Ancaps or nazis?

I saw this image while observing a nazi and ancap fight. Then I realized I don't know which group of people I hate more.

Who do you despise the most?

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I think it would be more constructive to talk about REASONS WHY Nazis or Ancaps are worse.

both are pretty shit, but ancaps can be converted to leftism with enough knowledge and skill. nazis on the other hand dont even have a real ideology, their whole ideology is based upon hatred and emotions, contempt for people of other cultures and scapegoating. they dont even care if they lose a debate, in fact most refuses to engage in debates or discussions in the first place.

Hard to say. On one hand you have delusional larpers who believe in psudeoscience and spooks who want a Keynesian capitalism that "works for the nation". On the other you have delusional idealists who believe in Lord Market and NAP who want a "I can't believe it's not the State".

I dunno fam, I think they're both shit and wouldn't mind if either never existed.


One is based on misinformation and trust in "logic", the other in feels and ego.

How? Sounds like a fool's errand to me.

wa la
most of them aren't actual porkies or have a vested interest, the hard part would be getting them to listen

Nazis are worse.
Ancaps are at least correct in their socially libertarian views.
Nazis aren't just economically spooked, but they're also very socially spooked. They're authoritarian in all the wrong ways .


There are a lot less ancaps than nazis tbh

My sister is incredibly ancap and she's basically admitted to me that she doesn't believe in natural rights, or at the least that they're dependent on culture and subject to being withdrawn some situations, yet she's still ardently capitalist.

yeah, that's what I mean by getting them to listen being the hardest part
we forget sometimes that whether somebody is convinced or not by our arguments is completely up to them ultimately

That's the thing, she does listen. We have debates going on for hours. No vested interests that I know about, and I can't see how there could be any I don't. Yet she's still massively capitalist.

I don't mean literally hear, but entertain an idea and keep an open mind

How can I fix that?

you can't, that was what I meant

If I had to chose between (Modern) Nazis or Ancaps running anything, I'd just chose the easy way of shooting myself before I suffer a worse fate.

Why not Hoppe?

At least ancaps focus on economics.

And they're completely clueless about it.

AnCaps are just pretty spergy.

Internet nazis pride themselves in being obnoxious and edgy. They're the ultimate fucking newfags.

So to me the choice is easy.

I think that what ancaps do on Wikipedia at least levels the playing field for that user. Read the Wikipedia article for "nerd".

Nazis are cool except when they blame us for shit we didn't do.

on Holla Forums.

Tankies, everyone

At least ancaps claim to be against force (they don't know what property is)
Nazis at least understand that communal property is a necessity and believe in the power of a collective
Idk probably Nazis are worse

Nazis are worse. Ayncraps have a proposed system of governance it's theoretically easier to change from its default, shitty state. Ayncraps will also at least try to argue their point instead of post 'How soon do you think X will get aloha snackbar'd' 'This is because of librul cuck government' or something about da jooos. Ayncraps are also slightly less smug and vaguely more intelligent.

I'd say Nazis, because as terrible as aynclaps are, the systematic extermination of millions of people in the name of pseudoscience at least isn't a central part of their ideology. It's kind of hard to beat that.

also this

That also. Ayncraps are usually free of idpol cancer, aside from the odd 'I should be free to refuse to serve niggers n queers' ones.

Ancaps are the most annoying in an argument, because fascists are usually just angry simpletons.

Fascists in real life are dangerous, though, because authoritarian ideologies are a common outlet for psychopathy. Same goes for tankies.

i totally agree

A lot of them break down into it though.

Nazis are at least occasionally entertaining and you can use their bigotry against them by talking like them to them. AnCaps tend to act arrogant and sometimes sociopathic and never entertaining.

This tbh. Over the years the collective spirit of internet ancaps has become increasingly illogical, aggressive and borderline psychotic. They seem to be clinging harder and harder to the memes that justify their hatred of anything leftist

This as well. There might be American politicians who are libertarian but fascists can very quickly generate support for their completely retarded ideas. its hard to see how fascists don't fundamentally suffer from some kind of illness.

Its a hard pick

Well their are Pinochet supporters on the internet. Amongst all the edgy teenagers there do seem to be a few that are generally happy he killed communists in mass. Evidently you don't see Stefen "you are human cattle" Molyneux making any videos about right wing dictators and thinkers.

I'd say it's probably a mix of that and the Nutsies trying to infiltrate and slowly introduce their cancer like they do with everything. At least idpol isn't a central tenant of ayncrap ideology.

If lolberts count, I'd recommend some resubs and reviews of Better Days, or just the Freudian batshittery that was the first few chapters of that. Creator is a lolbert furry closetcase who is currently stretching himself a new forsekin.

Nazie's are idiots and barely pose a threat anymore in mainstream politics. And the far right currently is just as fad that goes in with the European economic crisis. Even if they went into power they would collapse and get bankrupted in less than a decade.

The ideology behind neo-liberalism and libertarianism is much more cancerous and is one of the main reasons why so many people support capitalism blindly today. At least a Nazi will identify the festering corpse of capital built on the backs of workers, and true enough, while Nazism has been much more dangerous and destructive historically, today it's little more than a collection of angry lumpens.

Also pic related, behind every ayncrap is a hidden authoritarian, since Capitalism by it's very nature requires the coercion of workers to function.

Ancaps are worse. At least nazis recognize that there is a problem with the economic system. Ancaps think that it is the solution to every other problem.

I can't find this anywhere.

At least nazis believe in SOME kind of social security, only for whites through

A lot of ancaps atleast have good principals. It's their logic and it's conclusion which is wrong. Plenty of ancaps could easily be leftists if they realised their contradictions.

so … marxism


Also, he's buddies with this pretentious motherfucker, who put up quotes on this same image of his Gary Stu over and over. Some things we already know, other seem reactionary.

Such as?

I'm not happy he killed communists, but the reason he's so admired was that he brought prosperity to the country. The reason of the killings was not unreasonable though. There were numerous marxist terrorists groups who would have been a threat to the new government, so it was necessary to kill them together with their affiliated parties to stabilize things.


Nazis but only because ancaps are too incompetent to be dangerous.

ITT: Tankies will say ancaps, anarkiddies will say nazis.


Is your sister rich? Does she have a material stake?



If you like him you'll love Better Days, you just described its main/expy/fursona character.

nice non-argument, polyp

What principles? All the ones I've talked to want corporations to have unchecked power to the point they become like an authoritarian government in themselves.

Science would go to absolute shit in an ancap world, so I'm going to give this one to the nazis.

ancaps are basically right-wing marxists. the use of technical ideology is pretty much identical.

nazi's are without those delusions, they are able to operate on a more direct, primal and truthfull plane, they have no illusions about forms being solid, or need or desire to make them so

Yeah, at least they know how to make rockets.

Never go full retard.

You use the same modes of logic, the same conceptual forms. "The NAP", "Capitalism", "Bourgoise vs worker" attempts at totalities that say jack shit about the actual world, but keep you trapped in them.

Not even argument

Just pointing out the idiocy

Anarcho-Capitalists are worse imho. Simply because nobody in this day and age would take a Nazi seriously, but everyone here in Burgerland whines constantly about MUH TAXES and MUH GUNS and MUH COMMIE PRZEIDENT.

AnCaps just so happen to be the ultimate embodiment of selfishness, which plays perfectly off this twisted abomination of a political climate.

not every AnCap chooses to be one for selfish reasons, you know?

almost spit out my drink

Is this the average Holla Forums user?


I guess this confirms my previous question
You guys are so full of prejudice

Name some benefits of Anarcho-Capitalism; bearing in mind that any hypotheticals will be countered with real-life counterpoints.


Do you lack reading comprehension or something? I'm arguing against this
Wheter it works or not, I don't care
Said the AnCom…

Dummy. I wrote both posts. -.-;

First off, pic related is the flag of Anarcho-Communism. And despite my flair, I'm actually a social democrat.

Secondly, that's simply not an argument. That's like saying Stalinism worked because it completed the industrialization of Russia and defeated the Nazi war machine.

Though, I will concede: We have seen Anarcho-Capitalism before. Only back then we called it Feudalism.

I think that speaks even worse of your reading comprehension…

Yeah, sorry, I got confused with calling you an AnCom, I just assumed you were, since I know what the anarchist flags are like

I wasn't making an argument, I was just saying not every AnCap is selfish and some do think that system is for the best of everybody.

The difference with capitalism now and then is the industrial revolution, so it most likely wouldn't end in feudalism. I'm not an AnCap though.

i prefer ancaps at least they have some non cringy ideas, ands in theory voluntary


Marxist hate ancaps and anarchist hate fascist. They are opposite ideologies.