Imporvised E A T S

We all have a quick and easy meal we can throw together in a pinch with the bare minimum. What's your Improvised EAT?

A bowl of pasta with olive oil, pepper flakes, garlic, and basil

t. poorfag

I lived on this shit when I was in College. Ramen pizza. Always keep some garlic powder, grated cheese and some oregano on hand.


There's a pizzeria nearby, I usually loiter around the area and people will usually not eat the crust, I grab around 5-20 of 'em and come home.
I mix olive oil with some pepper sauce and pour it on them, put them into the microwave for ~2minutes with some cheese on top. They actually taste pretty well and it's pretty cheap since I steal wifi from my neighbor.

Playing Russian roulette with herpes.
user lives life on the edge

How does stealing wifi make your garbage cheaper?

Side note. If you're that much in the poorhouse alot of restaurants throw out a shit ton of food at the end of the night. If you make friends with the staff or owner of a joint you can ask them if theyve got stuff to throw out at the end of the night, maybe they could let you take some of it home

50lb bags of rice are a staple in myhouse

I take ramen bricks and smear honey on top of them for a quick tasty pastry

meep meep inb4 vegan autist tbh no homo


A grilled turkey sandwhich. It takes like five minutes and it's filling. It's also not terrible for you if you don't add a shitload of mayo/cheese/etc.

Get cheap sunflower oil (not salad dressing but the stuff used for frying) and plain flour and sugar. Add water to flour and mix it to make batter. Add a bit of sunflower oil to pan, throw batter in pan so it spreads thinly. After baking the pancake add sugar for flavor. Bonus points for stealing sugarcubes from random places and grinding them instead of buying sugar.

throw a frozen burrito or two in the microwave
when it's done, add on top: salsa sauce, minced garlic, cheese (you can also add mint or cilantro, if you got any)
eat with some serrano peppers

I have four go-to "Ah shit, it's the end of the month and I'm poor" meals.

-Chicken thighs and rice. A platter of chicken thighs can last me like 8 meals and it's like 6 bucks. Rice is similarly cheap. It's not particularly satisfying but it does it's job.

-migas. 12 eggs is a dollar something, corn tortillas are like 50 cents here. The most expensive thing is the oil to fry the tortillas in but one bottle can last a long time so I usually don't factor it into the cost since I still have it from months prior. Removing it from the cost, it's six meals for under 4 bucks. I usually add milk or cheese to the eggs though, and after it's cooked I usually put a little pepper, garlic powder and ketchup and sriracha on it.

-Oatmeal is super cheap. It's bland, but I spice it up with sugar, honey, cinnamon, vanilla and fruit. Usually not all at once.

-Nachos. I cook some rice in a rice cooker, then when it's done I add in a can of meaty chili and a can of nacho cheese. This'll last me an entire day, and that includes sharing a fair bit with my dog.

Also, frozen fruit in a blender. I've gone to that for so many "healthy" deserts. I'm partial to cherries, but whatever you like works. Dump frozen cherries in a blender, add sugar and some water. Bam, instant serbert. Dump the cherries in with vanilla ice cream, bam instant milk shake. Do the first one, but with more liquid and some liquor… well you get the idea.

Go to the store and buy the cheapest imitation "no meat" salami and a single onion. Dice and stirfry for several mins with rice. Add black pepper, salt and water. Put into oven until done.

A sandwich? Surely everyone here keeps a loaf of bread and stocks up on lunchmeat.

Nigga what? First, who mistakes sunflower oil for salad dressing, second, who buys pre-made salad dressing and third, what kind of moron makes salad dressing out of sunflower oil?

This will eventually stop working.

Get cheapest baked beans, cheese and corn/potato chips.
Put some chips in bowl
Pour baked beans on top
Cheese on top of that.
In oven til golden brown

2 pieces of Barley toast bread with butter, 2 pieces of queso cheese (Mexican kind) with salt sprinkled on, 2 pieces of tomatoes & some hot sauce all over it…

Really good, but that when there wasn't nothing to eat and I had to make due with my materials…