I don’t even know what to say to this one. Just when you think California can’t get any more depraved, they surprise you. Governor Moonbeam has just decriminalized prostitution for minors in his state. He claims it is meant to make life after human trafficking easier for those forced into it. But the consequences of this move make pedophilia far more acceptable there. Yes, adults are still guilty of a crime… maybe. Since minors are not, it becomes a gray area. The Islamists in California, the Marxists and NAMBLA must be rejoicing over this.
I guess I should not be surprised from a state that wants to ban gender identity and allows polygamy, bestiality, etc. They say this law will protect minors from the stigma of sex-trafficking – what it really does is it makes it much easier to grow and conduct the business of sex-trafficking children. It promotes it for God’s sake. Along with this ruling, Jerry Brown is taking away state benefits for those who ARE victims of the sex industry. It’s as if he’s promoting white slavery for children.
From DownTrend.com:
This is absolutely astounding. The liberal numbnuts who run the State of California just decriminalized child prostitution. There is no misinterpretation of what they’ve done here. It is no longer illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to engage in prostitution or to solicit money for sex. Like I said, kids in California are now able to legally work as prostitutes. CBS Sacramento reports that space cadet Governor Jerry Brown signed SB1322 into law on Tuesday. Among other things, this bill exempts minors from the current California prostitution laws. In other words, a person under the age of 18 can no longer be arrested for violating prostitution laws that apply to adults. I was thinking that maybe the news was reporting this wrong or perhaps they were leaving some stuff out that makes this sound less terrible than it is, but I read the actual wording of the bill and this is what is says: Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution. This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions.
Brown and others will argue that they didn’t legalize prostitution for minors… they decriminalized it. They are splitting hairs here. Any attorney worth his salt will have a field day in court with this for his clients. Even a John or pimp will come into court claiming that since it is not illegal for a minor to commit prostitution, they cannot be held culpable for their actions. You watch… it’s coming. I don’t know what these liberals were thinking. Evidently they thought this would somehow protect children. It does the opposite… it will make prostitution and the exploitation of children explode in that state. If Brown was looking to create more jobs and tourism in his state, this will do it. But I doubt they will like the results. This is hardcore Progressivism and it is insane.
We need to start killing jews. Now. There won’t be anything left of our society if we fucking wait for THEM to crash our economy.
William Anderson
Let me guess… some (((guy))) in (((Hollywood))) decided it wasn't enough to fuck a child actor…he wants to date him as well.
Gavin Bailey
Asher Cruz
I'm betting they want to go open about it so they can find young fucks easier. It's not the gate to degeneracy, it's opening the fucking abyss man.
Cameron Ross
Here. I don't use them anymore as I broke my rage-box over a year ago. Now I'm just numb.
Sebastian Gomez
I keep thinking that after seeing something I can't be any more mad, then I read just about anything.
Bentley Young
Grayson Ross
What the…how old is that fucking kid
Justin Myers
I know.
Caleb Young
That's the point. It was a Hollywood lobby.
Thomas Collins
Christian Miller
See The Canyons
Accidental redpill
Isaac Carter
Nice conflation.
Henry Carter
Bentley Cooper
Josiah Richardson
Xavier Kelly
I think these are the last of my rage pics.
Nolan Perez
Yeah dude, we get it, you're fucking triggered
Is there a functional difference if a lawyer with two firing synapses, representing John Q. Pimp, can argue that his client can't be charged with a crime since child prostitution isn't illegal?
Tyler Allen
Isaiah Reed
It will be mostly nonwhites selling their kids off (like the olden days), but the real reason is because of the kikes – either making a profit from this or so they don't get into trouble because they dabble in that too, but there is also the blackmail element. Even if it's legal, banging a young boy will still look really bad on you as someone who is high profile or has a family.
Dylan Rogers
The precedent that fucking jew infested hellhole has just set WILL go much further than this. Before I die there will either be a great purge or they will put a tax on infant prostitution, and when you whore your infant out the worst you'd worry about is the fucking IRS. I hope you choke on your next cock juden.
Elijah Thompson
holy shit, jajajajajajajajaja
Jonathan Davis
Yes, if you bothered to read the article you would know the minor is the only exempt from charges.
you have never met a defense lawyer have you retard. You know that this is a matter of semantics but you don't care.
Robert Adams
We are sodom and gomorrah now
There is no escape It is only going to get worst
Jaxson Wilson
Article says that the child won't be prosecuted, not saying jack shit about pimps or pedos. I also have a hard time telling if the source is legit or satire. I know Commiefornia is fucked but they can't really be that retarded and expect people to take this, can they?
Lincoln Hall
Gommie here. First I've heard of this shit but if it's legit I will no end to my rage.
yeah, in theory soliciting for sex is still illegal, but I imagine they'll have the devil's own job of effectively prosecuting pimps and johns if the sex itself is not illegal. If the state of being a child prostitute is not illegal, then logic dictates that sex with a child prostitute is also not illegal.
Grayson Powell
Well we are talking about a law that just passed but prostitution has been decriminalized in several European countries and it hasn't exempt the pimps and Johns from being charged, which I don't even agree with.
Julian Sanders
Ok now I'm fucking pissed, those retards actually believe that because they want to infantilize people it means that a 13 yo doesn't fucking know what it's doing by selling its ass. They all deserve to die by scaphism.
Brayden Lee
user, you underestimate the level of apathy and stupidity of your average American.
Isaac Morgan
From what I see it's just so kids forced into this don't go to jail. It's still illegal to fuck children in California. Slippery slope though.
James Jackson
Every last kike like you will die, horribly.
Nolan Davis
Luis Bennett
if it weren't happening already, why would they have to write laws for it?
It's disgusting
Dylan Perez
Do you honestly believe that liberals will vote in someone else on principle? Especially for the newest frontier of degenerate sex? Couple that with some marxist logic about how enabling child prostitution actually ==really really helps these 12 year old fuck-dolls despite whatever your insticts are telling you goy, read this 500 pages of disinfo == and it's a sure thing.
Andrew Bell
It legalizes slutty teens to entrap perverts, then they'll add some kind of loophole that will make it a misdemeanor for the Johns, after government officials get exposed in such scandals after those teens blackmail them with their cellphone.
Angel Turner
Yeah, you'll forgive me if I don't look to Europe as a model example for how to deal with social problems.
Dylan Barnes
inb4 "hello fbi"
Holla Forums gets edgy when talking about RWDS irl. they need to happen. but after the election. if trump wins he will eradicate this filth in no time. if killary wins… then activate anons, and hang em high.
Justin Brown
I have long lost the delusion of real change being possible through a ballot. You can't vote out mass brain damage.
Isaac Davis
How do you think trump will do anything about this?
Hudson Sullivan
Julian Ross
voting from a rooftop coimg to a city near you
Zachary Reyes
Nice. Time to go to California and fuck some young pussies.
Jace Jenkins
Implying Trump hasn't been on the Lolita express
Brody Evans
push for prosecution of involved policy makers hopefully and executive order those laws null and void. however my gut tells me the policy maker of the future will be salt raifu
Luke Cruz
Nice dubs, but Trump is not our savior. He's an edgy politician, that's it. We are our own saviors.
Juan Ward
tfw Holla Forums needs an old airbase to use for ops
Chase Wilson
at the moment he's the closest thing we got
Jaxson Russell
These anons get it.
Only war can save us now, a bullet for every commie and a grave for every non white.
Lincoln Ward
racewar soon?
Nathaniel Hill
i got a funny feeling about this election. like no matter who wins… we lose. plus i've been out for blood ever since i heard rush limbaugh when i was like 7. my dad always listened to him, paul harvey and others. woke me up to what you might call ye olde NWO
Nolan Perry
Hitler would have prevented this
Daniel Morales
How does this work then for statutory rape? You're a prostitute, but no one except other minors can have sex with you? What's the point?
Anthony Bennett
Jordan Richardson
The other way around, user. Read again. It's still illegal for someone over 18 to sell ass.
Jackson Turner
Kevin Jenkins
user, you just found it.
Lincoln Harris
This is the same piece of shit governor that allowed illegals to obtain drivers licenses and created healthcare for illegal immigrant children. He also just signed into law a bill that allows felons in jail to be able to vote again.
Luke Torres
I hope Trump loses.
I don't want peace.
Cooper Morales
this is like reading a Onion article
Ethan Rogers
Why is it that whenever someone points out how awful democracy is some asshole has to always twist it like the poster is shilling?
Lucas Barnes
now it is up to the few the proud.. the united states white males to turn this ship around. we can uncuck this country as fast as you can pull a trigger. i hope trump delivers. i really do because if he does what he says then we're golden for at least four years (8 pls). if hilldawg gets in then NWO forever. and we will face death squads wearing blue helmets. what ever your politics.. theology or none.. we have to band together when shtf. we have to . i met a Holla Forumsack that is working in a gas station own the street from me a bit ago.. we are around and closer to each other than we think. when things go south we know out in the ether allies are there.
John Bennett
I understand that the prostitution of minors is legal. But as I said, who is legally allowed to solicit it? Statutory rape laws aren't related to prostitution. So it seems that an adult who wanted to see a child prostitute would still be convicted of statutory rape.
Jack Stewart
ok. but how? we need steps and organization
Brandon Rogers
Because the boards dead
Jose Cruz
one would think but then… if the child can choose to do it then the adult is not culpable of any crime. thats what the defense would argue
James Smith
This just in: Bill Clinton legally changes his name to "California".
Hudson Russell
Because they are willfully ignorant and afraid. How many times must we get fucked by no matter who is voted in before idiots wake up to the tactics. I though anons had finally see the system for what it is in 2012 but I guess I was wrong.
Levi Bell
If that is their plan it isn't very promising. Minors don't have the income to see prostitutes. Not to mention that anyone ready to have sex would be at the age where the other kids are looking to do as well. And finally, prostitution laws never stopped people from offering favors and other things for sex, which will still continue.
Luis Harris
Did you ever see laws on weed where people can possess a small amount of it but not do anything with it? It looks like the exact same precedent. Cops and Lawyers can and will pick and choose what related laws are enforced, when they are enforced, and on whom. It's a prequel to legal regulated child sex traffic.
Jace Jones
I don't have enough words for the rage I feel
Liam Richardson
million dollar extreme question…. i like my anonymity. we all do, that's the point. so it makes it real hard to do the whole irl meets like the daily stormer is doing with their "stormer book clubs"
i don't like that idea of meeting irl.. to easy to get fugged. yelling shadilay real loud and a reply of praise kek like the old "Flash" and "Thunder" challenge in WW2. i mean really as far as moar serious ways.. HAM radio , shortwave is best i'd think. in terms of moving all this here to radio… then coordination from there
Michael Lopez
Ian Smith
Sebastian Young
Aryan Alchemy
Austin Collins
Let's be honest here guys.
Nathaniel Richardson
What exactly is the problem?
Jack Roberts
trips confirm spooks on board
Nicholas Myers
face to face meetups are almost always compromised honeypots. I shake my head everytime i see supposedly "street smart" anons suggest going offline and forming clubs IRL with complete strangers.
If you're going to form a club, do it in your own community and recruit friends, family, neighbors. When the TSHTF, those are the people that you're going to be surviving with.
Gavin Allen
more like Weimar 2.0
Alexander Campbell
They've already changed the state flag
David Baker
this. stick to the people you know.
although if your alone and out wandering… yell shadilay and i'll trust ya.. for a while at least
Brandon Thompson
Good thing the coming catastrophe will sort most of it out. This + Cascadia = Arizona bay.
Christian Campbell
The problem is, what crime are they guilty of? Even if statutory rape laws apply, the defense can still argue that since child prostitution is NOT ILLEGAL, then logically speaking, having sex with said prostitute is also not illegal. And even if they bust johns for soliciting, they might not face the much steeper penalties associated with child sex.
Christopher Jones
brb, moving to california
Levi Stewart
dubs confirm loophole.
we should close it with bullets
Eli Walker
does it surprise anyone that a homofag is OK with childsex?
William Jackson
Samuel Gonzalez
Nathan Harris
idk dude. sounds like you'd still get slapped with all the stuff. I mean, why would you get slapped for solicitation when the prostitution is legal and not get slapped with minority rape? That would make sense with an adult prostitute.
Where does it say it's legal to fuck kids? I think this is to avoid getting a criminal record as a kid for being in that situation forced on them. Or have you seen kids on the street waving down cars?
Luis Green
This. Even if the intent behind the law wasn't nefarious, you can bet your ass some slimy lawyers are going to try to wiggle some Hollywood pedos out of jailtime.
Asher Martinez
so when the kick off moment happens.. a bunch of 3% / old men militia types are met by a bunch of Neet/duesvult christian /NatSoc asshats. top kek
Parker Gutierrez
Wait, so in Murica the "Governor" can pass or withdraw laws, or ban/unban shit on his state whithout the consent of the congress or the president ? hows that work ? i mean just how, how the hell they let him do that.
Adrian Morgan
Wish I could say I was surprised.
As long as jews are okay with something you can do it in The United States of Israel.
Nathaniel Diaz
no one has the clout to seriously challenge it on court would be my guess… no one that's trying anyway
James Hernandez
You underestimate the stupidity of teenagers
Austin Taylor
Christ… In 3 years this shit will follow to WA… Then 4 more, to OR…
West coast purging now!!
Jack Morris
Something will have to be done, at the very least evacuating all whites from California. Technically the kikes who made this law are right; decriminilization is not the same thing as legalizing something. It's sort of like the status of marijuana in the Netherlands, it's not actually "legal" to smoke it, but it's practically decriminalized, meaning the government reserves the right to bust you for it. But guess what? THEY DON'T. And you can bet that once Abdu Salem becomes police chief of your californian town, it's going to make Rotherham look like fucking nothing. They'll pick and choose what laws they prosecute for.
Nolan Kelly
This state needs to go underwater fucking yesterday.
Kayden Morris
California and Washignton are the testbed of jewish agenda.
If Hillary gets in by the end of her second term it will be legal for children to sell their bodies in ever state and the country will be 20% white.
Something's got to give.
Brandon Peterson
It means the State of California won't recognize this as a crime. No federal service would get involved, unless its to ensnare or add riders. Since the fed doesn't have a vice equivalent of the DEA or the BATFE, this is federally unenforceable unless it falls under FBI jurisdiction somehow without the state and local police's involvement.
Thomas Reyes
WTF i knew Commiefornia was degenerate, but holy shit! Only National Socialism can save society now, no compromises! RWDS
Samuel Russell
something's got to give
Parker Brooks
Grayson Turner
(Checked) It's a state that's less than half white and more than 20% jewish, it's current year.
Aaron Foster
At least she won't die a virgin
Eli Collins
what do you call a semite that's not muslim?
Eli Rivera
Ohhh okay i see better now, ty user.
still pretty fuck up though
Brody Edwards
Does not make sense. How can this coexist with age of consent laws?
Hudson Hughes
Leo King
under rated post
Levi Kelly
Jayden Diaz
Gavin Torres
because prosecutor Muhammed bin Islam has decided not to, and police chief Abdul Hakeem has recommended not to as well. Look up Rotherham if you're not familiar with that scenario.
Jonathan Harris
but only racist jewhating person I know is my mom
Connor Rivera
What's the age of consent? That's the only thing that could be violated here.
Adam Ortiz
Man the thought just came to my mind, if things go on as they will your grandchildren will grow up in a 10% white country selling their bodies to jews, dying of AIDS and drug use in the slums of their no nation global world order.
The jews don't realize that we are their slaves, they have enslaved the white man. And when you take away the last thing a slave has, his family, you create a man with nothing left to lose. A man with nothing to lose is a weapon, they're forging their own destruction.
The reckoning is being held back by taut strings, something's going to give.
Julian Brooks
Sounds like a load of bullshit to me, normal prostitution isn't even legal how the fuck would they legalize child prostitution? They would have people lynching them in the streets.
Friendly reminder that we voted AGAINST gay marriage in a referendum just a few years ago. Like anywhere else, we are all kiked up in government but the populace still has decency and common sense. The whole state is red except LA and SF because the beaners vote for gibs. The whole san fran hippy faggot stereotype isn't really a thing anymore, I went there recently and it was mostly spics and niggers, extremely tight knit asian communities that don't vote and generally rule themselves independently, and white tech businesspeople who are hated by the commoners.
not only that, they'll be giving thanks to their nog leaders for not treating them as badly as they treated nigs during slavery. They will feel they are experiencing extreme mercy, and that will become the basis of a new religion or new interpretation of christianity.
Elijah Barnes
They did it in the name of "protect the children."
Cooper Adams
Mateys, not only is it not fake it's worse than legalization. It's decriminalized meaning nobody gets in trouble unless a guy is caught balls deep in an underageb& grill. meaning the following people will be harder to fuck over CALIFONIA IS ABOUT TO BE THE NEW HANOI LADS
Daniel Price
leftism is a mental illness.
Jason Ross
kek It's not 1850's, dipshit. Americans are amorphous mass of lazy shit with mass-media jew instead of brains. Nobody fucking cares,
Henry Russell
Wait they did this same thing in Canada years ago didn't they? I'm pretty sure that's why it's the child prostitution capitol of the western world.
Charles Turner
What the fuck is going on, current year is too insane for me. We don't even need accelerationism at this point, all our wildest memes have already come true. The only one that remains is RWDS
Also I saw this shit in the related articles of the cbslocal site. Fucking REEEEE
You Holla Forums fags are acting like this is a bad thing
Isaac Barnes
If dubs, Kek will cleanse the world with holy fire and we will be able to start anew. RISE UP BUBBLE-CHAN!
Lucas Garcia
That's not how digits work you heretic.
Mason Reyes
It is, 4cuck.
Jason Scott
I have failed.
Sebastian Parker
FUCK JERRY BROWN JESUS THOSE CALIFORNIAN COMMIE FUCKS ELECTED HIM TWICE TOO I thought I couldn't get fucking mad anymore, I thought the memes provided a strong enough humor-buffer. But nope, this shit happens.
Methane bubble doesn't cause the fire, it causes the Cascadia fault to slip and unleashes a 700 foot tidal wave that takes out everything west of interstate 5.
Chase Williams
Here's why you're retarded.
Prostitution is illegal for adults. Gutter whores and fags still do it, but there is at least some discouraging effect. Prostitution is now legal for minors. Any kid trashy enough and retarded enough (as all are before their brains are fully developed) to consider it now has no reason not to sell their body to the kikes. Unless they get kidnapped or killed (as many will until the whores wise up and learn not to fuck spics and niggers), there are literally no consequences for them. They'll never go to jail, and the leftist social climate means they will face no lasting social repercussions for whoring in their youth. Hell, it will probably become cool. This alone will shift the supply of prostitutes greatly towards minors. Being a child prostitute will be normalized, and given enough time, those former child prostitutes will become the customers and sex with minors in general will be normalized.
"But pimps will still be punished!" We live in a "golden" age of whoredom where nobody needs a pimp because any whore can sell their body online. The middle man is gone. "But johns will still be punished!" The vast majority of prostitution cases never get reported. Child kidnapping and trafficking rings get discovered eventually, but now, they're "empowering" minors to seek this out on their own. Minors who will have the basic shared interest of keeping their Johns out of jail so they can stay in their pockets, and not wanting their shitty parents to find out and maybe activate the last sane braincell remaining in their heads.
Screencap this if you'd like. Mark my words, the next thing you're going to see is a massive increase in Japanese-style "compensated dating," where wealthy kikes and lonely Silicon Valley tech autists pay high schoolers for their "company." Socially unacceptable, but technically not illegal. The kids will dress up enough to pass off as young adults so their sugar daddies can date them in public without raising too much suspicion. The younger-looking ones will pretend to be related to their dates, hanging out with a "big brother" or "daddy," and may even get fake IDs for this purpose. The most trusted sugar daddies will eventually get to take their kids home and fuck the shit out of them. The fags will immediately be into this and nobody will stop them. Straight men will be scrutinized further, but eventually it will become so popular that the powers that be will shrug their shoulders, just as they've done in California for every other social problem, and let it happen. The acceptable ages will fall further and further until either it becomes a new Rome, or the RWDS take action.
They must all be trafficked underage slave girls, because…muh feminist narrative. being shilled on Holla Forums
I mean, the media wouldn't lie to us, would they?
Grayson Gray
Rise up BUBBLE CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaxon Flores
Maybe I'm missing something here, but doesn't this only decriminalize it for the kids who are actually the prostitutes? As in, the customers and others involved who aren't involved will still get in trouble.
I'm torn. On one hand, this is a dangerous opening to a slippery slope. On the other, there are a ton of minors forced into this shit, and this law looks like it would help keep their record clean if they ever manage to get out.
Cameron Price
Just like your prolapsed anus you pedophilic faggot.
If you don't understand why this law is so bad you're retarded, so I'll just assume you're the jewish pedophile you are.
Isaac Carter
It's a double sided blade.
Yes, it helps victims forced into it, as they didn't have a choice to begin with, but it also means children can sell themselves on the street without fear of being stopped/punished.
A better way to make this would be to phrase it so it only applies to those forced, but it wasn't. For obvious reasons.
Joseph Jones
should there not already be legislation that protects people coerced into a crime?
Zachary Murphy
No it actually doesn't as current laws already protect the victims of sex trafficking.
Levi Jenkins
They do? Shit, this is just blatant then.
Jeremiah Brooks
Well you have to catch them for one. Cops now can't arrest the minor, which would be in their own best interest and safety, because there is no crime. They can stake out to catch johns but the entire Sidon is a much more grey area.
Sweden has same issue with adults success they decriminalized female prostitution. Gigolos and fags get nabbed while women can solicit while cops stake out. They discourage allot of Johns, but anyone with ounce of sense can avoid it since the whites can still ply trade, out they just go to cities in Germany where it is legal and white slavery is big business
Connor Hill
You're a retard.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Yeah, but if is right, then this is just a bullshit law in the end.
Xavier Foster
All this means is that the child won't be persecuted. That doesn't mean that the (presumably adult) ringleader won't be.
Exactly, what this law does is allow the pedo kike to have a case in court with the argument that, "she consented," and "money exchanged hands."
This is one step towards underage consent laws.
Liam Anderson
Sound good to me
Carter Hughes
You will die goon pedophile, all pedophiles get the same fate as jews.
John Morris
Is this real life?
Asher Fisher
The sun has risen over the age of baby fuck becoming awwright. what a terrible time to be alive.
Jackson Collins
It isn't fantasy…
Benjamin Kelly
Luis Rogers
Caught in a landslide
Daniel Watson
…what? Is that a poison recipe?
Christian Reyes
How do you make child prostitution legal but have normal prostitution still illegal
Carter Jackson
That's not a gopher pretty sure gophers don't have tails like that
Justin Cox
"Even a John or pimp will come into court claiming that since it is not illegal for a minor to commit prostitution, they cannot be held culpable for their actions."
What's next? Decriminalize beheadings? ISIS walk into court and argue that since beheading is legal, they didn't technically murder the guy?
Oliver Young
Is not legal and you are fucking retarded
Julian Barnes
Goy how do you expect to gas the kikes race war now?
Cameron Cook
t. goon
Kayden Torres
I foresee their pimps arguing that they're only protecting and providing a service to the young prostitutes. That, they would do the work anyway and be much worse off without their protection.
Then, perhaps, the buyer can say the same thing - they are providing revenue to these children who don't know any better.
The logic worked just the same, dinnit?
And the march toward money as the basis for all human value continues on…
Ryder Bell
This also constitutes legalization of prostitution by illegal Mexicans, and Asians, and other foreigners who have no paperwork and are small in stature. They can lie about their age if arrested and in that case not be charged.
Aiden Long
It's still illegal to have sex with minors. It's still illegal to pay for sex. Any adult remotely involved with child prostitution in California would have the fucking book thrown at him.
Sounds like the aim is to keep minors out of jail should they be in dire enough circumstances to find themselves pimped out by Uncle Tyrone on basketball night
Lucas Perry
The Slippery Slope is just a fallacy they said.
Bentley Robinson
There's no reason to look for pimps/trafficking if it's not illegal in the first place.
It may be that the politicians want to help teenage prostitutes, but it's misguided if that's true. Cali lawmakers have a long history of poorly thought out and written legislation.
Nathan Edwards
Close. "Sweden To Provide Benefits and Counseling to ISIS “Veterans”; Swedish Soldiers Get Nothing"
Alexander Collins
(Checked) You're partially correct.
Look at
to see a decent summary of what will likely happen. Basically prostitution is commercialized and turned into a business.
t. goon
Hudson Nguyen
Now I know where I'm booking my next holiday.
Lucas Hall
To hell?
Fucking goon.
Robert Butler
this whole thread has been scripted
Ian Powell
Owen Foster
you made the wrong decision
Landon Collins
You will be necessary for us to restore society.
Ayden Baker
No escape from degeneracy
Eli Hill
who cares? there are no white people left in california
Jonathan Stewart
laws are administrative. it's intended to keep a social order and protect those who are vulnerable.
if there is no problem socially, it would only sometimes make it to court. even then, the punishment may be reduced to tossed out if there's a compelling argument to be made that no wrong has been done. capacity to consent is something that can also be teased out of people.
this is blatant. it should be illegal so that if there is a social problem, those who are vulnerable and exploited can make a strong case and have the state back them up. this is awful.
the contrary is that the state can get be unreasonable. this isn't something that is too difficult to handle, but you do need a responsible legal staff.
Levi Anderson
A future Epstein or Horowitz, the wealthiest of kikes, will be able to call their victim into court as a character witness.
Owen Evans
Nolan Morgan
Another important point: They're also going to enslave white people. Think it won't happen? If you analyze the psychology of the left you discover their beliefs are like those of a sociopath, who uses minimization language whenever busted not keeping to the standards they claim others must be held to. A great example of such sociopathy is that stupid slut from Venezuela (send her back!) who waved her hand, and put on her little fake accent, and blinked her eyes and said "everybody's got a past", in response to allegations she threatened to kill a judge who was prosecuting her boyfriend who had committed attempted murder, and for whom she drove the get-away vehicle (which she of course denies).
Hillary kills people, Americans. Think it's a fucking joke?!
Leo Evans
so the implication would be harsh justice for statutory rape? i believe this to be far superior to the contrary.
Caleb Hernandez
and if the staff needs to be changed, replace the zeitgeist. social pressures are incredibly powerful.
Christopher Brooks
Nope, I'm correct. It won't be the lawyers fixing society.
Angel Myers
It depends on how thorough his understand of law and philosophy of man is.
We need men who understand law and how to create a new system.
Aaron Wood
That's your big argument Mr. Lawyer? You're going to get a train ran on you in a court of law. I bet you have zero persuasion skills as well.
Ryder Robinson
Expertise in the current law system is a disadvantage, not a prerequisite.
Nathaniel Lopez
You're completely wrong.
Nicholas Bailey
Fuck that bullshit. Do you think this is a game? REAL law doesn't involve any such kikery.
James Diaz
In semitic societies, sure.
Kayden Gray
The State is not the rightful arbiter and vihcle of law.
The protection of order is the duty of the citizen, the individual is the protector of social order and insures the survival of his family.
Gas yourself.
Joshua Cox
Michael Nguyen
you're assuming the foundations of the system you're working in are solid.
they're not.
Ayden Turner
If you're talking about a hypothetical new society in which the courts don't rely almost entirely on persuasion then sure, if you're talking about working within the existing system get ready to get fucked on.
Gabriel Moore
Adrian Allen
Law and order were founded by non-kikes, and always were a burden, and always loathed by them, throughout the ages. Do you imagine you can deceive people, and tell them that Aristotle was a JEW?! Absurd. Next I will be told that the one who penned "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" could possibly be a jew, can you imagine? Social justice degeneracy warriors, thieves, would be interested in the equality of MEN?!
Colton Parker
IF you cannot accept ORDER THEN you cannot be allowed in the REPUBLIC. Here is your hemlock. That or your head off.
Connor Murphy
I don't believe in equality, and aristotle is highly overrated. The roman catholic church liked to jack off over aristotle, and I'm not big on that train of thought.
I'm more of an Epictetus kind of guy. He has the aryan spirit.
Ayden Stewart
Open your eyes, Look up at the skies, and SCREAM
Ayden Powell
Your typing style makes me think you're a high schooler, maybe a pre-law freshman at best.
Oliver Morris
Kike faggotry. Go back to reading your jew philosophers.
No. To be against the "existing system" is to be a degenerate jew who is trying to destroy and leave in literal ruins and pires this nation of ours, all the Western nations, and to rob her of her riches. KIKE!
Carson Morgan
he's right, but the people need some care. ultimately it's the people who would create anything: including the republic. we just need too leaders to lift the people to a better state.
Isaac Gutierrez
John Anderson
The book of law is not worth shit once the regime backing it is crushed. What good does law does on a fucking battlefield in the case of a rebellion in which both sides are backed by different nations? The US is on the brink of collapsing and you're thinking oh, knowing a bunch of statutes and interpreting them is sure gonna be useful. Good luck arguing when under fire. Anyway, you're just attempting to derail the conversation with your bullshit.
He's a shill trying to derail the thread. Filter his ass.
Hudson Price
I think he might just be a kid that doesn't realize that laws are only laws because there are guns behind them.
The only actual law in the world is the monopoly of violence.
Tyler Reed
where the fuck do you think you are?
Jackson Smith
for leaders* also, the people should try to lead in their own way. you as well. trump as well. we all try in our own way.
some people are not really suited for it. bad intentions, egoistic… i'm not sure how many qualities are incompatible with good leadership.
Josiah Bennett
I like how he writes (skimming a bit, quickly). I would gladly visit your society, should you found one on Epictetus.
Parker Gray
checking 'em
Caleb Long
It would just be a national socialist state, fam.
Luis Miller
I'm a different guy. The other guy is a law student. I'm defending the law student. I believe his work is important.
Noah Walker
Regardless, you're really misguided. Read my other post:
Benjamin Rivera
The UK (((media)))) claims he's 27. Take that with all the unquestioning trust you normally apply to the Finest Journalists in the World(tm).
Thomas Sanchez
And when the monopoly of violence is moved to the hands of the individual the people are free.
The military should not be a separate body from the people that exists to oppress the individual it should be a collective of the individuals designed to protect society.
sage for off-topic
Dominic Edwards
Degenerate criminals are still gassed. We have not lost all hope.
Alexander Hall
That's just the thing. The only thing that keeps the monopoly of violence in the hands of the people… is a benevolent government with the true monopoly of violence.
Dylan Young
You fucking idiots. It's still illegal to buy a prostitute and having sex with a child is still illegal. They're not prosecuting the actual prostitutes because 1. the kids are likely forced into it and 2. the kids are less likely to come forward if they know that they will be prosecuted. Go try to get a child prostitute in California and tell me how that works out for you.
Andrew Nguyen
ok, thank god. how to help the kids, though?
Jose Rivera
You are right that a legal system and structures can be flouted by criminals, yet as that kike who tried to take down Bill the degenerate rapist put it, quoting Shakespeare, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave", a confession appropriate to a kike.
That is, their structures are a mess for them, yet by the brilliant light of logic, of insight, swiftly and easily sliced, leaving no cozy home for the kike.
Thomas Collins
You're taking an act of decriminalization at face value, and that's never how law actually works in the US. The subtext and the potential are always more important than the face value.
Mason Lopez
That's why I believe that the government should be composed of the military, violence should not be the arm of the state, the state should be violence itself.
Colton Wilson
That is a degenerate view.
Juan Long
A quick google reveals the US executed over 30 degenerates in 2015.
Now, what part of executing degenerates do you disagree with?
Adam Jenkins
It's realpolitik. A virtuous state can exist, but it has to maintain a monopoly of violence, and then choose to not apply it to its citizenry (whatever it considers to be its citizenry)
It's very basic state things, they're uncomfortable and ugly truths. Similarly, borders need to be lined with the piked heads of foreigners in order to be truly enforced. It's an ugly truth, and a lot of people think looking away will make it go away. Look at sweden, it doesn't go away.
Try to run a state without these things, you won't like the results.
Jaxson Anderson
It's a true view. The only rights you actually have are the ones you're willing to take and protect.
Evan Russell
this sounds really reasonable and realistic, until you realize that it doesnt make sense If youre a minor who was forced into sex trafficing, your only hope in this sick society we live in where mud pimps arent executed is to be charged with soliciting sex. Good luck finding the pimps and kikes behind the whole thing when you cannot arrest (and so cannot legally interrogate) the only fucking person who could lead you to them.
Connor Gomez
Yep, leadership is important as well. Surely leadership is a pillar of society as is law and order.
Ayden Bennett
Leaders arise from the chaos of wreckage, not from the ivory towers of the old order.
David Taylor
(Checked) That or building a Wall, it's gotta get built.
Luke Robinson
The systems of society are never off-topic when discussing the sicknesses of society.
Decriminalization means that the cops will no longer bother the criminals, NOT that the magical free-market fairy makes stuff nice and shiny for everyone.
Isaac Hall
I don't know, if we put enough lethal mines and had some roving drones that shoot everything within 50 miles of The Wall I think it could be pretty nearly unmanned. Of course that's just making the violence independent from its wielder but eh.
Eli Thompson
If the dealer operates with impunity then there will always be customers. They are being provided a fortress from which to operate, the prostitutes are.
And what will happen is the older ladies will help the younger ones get established, and will charge them fees (they already do, but it will intensify, the kikery).
Brayden Ross
You have it backwards. Try your procedure in the opposite order, you'll get better results.
The violence isn't independent because of the mechanics of intent, but there's no point in mincing shit this finely.
Aiden Miller
All that needs to happens is SHTF from the inside in the US, then Israel might as well be taken off because they lose a good part of gibs.
Christopher Edwards
No, it's not, it's the degenerate view. That's the view of kikes, to believe that law is just tricks that people use to get what they want. It's not.
The purpose of law, and of order, is to create a purified condition, to delouse our habitat, and preserve healthy lifestyles.
Now, you may suppose that it requires force, but that is incorrect. Force is not required of the non-degenerates. It is only the degenerates who bellyache about force.
Dominic Diaz
social pressures. with good intentions, there is no issue. if you have good people, you will have a good government and good everything, so long as they have the means to do some good. everything is derived from the state of the people.
our creation will be a reflection of our will. it must be good will.
those causes that are destructive need to be eliminated. the means of elimination must be influential. it all must be done in good will.
Christian Sanders
Rights are primarily preserved as concepts in the minds of the people. The purpose of law, again, is to delouse, and conditions positive make, create, preserve.
It is a deception to imagine that society could operate with a gun to the head of anyone who might transgress.
Why do you think we can't rely on bicycles in the West? Is it not because of the parasites who steal them?
Landon Myers
Yeah no need to be pedantic.
On topic, this madness has got to stop. Pedophiles and kikes gotta get purged.
You equate law with morality, this is a common mistake of those either under educated or brainwashed by jewish propaganda. Morality is the binding glue of society, laws have always been a method of control.
Alexander Jenkins
I prefer to say that it is from the crucible that the dross turns to ash and the iron remains.
Levi Flores
Christopher Jackson
Hostile foreign nations exist, and you're forgetting about that in your scenario.
Degenerates and psychopaths also will always exist. How do you suppose you will enforce the law on them without… force? Are you going to throw them into the bog with words?
You seem to think that law is.. some kind of bred in cultural cue? That may have worked in isolated, ideal monoracial societies with no technology, but today? No, it doesn't work.
Ryan Sanchez
laws are commands that don't need to be followed. they are only commands, so they can only cause one to consider why they are in place so the people may figure it out for themselves.
the people need a finer education. i don't believe enough is being done for the children. children need to learn how to think. then all materials and all observations of whatever medium can be observed properly.
we need to teach the people better. everything else will follow.
Kevin Lee
Idealism can bring up the average, but the realpolitik will never go away.
Jaxson Harris
skepticism will do a lot to prompt one to expand one's knowledge. doubt can ease tensions.
the origin of war is conflict of interest.
if two people don't even consider the other side, then there is no conversation.
it is P vs ~P it is not Pv~P
Brayden Baker
It's incredibly terrible. Prostitutes will be able to advertise online, and will be able to operate without any ability for police to do anything. They'll literally be able to solicit policemen in public without them being able to arrest them.
Jeremiah Jackson
there is no middle ground and no understanding.
Matthew Cox
I do not know who you are, but that's pure kikery.
Jaxon Wilson
Ian Evans
Alexander Foster
if there is conflict of interest: group A wants P group B wants ~P then they need to have their own places. things need to be parsed properly. a home for A and a home for B
Adam Brown
This is unreal.
Gavin Hernandez
pretty simple
it's why nationalism is the only way to go
Nathaniel Evans
No. That's a kike's view, that having sentences with words in them amounts to "equating" them. What the hell do you think "equating" means?
Nolan Bell
Elijah Lewis
I need sauce on that first webm
Isaiah Turner
You realize there's another option, we can just fucking kill them.
Jeremiah Sanders
Here, let me steal one of your favorite lines:
get your head examined
Julian Cook
(checked) I dunno. Some play about Oedipus or something.
Thomas Barnes
pretty much at whatever scope. but it could be done in a manner that spirals upward towards common interests.
kek. i don't like that, though. quantities of particular qualities ought to be examined, but i believe pure destruction to be a last resort. do no harm as the doctors say?
Isaac Edwards
If you're white there is absolutely no reason not to want to kill every non-white. Once we kill the jews and their shitskin pets we can rebuild white society.
Blake Morales
You talk like Cleverbot. Are you a bot?
yep, exactly
Ayden Gonzalez
Consider money, if you will. Now, who is there to assure the value of money? Yet money has value, and we all have experienced it, yet it is invisible. What is a sack full of $100 worth? It has value because the people are united in vision. Their beliefs together generate the value of it. Now, you may say, it all began with taxation, which created the demand. I hope you agree with the chartelist position. If so, then you can understand why it is that I believe that law and order generate morality (and, beyond morality, habits, practices!)
We should not always conceive of good actions as an ethical code, or a feeling, but in many cases conditioning.
Consider how people are conditioned to believe that pornography is sexual. Yet of course pornography cannot actually be sexual. It is a modern delusion.
Noah Torres
No. Both having sex with a minor and trafficking minors, as well as adults, are still crimes that will get you on the sex offender registry for life, if you survive prison.
All this does is prevent minors from being charged with a crime for being forced into prostitution.
The dumbfucks raging on here just really have no clue.
Wyatt Hernandez
You are not reasoning. You are using the devices of illusion, as would a kike.
Luis Williams
You think you're fitting in, but you're not.
You stick out like a sore thumb.
Cameron Hughes
I believe in the contamination theory. Eradicate the degenerates. But first, kick them out.
Camden Cox
Based on your logical argument the addition of laws above a certain threshold creates an inflationary crisis of morality and reduces the value of law.
Therefore based on the rhetoric of your post a logical conclusion is that the laws of a nation should be kept to an absolute minimum of simple and understandable laws else they lose their value.
Of course I doubt you agree with that since you are not logically consistent. It's true
Hudson Cooper
Oliver Jenkins
Yeah, he really isn't. He's more concerned with trying to sound smart.
Robert Thompson
No, I don't. We've been over it. You keep hamming home how you, as a kike, have mastered your mask.
Bravo! Shall I give you a 👍?
Robert Sanders
We are living in Weimar Germany right now, and you know what the next step is..
we start with ourselves first and then expand, i think. we try to be a positive influence and earn our reputation. we also must defend ourselves. animosity isn't necessary. envision white population growth and success.
no, but i miss tay.
money is a tool. it signified the value of something that we… value to whatever extent. yes, our ethos must be practical to the end of happiness. this ought to be examined and pursued. real life experience and imagination. this is epistemic.
Brody Bennett
Your boss told you the kids use emoji?
Sebastian Thompson
So, they're making it so that the prostitute, given they're a minor, can't be charged for prostitution? Isn't this how this works in parts of Europe and Asia too?
I'm pretty sure the one soliciting their services can be charged if that's the case. They just don't want to charge minors since they're not legally adults until they're 18 in Cali, so they're not held responsible for things like this
OP kind of made it seem like I could go out and get myself a 14 year old whore right now and whistle at the cops as they pass by
Connor Kelly
"All the cool kids use emoji, remember to call yourself an alt-righter and say what's up to your fellow skinhead neo-nazis, shalom"
Jose Howard
Obviously. That's why there are so many nazis these days. Not sarcasm, there really are a fuckton of national socialists, more than there have ever been since the Third Reich.
Evan Edwards
Go on, keep making a fool of yourself.
Aaron Morales
Did I trigger your shill algorithm?
James Young
Sure, whatever.
Christian Morgan
I agree, why is this a problem? You should be arresting the people who pay for sex with minors, not the children themselves.
Also the title was very click baity.
Benjamin Anderson
That's their stated intent, but not what they're actually going to do with it. Just watch them.
Jaxon Smith
how to discipline children who have been through that?
Aiden Perry
I fucking lost my sides. Anyone know where they went
Ian Ward
my concern is that people who have been abused are not given proper care. if i'm not mistaken, shelters are in the hands of SJWs. kids are ripe for indoctrination and abuse. what they need is some spiritual guidance.
these shelters. spy? see that the children and others are not being abused even further? like an army of crazy socjus warriors being pumped out and unleashed on society.
Cameron Collins
Yeah, the shelters are abuse centers. Same with the mental health crisis centers. Prostitution rings are run out of them, it's some cruel irony.
Lucas King
Elijah Carter
If you accidentally have a kid, never give it up for adoption. You're selling it into slavery.
Matthew Stewart
They do the same all over the west, Montreal is known as a child prostitution hub exactly for that. Girls fugue, end up in the streets, if they are not taken in by nigger gangs or bikers, refuges take them, where they are pimped out anyway. In the case of males they have 50/50 chance of becoming bitch boys or drug mules/dealers. Also, if the state takes your kids or you send them into adoption you're sure they are done for.
Cameron Campbell
You're forgetting the ones that end up in Israel to be prostituted and then sold for organs when they get too old.
Asher Wright
this potential must be guarded against. i also fear surrogate mothers and sperm bank exploit. always consider the possibilities. so many things that can be good are vulnerable to corruption.
i think a massive worry is the people's lack of faith in their administration.
administration can be far more effective, and exert much more force (getting things done) if the people believed that it is well intentioned. if so, the people would get behind it and support it in its endeavors. the problem is conflict of interest again. though, there are things people agree with.
also, the state may not necessarily need to do everything. philanthropists can actually create some nifty endeavors if they wish. though they may probably have to plug their idea into the state.
Samuel Perry
True, there is a portion who are smuggled out of the country and it's not only Israel. What disgusts me the most is knowing how so many "elected" leaders are connected to it either directly or indirectly.
Cameron Stewart
The administration is the one behind it.
Adrian Richardson
the other problem is the method. once again, the people need better education. the zeitgeist needs to be crushed. all elements holding back reformation ought to be examined.
Cameron Davis
To all the anons (Read: Shills and goons) who are saying "Its still Illegal to fuck kids and pay for prostitutes, its just to protect kids who get forced into it."
What this does is allow for the word "consent" to come into the conversation. Every seven years or so there's a big scandal about a degenerate high school teacher fucking a dumb-ass 15 year old and both claim they are "in love" even though the teacher is old enough to be the child's teenage mother. The only thing protecting those idiot 15 year olds is the correct idea that they are fucking 15 and don't have the brainpower to give legal consent.
What happens when a 13 year old "falls in love" with the degenerate pervert that fucks them in a sex ring - as sex tends to brainwash us into positive emotions; say nothing of Stockholm syndrome. What happens in court when its not illegal for this dumbass 13 year old to give consent as long as money is changing hands "somewhere" even if its a penny for a fuck directly from the john to the 13 year old.
There is endless legality bullshit you can throw around directly because of SJWism -
punishing the beneficiary of the given consent ENCROACHES ON HER RITES AS A WOMAN TO SELF DETERMINATE.
I could come up with this shit for hours, and I'm not a jew lawyer. Imagine what a fact manipulating cretin can do with this. Were 13 year olds REALLY getting thrown into fucking prison and getting criminal records for being in CHILD SLAVE PROSTITUTION RINGS???
There is literally no reason for this law besides taking one step closer to pedophilia legalization. Precedents will be set by controversial court cases with mentally warped pre-teens pleading for their "true loves" freeoms in-front of degenerate liberal juries. Bonus points if its a homosexual relationship because then its not just a tragic love story, they are also "dramatically trying to beat the odds". All the lawyer has to say at that point is this:
"The only one guilty of wrongdoing here is my client, who is merely participating in a consensual emotional exchange. The only "wrongdoing" here is because of a backwards, shortsighted, outdated law that's not current year enough for our times. Set these lovers free, acquit!"
Josiah Flores
You've clearly never been arrested and charged with prostitution if you think it's retarded.
Children are the only persons who are not committing a crime if they are whoring under this law.
Those protective statutes before now only come into play after a child has been arrested, jailed, and convicted.
That's what this law will do: stop children from going to jail. The pedos are NOT protected, and there is no slippery slope.
Now kids will get help without having to be sentenced for a sex crime first.
Anyone who doesn't think that's a good thing is either literally retarded, or evil.
Zachary Russell
You're naive if you think the administration isn't knee deep into this. They know damn well what is happening but their criminal friends make sure they get their cut so they close their eyes and rebuke those who actually have the balls to try and really so something to fix this shit. That is when the ones in the establishment are not the perverts directly involved in doing this kind of shit, which I'd estimate is 75% of them.
Bentley Gomez
Aiden Howard
social coercion. i think many can be convinced. politicians tend to pander alot. not only them, but a lot of people. they say what they think others want to hear in order to gain their affection. they want to be accepted. they want their status. the zeitgeist is a bit more flimsy than one may think. only saboteurs would be left.
we must become a leviathan.
Daniel Bailey
holy fucking shit gas yourself already shill
Michael Butler
public opinion is the most powerful thing. we can be the eye of the storm. we try to create the best ideas. we grind them out. then hopefully it spreads. everyone must play their part in their own way. it would be to the benefit of all.
Thomas White
Fuck it
I'm just a poor goy, please don't bother me, Because it was easy come, easy go, Little highs, incredible lows, Anywhere the wind blows, is starting to really matter, To me, To me,
Momma, just left her man, Put a knife in his heart, He's awake but now he's dead, Momma, life has just begun, But now you've thrown all away, Momma, oooo, didn't care to make him cry, If he's not feeling again this time tomorrow, Miscarry on, miscarry on, Because nothing really matters,
Too late The time has come, and so have I Sent smug anime girls in time, Rick Wilson is losing his mind, Good-bye everybody, I've got to shitpost, Gotta leave humanity behind, And install Gentoo, Momma, oooo, (anywhere the wind blows) Totally meant to make you cry, Sometimes wish he could have been born at all,
I see a little silhouette behind this post, There's nothing wrong with being Jewish Will you vote for Sanders Lightning bolts and hakenkreuz Very very frightening me Oy vey Oy vey =Oy vey== Oy vey (User was gassed for this post) Mods are goooods
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, user, I, user, I, user, I WANT OFF THIS RIDE Check these dubs See what the Chans have set aide for thee, For thee, FOR UUUU
So you think you can shill us, and leave us to cry, So you think the white man will idle and watch his world die? Ohhh Pepe, Can't do this to us baby, Just gotta get out, Just gotta get right out and feel,
Ooh yea, Ooh yea,
Everything is starting to matter, It's happening, can't you see, Everything is starting to matter, To me.
Gabriel Wilson
You have to remember that to make sure they fall in line, there are blackmail operations made on politicians by the elites through the intelligence agencies.
Cooper King
You clearly have no fucking clue what it's like to be arrested by a crooked cop who'll let you have ff for some tail, or worse, an honest one who cares, and thinks locking you in a cage is in your best interests.
And then there is all the horror that follows after, like court, where the prosecutor wants to have the highest conviction rate possible, and since he's a lawyer, has zero scruples about playing hardball with a child sex slave.
Things only get worse from there, as the state first cages and dehumanizes you, then, if you're lucky, you go to foster care, which might not even be worse than jail.
You just have no clue.
Go commit a crime and find out what it's like before you recommend shoving already traumatized children through that meat grinder.
Brandon Cox
Keep it in California. Leftists can sell their own children into slavery, they need all the fertility reduction they can get
Parker Lewis
gas yourself Holla Forums
Adrian Gray
Forsake your gommunism and embrace your dubs, user.
Cameron Hernandez
Step 1. Don't commit crimes Step 2. Don't get abused by cops for not commiting crimes
Its really this simple, whats so hard for lefties to understand?
Robert Hughes
Your either a committed shill, a covert leftist, or an user who needs to get over whatever baggage is dragging you down to this moronic level and grow a pair. Demand this disgusting shit is fixed, don't accept kikery of this level.
Jack Martin
since hollywood is in california im not surprised kikes get more kiddy pussy and bums to rape, more white americans end up raped by jews and become drug addicted degenerates and dont reproduce and americas white birth rate plummets ever further
Matthew Powell
Its 5 am I got the fucking reply wrong. Post was meant to respond to this shill:
Jaxon Gonzalez
I was about to call you out on this because I'm quite drunk, until I realized the point you made was to literally call out the shill.
Colton Roberts
intent is discerned via consequence. perhaps forming public opinion would be enough to apply pressure to that. the contrast could become more start. sever the unhealthy contract. perhaps.
Kevin Hughes
stark* though, what is the intel agencies intent? if they are in command, is their method good? is their intent good?
Brayden Wilson
gas yourself degenerate
sage for off topic
Ryder Phillips
Almost everyone on here predicted that this would happen eventually. Oh well, only the most degenerate children will actually do this. Hopefully.
Aaron Miller
The intent is to assure they are in control and get funding for whatever shady shit they want to do without oversight. The problem is to make enough people believe the truth about all this shit. I think we might have more chance at creating the day of the rope at this point.
Fuck off kike. Remember what Goebbels said about puritanism.
Brody Wilson
only niggers cant differentiate between drinking alcohol and being a worthless alcoholic.
Aiden Garcia
res earch.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb60.htm
In case you want to read it.
Luis Long
Horse pussy legal when? :^)
Hunter Richardson
humanity has too much to lose. there's no reason to sink into the abyss before rectifying ourself.
we never learn do we? certain egoistic methods always lead us to ruin, and hold us all back. it's silly.
those who perpetrate these conditions must be brought to realize that ultimately certain behaviors act against their own interests.
one can choose to be the king of fools, but why?
populism works quite well to tend to the state of humanity. it should be dealt with sooner than later, i believe, as later would result in more drastic measures. i believe that we are now at a point where it is possible to solve problems gracefully.
a small man and a strong man fighting eachother… if the small man hopes to win, he must fight with all his might. the strong man may be damaged more severely than necessary.
Brandon Morris
Yeah, this is first born son shit
Excessive, unholy cruelty is Talmudist. Even Islam thinks twice.
Leo Carter
well shit i guess i will start drinking and smoking now thank you for making me see the light
Jack Morgan
Yeah, that's how the law gets passed - not how it gets applied.
"Hey, if we ban guns, it'll lower gun crime rates!"
"Heyyyy wait a minute, Schlomo, how do I know you're not going to just take the legal ones and allow those legal gun owners to go undefended, or force them to flood the market with cheap firearms?"
"OY VEY, you stupid Conservative, hurrrr let me get my media wing on it"
Color me shocked. What's the best state I can go to to get the fuck out of here?
Liam Thomas
B U B B L E - C H A N
Robert Thompson
What i see here happening is, more child rebelling. What (((they))) are trying to do is basically make parents/parenting obsolete. The child is given choices, that only an adult should have the option of making.
It pisses me off how they use human rights for this sick shit. Giving a child a heavy responsibility is not responsible. (((They))) are only doing this, to take advantage of a naive minds. As they say get'em while their young. Soon our children won't belong to us, but this disease corrupt establishment. Hell I believe i read somewhere you are considered a sexual predator for bathing your own damn child. I don't know where i read that but if anyone can confirm would be appreciated. Also fuck comifornia.
Owen Young
I'd hate to play (literal) Devil's Advocate here and defend these fucking pedo commies, but it is possible for the act of child prostitution to logically consistently bring legal consequences upon the John and not the prostitute. Consider the case of an adult having sex with a minor. As far as I'm aware, in all states the adult would be legally liable for statutory rape whereas the child would face no legal consequences, even if the act was otherwise consensual and even though they likely knowingly violated Age of Consent laws. Although the act of child prostitution is decriminalized for the potential prostitutes (which is a bad idea because it incentivizes prostitution for children), you should be able to litigate against their clients on the same basis that applies in adult-child breaches of Age of Consent laws.
Brandon Gomez
Gavin Thompson
There was an Oregon user posting in brit/pol/ about how much he wanted Californianons to come live in Beautiful Oregon with him. Go and join him.
Dylan Carter
I'd hate to play (literal) Devil's Advocate here and defend these fucking pedo commies, but it is possible for the act of child prostitution to logically consistently bring legal consequences upon the John and not the prostitute. Consider the case of an adult having sex with a minor. As far as I'm aware, in all states the adult would be legally liable for statutory rape whereas the child would face no legal consequences, even if the act was otherwise consensual and even though they likely knowingly violated Age of Consent laws. Although the act of child prostitution is decriminalized for the potential prostitutes (which is a bad idea because it incentivizes prostitution for children), you should be able to litigate against their clients on the same basis that applies in adult-child breaches of Age of Consent laws.
Nolan Johnson
They said we were paranoid. They said the slippery slope wasn't real. Then it happened. Oy vey, what do ya mean you don't like a degenerate society?
Xavier Flores
I can finally fuck a 14 girl
Parker Hernandez
we're living in times where fapping to 2d lolis is illegal but you'll be able to fuck little ugly brats
Jayden Jackson
Yeah but do you really want your kid our other peoples children to becoming a jail bait magnet? These child prostitutes, are likely to wind up in, a prostitute slave ring, where they will never be seen again. And this is just perfect giving kids this pass. Also good for those child sex underground businesses. I mean its basically early training, to be used as a pleasure toy.
Oliver Walker
Yes and then get killed as soon as RWDS happens. If you can't keep your dick in your pants you deserve a bullet to the cerebellum.
Camden Gomez
Except it's still illegal on your end.
Levi Parker
That probably would pass back in the late 1800s. But not today user, mostly for obvious reasons. Keep it 2d nigger.
Ethan Howard
Even more liberal laws then western europe.
Landon Powell
Samuel Turner
And decriminalization fixes things how? How does turning a blind eye to abuse make the situation better? You only help the pimp and the Jew by letting them traffic in flesh.
Corruption is corruption. Crime is crime. And abused children need to be removed from the streets and the hand of their abusers. If the problem is justice system, set up a new path through the system to combat this.
Grayson Martinez
Dominic Thomas
I don't see the problem. "Child Prostitute" is an oxymoron. A child can't give consent for the contract of renting holes in exchange for cash, so they cannot be criminally responsible.
They are exploited minors, and should be protected.
t. degenerate european
Kayden Reyes
Nice. Once Commiefornia did something right.
Christopher Powell
Charles Lee
I just got back from researching this and I found countless recent thinkpieces by people discussing something that NOBODY was every questioning. Questions that don't need answering like "Is there a such thing as a child prostitute?" and all of them were contained around the same date. I think we all universally agree as a society that we should not encourage the prostitution of children. So what was the purpose of this movement? Are children punished by the law when they are forced into prostitution? Because I highly doubt it.
Ryder Garcia
Boiling frog.
Kek is offended and will not tolerate this.
Jacob Gomez
checked and dubs confirm KEK will retaliate.
Robert Allen
Aiden Bell
Now that everyone has calmed down, can we go and fuck some young pussies? I call dibs on the 13yo.
Jason Reyes
when the race war comes.. use the chaos to eliminate policy makers, senators and judges…. these should be checked of the list first.
Henry Smith
This guy has a good point. I can't find anything to contradict that picking up kid hookers isn't still illegal.
Gavin Adams
this is just to retroactively cover the asses of Hollywood when the pedo cases start coming out, isn't it?
Asher Ward
good it makes me happy that it makes you mad
Gavin Diaz
Christian Stewart
Stuff like this inspires people to support RWDS.
Blake Flores
Only if he's White.
Lucas Powell
San Fran LA
New York would be Babylon, and fittingly enough, Hillary served as a senator there, which, combined with her foreign policy service, is enough to earn her the title "Whore of Babylon."
Jason Scott
Angel Rogers
I'm quite sure they know what message they are sending.
Am I doing it right? Can I run an internet show, now? Please buy my merch.
Austin Ross
Lucas Cox
who wants to put all their money into a pot and buy land in alaska
there's a 40 acre plot that's going for 25K that's out in the middle of nowhere e could escape anons
we could escape this madness
Justin Phillips
I don't see how this is bad.
Child prostitution is still obviously fucking illegal. Buying child prostitutes is very illegal. Pimping child prostitutes is very illegal. All this does is make it so if you're forced into child prostitution you're not suddenly a fucking ex-con and running into all sorts of problems in the future.
Jayden Sanders
Holy fuck, this is far too convenient a (((coincidence))) for both of you to fuck up and mistype in this specific, suspicious way. You're on the list.
Moonman doesn't need trigger discipline. The barrel is clearly pointing at a nigger in a tree.
Nicholas Parker
No. Nigga. Ive been to a Trump Rally. Ive seen my county of 500k people generate 30k people to go see trump on in the middle of the work week.
Adam Morales
gas yourself
Easton Hill
fucking niggers and kikes must hang for this.
John Gonzalez
nigga these are the new sodom and gomorra
this is not defeatism
this is fucking of to a cave to save yourself from the destruction of the world
David Hernandez
its similar to how women were given choices
Jeremiah Kelly
Accept Kek into your life, and it will all start to make sense.
Juan Long
get fucked id rather run to a safe place north, and then come back and rebuild society then get destroyed by staying in the the filth of the world
Colton Bennett
Oliver Peterson
Except it makes sense. When someone rapes a child, you don't send the child to prison, for fucks sake.
If it is illegal to be a child prostitute, even if you are forced, then there is ~0 chance of a child prostitute telling on those who enslaved and raped them.
What you seem to be advocating is a system essentially the same as that of Sharia, where a woman who is raped gets punished for being a slut.
Jaxson Long
i want off this crazy ride
Xavier Ortiz
Fuckin' A
Don't forget (((Our Greatest Ally)))
Jason Morales
Christ, they really ARE trying to normalize pedophilia.
Thomas Jackson
This looks a bit similar to how things work out with most prostitutes that get busted.
They claim they were sex slaves even when they were paid, had their own homes, and were driving to work at a brothel every couple days. That way they can try only getting some fall guy in trouble.
What this new rule from California means is that they'll get tons of child prostitutes now who will work without fear of prosecution so pimps will be more than eager to use them.
Isaac Cox
Eli Gray
What about the consent laws? Unless the children have consent, it is illegal, otherwise it's alright.
Andrew Green
Hudson Jenkins
You're making the assumption that children forced into sex slavery are considered criminals when that simply isn't the case. A cashier isn't convicted for handing over money at gunpoint to a thief. You're not punished by the law for acting under duress like that, at least when the justice system is working correctly.
Decriminalizing child prostitution doesn't effectively help anybody but those who'd want to skirt around an ever vaguer line in the sand.
Noah Jenkins
Are you fucking retarded?
That's like saying that if we make being the victim of a crime legal, then committing a crime becomes legal.
What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?
Aaron Price
Except that is EXACTLY the case under current law. It is by default illegal to be a prostitute, no matter your age. You can be charged with it, and generally are. Being forced to commit that crime is a DEFENSE. If you fail to make that case in court, YOU GO TO PRISON. This is a terrifying possibility for a child.
Jaxson Moore
Dylan Lopez
if you can find 10 examples of underage prostitutes going to prison in California, I'll paypal you 5 dollars.
It doesn't happen.
Ryder Davis
California here I cum,Right back where I started from
Blake Mitchell
Ayden Watson
How in the world do you figure any of that? Give me some sources, bud. Child prostitution is already considered inherently exploitative because a child cannot legally give consent, even if the child ages during. We even have a Protection Act in place.
The problem with children not getting out of this scenario has nothing to do with their fear of the legal system. It has to do with most of these kids being illegal immigrants (kids who generally will not be missed) and/or being under the control of drugs/alcohol.
Also, legal records for minors are sealed, so your request is literally impossible.
Xavier James
Gabriel Long
Evan Powell
Adam Watson
you will eventually run out of room to retreat
Nathan Hughes
Yeah okay moishe
Gavin Brooks
I like how you argue that commiefornians conform to your values.
John Bell
What? How is this even possible? Does the retarded US legal system have nothing to stop it?
Aaron Collins
This doesn't mean that pimping children or buying sex from them is legal. It's just that now those under 18 won't be criminally charged with prostitution.
Benjamin Nguyen
I like how you have no response other than talking out your ass.
Mason Ramirez
No this won't possibly have a negative impact.
A. incompetence B. malice/intentional You decide.
Luis Smith
I didn't say I approve of this legislation. It's just that the OP and many ITT seem to have misinterpreted what was actually passed.
Ryder Richardson
Anyone, please report this news to Trump. This whole dis-criminalization of CP is just disgusting. Why do they do this to our children are beyond despicable.
Easton Rivera
Wew Holla Forums is fucking retarded. I actually read the law, children will not be charged with prostitution or receive a record of being a prostitute. The person having sex with a minor is still convicted of statutory rape and soliciting, and the child is put into protective custody.
It doesn't mean you can go and slam children.
Jaxon Young
The thing is that being classified as the victim is all too easy. This is meant to protect kids forced into prostitution by someone in control of them, but what about kids who learn of this new change and want to take advantage? In the most degenerate state of the union, there will be those who slip through. No pimps to prosecute, and may not give info on their Johns.
This is part of the next step. Make a common sense ruling into an official piece of legislation. Who would've actually prosecuted a child for being forced into sexually slavery? This is designed to make people wonder. People may not understand the law, may feel as though they're not being clear enough or fair to others.
This is how this shit starts.
Anthony Perez
Hopefully that will attract the california faggots back there away from Texas.
Joseph Wood
That's a good point, I knew plenty of girls in High School who would've become a prostitute, if it came with little repercussions.
Nathan Gutierrez
Your what if scenario has completely convinced me. I now feel certain that all child prostitutes need to be gassed.
Thank you so much for showing me the light.
Nicholas Brooks
Levi Foster
It means:
Jordan Brooks
it still not legal, the US signed the treaty of the UN for child rights. A treaty trumps local law or lack of local law.
Jayden Hill
Matthew Campbell
Kevin Peterson
What? I'm just saying that the law is too simple. It was said that kids who perform acts 'outside of the provisions' could be temporarily held and possibly charged, but this is one of those things that are a matter of time.
This is a matter of legitimate victims being used as an excuse to pass legislation that is only meant for loophole abuse. For every child it may possibly help, it just leaves room for degenerates to influence children into 'expressing newfound freedoms'. California is a haven for degeneracy. Children from the more savage races will immediately hop on this new legislation without caring for the intent. The real effect matters. They just lead the cops on by saying that they don't really know their 'pimp's' name and they're golden.
Mark my words, whatever wholesome values are left will be warped in the face of opportunities to bend law to avoid prosecution.
Ayden Lewis
children don't keep criminal records after turning 18 anyway. It is purged.
The record exists for cops to know that the child may be involved in circles. Children are not sent to jail for the crime, although they may be removed and put into CPS or some other system.
The child was put into protective custody beforehand.
So what exactly is this law changing? Let us play fill in the blank here……..
Angel Barnes
idiots, prosecutors in California can appeal to the treaty like any other law.
Jacob Torres
But would they? I could be wrong but I've never heard of UN laws actually being applied in the US.
Camden Brown
Does this apply to the porn industry? It probably doesn't, the ((producers)) likely have all their bases covered.
Mason Johnson
Its an open door for child pedos, we are gonna have two separated generations, one of pansexual pedo furry xxx actors and us.
Alexander Ramirez
Did you happen to see the title of this thread?
Eli Phillips
They fixed the law, retard.
Benjamin Parker
Wait… were minors previously guilty of a crime? So he just made it so kids forced into prostitution aren't forced to spend time in jail after being used by kikes as sex toys?
Kayden Foster
It also means if you are under 18 and soliciting prostitutes you can't go to jail.
Juan Lewis
devil is in the details, what happens to the kids now? they go to CPS? anyone who knows anything about CPS knows they are overworked and underfunded.
Owen Adams
into the hands of the state temporarily or back into the hands of a pimp/trafficker?
at least with the state there is a chance they might grow up and stop.
Kevin Sullivan
Not really. They have been part of the problem for a long time. There are some workers who care but they are growing fewer and fewer all the time.
Julian James
It does? From my understanding it's just legal for the child, not the pimp of the jon
Xavier Butler
Further adding to my statement: CPS usually has to fill out months of paperwork before taking a child. They may be unable to grab the kid immediately for a multitude of reasons. Many kids who end up in foster care end up leaving, running away, or abused again. This may also make it harder to institutionalize children who have been abused so badly they cannot matriculate back into society. Kids who have been sexually abused 24/7 think this shit is normal and often mental health hospitals are where they end up going. Because they are no longer 'in the system' in the same manner, this may either keep them from ending up there, or may delay it by massive amounts of time.
Oliver Diaz
Granted there aren't many minors looking for prostitutes, but it's still there.
David Powell
Truly we live in the last days.
The Whore of Babylon is real.
Jayden Sanders
"into the hands of the state temporarily" heres the thing, what does this exactly mean? WHERE do these kids go? They used to go to a child jail, (which is not like prison for adults, or in a mental health facility) which is NOT ideal, but if the kid is being abused heavily, which is better: the kid back on the street, or under the watch of multiple people and less likely to be abused? also see:
Nathaniel Powell
It didn't legalize being a jon, just a prostitute…?
Jackson Jackson
The only thing bad about this bill is it gives police the power to immediately take children into custody without a court order on nothing but suspicions alone. That's a ridiculous amount of power that can easily be abused.
I'm pretty sure all minors are excluded in this bill.
Luis Wilson
Justin Ortiz
Liam Brooks
You retards. This decriminalizes it for the child, not for the pedophile.
Luis Brown
Get them dubs. Echos of digits repeating through history. An endless spiral of identical numbers.
Hudson Robinson
Don't forget that Children are much MUCH more likely to be abused in Public Schools and CPS facilities than anywhere else.
Logan Bennett
Hey jew, we know that the next step is to legalize prostitution. You had this one done first because even normalfags would object to allowing kids to whore themselves out unless it's under the guise of protecting them.
Wyatt Torres
Really. The next step of not punishing a child for something they were likely forced to do by an adult is to legalize it altogether?
Wyatt Hall
Sinead, go find the board of the planet.
Gavin Thompson
OP, the first link you gave me is CENSORED. I can't access it and I'm in America. The second link is fine. I'm on a public wifi network with no restrictions (I can access everything else just fine, even adult sites).
Luke Campbell
It's what they did for weed
Asher Williams
it's not the link, it's you
Angel Walker
(aw fug)
I repent my sins, oh Lord.
Logan Thompson
Oh, when did they create a law to stop punishing the plant for committing a crime?
Brandon Cox
Opens the door for La Kosher Nostril
Grayson Watson
Jordan Martinez
This is their way to implement their pedophile ways in to common society so they can enjoy fucking their 3 year olds and get away with it by calling them prostitutes. Leave it to the jews to promote degeneracy.
Brody Moore
Calm your arse faggot, the clients going to jail if they rape kids, the kid will not.
Aiden Hernandez
They decriminalized possession, and now it's being legalized everywhere that's happened. It's the same thing going on with the whoring. They decriminalize a small part of it, then it becomes legal to do anything.
Sebastian Hill
They're not decriminalizing possession of a whore. They're decriminalizing a child forced into a bad situation as a way to protect them from further exploitation.
Ryder Sullivan
Sounds like a legal precedent for the type of shit that happens in the UK where the government effectively kidnaps children via social services and grooms them for underground sex trafficking.
This is some sketchy shit anons.
Noah Ortiz
Are children currently being prosecuted for being forced into prostitution?
Asher Richardson
Jason Stewart
Josiah Scott
I believe what he's saying is that these child prostitutes were groomed to know no other life than whoring. So this law was put in place to protect those minors afraid to come forward to the authorities with what they've been through out of fear of persecution.
Now as you noted, I'm not sure there are minors being prosecuted for prostitution, but there is a legal plea known as duress (being forced to commit a crime against your will) that protects you from persecution.
In another context though Hollywood (Pedowood) is in California, and some powerful people may try to persecute minors who speak out against them to protect their name.
I personally think there could have been another route towards helping these kids, but then again there is a lot of evident corruption in multiple levels of government. So the unintended consequences of this law ( see ) far outweigh the benefits the user arguing with you was implying.
Jack Peterson
This makes sense.
Blake Morgan
Gee, the state full of people claiming that the movie industry is full of child molestation just made child prostitution legal. I wonder who the hell would let that pass.
Ryan Phillips
Now that's what I call progress!
Jordan Bailey
Eurofag here. Is this legit? How is this evel allowed, isn't there some counter law that prevents shit like this.
what a time to be alive
Jayden Howard
It's still illegal on the federal level, so hopefully the feds will jump in and stop the commiefornians from being pedos.
Parker Collins
Unless they open brothels IDK if they will. Usually feds like to hit physical locations.
Isaac White
Everyone who approved this law is now on the list
Wyatt Butler
Your image certainly implies otherwise.
Jacob Lewis
They will hang high.
Juan Hall
I feel strangely unmoved, and totally unsurprised by this. This is the home of (((Hollywood))) after all.
California needs to be dumped into the Pacific, tbh.
Lucas Hernandez
It begins.
Jace Williams
Carson Gray
No brakes, only dreams now.
Mason Foster
Landon Morgan
Nothing but boyfuckers. I am a man of taste.
Brayden Gutierrez
Jeremiah Lopez
I'm sorry then >>>Holla Forums >>>/pone/ >>>/masterchan/ >>>/cali/ >>>/oven/ those are your options nigger.
Alexander Torres
Give him this
Jackson Jones
Is >>>/rope/ a board yet?
Jordan Long
Aaron Adams
user, that's not a tomato you wouldn't like to eat that thing either
Ryder Green
Anons, if any of you live in California, get the fuck out now. Get out and never come back. Come to Nevada or Arizona
Noah Gutierrez
Not even a complete list of my options currently, much less my options to come. Also, I'd like to let you feminist cucklords consider these dank meme arrows and their contents.
The age of consent in Delaware 200 years ago was 7. Let's make America great again.
Ian Ortiz
there is no hope for you
Isaac Nguyen
At least I'm not a grannyfucker.
Landon Evans
This is a path to pedophilia. These girls that they want don't even bleed yet. There is no reason to stick it in them (unless you are some deviant that wants sick pleasure. We'll see you on DOTR).
Luke Ortiz
don't act like you wouldn't
I get what you're getting at and I still think you're a sicko, I just want to follow the law m8, the AoC in the state I just moved from was 16, and starting at 15 can fuck anyone within ten years of them. 18 AoC is fucking retarded feminist cancer, and lower than 14 is just sickfuck tier because kids. I liked the laws where I used to live, state I live now is 17 and 16 can fuck within 10 years. We need middle ground tbh, don't want to turn into nipland where highschoolers (which over there can start at 13) engage in shit like "compensated dating" that's entirely due to an AoC that's too low, get fucked with your circular logic, you just want to fuck kids, git better taste tbh.
Hudson Martinez
Good God! What the fuck is happening over there burgers?
This shit is third-world tier… It's worse actually. I'm fairly certain even the third world takes better care of its children.
Michael Thomas
I actually don't want to stick it in any loli unable to handle it. That would be unpleasant for everyone involved. Nor am I even the type to want any form of prostitution. I would vastly prefer a white child bride, the innocence of whom I could cherish. This is absolutely a path to pedophilia, and as you may have noticed, I'm quite happy that the libtards are wrong about the slippery slope we're freefalling the fuck down vertically.
Law cuck, feminist cuck. It's all the same shit, famalam.
Compensated dating is a product of the victory of the bad guys in WW2, like so much else. Japan used to have an AoC of 10 nation wide, for fuck's sake. We over here in Burgertown cucked their men out of spite for having fought the Jew and put women in charge of everything, totally upsetting the longstanding Japanese order. We took their /hebe/ waifus and turned them into gold-digging western whores, and you're actually stupid enough to defend that.
This has not once been in any of my posts. You are probably referring to the dual 'exists' up in but that is because you are an idiot. They exist for a purpose, they exist BECAUSE of the people who's purpose they exist for. There is no circle, there is only a reason that created a means. It's closer to a straight line than a circle.
The means they employed then created low-functioning autistic grannybabies such as yourself, who were swiftly cucked into the ground by their newly created matriarchy.
It's certainly interesting.
Wew @ yeW
Zachary Smith
Well I'm sure you'll keep baiting retards who can't tell.
Ryan Edwards
Pics related.
Wyatt Cruz
All news medias are dead silent about this… ITS TIME TO TAKE THIS TO FACEBOOK AND CALL THEM OUT ON IT!
Carson Howard
This world keeps getting worse and worse. WW3 cant come soon enough
Joseph Williams
I read one line in your post, replied to it because I knew you were a shill, and there it is.
Christopher Taylor
There what is? Something that triggers you?
Noah Brooks
OP, did you even read the bill? It doesn't decriminalize soliciting sex from minors.
Adrian Baker
The smell of goon in the air is rich.
Nicholas Hernandez
No it's not, kike-enabler. Law and order are what keep society together when implemented properly. Also we didn't cuck the nips out of shit, they cucked themselves by listening to the jew. As if that is any better, black and white logic is almost as bad as circular logic. I'm not the kike advocating for AoC so low that girls that can't biologically bear children are legal to screw, how exactly does that reenforce having white children and not using children like fucktoys just like sandniggers do.
Justin Carter
He's not a goon he's one of those >>>Holla Forums spergs that probably likes MLP and honeypots too. I think I've had this exact conversation before. It ends like this
Andrew Phillips
I see no problem with this. Sexual exploitation of minors is still illegal, the only thing this does is stop child prostitutes from going to jail. If a child is so desperate oir ill that they decide to sell sex for money it seems really stupid to charge them with a crime.
Isaac Martinez
Caleb Adams
Chase Taylor
The resemblance is uncanny
Gabriel Brooks
Preposterous! All those natural conservatives would never allow such a thing!
Grayson Turner
id rather see them go low and slow
feet and hands tied of course
Joseph King
Which is not now, if you'd start paying attention. Law cuck and feminist cuck ~are~ the same when the law is feminism and you're getting cucked by both at once.
We dropped fucking nukes on them just because we could after crushing their millitary who were using suicide tactics, we burnt their cities to the fucking ground with firebombing and we interned the ones in our own country just in case they decided to get back at us for the scale of the awful shit we were doing to them. They did everything in their fucking power to not listen to us, retard.
Faggot, please. Japan's AoC is nation-wide 18, which you already said is fucking retarded feminist cancer. It's been that way since we ruined their shit in WW2 and re-wrote their laws for them. Are you honestly this stupid?
Then stop your dumb bullshit about muh all pedos are automatically bad, all sex with children is automatically bad, etc.
I did not specifically advocate for screwing, so much as I advocated for my being allowed to marry and wait for it to be a good idea to screw.
Because white children raised by racially aware uncucked white men are less likely to become whores for Israel that wait for a beta like you to still find them desirable enough to impregnate in their late 40s. They have kids early and often, and none of them are tainted with some other faggot's DNA like your waifu's autistic hellspawn will be, courtesy of her years atop the cock carousel.
Christopher Peterson
What the fuck is he even saying?
Okay so we agree 15 year olds can't consent and the teacher is in the wrong and goes to jail, cool.
The same thing that happens normally: the person fucking them goes to jail.
This is where I lose it, how does it suddenly become okay for the guy to fuck her? We despise the teachers who fuck kids, we're certainly going to keep despising the people who pay for it.
Said no one who got away with pedophilia ever.
Possibly, I don't have stats on that, but I imagine at least some of them were charged with it.
If this were true there'd already be a ton of precedent for any child molestation charge where the kid said they loved the person who did it. There isn't.
Nathaniel Lee
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck Akita end times soon.
Brandon Walker
Alright, fellow numbskulls let's just solve this debate right now. It's pretty simple. In cases of children being pimped out, do those kids actually ever get charged? Because if they do, it's the most retarded fucking thing… I can't even… Wouldn't surprise me though because well, there's a lot of stupidity that happens within the law world. I wonder (((why))). But back to the point. If they do, this law may benefit them. Instead of jail down the road or fucking up their record, they get shelter or rehab.
The other side of it is that if kids do get charged for this on a regular, this law closes the loop hole where they can't be charged harshly if a judge is fucked up enough to go about doing so…
I'm going to go with the second one. It's protection against fucked up judges. That way they don't fudge numbers when they say how many child offenders they throw in jail.
Juan Martinez
But to add to this. The adult will always get a kick in the nuts for being a pedo degenerate.
Landon White
Easton Perry
Which allows children to freely prostitute themselves, as they are unable to be charged with a criminal offense.
DO you think that this is a good idea?
if you do, you need to be shot.
Jason Smith
If you were paying attention, we're talking about ideals not reality. The reality is we live in a jewified society where AoC is 18 and feminism is pushed on a legal level, clearly not what either of us want. Fucking good. War is hell and we like winning. We did it all for the wrong reasons but what the fuck are you gonna do? They took the cancer pill and aren't enforcing it, this leads to a grey areas which in a weakened populace like Japan's leads to degeneracy. I'm saying you're bad. Not all anything. The point of getting married is having children, if a girl is not old enough to have children she is not old enough to marry, this changes nothing.
Daniel Sullivan
ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/228479.pdf So I do actually have stats to back this up now, in 2008, 1500 juveniles were arrested for prositution. That's not very many, but seeing as California accounts for a bit over 10% of the population, it means that around 150 arrests (of the child) for prostitution were made.
Luis Powell
Do you honestly think we throw minors into prison for child prostitution?
Are you fucking retarded? LOL
Anthony Smith
Aaron Gomez
Why should child prostitution be illegal anyways? Why should the government tell us what we can and cannot do?
Chase Hill
Which one are ya?
Juan Miller
Hudson Wilson
You didn't include a troll option.
Colton James
It actually really is. Now the kid is branded as a criminal and will be considered to be of high risk, getting treated as though they are a danger to others.
Jackson Nguyen
OP thinks kids randomly get bored and decide to whore themselves out. We'll have an epidemic of millennial smartphone using child whores guys!
Ethan Wood
No, I think charging them is better. also I can see your nose from here, chaim.
Jason Gray
Jordan Parker
I think having a criminal record is a deterrent from committing future crimes
Carson Walker
No we weren't. We were talking about reality and how our ideals should be applied to it. You got fucked like the little bitch nigga you are and will remain during that conversation, and your desperate attempt to reframe it is a joke.
If you enjoy people dying for Israel so much, you should seriously consider being one of the people dying.
Whose laws are wholly irrelevant on this issue and superseded by the kiked out nation-wide AoC of 18.
Well yeah, now that you're drowning in asspain caused by your inability to argue against me. No surprise, I'm correct.
That is not anywhere in the definition of marriage, nor has it been a universal requirement excluding perhaps recently in cuckland and cuckland derivatives.
Who exactly do you think feminism as an ideology serves? Ever notice the noses on its foremost advocates/founders? You are fucking dumb, for the Nth time.
Liam King
Depends what they're exempt from. Exempt from criminal charges and thrown into some watch program.
Benjamin Harris
To all the anti-pedophiles reading this, I implore you to consider my digits and their significance.
Landon Thompson
So if a 14yr old wants to sell their ass on Craigslist all day long nobody can stop them now. Indeed the police can't even legally investigate this activity because no crime is being committed. If they did a sting operation they would be the only ones breaking the law.
Fucking brilliant California. Even Britcucks aren't this insane, and they've even proposed teaching Prostitution as a career choice in schools.
Christian Davis
Evan Brooks
How is this any different than what I said? Are we in a position to apply those ideas? are you running for president or planning to usurp the current system? Do you have a standing army, deterrent, and means to do this? No? Then we aren't talking about realty but our idealistic version thereof. Is much different than being glad we defeated an adversary who had plans to colonize most of the pacific and parts of the USA, have any idea how many whites die in that situation? Want to live in a 50% nip country? fuck outta here. Only superseded if the prefecture chooses to peruse the case and push it to the national level, which most don't. keep displaying your ignorance of Japanese government. ebin, that must be why the courts are so stacked against men. Marriage has always been first and foremost an avenue for children to be produced through, not some emotional mumbo-jumbo. The exact kikes who caused white men to become racially unaware, which is the root of the problem because we still largely control this country's legislative branch and if the white men in power were racially aware and wise to jewish tricks they wouldn't have given this feminist cancer an inch.
David Cooper
good idea, brb checking backpages
Ryder Morales
Third Reich time soon.
The Third never fell, its been going through reincarnation hibernation.
Ayden Collins
(checked) I like it.
Xavier White
I'm a position to do what I please. Don't project your cuckoldry onto me.
Much more than I want to live in a country 100% run by kikes.
The option to escalate it to feminism court did not exist in the only Japanese government I give a fuck about.
Prove lineage, too. Which is why you marry young and keep her in line throughout, then put 1488 white babies in her. I didn't say it was for love, but I would prefer to use it as such, because it also isn't necessarily not for love.
Well no shit. So stop embracing their bullshit and praising the dead white men who made the mistake of not having killed this shit in its crib.
Julian Watson
What's his name again, Holla Forums?
Jaxson Jenkins
Y..you're joking right?…
Justin Cooper
Dan "Your Sister's Fister" Schneider.
Jonathan Clark
let me off this fucking ride!
Zachary Johnson
M8, the reason there are age of consent laws is because society has gone to shit. Men are shit. Women are shit. Many of them never really grow up. This goes double for "women". The difference between a girl and a woman (and a boy and a man) is not only physical, but also mental. Even with current age of consent laws, the ones who can legally fuck are still fucking children. Granted it was started by feminists (who did a lot of damage, thanks schlomo) but now there actually is a need for it thanks to what they have manufactured. If you want to fuck some girl then fine, but don't expect a warm response anywhere. Even in countries where it is acceptable to fuck "children". Why? It is because 99% (this most likely includes you) of the people who want to fuck younger children now want someone easy to control, and children tend to be easy. Go fuck your loli doll elsewhere.
Hunter Howard
So you have no sense of loyalty to your race? got you. I would rather work with other whites to un-kike the USA than live in a thoroughly racially tainted environment where everyone looks like a slant. So again, ignoring reality. I wish imperial japan was still around too hell I wish there was still a shogunate, sadly reality happened and we all got jew'd. You're right on this level, I still say marriage should be for when they are ready to have children which is after biology kicks in and think the law should reflect that. Acknowledging their bullshit and embracing it are very different things, underestimating our enemies is what got us into this mess.
Thomas Bell
They can do a sting to catch the person who might be soliciting the minor and take the child into custody while doing so.
Carter Murphy
Dan "Get in the Van" Schneider
Luke Ortiz
Henry Rodriguez
How would that be legal?
Easton Cruz
The world is fucked
Logan Martinez
Pimps are notoriously hard to catch. This law only makes it even harder. The protitute is the one putting themselves out there most of the time. And now that that isn't illegal for kids, on what grounds are they going to go after a pimp operating in the shadows?
Cooper Mitchell
And how does this specific law change make it easier? They can still go after the pimp because what he's doing is illegal, and they can take the kid and question him in relation to the crimes of the pimp.
Benjamin Bell
The dangers of making memes and their adverse secondary effects.
It comes with a price but for a kek or two. All worth it
The difference between a girl and a woman is an increased chance of your offspring having developmental problems and being 1/4th some nigger she fucked before she met you. The idea that the majority of women ever grow up, or are ever independent, is as much feminist cancer as anything else. This is as it should be.
Coddling people does not make them develop faster, imbecile. Besides, I like them immature. :^)
Doesn't seem that way, fella.
Well Japan at this point is basically wholly irrelevant, so yes, I will ignore that aspect of reality in as much as I will ignore Japan as a whole for the most part. Other than their dank lolicon, of course.
As if I didn't expect you to say stupid shit.
They are, but you manage to do both.
Adrian Walker
I fucking hate this island
Gavin Rogers
So in otherwords, if it has a slit, stick it in you say?
Jace Morgan
That depends on what "it" is and what damage it's capable of doing. I'm a firm believer that no matter how young, they need the tongue, for instance. Not a fan of pic related.
Jayden James
Like what? I've never said what AoC laws I support, just that the female must be biologically viable for reproduction. into the trash it goes, as they say.
Colton Nelson
ayy lmao
I only admit to ignoring the reality that Japan is shit now.
Owen Smith
Yet it became illegal to posses animal cruelty , even if it is for educational purposes.
Hudson Smith
Goebbels even mentions that the Fuhrer and many of his associates don't drink or smoke; the point is that it should be a personal decision, and not one forced on the public by whining, bickering, moralisers.
Sebastian Gonzalez
you pedophiles should hang from a fucking tree.
Henry Long
Wyatt Lopez
No, I'm not. This user asked for some rage pics, so I dumped all of mine.
Oh, wait. I forgot the bear breathing fire image.
What is it, then, a beaver? I didn't take a good look at it back when I saved it.
Do I even want to know?
Jack Rivera
The false equivalency is real. Who the fuck thinks like that?
Zachary Cruz
So do your neighbours, mate.
Logan Foster
I want to decriminalize kicking your ass
Julian Morris
Landon Williams
Tyler Diaz
What better way to get away with child prostitution and ritual sacrifice than to legalize it? (((They))) could be doing this in light of all the leaks and scandals to cover their ass.
Mason Long
we should decriminalize blood libel
Oliver Thompson
We should decriminalize jew slaughter.
Dylan Scott
privatized death camps will be way more effective than goverment funded death camps.
let the markets decide
Brayden Watson
Muslims, they are forced to strive after positions of power by islam to conquer foreign countries.
Elijah Ortiz
You'll hang high pedo
Hunter Mitchell
I'm not even mad anymore, this is just hillaryous
Jeremiah Ortiz
Nice research there OP snopes.com/child-prostitution-legalized-in-california/ IT STILL FUCKING ILLEGAL, the children that are involved in a child prostitution are immune from being arrested, however if adults are caught then they will be arrested
Aaron Mitchell
it will be easier to convince them to go out and ho now that they don't have to worry about the cops anymore.
Anthony Foster
Teen girls are already horny enough and get all the dick they want. I wasn't pointing that out anyway, I was pointing out that the article OP posted was total bullshit and whoever believes that shit is autistic
Jayden Morales
Let me guess you also dont believe in the slippery slope.
>>>/reddit/ >>>/4chan/ >>>Holla Forums Take your pic
Jonathan Ortiz
William Bennett
You’re still wrong.
Oliver Wright
The slippery slope of what? A quick google search and an in-depth reading of the article? What's your argument bro?
Charles Sanchez
THAT'S WHAT I SAID! what??>>7694085
Are you people that autistic?
Thomas Williams
wrong about what?
Logan Bennett
Get the fuck out of my board autist, read the fucking law in the gov site, they legalized prostitution between childrens you freaking retard.
Jason Wood
This basically means that children can't be jailed for trying to solicit sex to a client not that sex with minors is now legal, or that attempting to acquire sex from minors through monetary compensation is legal. This is to prevent kids from falling into a system known for churning out future criminals. Of course, I don't think this goes far enough, and strongly believe that the parent(s apostrophe because, let's be honest, shall we?) should be actively fined and forced to take parenting classes if their child runs off and does shit like this But you can't win when it comes to the largest and whiniest group of assholes that are sadly responsible for the care of our future citizens.
Not even a (((chosen one))) here. Just pointing out the obvious alarmism. Feel free to call me a kike and post 5 reaction images regardless.
Jaxson Reed
Yeah I know haha. That was actually my mistake. I submitted the first reply and then another reply came out.
I understand that!!! I never alluded to that. I said in bold statement
why cant you autistic people see that, is it not coming up on your screen? I clearly say it's illegal for adults to hire child prostitutes.
Sebastian Foster
You dont undestand , even prostitution between adults is only legal in Nevada, with Nevada being the only U.S. jurisdiction to allow any form of legal prostitution.
Being between childrens still make it "Prostitution" , Prostitution is to solicit money for sex it has nothing to do with age.
With this we have another state that technically legalized Prostitution , this open the door to more states to not only allow prostitution between childrens but also between adults.
This is the definition of a slippery slope
Mason Miller
ITT: Holla Forums doesn't read and screams angrily about something that didn't actually happen.
Jose Foster
In honor of your trips, I bring you sophocles oedipus rex
Aaron Morales
Let me guess you want prostitution to be legalized in all states , kill yourself
Grayson Hernandez
I don't see the problem, if your child is caught engaging in prostitution, proper discipline and punishment by the parent is far better than juvenile detention. You can argue determent, but when it comes to teenagers (who are both incomplete people and inherently stupid), you and I both know that is hardly going to stop it from happening.
David Myers
You're only half right on that, I'm from Nevada, its 100% illegal in Las Vegas and Clark County for one.
Owen Campbell
Fuck off faggot
Logan Williams
THAT WAS NOT MY ARGUMENT FROM THE START! My only argument was an adult cannot have sex with a minor, that's it. You people for some fuck all reason thought I said child on child sex is illegal.
David Smith
no faggot , if a child solicit money for sex to another child its still CHILD PROSTITUTION.
Aiden Ortiz
ok after idk how many times, 9 times now? This is just bait, you people keep saying the same damn thing and I keep agreeing with you time after time.
also I have no fucking clue how you got I did not type that nor did I imply that
by now it's just bait…… Or you people are really that autistic
Evan Powell
Didn't see this coming so quickly. Would have thought they'd have waited a while before opening the floodgates.
Nolan Fisher
2 Digits IQ confirmed
David James
Read your post again >Nice research there OP snopes.com/child-prostitution-legalized-in-california/ IT STILL FUCKING ILLEGAL, the children that are involved in a child prostitution are immune from being arrested, however if adults are caught then they will be arrested
If you were not implying that Commiefornia didnt legalize ChildProstitution there then you are simply retarded. Stop the mentalgymnastic
if a child solicit money for sex to another child its still CHILD PROSTITUTION. Doesnt matter if its illegal when a adult its involved
Nolan Price
I don't know about you, but there is a white guy behind this computer screen
Yes I said It's still illegal not entirely because then I clarified in the next sentence that it is illegal for an ADULT to have sex with a MINOR. I did not imply that child on child sex is illegal, just adult and minor. I said it like 10 times now. Please just stop. I honest to god keep agreeing with you, child on child sex is legal
child on child sex is legal child on child sex is legal child on child sex is legal child on child sex is legal
Thomas Thomas
this is done so that minors who are pimped out by their parents aren't put into the prison system and made felons, so this is ok
saves money and preserves the right to bear arms, why is Holla Forums against it?
Asher Sullivan
Jeremiah Reyes
Listen idiot, Not only child on child sex is legal , prostitution between childs is also legal.
You seem to imply that in order to be child prostitution its need pedophilia involved and that its simply not true .Child prostitution is when a child solicit money for sex PERIOD.
Jacob Edwards
shut up idiots see
Jace Kelly
Did you ever read my replies fucking sperg?
Carter Ortiz
Are you this dumb I KEEP AGREEING WITH YOU, can you get it through your head???
Mason White
Forgot to add prostitution between childs is also legal. prostitution between childs is also legal. prostitution between childs is also legal. prostitution between childs is also legal. prostitution between childs is also legal. So that you can see I agree with you
Carson Collins
Oliver Jones
Do you not understand what I've been saying for the past i don't know 20 posts? I'll just summarize what I said.
Child prostitution is legal, a child may go up to another child and offer them money in exchange for sex, if caught they will not be arrested and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if an adult offers money to a child for sex and is caught the child will not be arrested and gets pretty much a free pass, the adult however will be arrested.
Please just stop arguing with me, PLEASE, we are literally arguing over the same thing.
Elijah Hernandez
The slippery slope is just a fallacy, goy!
Brandon Russell
So you admit they indeed legalized Child Prostitution? So you admit being a retard that didnt read OP and jumped to conclusions Good
Mason Brooks
Yes but for the 50th time that not my original argument. My original argument was adults cant have sex with minors. That's it. I said it so many times I just don't understand how you didn't process it, it's just retarded. I am sorry for called OP a retard if that makes you happy. Look man, I'm getting off for tonight. I'm done with today, im tired. I'm not going to respond to you again. I'll say one more time so maybe your brain can process it cause I know it's not all function, you know? My ORIGINAL ARGUMENT was: ADULTS CANNOT HAVE SEX WITH MINORS, you misconstrued what I said for some reason 50 times already. Kids can have sex with kids for money. meaning that child prostitution is legal,I said 50 times also. I'm sorry this isn't a battle you can win. In your brain I guess since I'm logging off for tonight that it's a victory but look man you've been agreeing with me this whole time. And I've been agreeing with you this whole time. I'm sorry for calling you retarded but damn do you have a very thick skull.
Robert Gomez
Picture of a father and son?
Cooper Murphy
This is how i read it as well.
Caleb Foster
Learn to read ID's if you are going to stay.
Charles Long
Gas yourself retard. And stop taking law literally, at face value.
Juan Sanders
Sure can't wait for the disgusting legal loopholes that Pedos will be utilizing with this change.
Ian Ortiz
Might be unrelated but still going into Pedowood folder.
Eli Flores
Juan Lopez
Calling it right now:
Dylan Perry
Evan Phillips
Thread theme
Nolan Gonzalez
Elijah Walker
Caleb Carter
they've been trying this even before gay marriage (because that only legalises sinful sex for about their usual 10% rule), it's just that they finally reduced a state to a level pozzed enough to slip it by. Congrats, commiefornian, you're the first contestant on the weimar republic! Just wait until the kids all start wearing colour-coded boots while standing outside in the rain!
thou art forgiven, ye apparently did not know of the hell thine unleashed! They've been pushing it since the 70s. N.O.W. Your gals, y'know, like Steinem? ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/interv_kate_m.htm One of the founders. Screw NAMBLA, that's just the cover org, hop on an anonymiser and jewgle key phrases (like child/children's liberation) out of that interview, if you dare to travel that warren's holes, anyway. Marxist paedos have wanted this almost since the beginning of the academic invasion.
The anti-vaxxers up there are the purge! Evac, then wall up the state behind you.
I hear the litl'uns are into a bit of BDSM this year. Let me just get my whip…
ye knowst all too well, mein fuhrer!
underrated H-dubs in your honour!
WHAT IS IT WITH THE NAME DAN can any Dans here clear it up? Why all dem niggas like Olsen want to stick it in my toddler?
Daniel Martinez
I'm a liberal, and I agree with you people that this is fucking sick. What the fuck could possibly cause ANYONE to think this is a good idea is beyond me.
Xavier Jackson
Kayden Hill
Nope, that is stephen fry and his… whatever the fuck they call it, Elliott Spencer who is 28…
I do agree that the pictures make them look like father and son.
Adrian Phillips
Like that faggot wasn't ugly enough.
Juan Young
(((Dan "I abused the trust of all those young girls and forced my obese body on them and told them I'd kill their mothers if they didn't let me cum on their budding breasts and then I'd laugh while they cried and I really, really deserve to die" Schneider)))
Jaxson Myers
Owen Powell
Hunter Ramirez
WAIT. Does this mean if Hillary wins, this can be expanded, anyone will be able to migrate in united states and we can all fuck lolis?
Holy shit this is right here a Hillary campaign seller. Fuck Trump.
Jayden Clark
Eastern Washington doesn't deserve the same fate. Neither does Western Oregon or Northern California. Everything east of the Cascades is okay. the rainshadow effect works on liberal faggotry,too, it would seem.
It is exactly what it says it is. Also holy shit this thread is still alive.
Gavin Perry
Blessed are the peacema/k/ers, for they help the fucking children
Tyler Thomas
[bold]pic related[/bold]
Asher Watson
Well gosh. Did they legalize regular marriage yet?
Samuel Morales
Wait enrolled doesnt mean its legal right? It needs to be signed first?
Lincoln Brooks
that's what you get faggots.
Henry Morgan
Look at eyes on the younger guy. Do they look happy to you?
Kevin Hill
This can't be real. They defer to "states' rights" for this but not gay marriage?
Ryder Powell
27 or 28 is well above the age of consent lads.
But when did he first meet him.
t. met a 21 year old grill when I was 38, by the 'rules' ((age/2) +7) I have to wait another 8 years
Evan Ramirez
This is where to stop reading, the rest is just shitposting muh degeneracy.
You are as annoying as the SJWs
Josiah Perry
I've always been disgusted by the concept of sex for the sake of pleasure. If I ever did such a thing, the guilt would consume me. THIS is morality, something few people will ever have - morality comes from within, ethics are taught.
None-the-less, this isn't the first time a civilisation has fallen, and it won't be the last. Brave with it, and build anew.