Ahahaha dat lighting making Alex Jones look like a big fat crazy manbaby.
Ahahaha dat lighting making Alex Jones look like a big fat crazy manbaby
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looks like James Gandolfini
back to feminist frequency
You need to practice trolling leftyretard
drup bdfo
Is this a new meme or something
do this retard really beleives climate change is not real and that trump is a good president? LMAO
Say what you will about Alex Jones, he was speaking forbidden truths publicly for years before most of the people on this website were redpilled.
dis is wud druppoldry duz 2 ur brine
When does he not?
Bill Hicks is a national treasure
Honestly Alex seems like a fun person to hang around.
Even when he's screaming complete and utter bullshit he's entertaining to listen to.
I'd break the conditioning with him over a beer.
He'd be a whole lot better if he actually named the jew
He will be remembered as a prophet 500, 1000 years from now.
Number 3 in trending huh?
Finally, the conditioning is being broken.
He looks perfectly normal.
Oh look, little triggered capitalist cant handle all the RED pills coming from Alex
he is controlled jew opposition.
Can someone explain this guy to me. He cracks me the hell up.
Prove that he's controlled opposition and not just someone with different politics than you.
He said it was all an act during his recent custody battle.
If you can't tell, you deserve to buy his bullshit.
He said that he has a distinct media persona, not that everything he says is fiction.
So you have nothing.
Sadly yes, Alex sucks up to the merchants a lot, and repeats tired old Nazi references in every single video to show he's a good goy. On that note, I've noticed many of these "alt" media people have the exact same problem (Gavin, Dice, Sargon, Pigeon, Crowder, etc.)
That said, Alex played a big part in helping Trump win, so that somewhat redeems him in my book.
He's not controlled. He's just stupid.
Just a regular nutcase.
SO this turned out to ruin Megyn Kellys career. It got low ratings.
Based Alex strikes another blow for the common man.
You should get your priorities straight.
He never names the jew. He always talks about "globalists" but never says who's truly behind it. In fact, if you call into his show and even attempt to say that jews are behind globalism he will throw you the fuck off the line and claim you are a conspiracy theorist.
Not everybody is a nu/pol/lack, son.
I rarely go to Holla Forums but I know that jews are the prime culprit behind globalism.
Most people know. Why do you think they go after people so much for "antisemitism"?
Even the retarded leftist know they however make the connection to class rather than race due to talmudic communist propaganda.
Nice run-on sentence. I don't really know what you are trying to say here. The truth of the matter is, leftists support collectivism and collectivism is a key component to globalism. Leftists are the ones who are pushing for globalism. Even if you distance yourself from the left/right paradigm, you see that the socialists and communists are constantly trying to push for a borderless society and a one world government.
The truth of the matter is, rightists support capitalism and capitalism is a key component to globalism. Rightists are the ones who are pushing for globalism. Even if you distance yourself from the left/right paradigm, you see that the capitalists are constantly trying to push for a borderless society and a one world government.
What other proof do you need?