to mention the threads on Holla Forums and the shitposting on twitter by Holla Forumsacks.
This thread was spammed across the site.
No I'm just annoyed at crossposting, asperger redditors who believe that their cancer is not obvious.
God damn this shit is cringe worthy.

I wasn't aware of this.
I've never really used Holla Forums tbh, not sure about their whole timeline besides finding some pretty convincing evidence the holocaust was at least greatly exaggerated, which they gladly spammed on cuck/b/ and Holla Forums just before I came here.


Along with /sp/ and /x/, one of the most turbulent and sought after truth dens
Right now Halfcham's is pozzed to hell and back, and the one here has become cucked to Reddit and back since a year ago, evidently maybe since 6 months ago
If you want the experience, /polk/ might be your best bet, but even so they are very white-focused, which wasn't always the case, as it was an international news board that always devolved into seeing the perpetrator and finding they were almost always jews (hence their motto)


When? She posted bank statements with only a date not time, and that somehow proves that she couldn't have been at a hotel playing poke her with BBCz

Nigger, you got memed. Just deal with it. Have fun with these fucking retarded faggots who obliviously advertise for some retarded whore. It doesn't matter if her viewership hates her, or orbits her, she gets paid regardless of the viewer's feelings. Congratulations on feeding some no-name whore the attention she so craves, and whipping up a shitstorm over nothing which only results in more money and orbiters for her.
Fuck off, reddit. This whole shitstorm was aspie redditors who unironically post le meme frog and scream about normies and tendies.

Whiteknight detected.

I'm simply a observer, and I noticed you're comment doesn't seem to line up with the actual timeline of events.
Anyways, reported and filtered.

White knights definitely talk about orbiters and the fact that she has a face that looks like it was hit by a shovel.


You're working awfully hard to defend this slut and pretend she didn't get caught stepping out. Yeah, you're a white knight.

You're working awfully hard to misconstrue my posts and pretend that this shit thread wasn't spammed across all the site, only to come to an end when she posted the dozen casino transactions.
Yeah, you're a redditor.
I'm "working hard" at telling you what a cringeworthy aspie you are tbh. Shovel face aka gaymur girl is beside the point.
This doesn't even belong on this board anyways, even by Holla Forums shitposting standards. Fuck off back to reddit. Maybe you can post more funny memes about tendies and normies.

your streamfu took some BBC and you'll never get to jerk off watching it

I wouldn't jerk off to shovelface even if she paid me to do it. Take your projection elsewhere. What a sad existence, to not only orbit some dumb gaymur girl, but to be this invested in your orbiting that you felt the need to lash out at someone who rightfully identified you as a drooling asperger.

Ah, the ol' "I have no rebuttal so I'll just copypaste your words" strategy. Pretty sad, buddy.


So the wymyn of your papa's time were allowed to join the Night's Watch?


Your lack of efficient bantz and general faggotry are indicative of Redditism m80

why are you so upset when it's pointed out that Holla Forums and many shitposters on this site are a bunch of reddit cross-posters?
where in that post is anyone defending some retarded twitch streamer? who even cares about some retarded twitch streamer? why are you sitting here trying to convince people that they should care about some whore? there's plenty of them, so who gives a shit other than orbiters of her shitty twitch channel? some dumbfuck degenerate neets who unironically watch other degenerates play videogames, that's who.

obviously you do. A lot.

where'd you get that impression? because I said that a bunch of cross-posting redditors got memed on?
you're fucking retarded. fuck off, retard.


forgot to say
Nothing new OP its not the first time surely wont be the last when slut going to another town get drunk and go on slut rampage

also this

similar shit happen to a friend of mine but his slut gf went to fetish party with some couple that she found on fetlife

Sorry boys had a busy day at work. Here it is for all of you to enjoy mega.nz/#!GEoFySxL!8hALlm3Hk-_QnOMkZ6UflN35nfoeh0pI5WZhjU1EqHo

What I don't understand is why it is so hard for these whores to just end their relationship and become human cock socks if that's what they want. If they hate their dweeb bf so much how come they are together in the first place? It's one thing to be human garbage and a jizz receptacle but it is another to be it while pretending to be with someone. What's the point?

Because on some level, they're still human and still capable of getting the impression of right and wrong. They've got to do the bare minimum of silencing that part of their brain or else they'll have to face what horribly ungodly creatures they really are.


I stopped following her on Twitter, too many people said she was ugly so it made me rethink about it.
But I want to find a player poker player with the same looks as brandi hawbaker.
Thanks =^_^=

They were lesbian satan worshippers fucking a goat man in the comic.

Their cuck bf will pay for their shit. He'll drive her around, show her affection, give her money if she needs etc.

you will be surprised how many females will do similar stuff if the are sure that no one will ever know about it

oh wow its fucking nothing

That's the thing though, the state has taken the role of being a beta provider in the first world. Do whores keep them around just for the sake of company now? Someone to stroke their emotional cock?



delete pls

The reality is that most of these girls are with betas because guys they are attracted to don't want to settle down with them. They would rather be with the alpha 24/7 but he's not interested other than some quick flings, so they settle for what they can get and then get the rest on the side. And by alpha is just mean dangerous, exciting man not necessarily a stockbroker or a CEO or something like that, more likely a drug dealer or some guy at the club.

Not all women are like that but it pays to be pessimistic, best way around it is to be the emotional and financial 'beta' supporter and the the sexually exciting domineering 'alpha' all wrapped up in one.

They want the bad goy but the bad goy doesn't want them. It's funny because I think one of the reasons alphas don't stay around other than due to that they have so many options is the fact that women are such whores.

The sexual revolution was a mistake.

Thanks user.

Polite sage.

It's low status to be on Welfare. Much more respectable to have a boyfriend or husband with a good career that you can mooch off of.

I'm so glad I didn't do this shit.

You're sticking around longer than you needed to if all you wanted to do was say someone got memed on.
She took bbc and you'll never EVER get to watch, ser knight.

Retards like you are attempting to damage control for yourselves, and keep replying to me trying to project their orbiting of some twitch streamer or project their cuckoldry onto me. Also, browser tabs are cheap. What's the problem, fucktard? Can't handle the fact that half of this site is redditor cross-posters? Or are you one of them?

That's what worries about finding a virgin wife in this era. I guess you have to make friends with good men who have raised their daughters right. Where to find such families?

The local mosque.

Okay but what if I want to continue eating pork?


Welp he took her back…


he has an eerie resemblance to Fraser

modern women have a serious mental problem

What a cuck.
Guess its time to bully him with cuck jokes

Hey faggot, you didnt hear from her for 24 hours not 4 or 5. Given that she a modern western woman, she is most likely addicted to her phone, so for her to not contact you (her husband) to say say "good night/morning" or "I love you" or even reply to your texts is pathetically hilarious.
You don't even get to be the king of the omegas because that would imply dominance over the others. No, you are a sub-omega, the one omegas can feel superior towards

This baffles me, why he would stay and be with such a flaming tire fire of a woman after all that public humiliation. He even had an easy out if he didn't want to be seen as a cuck, just pin it on the lack of communication and the twitter outbursts rather than the cheating/drugs as a reason to drop her. Both keep their dignity and can move on from the incident.


I hope he has a cuckshed prepared.

LeL are you crazy user this is the worst type of woman you can get the one "raised right" this kinda girls end up to be the biggest sluts when the leash is off

Look for the ones with crackwhore mothers and abusive fathers, they're the purest, got it.

ha, good luck, conservacuck!

gee i wonder why she did it

look for normal girl with normal life growing up
you wont find the "good girl" every one have at least one super slut story the good news is the smart ones keep they ass cover and dont tell anyone about them so you will probably never know
you can only hope to find a girl with more tame past behind her
same reason i never ask about previous boyfriends and shit like that its easier to put my mind is at ease if i dont know how "she blow bunch of guys in the toilet at her best gf party"
or "how she fucked some guy 20 years older that she found on the internet" etc.

"Normal" girls are skanks, can't respect them enough to get involved but I can fuck them. I honestly think we used to have this shit more or less nailed down. Marrying girls when they're about 13 or so if not younger is ideal. The modern world only produces garbage. Garbage products, garbage people and garbage jobs. How are you supposed to find anyone worthwhile in this trashheap?

how did they find this? is it confirmed it's her?

She confirmed it herself. Read the tweet.

nah probably some cuck porn

proof or faggot

Welcome to your first imageboard, reddit. There's a link to her twitter in the post you're referring to. Read it and then proceed to fuck off back to /r/isuckcocks.


i wanted screen because i wont go and read her stupid twitter fagg


Wait, you said it wasn't her in the video like you sounded sure? Yet you haven't even looked into it?

There is no video it's just shitposting from redditor cross-posters who have cuck porn saved on their computers. At this point I think it's more hilarious that orbiters of some dumb twitch whore are doubling down and trying to force their reddit circlejerks. Sad!

i never seen a video just some webm and some week shit that proof nothing even her clothes are not the same look like body type is also different i never looked at it hard tho so i may be wrong

Found a recording of her black jack gambling, lads.

Hello, Laura.

nice cuck porn, I see we have many redditors here with great taste like myself, I also browse /r/cuckold , good stuff XD

whoops, forgot my reddit handle
if only I could lick her clean after that bull gave her some real pleasure. how can white boy even compete XD.
saved the video for future reference.

nice try faggot but the more i look the more i think this user is right

and you are probably a reddit orbiter

went true her social media pic she is thicker than webm dont wear rings and shit nails are different clothes are different

im sorry but your cuck fantasy suck i wish you where right just because of the video and the porn but its not
there are better and confirmed true shit like that on the internet if you want that kinda shit go check the couple who went looking for a guy on some reddit board about dicks found a guy girl like it so much that she end up leaving the cuck for the other guy that was good thread back in the days with solid pic and video proof

this one is weak and shit im sorry

Lack of discipline from their fathers and faith in an ideology that promotes purity.

Good ol' "I don't care but I do but I don't, U REDDIT?" flip flopping.
You're clearly really angry about this and should probably calm down tbh.

Man, the lenghts virgins with no life will go to give atention to one whore


What a pathetic cuck. I hope he gets bullied to death.

lol she's an alcoholic

That ain't the half of it.

now she start to bait even more pathetic looser with uhhh im not well i drink i have mental illness

hahahah beta cucks are so easy

Just stop embarassing yourself, faggot.

so basically, she's a woman

she wanted to go to e3 but on the way in the in she got panic attack
so it didn`t happen?
????? and?
hope shes ok, i don`t get whats wrong with any of this, it happens


Women do shit then fake some type of mental disorder so they're never responsible we guys take them bcaack because in reality most men have very few options and being alone for some is worse than being in a bad relationship.

Women use the pity party and the fact they're attractive when young to excuse their behavior
the older they get the less chance it might work. So they have the "I am a mother excuse" for people to have them compassion while men get nothing.

He should've dumped her ass and have her deported.

That's not cuck porn, that's interracial. The nigger is the one filming the entire thing.

ok, genetic dead end.

if they followed that ideology they wouldn't ruin themselves, you retard.

Someone would still be a genetic dead end even if they did all of that.

Was she an Iraq vet or something
Was she insulted by her mirror or her own reflex for many years?


t. cuck

Yeah, Satan, sure. I trust you as much as I trust the liberals who say that to prevent your son from growing up a gay tranny you should pimp him out to pederasts and encourage any faggotry possible and that traditional morals and upbringings will turn your kid gay with 100% certainty.

That only proves that women are natural sluts and there's no way to make them be anything else.

I said they lack a faith in an ideology that promotes purity. When the conjunction "and" is used in that context, it denotes a list. The term "lack" modifies the entire list, not just the first thing.

Learn grammar you fucking retard.

Those two aren't even remotely related.